217 resultados para Horário de trabalho pedagógico coletivo
Na presente publicação apresenta-se análises de um conjunto de manuais escolares que circularam na Escola Normal brasileira e portuguesa entre meados do século XIX e meados do século XX a partir de diferentes olhares, reeditando em outra chave o processo original de circulação de ideias entre Brasil e Portugal no qual esses materiais se inserem. Orientados por outros estudos que tratam do mesmo tema, os autores realizaram recolha nos dois países a fim de comprovar a circulação do corpus empírico que, ao final, foi definido como fonte. Assim, chegou-se ao seguinte conjunto de manuais didáticos: Elementos de Pedagogia de Affreixo & Freire (1870); Curso Prático de Pedagogia Destinado aos Alunos-Mestres das Escolas Normaes Primarias e aos Instituidores em Exercício de Daligault (1874); Lições de Pedagogia Geral e de História da Educação de Pimentel Filho (1875); Lições de Pedologia e Pedagogia Experimental de Faria de Vasconcelos (1910); Lições de Metodologia, de Fonseca Lage (1920); A arte da leitura, de Mário Gonçalves Viana (1949) e Lições de Pedagogia, de Aquiles Archêro Junior (1955). Os pesquisadores utilizam diferentes lentes para tecer suas análises e, cada um segundo sua especialidade de pesquisa, aprofunda aspectos que, juntos, compõem um painel interpretativo sobre o processo de escolarização e seus espaços, a normatização do trabalho docente, os princípios que nortearam a seleção cultural para a escola primária, a constituição de modos e métodos de ensino para realizar os objetivos educacionais e a especificidade que assumem os materiais e o ensino da leitura e da escrita nessa instituição. Todas as análises reiteram a importância dos impressos na consolidação da escola primária portuguesa e brasileira, notadamente no que se refere às prescrições feitas nos manuais escolares que, em trânsito, configuram-se como palavras viajeiras.
This study aims to reflect the organization of the mental health services in primary care from a new organizational arrangement to health work, defined as Matrix Support (Campos, 1999), which aims to build technical and educational support in the relationship between health professionals from mental health professionals in the Family Health Strategy. The methodology used in the Matrix Support the “Wheel” method, which is mediated by a supporter who, through questions and reflections, points out possibilities for case discussions, promotes links between the health teams, discusses the concept of link between professionals and users, strengthens the co-responsability for the actions of health and tries to break the logic related with the services organized by referrals. So the wheels when they occur in health services enables the interdisciplinary, and through it, it is expected to talk about the complexity of the phenomena that surround each subject, so that they overcome the dichotomy between individual and collective, social and biological revealing new values to be incorporated into health practices. In front of this analysis that is theoric and conceptual, allied with the experience from a nursisn area professional that worked in this work method, can be concluded that this experience related here, eas strategic for the health care actions for strengthen based on the Unique Health system and Psych Rebuild principles.
This paper seeks to understand the importance of Pibid (Institutional Scholarship Program for Teacher Initiation) in initial formation, more specifically in the pedagogue's formation. The interest for research was motivated by my inclusion in this program, through the interdisciplinary subproject called University and school thinking of interdisciplinary teacher formation: research, reflection and action in which I participated from August 2011 to December 2013. I developed a qualitative survey of bibliographic character, which aims to analyze the theoretical productions in the field of education and that has the focus the Pibid's contribution as well as its potential. For this purpose, I considered the articles located in the Annals of the XVI ENDIPE (National Meeting of Didactic and Teaching Practice) in 2012, in all its themes (Educational policies and impacts at school and in the classroom, Policies of initial formation and continuing formation of teachers and Didactics and teaching practices in contemporary school reality: findings, analysis and propositions). I believe that the research can contribute to rethink the initial formation practices by providing subsidies to the graduated on the teaching career, raising the quality of basic education
Futsal is one of the most popular sports in Brazil, played on five continents, in hundreds of countries, but is still a poorly studied sports science. Among the types of training used in the preparation of soccer players, the collective training is one of the most used because it is a simulation game. The application of the training load is often made in large quantities (volume) with exercise duration and intensity greater than what the athlete can handle. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the intensity of physical exertion of futsal players of basic category during collective training. We evaluated twenty (N=20) soccer players from two teams with different levels of training. There were ten players on a team federated (FED) and ten players on a team for a project extension (EXT). Samples were collected at the respective locations of training. An evaluation of anthropometric and during collective training heart rate was measured and at the end of each training time blood samples were collected for analysis of blood lactate concentration and perceived exertion of the players. There was significant difference between the two teams only in fat percentage (FED=13,4 e EXT=21,2). The average heart rate during training was 174 ± 12.2 bpm, which corresponds to 84% HRmax. There was significant difference between heart rate and the percentage of HRmax in the two parts of training in both teams. The Federated team players remained most of the time in more intense intensity zone (above 85% HRmax), while the EXT players were most of the time zone of moderate intensity (65-85% HRmax). The rating of perceived exertion (FED=3,5 e EXT=3,2) and blood lactate concentration (FED=2.4 mmol/L and EXT=2.9 mmol/L) showed no significant difference between the two teams and between the two times. During training there was a significant correlation (p= 0.71) between heart rate and lactate concentration. The collective training showed an intensity that is supposed to be...
A formação inicial de professores tem sido discutida na literatura, abordando questões e aspectos que possibilitam refletir sobre os elementos julgados imprescindíveis na preparação docente. Neste processo questiona-se a missão da Universidade como lugar de formação, as pesquisas que relatam que os estudantes tendem a passar pela Universidade sem mudarem as suas crenças de quando eram alunos vinculados a questão do ser professor. Estes estudantes/alunos tendem a valorizar, na maioria das vezes, os saberes da experiência vinculados a dimensão afetiva não os re-significando com relação ao conhecimento adquirido na formação universitária. Portanto, emerge dessa constatação um problema no qual se tem um discurso e uma prática com relação à construção da identidade desse professor e os saberes que fundamentam esse processo identitário. De forma que este trabalho procurou identificar os saberes docentes propostos para a formação dos professores do curso de Pedagogia da UNESP - Campus Rio Claro, apontando o lugar que estes ocupam e considerando que os estudantes tendem a valorizar as suas experiências enquanto alunos (crenças). Optou-se pela pesquisa qualitativa, utilizando-se como técnicas a fonte documental e a análise de conteúdo. Através da análise do Projeto Político Pedagógico observou-se que a formação tem a docência como base da identidade desse professor e que os fundamentos educacionais e didáticos percorrem uma proposta de perspectiva disciplinar. Porém, as disciplinas que fundamentam a prática de ensino e a prática do ensino são pouquissimas, revelando uma lacuna desse processo. Porém, lacuna maior é o conjunto das disciplinas de estágio serem de 315 horas e não de 400 horas como o é nas demais licenciaturas. Neste contexto, para além das contribuições que o curso em si possa apresentar não se revela uma mentalidade de que a formação de professores necessite ser mais...
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB
Overweight and obesity are pandemics and have been widely discussed in Public Health and Health at Work. Comorbidities such as metabolic syndrome, hypertension, diabetes mellitus type 2, orthopedic disorders and coronary diseases can induce to absenteeism, reduced work performance, disability and death. The aim of this review is to discuss the role of the nurse in control and prevention of these illnesses in the workplace. We concluded that occupational health nurses work should act proactively with a multidisciplinary team aimed at individual and collective monitoring of actions designed to control and prevent overweight and obesity. Furthermore, this professional should follow up the health of individual workers with a high body mass index in order to warn and prevent comorbidities related to these conditions.
Introduction: The evaluation of the perception of graduates is an essential strategy to support the political project educational in universities. Objective: This study aimed to verify the perception of dentists which are working in the labor market, about the difficulties of professional insertion after the graduation, positives and negatives aspects and suggestions regarding the training received. Methodology: This is a qualitative survey conducted with graduates of the years 2000 to 2010, of dentistry course from a Brazilian Public University. A self-administered questionnaire was sent by mail/email to all graduates in the period. The data were transcribed and subjected to content analysis, divided into pre-analysis, characterized by carefully reading floating, material exploration, guidelines for finding the analysis itself. Result: The categories related to the difficulties in early life were: getting a job/workplace, adequate working conditions and low pay, insecurity and confrontation obtained the academic and lack of administrative experience. The perceived positive aspects for the training were: good infrastructure and reputation of the university, integrating teaching-research, teacher-student relationship. The negative aspects comprised the following categories: administrative preparation, lack of integration between content theoretical/ practical, concepts used in the labor market. The suggestions presented are consistent with the difficulties to the beginning of professional life and the negative aspects. Conclusion: The professionals have faced the saturation of the labor market and different reality from those found in academic life. Despite the positive aspects, graduates suggest changes in the course conducted.
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
The aim of this paper is to discuss the importance of training teachers to use Web 2.0 in the classroom. Its intention was to fi nd out whether students are familiar with the main Web 2.0 resources and know how to exploit their potential in the development of teaching activities. In addition to the literature review, we developed a fi eld exploratory-descriptive research. The research was held in a private university located in the city of Bauru (São Paulo State, Brazil). We selected 213 students enrolled in “Supervised Training III” course, which is part of the teacher training curriculum available for students in the second year of undergraduate course. Results concluded that the students surveyed have access to computers and the Internet, are relatively skilled in handling the available tools and recognize the importance of including them in the teaching and learning process. The students demonstrate diffi culty using the web in a didactic manner, particularly the Web 2.0, which involves a focus on users and collaboration. Therefore, the article points to the need to rethink teacher training courses in order to include practical activities aimed at the use of technology as a teaching resource.
This paper presents the drafting process of a pedagogical project developed and implemented in the Electrical Engineering Course at Faculty of Engineering, Campus Guaratinguetá UNESP. Applying the project in this course resulted in "A" concept classification in the old National Examination Course, known as MEC General Test (Provão), for five consecutive times. The text presents pre-existing scenario which culminated with the preparation of this new project, the points that guided its construction, the deployment strategy adopted, changing paradigms implemented and results obtained. The text also emphasizes the reasons which led it to be adopted as a starting point for the development of educational projects which resulted in the deployment of two new courses: Electrical Engineering from the Universidade Estadual de Londrina – UEL, and Engineering course control and Automation of Experimental Campus Sorocaba – UNESP.
In spite of education it was not main element of Freud's work, in elapsing of work he considered it in chapter denominated “Education Interest of the psychoanalysis” (1913). The objective is to intend to the teacher to consider the importance of psychoanalytic focus in pedagogic extent, demonstrating her contribution for understanding of the students' formative processes. Consequently, to contemplate, starting from the Freudian work, on transfer concept in that relationship introducing intervention forms in the teaching process and learning. We adopted the revision of literature related to the psychoanalytic aspect that it approaches the education, in interface with school physical education. In other words, we specifically looked for aspects on the theme of transfer in the interface of psychoanalysis with pedagogy. Also, part of the Freudian work was used regarding the theme approached in analytical indexes. Since then, we detected that the observed authors affirm that between teachers and students relationship transferencial exists. Therefore, the selection of contents sends the educators to organize and systematize as it will be worked in curriculum and transmitted to the students, since it should go to the encounter of students’ expectations, doing with that school physical education has sense and meaning. Therefore, it is important the physical education teacher, in school, to analyze that when working with the human being there are just no effects of work on content or about the use of correct teaching methodology, but, also the actions transferenciais that are present in learning process.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)