279 resultados para Arquitetura Integração


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In 2010 two retailers signed an association agreement to gain an advantage in the market, however this association has promoted many changes within the companies. So this study had the objective to analyze the organizational climate, in the integration of companies context, in order to early detect deficiencies that could pose risks to the process of integration. The results collected from the questionnaires revealed the perceptions and expectations of employees regarding the integration of companies and their level of satisfaction with the organization, in addition, the data obtained from interviews allowed us to understand and to find some causes to the level of satisfaction presented by employees. The results made possible to identify strengths as the companys image, points of failure in communication and training and dissatisfaction with the workload, then some actions were suggested with the intention to achieve greater engagement and commitment of employees and consequently contribute to the success of the Integration Program. The conclusion of this study is that the changes promoted by the integration of companies impacted in the organizational climate and increased employees dissatisfaction


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O presente trabalho trata da importncia da concepo e manuteno de espaos pblicos destinados ao lazer e a prtica esportiva sob a ptica da designao de agentes promotores de qualidade de vida urbana, por intermdio do desenvolvimento do projeto de proposta arquitetnica de Reabilitao do Centro Olmpico de Presidente Prudente SP, atual sede da SEMEPP (Secretaria Municipal de Esportes de Presidente Prudente SP). Destarte, a definio do tema justifica-se e apresenta-se basicamente como sntese de estudos direcionados a integração de dois aspectos: a prtica de esporte como indicador de qualidade de vida e a existncia de uma rea em potencial inserida no principal parque linear da cidade, o Parque do Povo, e, portanto; em um contexto urbano em processo progressivo de valorizao imobiliria, cujo aproveitamento e ocupao dos espaos revelam-se inadequados


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This project aims to study and verify the importance of effective communication in contemporary organizations, considering current factors such as globalization, new technologies and market competition that make companies be always updated. The choice of the theme is due to the necessity to know that it is important to have an integrated communication between the employees and the customers, so that the established functions in the organizations occur positively. In this context, we present the concept of management, communication and organizational culture, focusing on the integration of business communication. The importance of the employee was also a focus of the study, involving the positioning of organizations. In this context, the case study is placed, considering that companies are characterized by carefully reading the feedback and reformulating the communication, making it effective as Grendene has done. Opposing to those ideas is Terra company. Thus, the project defends the importance to work on the communication, so that it becomes effective. During the project ways and means to manage communication are shown, so that it recognizes this need and become efficient, benefiting organizations and their audiences


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo determinar a diversidade, a composio e a riqueza de espcies de aranhas e suas relaes com as diferentes fenofases de Mimosa bimucronata. Visou tambm comparar a abundncia de aranhas entre ramos com inflorescncia e com frutos, e investigar se os nveis de infestao de Acanthoscelides schrankiae so reduzidos ou intensificados (alta taxa de predao intraguilda) devido presena de aranhas. Foram coletadas 777 aranhas, distribudas em 140 morfoespcies, com uma grande proporo de indivduos jovens (ninfas). No total, treze famlias de aranhas foram identificadas, sendo que a famlia Araneidae foi a mais representativa em nmero de indivduos coletados e em nmero de morfoespcies (riqueza). Outras famlias bem representativas foram Anyphaenidae, Thomisidae, Salticidae e Theridiidae. Quando as propores de aranhas encontradas em ramos com inflorescncia e com frutos foram comparadas, no se constatou diferena significativa, mostrando que o tipo de ramo no afetou a abundncia das aranhas. No entanto, os estgios fenolgicos parecem ter influenciado a riqueza e a diversidade em uma das reas, uma vez que correlaes positivas significativas foram encontradas entre a riqueza e diversidade de morfoespcies e os valores mensais da fenologia reprodutiva. Assim, possvel que o surgimento do conjunto das estruturas reprodutivas, como ramos com botes, flores e frutos, aumentou a complexidade estrutural do habitat, interferindo significativamente na riqueza e diversidade de aranhas. Quando o nmero mdio de orifcios deixados por parasitides e bruqudeos foi comparado entre reas, tipos de agregados de frutos (com e sem a presena de teias de aranhas), e considerando a interao entre os fatores, constatou-se diferena significativa apenas entre as reas, ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrnico abaixo)


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Tendo como foco o estudo da rea interna do edifcio da Prefeitura Municipal de Bauru, o trabalho em questo visa o desenvolvimento de um projeto de interiores utilizando requisitos da arquitetura corporativa, e critrios de sustentabilidade para a escolha de materiais. Ser considerada ainda a eficincia energtica na utilizao de condicionamento de ar e iluminao, assim como a otimizao dos espaos de permanncia e fluxo de pessoas


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The intention of this survey is develop design actions about the site of the former steel from Lenis Paulista, a large and impressive area, but underutilized in the town. The aim is to revitalize it since the analysis and knowledge from the place and its surroundings, in order to solve the analysis observed: the non integration of the town, neighborhoods and public adjacent devices with the interior of the mentioned spot


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This academic work has as its objective to demonstrate the fundamental role of communication as a tool towards implantating an environmental management project in organizations, aswell as familiarizing with the complex relashionship be-tween green businesses and its publics. The concern involving environmental prob-lems are increasing and it directly affects the consumers choice and their requests on organizations behavior. The integration with all sectors of economy is necessary as a part of a developing process that has as its main objective the environmental conservation and therefore the quality of human life on planet. There is also the question of how in the process of communication there is not an only way of interven-tion, but a continuous reciprocal action. The work is accomplished with an analyses of the green management communication of the business Grupo Abril


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Of the four lacustrine deltaic models, which were found in the Pendncia formation, two are represented in the Serraria field. Respectively the deltaic models 1 and 3 shows the reservoir zones A and B. The Zone A is divided into six sub-areas. Each is representing a smaller cycle of development of sigmoidal lobes of deltaic front. Zone B produces in reservoirs of Model 3, or so called Full delta. The Zone B is formed by overlapping the deltaic plain system over the deltaic/prodeltaic front (model 1). This work uses the method of zooming with the aim to contextualize the geometric aspects of the sand bodies, highlighting the analysis of facies and diagenesis with help of pictures and testimonies of thin sections. The sigmoidal lobes of Zone A are fine to very fine sandstones, well sorted, with a arcosian composition.;practically with a weak compaction and cementation of a kind of film of clay (if very fine) and overgrowth feldspar (fine texture). This silicate phases are succeeded by cementation of poiquilotpica calcite, and after this a stage of dissolution, containing only regular permoporosity for this reservoir. Zone B has a combination of two types of deltaic plain reservoir. One is the rarest of distributary channel and the other the most common of lobes of crevasse. In the channel coarse to medium-grained and poor to moderate sorted sandstones are formed (tuning up), and with a lytic arcosiana nature. Rarely there are cements, including growth of feldspar and rhombohedral dolomite, which prevent a high permoporosity of the reservoir. In the crevasse lobes, the sandstones are laminated, fine and well sorted, arkosic, rarely with overgrowth feldspar and calcite poiquilotpica, and with a good intergranular permoporosity


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Neste projeto criou-se pequenos espaos localizados na regio central de Bauru [Calado na Rua Batista de Carvalho], propondo um design estruturado nas condies ambientais, morfolgicas e valorizando edificaes histricas. Pretendeu-se introduzir uma linguagem formal diversificada. Esta proposta de renovao urbana da rea implica em uma reestruturao urbana de maior amplitude, sendo apenas um item dos vrios necessrios para a transformao da rea. O sistema de mudanas envolve a incluso de habitao nos prdios ociosos e/ou degradados atravs de polticas pblicas. Para a proposio, foram selecionados - para a demolio - lotes desprovidos de valor histrico-arquitetnico e de menor valor comercial (geralmente de um pavimento). Pretendeu-se transform-los em quintais para a nova populao residente e para os citadinos que usufruem a rea no seu cotidiano. Os materiais e mtodos usados para a elaborao do projeto foram: fotografias, fotos areas, teses de graduao e mestrado, fotos de satlites, imagens antigas, bem como o levantamento in loco. Assim, o corredor comercial em questo ser (re)1qualificado a partir da implantao do projeto com destaque ao tratamento paisagstico, voltado integração da rea, a criao de uma unidade paisagstica e a imagem da regio em questo


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This study is the result of theoretical reflections and analyses about the role of public relations professional in existing management of cultural diversity in organizations, arising from globalisation and glocalisation. This way, we analyze new perspectives for organizational communication, considering the cultural aspects of different audiences in an organization. Thus, the goal of this work is to show another look for this activity, in which prime respect and integration amid interculturality and enable new paths for public relations, acting as ' cultural Integrator ' in this scenario. For understanding these new interfaces, the study takes as its starting point an overview of roots that gave rise to this context, starting from the analysis of various aspects of globalisation and your reflexes and impacts on organizations, plus a contextualization of the organizational communication trajectory. Then the global and local culture is discussed, as well as the glocalisation and repercussions in organizations, which gave rise to a scenary of cultural diversity and possible conflicts of that context. From the particular analysis of work, are given the implications of this encounter of multiple cultures in organizations, in addition to being presented theories of intercultural communication in trying to manage and provide the dialogue and understanding between different cultures. Finally, this study deals with the possibilities of public relations practice in interculturality, showing paths to the mediation of various interests between organizations and their audiences in the sphere of glocalization, showing the activity of International/Global public relations. It also presents the possible involvement of public relations in the management of a communication on cultural diversity scenary, showing perspectives for this activity on the theory of excellence, in order to seek understanding and understanding even in the midst of diversity


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O objetivo principal desta pesquisa analisar projetos contemporneos de urbanismo futurista, estudar representantes anteriores desse pensamento e realizar uma comparao entre eles, buscando possveis semelhanas e diferenas. Esse trabalho pretende levantar questionamentos em relao ao projeto urbano, estudando o passado e o contemporneo


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Tendo em vista a falta de espaos com infraestrutura apropriada para abrigar as atividades acadmicas relacionadas ao curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Estadual Paulista Jlio de Mesquita Filho F.C.T Presidente Prudente - SP, este trabalho prope a construo de um conjunto de equipamentos com o objetivo de criar uma soluo espacial que atenda, a partir das suas formas e funes, as necessidades dos seus usurios, propiciando a convivncia dos mesmos e a integração com a sociedade. O conjunto ser implantado dentro do campus da FCT Presidente Prudente, e a proposta vai ao encontro com o conceito de revitalizao da rea escolhida atravs da integração da mesma com o restante do campus. O objeto em questo trata-se de um conjunto formado por salas de aula, ateliers de arquitetura, atelier plstico, espaos de exposies, auditrio, laboratrios, salas de pesquisa e salas dotadas de infraestrutura bsica, aptas a receber os mais variados tipos de atividades. A pretenso do projeto prover espaos adequados ao ensino e aprendizagem das matrias de arquitetura e urbanismo, mas ao mesmo tempo beneficiar todos os cursos do campus e sem deixar de considerar o potencial de expanso de cursos da FCT-Unesp