233 resultados para Classes sociais diferentes
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil e Ambiental - FEB
Introduction: The elderly population has increased, and the aging process is responsible for physical and metabolic changes in the body. For the elderly remain independent, with a better quality of life, preventing and treating diseases responsible for this increased of mortality should remain physically active. Objective: To investigate the influence of two types of exercise intervention on physical fitness and physical activity levels in older practitioners of Rio Claro-SP. Method: The study included 18 older adults with mean age 65.8 years (± 2.88) divided into two groups, Program in Physical Exercises Health Unit (PEFUS, n = 9) and Adapted Volleyball (n = 9). Classes of PEFUS were held twice a week lasting 60 min with strength, aerobic endurance, agility, coordination and balance exercises. Classes of Volleyball Adapted were performed 2 times per week lasting 120 minutes, divided into volleyball fundamental exercises and game. For evaluation of physical skills (strength, agility, coordination and flexibility), was performed the AAHPERD test battery. All participants were assessed at the baseline and after 3 months of interventions. The statistical analysis used was the repeated measures ANOVA, through the SPSS version 17.0 and significance level p <0.05. Result: After the interventions there was an increase of leisure time from 362.2 ± 214.9 min / week and 16.7 ± 28.3 min / week to 541.7 ± 137.2 and 44.4 ± 44.8 min / week to Adapted Volleyball and PEFUS, respectively. The variable coordination showed significant improvements after the interventions, decreasing from 12.1 ± 0.7 to 10.8 ± 0.5 sec for Volleyball Adapted and from 14.8 ± 0.9 to 12.1 ± 0, 9 sec for PEFUS (p <0.05). For the variable strength it was observed a group-moment interaction (p <0.05). Conclusion: The interventions showed positive results... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Nowadays the regular practice of sports is known as a way to obtain a better quality of life. On the other hand, the media has been distorting this idea, determining the ideal body as the hypertrophy phenotype. It is well known that the genetic factor does not allow all individuals to have this body shape. Besides the fact that, the anxiety of these people in obtain quick results, as one of the globalization’s consequence, make use of anabolic steroid to achieve this goal. However the bodybuilding or the strength muscle gain, make anabolic steroids users abuse and in major cases the users do not know the side effects. In front of these considerations, the present study evaluated the effects of the treatment with anabolic steroids and/or high intensity physical training on the corporal developing, the reproductive organs, bone parameters (strength and bone deformation) and seminal parameters as well the social behavior (aggressiveness). In other to obtain the experimental group, male Wistar rats were used, with 75 days old. The groups were divided into: Vehicle Non-Training (NV), Anabolic Steroid-Non-Training (NA), Vehicle-Training (TV) and Anabolic Steroid-Training (TA). These rats received i.m. injections, twice a week, of anabolic steroid (5mg/kg per animal of nandrolona decanoate) or vehicle (the same volume of peanut oil per animal) and the group TV and TA were submitted to physical training three times per week, during eight weeks. The body mass, wet weight of reproductive organs, femur and semen of the different groups were measured. The aggressive test was also realized in two steps: the first, within 4 weeks of the treatment and the other step in the end of the treatment, in this period the animal was isolated. It was not observed alterations in body mass of the groups. Though it was observed a benefic effect on the maximum strength of the... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Many studies have shown a variety of benefits that the practice of Ballroom Dancing can bring, such as leisure and entertainment, the release of tension from a stressful routine, improving relationships, expanding social contacts. The rationale of this study is by the need to evaluate a different sphere of life of people involving the structure that is the personality. The man is humanized in contact with other men and the culture it is almost impossible to grow it in isolation, that is, are the social relationships that allow men to become human and her personality structure. The relationship brought about by the ballroom dancing can benefit the development of personality or simply put individuals in situations that provide a greater understanding of yourself, as this activity has characteristics that greatly facilitate social contact between people who practice it as the relationship between gentleman and lady for a dance, the contact with people in different classes, social events where it is practiced and even the music that is danced. This work aimed to be able to identify the type or types, the most common personalities exist in one group of participants in a course of Ballroom, based on the technique of Enneagram developed and disseminated by Gurdjieff, whose characteristic is to divide into nine different personality types. Participants were 42 students of the extent to ballroom dancing. We administered a questionnaire to identify the personality of each participant and then there was a second observation time the behavior of six participants in the class for confirmation of your psychological type to issofoi used a checklist developed by the author. Was also investigated whether there are differences of gender and psychological types who seek more such activity. The conclusions are that there are a large number of persons type 9, more than 42% and are predominantly male, since... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The growing concern of experts in organizational communication with appropriate business relationships with its various stakeholders through digital platforms causes an upgrowth on the number of studies on the topic of social media. The social network communication receives analysis in different approaches, ranging from behavioral changes to the instrumentalization of these tools for marketing, relationship and information exchange. The objective of this monograph is to make an exploratory study that relates to organizational communication and social media, and discuss how the theories can contribute to the optimization of communication mediated by specific platforms that bring with them opportunities for interaction and relationship in the digital environment
The aim of this paper is to present the results of a research in the area of Discourse Analysis, to describe discourses found in the media about the identities constructed in the Second Life virtual communities network and, to find out what discursive strategies are produced by the profile “fashion in the soap operas” hosted in the Twitter micro-blogging as an attempt to have a significant number of logfiles and to discover what leads men, women and, teenagers to participate of this “fashion in the soap operas” interaction. Our corpus consists of printed media reportings that present users of Second Life and its avatars with a proposal of new identities, including the utterances produced by the profile “fashion in the soap operas” and their respective followers. The analysis of the reports and discourses are based on the work by Michel Pêcheux and Michel Foucault. The analysis have shown that the new identities, created in virtual communities network and, the profile of the followers of “fashion in the soap operas”, hosted in Twitter, are characteristically contemporary sensibilities, who take part in the truth games and in the social pressing experimented nowadays
The current rise of the Internet has allowed distances being shortened more and more-creating virtual communities with the most different people, discussing and debating opinions about their environments, what they consume or what they do. Social media has put the people and, consequently, organizations gradually changing their positions about the environment in which they are inserted. Organizations are forced to adapt to new media-always attentive to what people are saying about them. The objective of this project is to give the Public Relations the activity to analyze what is going on in these social networks, always ahead of the organization, posing as a mediator of public opinion between social networks and the organization
This work aims describe, through a phenomenological approach to qualitative research, which are the contributions of reading and writing of texts from different contexts for learning mathematics. For this purpose, we developed activities involving reading, writing and math in classes in the 6th grade of elementary school to a state school Guaratinguetá. These activities constituted the research data as part of the fieldwork. We analyzed the data following the procedures of this phenomenological research which they are described by Bicudo (1994, 2000, 2011), Fini (1994) and Machado (1994). We base our study on reading, writing and mathematics in Nacarato (2009), Lopes (2009), Smole (2000) and Fonseca (2005), among others. In the analysis, we seek to clarify how meaningful situations of different contexts, helping to develop skills in reading, writing and interpretation of the student, which in turn help the students at understanding mathematics. After the analysis of data, we named the two open categories: Difficulty of Expression and Communication Facilities. The interpretation of categories allows us to understand that there is, by individuals, a communicative intention that is expressed in the texts
O objetivo desse trabalho foi discutir a participação das diferentes instituições integrantes da Rede de Agroecologia Mantiqueira-Mogiana, organização social com enfoque no desenvolvimento comunitário coordenada pela Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA), que trata da construção coletiva do aprendizado e da troca de experiências e intercâmbio de tecnologias em Agroecologia. Para tanto, foi proposto que as instituições participantes da Rede de Agroecologia respondessem um questionário que abrangia tópicos acerca da participação de tais instituições bem como de estruturação e gestão da Rede. Tendo o estudo tratado da participação das instituições, foram contatados os profissionais dessas organizações envolvidos diretamente com as atividades da Rede, por ser de conhecimento prévio que tais instituições são representadas no projeto por um determinado profissional com maior identificação pessoal com o campo da Agroecologia. Tais opiniões foram posteriormente analisadas enquanto representativas das instituições as quais esses profissionais estão vinculados. Os dados obtidos revelaram a necessidade de um acordo formal entre a Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária e as instituições participantes do projeto, o que permitiria que os profissionais pudessem participar de forma mais efetiva das atividades da Rede de Agroecologia, integrando as atividades do Colegiado Gestor com as atividades das instituições as quais esses profissionais são vinculados. Foi possível observar também que para que os objetivos de uma determinada rede de desenvolvimento comunitário sejam atingidos é necessário que estes estejam em consonância com as motivações que as instituições parceiras apresentam para participar de tal rede. Dessa forma, é possível congregar esforços de todas as partes para que o objetivo coletivo seja atingido.
As florestas tropicais são naturalmente amplos reservatórios de carbono devido à alta produtividade e extensão (Malhi et al. 2000). Em termos do ciclo do carbono, o papel das florestas tropicais como fonte ou sumidouro de CO2 tem sido amplamente debatido (Saleska et al. 2003), portanto, estudos sobre a capacidade de estoque de carbono destes ecossistemas são particularmente relevantes para compreendermos a dinâmica do CO2 para o atual ciclo global do carbono e para compreender o potencial desses ecossistemas atuarem como sumidouro ou fontes de CO2. O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar se a biomassa de madeira morta acima do solo varia com a altitude (5-50m e 50-500m) em uma Floresta Ombrófila Densa (Mata Atlântica) para entender como o estoque de carbono dessa necromassa varia entre os locais, estoque esse que é matéria prima para liberação de CO2 para atmosfera pelo processo de decomposição. Para estimar a necromassa em pé foram consideradas todas as árvores mortas em pé com diâmetro na altura do peito (DAP = 1,3 metros de altura) maior que 4,8 cm (ou PAP > ou igual a 15 cm), de acordo com protocolo proposto pelo RAINFOR (Rede Amazônica de Inventários Florestais). Todas as árvores mortas em pé foram quantificadas e classificadas a partir da verificação do estado de decomposição da casca de cada indivíduo em quatro classes de decomposição, que possuem diferentes densidades de madeira relacionadas ao estágio de decomposição. A biomassa de madeira morta acima do solo variou com a altitude (figura 2). Essa variação foi de 1,14 Mg ha-1 (parcela B, Terras Baixas) a 7,57 Mg ha-1 (parcela J, F.O.D. Submontana). Em relação às fitofisionomias, houve uma variação de 8,40 Mg ha-1 (Terras Baixas) a 18,38 Mg ha-1 (F.O.D. Submontana)
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Este trabalho objetiva estudar o fenômeno da posposição do sujeito com relação ao verbo em distintos tipos e gêneros do jornal: O Araraquarense do início do século XX, e verificar se há alguma diferença entre eles, quanto à posição do sujeito na frase. A escolha de um corpus jornalístico é devida ao fato de seu texto ser muito propício para analisar os processos de implementação de uma possível mudança no português brasileiro; por se tratar de um texto público, o qual atua sobre os elementos da situação sócio-histórica em que está inserido e por sofrer influências dessa situação. Foram analisados dados coletados de artigos de opinião e notas sociais, levando em conta os tipos textuais: descrição, dissertação, injunção e narração (TRAVAGLIA, 2003, p.103). Constatou-se que os tipos (dissertativo e narrativo) foram predominantes nos artigos de opinião, e que somente o tipo narrativo esteve presente nas notas sociais. A posição do sujeito foi analisada em função dos seguintes grupos de fatores: tipo sintático do verbo, tipo morfológico do sujeito, padrão de construção e tipo textual. Como principais resultados, constatou-se: (i) um índice de posposição de 47% em notas sociais e de 19,2% em artigos de opinião; (ii) tipo do verbo (transitivo direto) 21,7% em artigos de opinião e 44,7% em notas sociais; neste mesmo gênero os verbos (inacusativo, bitransitivo, intransitivo e verbo de ligação) apresentaram, respectivamente, 71%, 45%, 37% e 37,9%; (iii) tipo morfológico do sujeito (sintagma nominal) em artigo de opinião 16,5% e 41,4% em notas sociais, 28,2% de (pronome pessoal) em artigo de opinião e 68,3% de (nome próprio) em notas sociais; (iiii) tipo textual (narrativo) 47,6% em notas sociais e em artigo de opinião 18,8% (dissertativo) e 27,8% (injuntivo)
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS