234 resultados para –Alternativas ao Uso de Animais


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In the last decades several hormonal treatments to induce multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET) have been developed. Tight control of the time of ovulation allowed the use of fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) in bovine embryos donors, facilitating animal management. Although, protocols that allow FTAI have evolved and yield as much embryo as conventional protocols that requires estrus detection, substantial increase in viable embryo production has not been observed in superestimulated bovine cattle. The present review put emphasis on superestimulatory protocols in wich the last two doses of pFSH are replaced by eCG or LH. Recent results indicate that an extra LH stimulus (using eCG or LH), on the last day of P-36 superestimulatory treatment, seems to improve transferable embryo yield in both Bos taurus and Bos indicus cattle.


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Mouse embryo production by superstimulation is a multifactorial process. To minimize the number of sacrificed animals and to maximize the results of the superstimulatory treatment, it should be possible to predict the risk of do not get embryos from such a treated animal. This work aimed to evaluate if the variables - hormone concentration and the timing of its administration, the copulatory plug presence and individual male used to mating – could be predictive factors on the mouse embryo production. Females were distributed in four groups (cross-over design) related to scheduled superstimulation treatment (1300h or 1700h) and eCG/hCG administered concentration (5 or 10IU). After the hCG treatment, females were put to mate. On the next morning it was verified the presence of a copulatory plug (D0.5). Embryo recovery was performed from D2.5 to D4.5 by flushing the oviducts and uterine horns. Total structures recovered (TSR) and the viable embryos (VE) were classified by its morphology. Viability rate (VR) was calculated with VE in relation to TSR (x100). Group comparison was analyzed with 5% of significance. There were no significant differences among groups, even when only main effects were analyzed (hormone concentration and timing of its administration). There was significant difference in VR from animals with or without plug and from the worst and best males used. It was concluded that neither the hormone concentration nor timing of its administration - or their association – was significant as predictive factors for the embryo production. However, the plug presence was related to higher VR.


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This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of a shower before and after pig transportation on welfare, meat and carcass quality. We used 384 crossbreeding animals (females and castrated males), from 16 farms in Santa Catarina State, Brazil. A 2x4 factorial arrangement of treatments was employed with two distances from farm to slaughter plant (less than 50km and more than 50km) and four showering protocols. These protocols were applied on pigs: no showering at farm or slaughter plant (Control), no showering at farm but showering at the plant (NMG_MOF); showering at the farm and no showering at the plant (MOG_NMF); showering at the farm and plant (MOG_MOF). None of the factors influenced (P>0.05) physiological variables related to stress (cortisol and lactate in blood samples), number of carcass lesions and the characteristics of meat quality.


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Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV


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A tecnologia assistiva favorece a participação do aluno com paralisia cerebral nas diferentes atividades do contexto escolar, pois possibilita que a criança atue de modo construtivo no seu processo de ensino e aprendizagem. O objetivo deste estudo foi operacionalizar as etapas de confecção de recursos da tecnologia assistiva para crianças com paralisia cerebral no contexto da Educação Infantil. Para contemplar este objetivo geral foram estabelecidos os seguintes objetivos específi cos: caracterizar os alunos que participaram do estudo, os seus professores e o contexto escolar que estavam inseridos. O estudo foi realizado em escolas municipais de Educação Infantil, sendo que seus participantes foram dois alunos com paralisia cerebral e seus respectivos professores. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio da atuação colaborativa entre o terapeuta ocupacional e o professor e foi dividida em cinco etapas: entender a situação, gerar ideias, escolher as alternativas viáveis, representar a ideia e construir o recurso de tecnologia assistiva. Os procedimentos foram registrados por meio de fi lmagem, diário contínuo, gravação das entrevistas e protocolo de registro, após a organização do material coletado foi realizada a triangulação dos dados e em sequência a análise de seu conteúdo. Foi possível concluir que para a prescrição e confecção do recurso de tecnologia assistiva é necessário à implementação de um programa de intervenção por meio da atuação do terapeuta ocupacional e do professor durante as atividades na sala de aula em que o aluno esta inserido.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Os Pinguins-de-Magalhães (Spheniscus magellanicus) (Forster, 1781) são aves marinhas que se reproduzem em grandes colônias nas costas da Argentina, do Chile e nas Ilhas Malvinas. Quando animais desta espécie são mantidos em cativeiro, é frequente que deixem de exibir comportamentos típicos da espécie, tornando-se sedentários e apresentando baixo índice de reprodução. Nestas condições, por passarem muito tempo fora da água sustentando todo o peso do corpo sobre as patas apoiadas em piso firme, os pinguins podem desenvolver lesões nas patas denominadas pododermatites. Tendo em vista que o padrão temporal do comportamento é alterado por estressores e que o acompanhamento deste padrão pode contribuir para a determinação do bem estar animal, avaliamos neste estudo o padrão de atividade e de uso do recinto de três fêmeas e três machos residentes no Sabina Escola Parque do Conhecimento (Santo André, SP). Os animais foram observados por 2 a 3 dias em quatro períodos: janeiro, março, maio e julho de 2014. Foram realizadas seis varreduras sucessivas a cada 7 minutos nos seguintes intervalos de horários: 8h-8h50, 9h25-10h15, 10h50-11h40, 12h20-13h10, 13h40- 14h30 e 15h05-15h55. Em cada varredura foi registrado o estado comportamental (repouso, atividade ou não visível) e a área do recinto em que cada animal se encontrava (em quadrantes). Verificamos que os animais eram ativos na maior parte das observações visíveis: 73,4% das varreduras obtidas em janeiro, 65,8% em março, 89,0% em maio e 86,3% em julho. O coeficiente de atividade foi diferente entre os intervalos de horário: teste de Friedman em janeiro (Fr(3)=20,5; p=0,001), março (Fr(3)=19,9; p=0,001), maio (Fr(3)=15,4; p=0,01) e julho (Fr(3)=17,1; p=0,005); sendo que nos primeiros intervalos da manhã os animais eram mais ativos do que à tarde (post-hoc p<0,01). O uso da região frontal do recinto era maior pela manhã, momento sem visitação pública, nos meses de...


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Since the discovery of x rays, the use of radiation in oncology has advanced remarkably. In Brazil, radiation therapy in animals is limited to some isolated studies in public universities and the procedures performed is still precarious because radiation equipments are expensive and there is still a lack of skilled professionals. The transmissible venereal tumor (TVT) is a contagious neoplasm of spontaneous occurrence, commonly treated with vincristine. This paper describes the positive experience of radiotherapy as an isolated option or as an combined treatment with vincristine in three cases of TVT. It was observed that radiotherapy may be used in routine clinical chemotherapy alone or combined with chemotherapy since suitable sources of radiation are provided.


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Background: The principles of tissue regeneration to repair alveolar bone defects are based on the fabrication of a biologic barrier with different biomaterials. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the guided bone regeneration (GBR) by using membrane of demineralized bovine bone matrix (DBBM) on experimental defects in tibia of dogs. Methods: Four dogs were used and after anesthesia, shaving and antisepsis, two standardized bone defects were created on the right tibia of each animal with trephine drill. In the Control Group, the defects were filled with blood coagulum, while in the Treated Group, a membrane of DBBM was used to cover the defects. After 90 days, animals were sacrificed. Results: In the Treated Group, 67.4% of new bone formation was observed and, in the Control Group, 32.6% of the bone tissue reabsorbed when compared with initial bone volume. The membrane remained intact and no inflammatory tissue was observed on membrane/ bone interface. Conclusion: It was concluded that the use of DBBM is an osteoconductive material, presents biocompatibility and may be promise option to repair bone defects.