231 resultados para Hipersensibilidade tardia
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV
Gingival recession is a common deformity that affects a large number of people. This condition is frequently associated with esthetic complains and may lead to dental hypersensitivity. Thus, various surgical procedures have been proposed to provide root coverage. Since the 1950s, free and pedicle gingival grafts have been greatly used for treating gingival recession. However, after the 1985 Miller gingival recession classification, and with the development of other appropriated techniques that use subepithelial connective tissue grafts, gingival recession treatments have resulted in more predictable outcomes, especially with respect to Class I and II sites, i.e., in the absence of interproximal bone loss. This article reported the importance of aesthetical periodontal treatment in the prosthetic rehabilitation of a patient with a class I gingival recession with 3 mm of vertical extension in the superior canine. The treatment plan consisted of root coverage using subepithelial connective tissue graft (SCTG) associated with construction of new prosthesis.
Currently, periodontal aesthetics has been prized for harmony of the smile. The clinical crown lengthening, gingival excess or altered passive eruption, is effectively corrected by periodontal surgery. The purpose of this paper is to show, through a literature review, some types of surgery on clinical crown lengthening and root coverage. Clinical crown lengthening is done to Change the size of the anterior teeth and to optimize the cosmetic result of treatment with new coronal restoration and other cosmetic dental care. In general, the treatment plan and the choice of operative technique begin with careful clinical examination. Recessions tissue can be defined as a displacement of the gingival margin toward the junction mucogingival exposing the root surface. These, when present, impacting on patient comfort by providing the occurrence of cervical dentin hypersensitivity, and the esthetic, the amendment of the gum line. Successful treatment of recessions is based on knowledge of its etiology and assessment of predictability of surgical techniques that aim to root coverage. Through literature review, we can conclude that the types of surgery most often used are: 1) to increase the clinical crown, gingivectomy, flap surgery and gingivoplasty osteotomy, and 2) for root coverage, the use will depend on the amount of gum keratinized and especially the classification of Miller.
The objective was to assess in women with children under 5 years old what happened to your pregnancy in relation to dental care, coupled with a probable correlation between the level of their knowledge on dental health and possible reasons which lead or have led to a late seeking such treatment. The interviews were conducted in an environment of health center in the city center and the Odontoly Faculty in Araraquara. Among the interviews mothers, 57% refused the dental treatment during pregnancy. It appears on mothers that are afraid to perform a dental treatment during pregnancy. The misinformation on this issue often associated with this belief in the medical field that dental care during the first three months of pregnancy is harmful to the baby. Such information passed on to mothers leads to a hesitancy with dental treatment during this period. The educational level of mothers did not interfere in this pursuit, and 24.5% of them avoid treatment during pregnancy. The difference, however, is between those mothers of high educational level, performing oral prevention before pregnancy.
Gingival recession is a common deformity that affects a large number of people. This condition is frequently associated with esthetic complains and may lead to dental hypersensitivity. Thus, various surgical procedures have been proposed to provide root coverage. Since the 1950s, free and pedicle gingival grafts have been greatly used for treating gingival recession. However, after the 1985 Miller gingival recession classification, and with the development of other appropriated techniques that use subepithelial connective tissue grafts, gingival recession treatments have resulted in more predictable outcomes, especially with respect to Class I and II sites, i.e., in the absence of interproximal bone loss. This article reported the importance of aesthetical periodontal treatment in the prosthetic rehabilitation of a patient with a class I gingival recession with 3 mm of vertical extension in the superior canine. The treatment plan consisted of root coverage using subepithelial connective tissue graft (SCTG) associated with construction of new prosthesis.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A idade ao primeiro parto em novilhas da raça Nelore é um importante índice a ser considerado na produtividade da pecuária de corte brasileira. Atualmente o gado Nelore é o mais difundido no Brasil, sendo considerado a principal raça de corte criada no país. O objetivo desta revisão foi comparar as informações sobre a característica reprodutiva tardia do gado Nelore com os recentes estudos sobre a antecipação da puberdade com o auxílio do manejo nutricional adequado, visando o aumento da produtividade. Foram utilizados basicamente três trabalhos, sendo um experimento realizado no Brasil, um trabalho apresentado por pesquisadores dos EUA e um artigo escrito pelo Dr. Guilherme de Paula Nogueira; além de artigos selecionados através dos seguintes descritores e boleadores: (Nelore OR Bos indicus) AND (Heifers OR Puberty) AND (Nutrition) AND (Economy). Dentre os 8 estudos obtidos, foram selecionadas 2 publicações em inglês datadas de 1991 e 2003. Mesmo a literatura sendo escassa neste assunto e em alguns aspectos contraditória, principalmente tratando-se da questão da viabilidade econômica da parição antecipada na pecuária de corte, pode-se concluir que a antecipação da puberdade depende de vários fatores tais como a genética, interação ambiental, nutrição, escore de condição corporal (ECC) e manejo. Além disso, mais pesquisas são necessárias e devem considerar a relação econômica da antecipação da puberdade em novilhas da raça Nelore dentro da bovinocultura de corte no Brasil
This paper aims to present some characteristics of Hispania in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages (4th-8th centuries). Search through a brief analysis of the relationship between Christianity and the Catholic Monarchy stood raise some issues and questions. We understand that Christianity has played and plays a significant role in the historical development of the Iberian countries. But in its installation and attempt to consolidation as hegemonic religion in the peninsula, faced several challenges. His alliance with the monarchy stood represented one of the ways to make stronger its dominance. In turn, the Monarchy, preserving its characteristic elective associated strongly with Christianity, giving him a theocratic character trying to raise the sovereign above the fray aristocratic, without much success. Thus, our text points to some of the paths followed by these two elements, Christianity and Monarchy at the time of the Kingdom of Toledo, proposing more reflections and ways that effectively covering them. We hope to have achieved it.
What became accustomed to call “paganism” is undoubtedly one of the most significant forms of what is designated as “popular religiosity”. This expression, which seems useful when a generalization is required, shows all its weakness when a more precise and objective observation of a particular religion is attempted. Would the official visigothic kingdom’s “conversion” to Catholicism, with Recardo (586-601) at the Council of Toledo of 589 have effectively matched to the “conversion” of this kingdom’s population? Firstly, it is necessary to consider, in beyond the exalting intentions of the sources of that moment, that mass conversions do not imply a radical change in the convictions and religious practices of an entire people. Secondly, that “conversion” and “Christianization” are not synonymous. “Religiosity”, which includes the “conversion”, implies a fundamental religious attitude, which can simply be interior and personal. On the other hand, “religion”, in which “Christianization” is included, would correspond to a public aspect, institutionalized, which elaborates a set of techniques aiming, as in the case of “religiosity”, the guarantee of the supernatural Thus, elevated to the position of “official religion,” Catholic Christianity would live with a series of rites, rituals, devotions, from the previous “religiosity” that, through its ecclesiastical perspective, would be reprehensible, considered marginal and something that would lead to error. However, on the eve of the Muslim invasion in 711, not only among the laity but even in ecclesiastical segments, the manifestations of the “paganism” still were aim of coactive condemnation in the Catholic kingdom of Toledo’s councils.
This review will focus on long-term outcomes after acute kidney injury (AKI). Surviving AKI patients have a higher late mortality compared with those admitted without AKI. Recent studies have claimed that long-term mortality in patients after AKI varied from 15% to 74% and older age, presence of previous co-morbidities, and the incomplete recovery of renal function have been identified as risk factors for reduced survival. AKI is also associated with progression to chronic kidney (CKD) disease and the decline of renal function at hospital discharge and the number and severity of AKI episodes have been associated with progression to CKD. IN the most studies, recovery of renal function is defined as non-dependence on renal replacement therapy which is probably too simplistic and it is expected in 60-70% of survivors by 90 days. Further studies are needed to explore the long-term prognosis of AKI patients.
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)