258 resultados para Cicatrização de ferimentos


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Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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In order to make a histological evaluation of the dental alveolus wound healing in presence of the Isradipine (Lomir/Sandoz Pharma), the new calcium channels blockers, forthy-eight albino rats were utilized. These animals were divided in two groups. The animals of group I were considered as control; in group II, after the dental extractions the rats received intraperitonial injections of 2,5 mg/Kg of isradipine, administered a single dose. From each group of animals were sacrificed at 3, 7, 14 and 21 post-operative days. The pieces were fixed, descalcified and embedded in paraffin. The blocks thus obtained were cut at 6 micrometers thick and sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin for morphological study. According to the results obtained i t was verified that the treated animals did not alter of wound healing after dental extractions


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The benefits of proper nutrition and analgesia are closely linked when it comes to animals that are suffering from any illness and are hospitalized. In patients who are ill or under the stress of hospitalization, increase secretion of glucagon, catecholamines, cortisol and growth hormone antagonize the effects of insulin, leading to hyperglycemia and degradation of tissue proteins to provide substrate for gluconeogenesis. These changes result in loss of lean body mass, reflecting negatively on tissue repair processes, immune response and prognosis. Likewise, the pain induced by noxious stimulation can lead to protein catabolism, stress, immunosupression, delayed wound healing and acceleration of disease processes. This review confirms the nutrition and pain control importance in hospitalized patients, showing their physiological benefits and reduction in hospital stay when the clinician understands these benefits and the animals are treated with such care


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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic illness with great potential to cause comorbidities resulting from cumulative inflammatory activities, and it contributes with the increase of disabilities and death of patients. It affects 1 to 2% of world population and usually occurs between 30 and 50 years of age. Among existing therapeutic options for the disease non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) still play an important part in the treatment, being widely used by patients to relieve pain and stiffness. However, this class of drugs causes many adverse gastrointestinal effects, such as dyspepsia, heartburn, nausea and vomit, and its use is one of the most common causes of peptic ulcers. Mangiferin (a glicosilated xanthone extracted mainly from the bark of Mangifera indica L.) is the main compound of an aqueous extract made from the bark stem of the mango tree. Previous studies conducted by our research group prove the anti-inflammatory action of mangiferin on an animal model of periodontitis, and its gastroprotective action has been described before. Considering these informations this study evaluated mangiferin’s potential on the treatment of RA and on gastric ulcer healing in animal models, and analyzed toxicity parameters to assure efficacy and safety of the compound as potential new drug for the treatment of the disease. RA was induced in rats by subcutaneous injection of bovine collagen and Freund’s complete adjuvant. This method presented low incidence of RA in rats, but we were able to induce the disease in 60 to 70% of the animals. Due to the wide use of NSAIDs and its potential to cause peptic ulcers, we induced gastric ulcer on arthritic rats to analyze mangiferin’s gastric healing effect. After 14 days of treatment we noticed small increase of the lesion area of animals treated with mangiferin or ibuprofen, when compared to the animals... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Já é bem estabelecido que, após a realização de exercícios aos quais não se está acostumado, principalmente se esses envolverem contrações excêntricas, ocorre um processo conhecido como dano muscular (DM). Esse processo consiste na desorganização e/ou rompimento de células musculares graças a elevados níveis de estresse mecânico e/ou metabólico. Esse processo pode ser identificado pela manifestação de sintomas clássicos como dor muscular, diminuição da amplitude de movimento, perda de força e extravasamento de proteínas intracelulares para a corrente sanguínea, entre outros. Sabe-se que, após a ocorrência do DM, o músculo acometido se recupera e passa a ser mais resistente a esse fenômeno, apresentando respostas atenuadas desses sintomas. Recentemente, diferentes estratégias de proteção contra o DM que não envolvem a realização de contrações excêntricas máximas vêm sendo apresentadas, como a realização de contrações excêntricas submáximas, contrações isométricas, treinamento de flexibilidade e aumento da temperatura muscular previamente ao exercício. O objetivo do presente estudo foi revisar essas estratégias de proteção contra o DM para melhor entender esse fenômeno. Foram realizadas pesquisas em importantes bases de dados e, os artigos encontrados que forem relevantes ao tema serão revisados e didaticamente explanados ao longo do trabalho


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As úlceras gástricas, além de representarem eventos patológicos comuns na clínica médica, são atualmente consideradas importantes desafios para a terapêutica, à medida que o tratamento e/ou prevenção dessa doença ainda apresentam limitações, como os efeitos adversos e a baixa qualidade de cicatrização. Outro grande problema é a difícil acessibilidade às terapias disponíveis pela população de baixa renda, devido ao seu alto custo. Considerando a problemática abordada, e levando em consideração que estudos têm mostrado que terpenóides têm apresentado atividade antiúlcera bastante significativa, propusemos investigar o efeito gastroprotetor do monoterpeno Citral em úlceras gástricas experimentais induzidas tanto por etanol quanto por antiinflamatórios não esteroidais (utilizando a Indometacina como agente indutor das ulcerações), bem como avaliar seu efeito cicatrizante. O Citral mostrou ser gastroprotetor frente ao agente lesivo etanol, a partir da dose de 25 mg/kg, em uma relação dose-dependente quando administrado oralmente, sendo mais potente do que a Carbenoxolona, utilizada como controle positivo, a partir de uma dose duas vezes menor [dose de 50 mg/kg, na qual o Citral apresentou 98 % de proteção em relação ao controle negativo (Tween 80 a 8%), contra 85 % de proteção proporcionada pela Carbenoxolona na dose de 100 mg/kg]. No entanto, no modelo de indução de úlceras gástricas por Indometacina o Citral mostrou um efeito dual, ao passo que em doses intermediárias (25 e 50 mg/kg) apresentou efeito gastroprotetor, e em doses extremas (100 e 200 mg/kg) apresentou uma significativa potencialização das lesões, permitindo assim a hipótese de um possível efeito antiinflamatório e/ou antinociceptivo nessas doses. Também foi verificado seu efeito cicatrizante na dose de 25 mg/kg, sendo tão eficaz quanto o Lansoprazol (controle positivo)... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The objective of the present study was to compare in which part (lower limb or upper limb) the repeated bout effect has the greatest magnitude. Twelve males individuals with no recent (6 months) experience with resisted training participated in this study. The subjects were randomly divided into two groups (legs and arms) and came to the laboratory 5 times. 1st) adaptation to the dynamometer. 2nd) to perform one bout of eccentric exercise (EE) and provide markers such as isometric peak torque (IPT), delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) (both collected before and after the bout) and concentration of the creatine kinase (CK) enzyme in the blood (only before the bout). 3rd) 48 after the first bout the same markers were collected again. After 14 days, the methodologies used in the 2nd and 3rd visits to the laboratory were repeated respectively to determine the repeated bout effect. A significant decrease of IPT and a significant increase of CK and DOMS were found immediately after and 48 hours after the first bout of EE for the arms group. The legs group showed a significant increase in CK (48 hours after the EE) and DOMS (immediately after the EE) resulting from the first bout. In the arms group, the second bout did not cause significant increase in CK or DOMS on any of the situations, however, it provoked a decrease in force production immediately after the EE. The legs group showed a significant increase of DOMS immediately after the second bout of EE, which caused no significant increase in CK. The only marker in which the repeated bout effect happened for both groups was CK. No significant difference was found between the protections for both groups. Taking into account the results, it’s been discussed whether there is a relation between the susceptibility to muscle damage and the repeated bout effect, and also...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)