217 resultados para Grafts


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Introduction: Recent studies have evaluated the relationship between the width of keratinized mucosa and peri-implant tissue health. Insufficiently wide keratinized tissue can be increased surgically, for example by free gingival grafting. The presence or reconstruction of keratinized tissue around the implant can facilitate restorative procedures, promote aesthetics and allow the maintenance of an oral hygiene routine without irritation or discomfort to the patient. Objective: To describe a patient who underwent free gingival graft surgery to increase the width of keratinized tissue in the region of previously implants to support a type of prosthetic protocol. Case report: A patient who had received dental implants to support a type of prosthetic protocol presented with inflamed peri-implant mucosa, but with no keratinized tissue. Free gingival tissue was obtained from the palate and grafted into the anterior maxilla. Sixty days after muco-gingival surgery, we observed that the free gingival graft favored peri-implant health and prosthetic casting. Conclusion: The free gingival graft technique is both easy to perform and effective in increasing the width of keratinized mucosa following implantation.


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For oral rehabilitation with implant-supported prostheses, there are required procedures to create the bone volume needed for installation of the implants. Thus, bone grafts from intraoral or extraoral donor sites represent a very favorable opportunity. This study aimed to review the literature on the subject, seeking to discuss parameters for the indications, advantages and complications of techniques for autogenous bone grafts.


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Introduction: It has been suggested that bone grafts combined with platelet rich plasma (PRP) present greater density than bone grafts without PRP after healing process. However, this result may depend on proportion PRP/autogenous bone (AB) graft used. Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze radiographically the influence of the proportion PRP/particulate autogenous bone (AB) graft on bone healing in surgically created criticalsize defects (CSD) in rat calvaria. Material and method: 50 rats were divided into 5 groups: C, AB, AB/PRP-50, AB/PRP-100 and AB/PRP-150. A 5 mm diameter CSD was created in the calvarium of each animal. In Group C the defect was filled by blood clot only. In Group AB the defect was filled with 0.01 mL of AB graft. In groups AB/ RP-50, AB/PRP-100 and AB/PRP-150 the defects were filled with 0.01 mL of AB graft combined with 50, 100 and 150 µL of PRP, respectively. All animals were euthanized at 30 days post-operative. Standardized radiographic images of the rat calvaria were obtained using Digora System (Soredex, Finland). The images were evaluated by three examiners using scores that indicated the percentage of radiopacity of the defect. The obtained data were subjected to statistical analysis (Kruskal-Wallis test, p < 0.05). Result: Group C presented radiopacity significantly lower than groups AB, AB/PRP-50, AB/PRP-100 and AB/PRP-150. Group AB/PRP-50 showed radiopacity significantly greater than groups AB/PRP-100 and AB. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the proportion PRP/AB graft influences bone healing in CSD in rat calvaria.


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Many patients seeking dental care wish to improve facial and smile aesthetics to be accepted in modern day society. In denture wearers, the physiological resorption causes atrophy mainly in the maxilla, being necessary to carry out reconstruction techniques and sometimes orthognathic surgery to improve occlusal stability and facial harmony. The aim of this study is to discuss the features related to the rehabilitation of edentulous patients with indication for reconstruction of the maxilla using bone grafts and orthognathic surgery by means of a clinical case. In the present case, after the prosthetic rehabilitation, the patient was full satisfied with obtained results and dismissed the initially proposed surgical protocol. Therefore, professionals should provide therapeutic options but the patient’s opinion should prevail provided its clinical feasibility.


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When implants are installed immediately after tooth extraction may occur anchoring primary decreased, delay or failure of osseointegration process. This occurs because of the large interface between the surrounding walls of the socket and the surface of the implant. For reconstruction, replacement or filling of bone defects the solution can be obtained with the use of autogenous, heterogenous or allogeneic bone grafts. However, these grafts suffer certain drawbacks, particularly a high rate of donor site morbidity, limited amounts of available bone, and the additional operative time required for harvest. For these reasons, intensive efforts have been directed toward developing alternative substances for to either augment or substitute. In this paper, we will examine some of the commonly used materials : fibrin and calcium phosphate.


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Biomaterials such as membrane barriers and/or bone grafts are often used to enhance periapical new bone formation. A combination of apical surgery and these biomaterials is one of the latest treatment options for avoiding tooth extraction. In case of periapical lesions, guided tissue regeneration (GTR) is attempted to improve the self-regenerative healing process by excluding undesired proliferation of the gingival connective tissue or migration of the oral epithelial cells into osseous defects. In many cases, GTR is necessary for achieving periodontal tissue healing. This report describes the healing process after surgery in a challenging case with a long-term followup. In this case report, endodontic surgery was followed by retrograde sealing with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) in the maxillary right central incisor and left lateral incisor. Apicectomy was performed in the maxillary left central incisor and a 1-mm filling was removed. The bone defect was filled with an anorganic bone graft and covered with a decalcified cortical osseous membrane. No intraoperative or postoperative complications were observed. After 13 years of follow-up, the patient showed no clinical signs or symptoms associated with the lesion and radiographic examination showed progressive resolution of radiolucency. In conclusion, the combination of apical surgery and regenerative techniques can successfully help the treatment of periapical lesions of endodontic origin and is suitable for the management of challenging cases


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Objective In the last decades aroused the interest for bone tissue bank as an alternative to autogenous grafting, avoiding donor sites morbidity, surgical time, and costs reduction. The purpose of the study was to compare allografts (ALg) with autografts (AUg) using histology, immunochemistry, and tomographic analysis. Material and methods Fifty-six New Zealand White rabbits were submitted to surgical procedures. Twenty animals were donors and 36 were actually submitted to onlay grafting with ALg (experimental group) and AUg (control group) randomly placed bilaterally in the mandible. Six animals of each group were sacrificed at 3, 5, 7, 10, 20, and 60 postoperative days. Immunolabeling was accomplished with osteoprotegerin (OPG); receptor activator of nuclear factor-k ligand (RANKL); alkaline phosphatase (ALP); osteopontin (OPN); vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF); tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP); collagen type I (COL I); and osteocalcin (OC). Density and volume of the grafts was evaluated on tomography obtained at the surgery and sacrifice. Results The ALg and AUg exhibited similar patterns of density and volume throughout the experiments. The intra-group data showed statistical differences at days 7 and 60 in comparison with other time points (P = 0.001), in both groups. A slight graft expansion from fixation until day 20 (P = 0.532) was observed in the AUg group and then resorbed significantly at the day 60 (P = 0.015). ALg volume remained stable until day 7 and decreased at day 10 (P = 0.045). The light microscopy analysis showed more efficient incorporation of AUg onto the recipient bed if compared with the ALg group. The immunohistochemical labeling picked: at days 10 and 20 with OPG in the AUg group and at day 7 with TRAP in the ALg group (P = 0.001 and P = 0.002, respectively). Conclusions ALg and AUg were not differing in patterns of volume and density during entire experiment. Histological data exhibit more efficient AUg incorporation into recipient bed compared with the ALg group. Immunohistochemistry outcomes demonstrated similar pattern for both ALg and AUg groups, except for an increasing resorption activity in the ALg group mediated by TRAP and in the AUg group by higher OPG labeling. However, this latter observation does not seem to influence clinical outcomes.


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Bone reconstructions are traditionally conducted with autogenous grafts harvested from intra- or extra-oral donor sites to reestablish the lost bone volume for further implant-prosthetic rehabilitation. The calvarial bone has been studied as an excellent donor site in large atrophic situations, presenting low resorption rates, as well as complications and minimal morbidity. The hospitalization time is short, with low pain levels, short functional limitations, and invisible scars. The skull microarchitecture is predominantly cortical in the presence of growth factors that demonstrate their osteogenic, osteoinductive, and osteoconductive abilities resulting in low resorption rate and high predictability when compared to the iliac crest. Dural lacerations, extra and subdural bleeding, cerebrospinal fluid leakage, and brain damage have been minimized due to the development of surgical technique. The delimitation of diploe, preserving the internal skull cortex before osteotomy at the donor made it possible to reduce accidents and complications. The aim of this paper is to show a technical and to discuss aspects of the use of calvarial bone in the reconstruction of severely atrophic maxilla for oral rehabilitation with osseointegrated implants.


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Implant dentistry is a dental specialty which presents great predictability in the rehabilitation at posterior, partially edentulous maxillary areas. Early tooth loss results in significant jaw remodeling. The maxillary sinus lifting followed by implant placement is a predictable technique initially described in 1980. Since then, several different techniques have been investigated varying filling materials and the management of complications in order to provide effective guidance in the rehabilitation of these patients. The current study evaluated ten patients who underwent sinus lifting before implant placement and crown installation. First, a retrospective analysis of the medical records was conducted to obtain information about possible postoperative complications. Clinical and radiographic analyses were performed at baseline and 180 days after surgeries. The sinus lifting with immediate implant placement provided satisfactory outcomes and can be considered a safe procedure. Treatment predictability was demonstrated in 90% of patients and for 86.96% of implants placed. It is important to highlight knowledge of anatomical structures at this area, the use of delicate surgical techniques, and strict patient follow-up.


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Allogeneic, fresh-frozen bone has been used in order to replace bone autografts. However, its osteoinduction and osteoconduction properties are not well-defined in the scientific literature. This work aimed to evaluate samples of homogenous bone grafts in humans by qualitative histological and immunohistochemical analysis. For this, ten pre-selected patients underwent surgical augmentation of bone defects. The homogenous fresh frozen block bone graft was stabilized and fixed by bicortical screws. After six months, the reopening procedure was performed for installation of osseointegrated implants. At this time surgical bone graft samples were removed by means of drill trephine. The samples were fixed in 10% formalin, processed with decalcified paraffin, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Immunohistochemistry was performed for the expression of Caspase 3 enzyme. The slides were brought to light microscopy for qualitative histology and immunohistochemistry. The results showed non-vital bone tissue, with few areas of deposition of new bone formation on the amorphous matrix, presence of chronic inflammatory infiltrate with areas of osteomyelitis, and expressive immunolabeling of Caspase 3. Given the methods employed and the results it was concluded that the allograft fresh-frozen block is not incorporated into the recipient bed after a healing period of six months.


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Bone is a specialized connective tissue, vascular and dynamic changes over the life of the organism. When injured, has a unique ability to regenerate and repair without the presence of scars, but in some situations due to the size of the defect, the bone tissue does not regenerate so completely, it is necessary to carry out bone grafting procedures. Considering there are various types of grafts and various donor sites. Thus, the aim of this study was to review the literature to some type of graft most commonly used in dentistry. Given the importance of bone reconstruction in oral and maxillofacial surgery, it is necessary to know the viability and influence of biomaterials, or not associated with autogenous grafts in bone repair. Even this, with many qualities, but further studies should be done to achieve each day, a synthetic material compatible with bone tissue lost in adequate amounts without requiring extra-oral surgeries that are considered to be devoted to higher morbidity.


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Calvaria grafts provide good bone quantity for the reconstruction of the atrophic maxilla, and have lower morbidity and resorption rates when compared to iliac crest. The aim of this paper is to present the technique for obtaining a graft of the skull. Initially, the depth of the osteotomy is determined by a manually conducted bur, which establishes the limits of the structures of the skull (outer table, diploe and inner table), making the removal of bone blocks easier and safer. Thus, osteotomies of the blocks are made with greater security, avoiding the complications inherent to surgical technique. The case that will be presented it is from a male patient of 65 years who refused to submit to the iliac crest graft, opting for the calvaria, despite being bald, that is a contraindication for this treatment modality. A delicate suture associated with placement of titanium mesh to maintain the conformation of the patient's skull in the region of the bone defect, created after removal of the graft, provided a good cosmetic result at the donor site. The use of titanium mesh for re-anatomization of bone defects created in the grafts is well indicated for bald patients.


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The techniques of bone reconstruction for atrophic maxillae have been improved in order to promote bone tissue growth in both height and thickness. The grafts performed with use of autogenous bone is considered the gold standard by most researchers, for demonstrating osteogenic capacity and not to promote antigenic response. However, this type of grafting is not possible to get bone tissue in large quantity for extensive renovations. In recent years, alternatives have been researched to overcome the limitations of autogenous bone. Several alternatives have been investigated to supply the disadvantages of autogenous bone grafts. In such studies, allogeneic bone grafts which are obtained from individuals with different genetic load, but from the same species have been extensively used. They can be indicated in cases of arthrosplasty, surgical knee reconstruction, and large bone defects as well as in oral and maxillofacial reconstruction. Besides showing great applicability and biocompatibility, this type of bone is available in unlimited quantities. To rehabilitate atrophic maxillae an option that has been performed with high success rate is the reconstruction with bone graft followed by osseointegrated dental implants to rehabilitate the patient aesthetics and functionally. This paper aims to show the feasibility of allogenic bone as material for reconstruction of atrophic maxilla, and subsequent rehabilitation with metal ceramic fixed prosthesis implant and dental restoration with accompanying three years through literature review and clinical case report.


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Many patients seeking dental care wish to improve facial and smile aesthetics to be accepted in modern day society. In denture wearers, the physiological resorption causes atrophy mainly in the maxilla, being necessary to carry out reconstruction techniques and sometimes orthognathic surgery to improve occlusal stability and facial harmony. The aim of this study is to discuss the features related to the rehabilitation of edentulous patients with indication for reconstruction of the maxilla using bone grafts and orthognathic surgery by means of a clinical case. In the present case, after the prosthetic rehabilitation, the patient was full satisfied with obtained results and dismissed the initially proposed surgical protocol. Therefore, professionals should provide therapeutic options but the patient’s opinion should prevail provided its clinical feasibility.