247 resultados para substância


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Compostos orgânicos extraídos da biomassa de queima de cana-de-açúcar têm ação genotóxica sobre os organismos vivos, contribuindo para mutagenicidade celular e desenvolvimento do câncer. Extratos vegetais vêm sendo estudados para avaliar sua capacidade de modificar a atividade de agentes mutagênicos. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar o eventual efeito antimutagênico e antigenotóxico do extrato etanólico da planta Casearia sylvestris e de uma substância pura isolada (Casearina U), frente efeito mutagênico e genotóxico de compostos orgânicos extraídos do particulado de queima de cana-de-açúcar. Durante 15 dias camundongos dos grupos teste (n=10) foram tratados com extrato etanólico de C. sylvestris nas concentrações de 0,13; 0,25 e 0,5 mg/mL (3,9; 7,5 e 15 mg/kg) ou com Casearina U nas concentrações de 0,01; 0,02 e 0,04 mg/mL (0,3; 0,6 e 1,2 mg/kg) através de gavagem, administrando posteriormente compostos orgânicos extraídos do particulado de queima de cana-de-açúcar (0,3mg/mL) por via intraperitoneal. Foi utilizado também o grupo controle negativo (tratado com água por gavagem e salina intraperitoneal), controle positivo (água por gavagem e ciclofosfamida 50mg/kg) e controle de poluente (água por gavagem e particulado de queima de cana-de-açúcar via intraperitoneal). Foi realizado teste do micronúcleo em eritrócitos policromáticos de medula óssea de camundongo para avaliação do efeito antimutagênico do extrato etanólico de C. sylvestris e da Casearina U. O extrato etanólico de C. sylvestris demonstrou efeito protetor antimutagênico nas concentrações de 3,9 mg/kg (p<0,01), 7,5 mg/kg (p<0,01) e 15,0 mg/kg (p<0,05), com as respectivas porcentagens de inibição de 81,25, 80,47 e 60,94%. Não foi observada diferença estatística entre as quantidades de eritrócitos policromáticos e normocromáticos, indicando que a redução do número ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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No mundo, é alto e crescente o número de pessoas que fazem uso de substâncias psicoativas de abuso. Estudos clínicos demonstram que a exposição ao estresse pode aumentar o risco ao abuso de drogas, a vulnerabilidade para o desenvolvimento de dependência e a probabilidade de recaídas. O uso repetido de substâncias de abuso pode promover sensibilização comportamental. A sensibilização comportamental reflete em neuroadaptações que estão envolvidas no desenvolvimento da farmacodependência. Logo, tanto a administração repetida da substância de abuso quanto a exposição repetida a situações de estresse podem promover sensibilização comportamental, culminando em administração subsequente de substâncias de abuso. Esse fenômeno é chamado de sensibilização cruzada entre estresse e drogas. Em modelos animais, a sensibilização comportamental pode ser demonstrada pelo aumento progressivo da resposta locomotora a uma dose fixa da substância psicoativa após a exposição repetida a drogas ou ao estresse. Altos índices de uso de substância psicoativa de abuso tem sido observados entre adolescentes, no Brasil e no mundo. Adultos e adolescentes apresentam diferenças em relação à resposta às drogas e ao estresse. Embora seja de grande relevância, poucos são os estudos realizados para avaliar o efeito do estresse em modelos animais de adolescência. Desta forma, o objetivo desse projeto foi estudar se a exposição ao estresse crônico de isolamento social durante a adolescência promove sensibilização comportamental cruzada com a cocaína em ratos adultos e adolescentes


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The Doppler ultrasound allows the assessment of blood flow and the differentiate vessels according to each spectral pattern, location and organ that irrigate, helping the examinations and disease diagnosis. The main methods used are Pulsed Doppler, Color Doppler and Power Doppler. In Brazil veterinary medicine, it shows progress since 1990, but its use is limited by the equipment high cost, the need for operator experience and patient cooperation. There are studies in obstetrics and reproduction of dogs and cats, such as evaluation of the testicular vasculature, including the use of contrast material, and attempts to evaluate prostate in healthy dogs or pathological conditions (cancer and testicular torsion , orchitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia; estrous cycle monitoring, evaluation of irrigation in follicles and corpus luteum, uterus and breasts (mammary tumors) in bitches; monitoring pregnancy from the assessment of maternal, fetal and placental hemodynamics, both in dogs as in cats, and aspirations for early detection of pregnancy in dogs. However, new studies are still required, given the lack of these species, especially cats


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Petroleum and its subproducts are considered a treat for the environmental quality because of the many environmental accidents that may occur during exploitation, transport and storage. A common remediation technique used in the contaminated areas is based on the use of surfactants, mainly the chemical ones, because they have low production costs. In the other hand, some microorganisms have indicate capacities of producing surfactants that emulsify substances and as result, offer a bigger contact surface for the microbiota degradation. This biossurfactants stand out in comparison with the chemical surfactants because they present lower micelar concentration values, are more tolerant for temperature and pH variation, because they are biodegradable, have low toxicity, higher emulsification and hydrocarbon solubilization index. In this way, after the surfactant application, a toxicity evaluation have to be made to identify the treatment effects. In soil, the activity of some microbial enzymes can show the environmental behavior of the contaminant under different treatment conditions. Dehydrogenase is one example of those enzymes that can demonstrate indirectly the effect of the pollutant on the soil microorganisms. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the toxicity after the addition of a surfactant and/or Pseudomonas aeruginosa LBI in soil contaminated by a mineral automotive lubricant. The previous mentioned bacteria are a potential biossurfactant (rhamnolipid) producer. In order to evaluate the toxicity, the dehydrogenase test was run. In this test, trifeniltetrazolium compound (TTC) after utilized as an electron acceptor, turns into trifenil formazan (TPF), that can be indirectly quantified using the absorbance measured by the spectrophotometer UV-visible. In this way, it was possible to quantify the dehydrogenase activity from the contaminated soil samples... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate in vitro antimicrobial activity of chlorhexidine gel and liquid 2%, and 2% sodium hypochlorite on Candida albicans, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli in root canals. For this, we used 40 human single-rooted teeth were divided into 4 groups (n = 10) according to assist the chemical used: 1) 2% chlorhexidine liquid, 2) 2% chlorhexidine gel, 3) sodium hypochlorite 2%, and 4) physiological saline (control). Content were collected immediately after root canal instrumentation and after 7 days of biomechanical. For the samples was conducted to evaluate the antimicrobial activity and the results were subjected to statistical analysis of Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's test with a significance of 5%. It was found that chlorhexidine gel and liquid as well as sodium hypochlorite were effective against the microorganisms tested


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The aim of this study was to verify if α-tocopherol, the main substance of Vitamin E and also the one with the major antioxidant propriety, could offer citoprotection to a stomach damaged by alcohol. There are many forms of α-tocopherol, two forms of them were evaluated; d-l-α-tocopherol, the synthetic form and d-α-tocopherol, the natural form of α-tocopherol. Three experiments were made, all of them having absolute ethanol as the lesion agent, but the period and the doses changed in each of them. In the first two experiments, each group of animals received a different form of α-tocopherol and in the third experiment, they’ve received α-tocopherol p.o. for the period of seven days before the lesion agent was administrated. Moreover, immunohistochemistry assays were made from the stomachs samples of the third experiment to verify possible mechanisms involving nitric oxide and 2-cyclooxygenase. Satisfactory results of citoprotection have been obtained when the two forms were administered in the period of one week at doses of 100 mg/kg for synthetic form and 150 mg/kg for natural type. Nevertheless, the two forms didn’t differ statistically in their effectiveness against ethanol. The immunohistochemistry assays showed an increase of the levels of NO and COX2 in relation with the negative control, although there was no correlation between this increase and the gastroprotective effect. In conclusion, α-tocopherol has gastroprotection effect in some doses, but apparently there is no such a thing like the better the dose, the better the effect; that citoprotection don’t have a relationship with NO neither with COX2; the natural and the synthetic form don’t differ in their gastroprotection effect. More studies must be done looking forward an effective dose and also to understand the mechanisms underlay the citoprotection of α-tocopherol in the stomach


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O agente etiológico da doença de Chagas, Trypanosoma cruzi, é responsável pela infecção de milhões de pessoas na América Latina. No momento há apenas dois fármacos disponíveis, o nifurtimox (5-nitrofurano), teve o uso descontinuado no Brasil, e o benzonidazol (2-nitroimidazole), embora ambos possuam ações limitadas, visto que dependem da fase da doença, das condições fisiológicas do hospedeiro, da suscetibilidade e variabilidade genética da cepa. Assim, a busca de novas moléculas torna-se urgente e necessária, bem como a compreensão do mecanismo de resistência aos fármacos tripanocidas. Alguns estudos relatam aumento na produção de enzimas que atuam na defesa celular, as quais, provavelmente, poderiam ser responsáveis pela resistência de certas cepas do parasita. Tais enzimas têm funções importantes na sobrevivência e crescimento dos parasitas: superóxido dismutase (SOD), uma metaloenzima que elimina radicais superóxido ao convertê-los em peróxido de hidrogênio e oxigênio molecular; old yellow enzyme (OYE), que é uma NADPH flavina oxidoredutase e pode estar envolvida na redução de substâncias tripanocidas; e, peroxiredoxina (Prx), que catalisa a redução de peróxidos. O objetivo deste projeto é avaliar a suscetibilidade de diferentes cepas ao benzonidazol, clonar, sequenciar e expressar enzimas possivelmente envolvidas na resistência a este fármaco e realizar análises morfológicas serão nos parasitos após serem expostos à substância em questão. Futuramente os anticorpos policlonais obtidos a partir das proteínas recombinantes de Prx, SOD e OYE serão empregados para avaliar o nível de expressão das mesmas em parasitas tratados e não tratados com o benzonidazol.


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O Brasil possui cerca de 8.000 quilômetros de costa litorânea, a segunda maior do mundo depois da Austrália. Apesar do território marítimo brasileiro apresentar 3,6 milhões de quilômetros quadrados de extensão, as pesquisas relacionadas ao levantamento de potenciais recursos brasileiros obtidos a partir de espécies marinhas ainda são incipientes. O interesse de empresas farmacêuticas por compostos isolados de microrganismos vem crescendo lentamente devido às dificuldades até então encontradas para o isolamento e cultivo dos mesmos. No entanto, com o avanço destas técnicas, recentes estudos demonstram que compostos isolados de microrganismos marinhos representam uma rica e ainda pouco explorada fonte de novos compostos bioativos (estima-se que apenas 1% dos microrganismos marinhos foram cultivados e identificados). Recentes estudos que apontam para o potencial farmacológico de compostos isolados de microrganismos nos instigaram à busca de novos fármacos com potencial imunoestimulador não apenas a partir de invertebrados, mas também de microrganismos marinhos e seus metabólitos secundários bioativos. Neste trabalho, após avaliação do potencial imunomodulador de extratos brutos derivados de microrganismos marinhos, obteve-se a substância pura Pirenocine A, isolada do fungo Penicillium paxilli, que mostrou-se promissora devido sua capacidade de diminuir a produção de óxido nítrico e citocinas pró-inflamatórias em macrófagos estimulados com LPS tanto no protocolo profilático quanto terapêutico ...


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O aumento da incidência de Doenças Sexualmente Transmissíveis (DSTs) em alunos do ensino fundamental e médio está ocorrendo no mesmo período em que se dá o crescimento da prevalência de consumo de etanol nesta faixa etária. Alguns estudos têm demonstrado a relação entre o uso de etanol e comportamentos sexuais de risco na adolescência. O aumento do número de publicações das relações entre o uso de substâncias psicoativas e as DSTs revela a crescente preocupação dos pesquisadores da área de saúde mundial com esses dois problemas importantes. Essas questões atingem uma camada importante da população – os adolescentes – podendo interferir no desenvolvimento desses indivíduos que constituirão a população adulta e produtiva da sociedade no futuro. Há muitos trabalhos de conscientização contra o alcoolismo ou DSTs visando o público jovem, porém há poucos que correlacione os dois temas. Portanto, o presente trabalho se propôs a estudar a relação entre o consumo abusivo de etanol, como substância psicoativa, e o comportamento sexual de risco através do levantamento do perfil de estudantes do Ensino Médio em uma Escola Estadual da cidade de Botucatu, evidenciando a real importância de adoção de estratégias pedagógicas mais efetivas que trate dos temas em questão. O uso de etanol nessa população mostrou estar associado ao aumento no número de estudantes com vida sexual ativa, diminuição na idade de iniciação sexual, menor uso de preservativo e atos de arrependimento e violência. Conclui-se, assim, a necessidade da escola, enquanto espaço privilegiado da informação e saber, ater-se em programas que tratem dos temas em questão (drogas e sexualidade) oportunizando o diálogo e a reflexão


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O presente estudo analisou os efeitos da substância química fipronil, ingrediente ativo do Frontline® (acaricida e inseticida), nas glândulas salivares de fêmeas em jejum e semi-ingurgitadas de carrapatos Rhipicephalus sanguineus. As fêmeas em jejum foram expostas apenas à concentração de 1ppm do composto e as semi-ingurgitadas foram expostas a três concentrações de 1ppm, 5ppm e 10ppm (foi utilizada água destilada como controle). Os resultados histológicos e histoquímicos revelaram ação significativa desse composto, alterando morfofisiologicamente o tecido glandular dos indivíduos em jejum e semiingurgitados. Nas fêmeas em jejum, verificaram-se mudanças morfológicas nos ácinos do tipo I, como aumento do tamanho e do diâmetro do seu lúmen. Estas mudanças, provavelmente, estejam relacionadas à função excretora, apontando para os ácinos I como sendo os responsáveis pela eliminação do sistema deste xenobiótico ao qual o parasita foi exposto. Naquelas semi-ingurgitadas, o composto não interferiu no processo de morte que, nestes indivíduos, é por meio de apoptose. Nas fêmeas semi, no entanto, o fipronil acelerou o processo de degeneração das glândulas salivares, que se intensificou (danos mais acentuados) à medida que aumentaram as concentrações do produto. Os dados aqui apresentados deixaram clara a interferência dessa substância no processo de ingurgitamento das fêmeas de R. sanguineus, o que conseqüentemente poderia refletir no seu processo reprodutivo, diminuindo ou mesmo cessando a postura de ovos e provocando menores perdas de sangue nos hospedeiros, reduzindo assim, a transmissão de patógenos veiculados por estas glândulas.


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Apocynin has been used as an efficient inhibitor of the multi-enzymatic complex NADPH oxidase in many experimental models involving phagocytic and nonphagocytic cells. The mechanism of inhibition has been linked with the previous activation of apocynin through the action of cellular peroxidases leading to the formation of a dimeric oxidation product, diapocynin. In this study we compared apocynin with pure diapocynin regarding their effects as scavenger of hydrogen peroxide and hypochlorous generated by glucose/glucose oxidase and myeloperoxidase respectively, and as inhibitors of the production of hydrogen peroxide and hypochlorous acid by activated neutrophils. The production of hydrogen peroxide was measured by the oxidation of the fluorescent substance Amplex Red and the production of hypochlorous acid by was measured as taurine-chloramine derivative using the chromogenic substrate 3,3’,5,5’- tetramethylbenzidine (TMB). Neutrophils (1 x106 cells/mL) were pre-incubated in PBS buffer supplemented with 1 mM calcium chloride, 0.5 mM magnesium chloride, 1 mg/mL glucose and 5 mM taurine in the presence or absence of inhibitors. The reactions were triggered by adding the soluble stimulus Forbol Miristate Acetate PMA or zymosan and incubated by additional 30 minutes. We found that pure diapocynin was not better than apocynin regarding its scavenger and inhibitory properties. These results suggest that the formation of diapocynin is not essential for the action of apocynin as inhibitor of NADPH oxidase activation


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The ethyl carbamate is a compound present in most foods yeast-distillates; due to its carcinogenic potential, national legislation has established a limit of 0.150 µg / mL for spirits, so the values above the same, pose a threat to both public health as well for the economic sector by preventing the export of these products. The aim of this work is to provide the optimization of an analytical method employing the technique of gas chromatography equipped with flame ionization detector (FID) to determine the concentration levels of ethyl carbamate in some samples of wine. The use of ethyl acetate as solvent employed in the extraction, the ethyl carbamate present in wine samples proved to be suitable, where Recoveries were between 97.6 to 103.3% (m / m), with a standard deviation for between 0.56 to 3.50%. The concentrations of ethyl carbamate in particular wine samples vary between 3.22 µg / ml and 3.80 µg / mL, with a mean of 3.48 µg / mL. These valuesare all above the limit set by law. Thus, the results indicate the need for changes in the process of wine production, in order to control the levels of the substance


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Along the Earth globe we can find many types of psychoactive plants. Among them is the Ipomoea violacea, popularly known as Morning Glory. There are ergotalkaloids producer associated-fungus in its leaves and seeds. One of these alkaloids that can be found is the ergine (or LSA), a homologous substance of the lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). There are many discussions around the world about the inclusion of LSA in the list of controlled substances. In Brazil, this was recently prohibited. One of the most important point of view in the study of isotopic composition of 13C and 15N of this plant is the fact that there is a total alkaloid variation in function of its geographic origin like was verified in 1960’s, besides to aggregate knowledge about it. This work was made to verify if the isotopic ratio can be used as a tool in tracing this illegal Brazilian plant. We could conclude that this plant presents a C3 photosynthetic pathway, its parts has different isotopic carbon and nitrogen composition and that stable isotope analysis can be successfully used as a tool to detect its geographic origin


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Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is a therapeutic method which employs a photosensitizer and light to cause cellular death. The chemical compounds have low or none toxicity for hosts cells. Under the incidence of light, in an appropriated wavelength, these chemical compounds produce reactive oxygen which affects the biomolecules of the target-cells. The specific illumination of the affected area increases the selectivity of the therapy, since the photodynamic process occurs only in the irradiated area. Pythiosis, for instance, is a life-threatening emerging disease caused by a fungus-like organism called Pythium insidiosum. The disease occurs in man and other animals, being mostly observed in horses. Human pythiosis may present as ophthalmic, cutaneous-subcutaneous and systemic forms of lesions. Due to the fact that P. insidiosum is not a true fungus, it is refractory to most antifungal drugs and the treatment of the disease is difficult. Extensive surgery procedures, such as limb amputation, are the treatment of choice, however relapses may occur frequently. Although not totally effective, the use of immunotherapy associated to surgery have shown some results. Considering that pythiosis is an emerging disease few explored in its etiological and therapeutic aspects, which are limited and few effective, it is of great importance to encourage the development of researches for new strategies of treatment. In this sense, it was evaluated the effect of PDT on in vitro growth of the pathogen employing two chemical compounds as photosensitizer, porphyrin and chlorine, at different concentrations in combination with several energetic dosages. Porphyrin showed inhibition of growth at 25mg/mL with 100J/cm2 of energetic dosage and chlorine showed similar results employing low concentrations (0,7, 1,0 and 1,3mg/mL) with 70J/cm2 of energetic dosage... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of chlorhexidine gel 2% as auxiliary chemical substance on the biomechanical preparation (BMP) and medication intracanal (ICM) on C. albicans, E. faecalis, E. coli and their endotoxin in root canals. We used 48 single-rooted human teeth divided into four groups according to dressing ICM: 1) Ca(OH)2 + pyrogen-free saline solution; 2) 2% chlorhexidine gel (CLX); 3) Ca(OH)2 + CLX, and; 4) pyrogen-free saline solution (control group). Were collected the contents of root canals to confirm the presence of microorganisms (confirmation), immediately after instrumentation (1st collection), after 7 days of the BMP (2nd collection), after 14 days of the action of ICM (3rd Collection) and 7 days after removal of the ICM (4 th collection). Were performed: the evaluation of antimicrobial activity and the content analysis of endotoxins for all sampling tests. The results were statistically analyzed using Kruskall-Wallis and Dunn tests with a significance of 5%. It was found that the CLX as auxiliary chemical substance has significantly reduced microorganisms confirmation collection when compared. In relation to the neutralization of endotoxin, it was found that the 1st and 2nd collections presented a decrease of 92.03% and 98.10% in mean percentage respectively, when compared to the confirmation collection. In the 3rd and 4th samplings, the Ca (OH)2 + CLX group showed the best results. It was concluded that the BMP and the ICM were able to eliminate the tested microrganisms, however, they were not able to completely eliminate endotoxins root canal