271 resultados para ESPAÇO URBANO
The work aims at an architectural project in the neighborhood of Liberdade in Sao Paulo, from analysis of the spread of Japanese culture in Brazil. Within this theme, the paper focuses on the Japanese urban space and the search for an identity of the Japanese, besides the problems that the neighborhood has. The architectural design is justified by the need for spaces of rest, meetings and green areas, where people can get away a bit of pace that the neighborhood has. The source of this research is based on bibliographic references, reviews of other projects, investigating the experience of urban space and the richest source of contributions that were the memories of living in Japan for eight months. The expected result is the visualization of the project through sketches, experiments and artistic designs for the chosen location
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Faced with the global discussion about the development of new alternative energy sources, this work tries to contribute to the understanding of the introduction of biodiesel in the energy market, identifying the barriers in the social logic, economic and productive in different spaces, rural and urban. Based on the guidelines of the National Biodiesel Production and Use Program (PNPB), it intended to accompany the implementation of public policies in relation to family farmers settled in the Pontal, located in the western region of São Paulo. In parallel, we will analyze the organizational structure and logistics of the production of biodiesel in the city, although it does not dependent on agricultural production and it is not a target of public policies, it takes advantage of the demand created by PNPB when it comes to increasing the amount of biodiesel blended with mineral origin diesel. The activity examined in the urban space is the collection of used frying oil held by Ecosanta Biofuels, a company located in the town of Maua, São Paulo metropolitan region. The monograph aims to broaden our understanding despite the urban-rural issue regarding the obstacles and opportunities in expanding renewable energy
This work aims to approach the Youth Studies to the Geography. It adressesYouth Sociability through the nightlife entertainment context, considering the spatiality and temporality of this phenomenon and its territorialization in urban space. For this, we made a case study of a Leisure Spot - a centrality formed by the cohesion of evening entertainment establishments, which serves as a reference of entertainment to their attenders and also to the residents of the city - located in the Jardim Bongiovani one of the university district of Presidente Prudente - SP. The study sought to reconstruct the historical process of formation and structuring of that spot, and know its current dynamics, based on Participant Observation. Thus, we sought to identify the social actors that were there and their spatial practices, its paths and streams, the reference group identity, and spatial references and territorializations in the Leisure Spot, and also the ways of the youth to gain visibility in this scenario of urban spectacle
The collective purchases translate into new business strategies that so far are poorly studied, but they have modifyied considerably the forms of consumption through the consumers individualisation, which causes changes in society's routine. The analysis of the theme was performed by study cases of collective shopping places in the city of Campinas, country of the state of São Paulo, and on its influence in the metropolitan area, which intented to understand, through custumers interviews, the contradictions and peculiarities of this service that has increased each day more . For this purpose, the research methodology is focused on the consumer , that's because the process of productive change tied to forms of trade and distribution of goods have been transforming social values considerably, based increasingly on impulsive consumming . Thus, to understand how the electronic commerce and more specifically the collective shopping websites works, it's necessary to examine the forms of commerce and the consumer's behavior in order to explain the city organization and the contradictions of the geographic space
O trabalho de conclusão de curso, que tem por tema “A imprensa interiorana: análise das dinâmicas sociais e urbanas em O Progresso, 1925-1927 e O Linense, 1928-1929”, visa analisar os periódicos aqui apontados, enquanto representativos dos jornais circulantes no interior paulista do início do século XX, inseridos dentro de um contexto de urbanização das cidades do noroeste do estado de São Paulo, mais especificamente, Lins. Esses periódicos serão, portanto, objeto de estudo e, concomitantemente, as principais ferramentas de pesquisa sobre a cidade aqui estudada e de identificação das temáticas relativas ao assunto cidade/urbano. Este trabalho serve como um complemento à pesquisa de iniciação científica “A Imprensa em Lins: temas da cidade e do urbano em O Progresso, 1925-1927 e O Linense, 1928-1929”, que teve como proposta fazer o levantamento de temas sobre a vida, as transformações e as dinâmicas urbanas de Lins, município do oeste paulista, mapeando diversas dimensões da cidade publicadas nos jornais O Progresso, do período de 1925 a 1927 e O Linense, de 1928 a 1929. Dessa maneira, o trabalho visa contribuir para os estudos sobre as cidades da Zona Noroeste paulista e, a partir da análise dos jornais, realizar uma leitura da imprensa interiorana do início do século XX em São Paulo. Cabe salientar que a pesquisa está vinculada ao Projeto Temático “Saberes Eruditos e Técnicos na Configuração e Reconfiguração do Espaço Urbano – Estado de São Paulo, séculos XIX e XX (processo 05/55338-0)”, com coordenação do grupo de professores da Faculdade de Arquitetura, Artes e Comunicação da UNESP-Bauru. O subtema desse projeto, sob a responsabilidade específica do orientador Célio José Losnak, chama-se “As dimensões política e cultural da circulação dos saberes nas cidades do oeste paulista: legislação, processos decisórios... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Since the middle of the XX century, observed a guided development in capitalism and globalization. In this context, a new way of thinking and producing dwellings, closed horizontal residential condominiums, with its beginnings in the United States. Currently, these also appear as a trend in Brazil. Their deployment has generated both social and spatial problems, since the production and consumption of urban space are given in different ways in different social classes. This process began in the 1970s and was unique to metropolitan areas until the 1980s, when it began to achieve medium-sized cities. Thus, highlighting some points, such as the production and consumption of urban space and the construction of condominiums in average Brazilian cities, this paper aims to describe and analyze the dynamics of residential condominiums in the city of Itu (SP)
Tendo em vista a produção de espaços onde domínios público e privado mostram-se cada vez mais apartados, verifica-se a necessidade de se mesclar tais esferas ensejando melhor uso e apropriação do espaço da cidade. O Bairro da Santa Cecília, na região central do município de São Paulo, apresenta-se, assim como outros bairros da área central, degradado, e especialmente fragmentado em razão do Elevado Costa e Silva, o qual atravessa o bairro na metade. Logo, apresenta-se uma proposta de projeto no qual objetiva-se a ideia de multiplicidade em oposição à unidade, preceitos do sistema rizomático de Deleuze; isto é, uma solução aberta, voltada para o exterior, onde os diferentes espaços sejam conectados, e a paisagem reflita a cultura urbana da área. Assim, utiliza-se o que se denomina de contêineres urbanos: um espaço para os usuários do bairro, onde estes possam participar das causas sociais e criação da paisagem da cidade
Uma intrínseca característica da cidade de Bauru, São Paulo, é a descontinuidade de sua malha urbana, a qual gera conflitos muito maiores do que somente uma interrupção física. Logo, este Trabalho Final de Graduação (TFG) busca retratar que conflitos são estes presentes na cidade, tendo-se como premissa que tais não são apenas uma característica bauruense, mas próprios da formação das cidades. E então, através do desenho urbanístico e arquitetônico, busca-se aqui uma resposta projetual a um espaço da cidade de Bauru – intervalo presente entre os bairros Vila Falcão e Jardim Bela Vista – onde estes conflitos encontram-se concentrados, visando estabelecer conexões físicas e humanas onde tais relações sempre foram feitas de maneira precária
The city of São Paulo has, since the beginning of the expansion of its urban sprawl, represented relations of conflicts and contradictions between society and nature. Once the way society relates to nature is defined by how the social agents themselves correlate in certain social and historical contexts, the ways of interaction between the social and natural elements will be different according to the forms of production and appropriation of the urban space. Even more evident is the case of the great national metropolis, given its demographic dimensions and historical conditions, the process of urban expansion follows a logic where spaces of better quality for housing are occupied by those of better financial conditions. Thus, although there are exceptions, the poorest people live in places less desirable, in less resilient environments of lower environmental quality, relating to nature and its phenomena with greater risks. These risks are reflected here as recurring flooding, mudslides and landslides for which the rain is constantly blamed. So we have a situation where it is clear that a weather phenomenon differently interacts with different social groups. In this context, the study was conducted to compare extreme events occurred in two regions of São Paulo: the Freguesia do O, in the north side, and M'Boi Mirim, in the south side. Both are regions with large number of risk areas and are in the same urban climate unit. However, they present different conditions of social vulnerability. With the investigation of each extreme rain event occurred in the two regions, in the period of 2000-2010, supplemented by field research, we tried to observe how far the rain, with his intensity and volume, can, in fact, be related to the accidents.
A rápida expansão do espaço urbano no Brasil ocorreu e continua ocorrendo, geralmente, de forma desordenada e sem perspectivas imediatas de ordenação das práticas de uso e ocupação do solo. O planejamento da ocupação do espaço urbano, baseado na racionalidade capitalista, embora englobe fundamentos interdisciplinares, na prática tem sido realizado dentro de um âmbito mais restrito do conhecimento, desconsiderando aspectos fundamentais dessa dinâmica. Essa situação tem resultado em grandes transtorno e custos para a sociedade e para o meio ambiente, atingindo diretamente os sistemas de drenagens urbanos e resultando no crescimento dos eventos de cheia. Assim, o planejamento urbano vem buscando alternativas que possibilitem o alcance do desenvolvimento urbano sustentável. Neste sentido, este trabalho objetiva avaliar qualitativamente a implantação reservatórios de detenção implantados no alto curso da sub-bacia do Alto Tietê, de modo a avaliar os problemas apresentados através da realização de um inventário dos avanços atingidos na incorporação destas medidas no gerenciamento dos sistemas de drenagem nesta subbacia.
The dynamics of the health services sector can be seen in studies of geographical features as analysis on the quantity and quality of médical and hospital services provided and the demand or need sensed by the population, whether the public sector, whether private sector within a defined portion of space, in analysis in this study, the Administrative Region of Barretos, State of São Paulo. This study seeks to better understand the dynamics of the health services sector (Public and Private) in the production of urban space of the Administrative Region of Barretos, for it will be reviewed, in particular, the Cities Health Centers, Bebedouro and Barretos. Also proposes through this, try to clarify the central regional Barretos and Bebedouro in the context of health services
This paper has it is hypotesis on the government program “My Home, My Life” and the assumption that it is a public politic attached to the market logic of financialization of the housing. It is understood that this program encourage capital for the main constructors and incorporated of brazilian heritage elite. It also served as well to promote more rentability to international capital and intensified the sociospacial segregration process as real state speculation has been potencialized. This work aims to present and discuss the program contradictions that have been sustained on the speech of wide subsidy offer and habitance construcution for low income workers - month income until three minimum salaries. Documents have shown that in the first phase of the program, habitance construction for this sector of population corresponded only to 5,5% of total habitation deficit. Businessmen on residance civil construction and public politic representatives have confirmed that the program interests are linked to financial market logic.The real benefits are not for low income workers, but for real state agents through extraordinaty profits of land and the so called new medium workers class(worker class C).We will search for embasement on the country history through the different governments and housing policies, in value theory and the concept of land income to understand the financialization process of the housing. We will also analyse oficial documents and the agents speech involved in real state market to show program contradictions and whose the real benefts are for
The spatial formation of Rio Claro city preserves several features of the problematic transition from the slave to remunerated labor in the late 20th, when the tacit ethnic bipolar sociability standard emerged, imprinting “black” and “white” forms to the city’s urban space. The ethnic social clubs José do Patrocínio and Tamoio, are two objects of ethnic groups’ exclusive use. Such ethnic social clubs indicate the existence of conflicts in their formation, as well as in their present existence, they are forms that preserve in themselves the codes and histories of the local black movement’s fight for their rights and for an autonomous place in the local society. In the present context the spaces are increasingly subjected to commercial interests and the spirits are embedded in confusion. What is the value of these spaces for the subjects who built them? The versions and narratives from oral accounts will allow us to understand the existing dimensions in the relation between the places and the memory, evidencing the importance of the patrimony and the patrimonial policies to the cities in the present historical period of geographic space globalization
Um dos maiores problemas relacionados ao quotidiano das médias e grandes cidades é o trânsito e por meio dele percebemos os conflitos de circulação urbana e se os meios de transportes fluem de forma satisfatória. Segundo Vasconcellos (1999), transporte público é um conjunto de elementos físicos que se distribui espacialmente, atendendo a população que dele depende. Localizada no oeste do Estado de São Paulo a cidade de Presidente Prudente enfrenta, hoje, um grave problema no tocante à circulação e à eficiência dos meios de transportes públicos, sendo esse oneroso para a população que o usufrui. Em termos proporcionais a tarifa por quilômetro rodado é muito elevada, em comparação às grandes cidades do Estado de São Paulo e do Brasil. Sendo o transporte público parte essencial de uma cidade, o seu funcionamento deve estar de acordo com o crescimento da mesma e atender qualitativamente e quantitativamente seus usuários, propondo um adequado uso do espaço urbano. Diante de tal realidade, o projeto tem, por objetivo, fomentar a proposta de implantação de terminal urbano de transporte público, baseado no redesenho viário da principal centralidade da cidade... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)