487 resultados para shells of Calyptogena sp.


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The effects of time averaging on the fossil record of soft-substrate marine faunas have been investigated in great detail, but the temporal resolution of epibiont assemblages has been inferred only from limited-duration deployment experiments. Individually dated shells provide insight into the temporal resolution of epibiont assemblages and the taphonomic history of their hosts over decades to centuries. Epibiont abundance and richness were evaluated for 86 dated valves of the rhynchonelliform brachiopod Bouchardia rosea collected from the inner shelf. Maximum abundance occurred on shells less than 400 yr old, and maximum diversity was attained within a century. Taphonomic evidence does not support models of live-host colonization, net accumulation, or erasure of epibionts over time. Encrustation appears to have occurred during a brief interval between host death and burial, with no evidence of significant recolonization of exhumed shells. Epibiont assemblages of individually dated shells preserve ecological snapshots, despite host-shell time averaging, and may record long-term ecological changes or anthropogenic environmental changes. Unless the ages of individual shells are directly estimated, however, pooling shells of different ages artificially reduces the temporal resolution of their encrusting assemblages to that of their hosts, an artifact of analytical time averaging. © 2006 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.


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This work had as objective verifies the water quality used for irrigation by the vegetables producers of Botucatu-SP area. They were interviewed 27 producers that sell vegetables in the street markets of Botucatu. Among these producers, ten were selected, being one of each place. Three samples of water of each source were collected. The main standard to evaluate the obtained results were the CONAMA Resolution (National Environment Council) N° 357, March 17, 2005, that it establishes the standard for water classification. The Electric Conductivity was evaluated of agreement value suggested by CETESB and the color was verified according to OMS (Health World Organization), for potable water due to CONAMA Resolution not to stipulate a value for classification. For the public health, just the coliformes and nitrate are the preoccupying variables for they be related with the incidence of diseases, so, the analyzed waters, 40% of them (A, F, H and J producers) offer some risk for the health of Botucatu population, second established standard for CONAMA. We can to conclude that in a general way, those waters, are in conditions no alarming, because they don't present values very different from those established by the legislation.


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The increasing consumption of juices, soft drinks and teas among children has increased significantly fluoride ingestion at the age range of risk for development of dental fluorosis. Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate fluoride concentrations in some brands of industrialized beverages consumed by children in the city of Bauru, SP, Brazil. Material and Methods: 98 brands of beverages were analyzed, divided into 3 lots, comprising 36, 32 and 30 brands, respectively, for the first, second and third lots. Fluoride concentrations were determined by HMDS-facilitated diffusion, using a fluoride ion-specific electrode (Orion 9409). Results: Fluoride concentrations ranged between 0.04 and 1.76 μg F/mL. It was observed a wide variation in fluoride concentrations among the different brands, as well as the different lots of the same brand. There was no information on fluoride concentrations on the labels of any product. Conclusions: Some of the products analyzed could contribute significantly to the total fluoride intake and, thus, be important risk factors for development of dental fluorosis, which indicates the need of controlling the production of these beverages with respect to fluoride concentration.


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The aim of the current work was to evaluate the occurrence of Cryptosporidium sp in AIDS patients in a region of São Paulo State, Brazil. Patients were divided into groups according to CD4+ T lymphocyte count and use of potent antiretroviral treatment. Two hundred and ten fecal samples from 105 patients were fixed in 10% formalin and subjected to centrifuge formol-ether sedimentation. Slides were stained with auramine and confirmed by modified Ziehl-Neelsen. Cryptosporidiosis occurrence was 10.5% with no relationship among gender, age or the presence of diarrhea. The number of oocysts in all samples was small, independent of CD4+ T lymphocyte count, HIV plasma viral load, and presence of diarrhea. These results may be due to the reduced prevalence of opportunistic infections in AIDS individuals after the advent of highly active antiretroviral therapy.


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The aim of the study was to determine the percentage of crude protein, crude fiber and crude fat (ether extract) of 25 genotypes of kale from the Germplasm Bank of Instituto Agronômico de Campinas and of one genotype grown in the region of Jaboticabal-SP. The plants were cultivated in the field, and the leaves after collection were pre-dried in a convection oven at 65°C for 72 h. Afterward, the leaves were analyzed for crude protein, crude fiber and crude fat (ether-soluble materials). Significant differences were detected among the different genotypes for all the characteristics examined. Of the genotypes studied, six showed more than 30% crude protein: HS-20 (32.56%), Comum (31.70%), Couve de Arthur Nogueira 2 (31.16%), Pires 2 de Campinas (30.63%), Manteiga I-916 (30.36%), and Manteiga de Ribeirao Pires I-2446 (30.03%). In relation to crude fiber, the highest percentage was seen in the genotype Manteiga de Mococa (10.92%), differing significantly from the other genotypes studied. With regard to crude fat, the highest percentage was found in the genotype HS-20 (3.72%), and Pires 1 de Campinas (3.34%). Of the genotypes tested, HS-20 stood out among the others, showing both the highest percentage of protein and fat.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the toxicity of water which flows toward the beaches of Santos, SP, Brazil. Water samples were collected from eight urban drainage channels and a small creek, in March, April and August 2005. For each sample, some physical-chemical parameters were analyzed: pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature, salinity, presence of free chlorine and total ammonia contents. Acute toxicity tests (48h) with Daphnia similis were also performed with the samples. The level of ammonia was relatively high in the majority of the samples (≥ 1.5 mg/L), and free chlorine was measurable in most of them. Acute toxicity was observed in four water samples (stations 3, 4, 5 and 7), at least in one occasion. The toxicity was positively correlated with the ammonia concentrations and salinity. Because acute toxicity was detected, actions aiming to control the pollution sources and improve the water quality are recommended.


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This study shows the importance of the institutional environment in which the local productive arrangements are entered. It shows that the specifics of each case are historical knowledge fundamental to the studies of APLs. It also shows that in areas of traditional sectors with intensive use of labor, low innovative capacity and low barriers to entry, relations that historically will be developing between firms, workers and market can be considered strong constraints of the trajectory of success or failure. The case study is a set of companies producing textiles and confecciones (products of bed, table and bath) located in the municipality of Ibitinga-SP, of great importance in the region, the high generation of employment and income. It is the study of a particular case in the context of studies on local productive arrangements (APLs), because it serves to highlight the importance of the institutional environment as a prerequisite to overcome the difficulties and consolidation of APLs.


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OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to classify and determine the prevalence of individuals with vertical alteration of facial relationships, according to the severity of discrepancy, especially individuals with long face pattern. METHODS: The sample was composed of 5,020 individuals of Brazilian nationality, of both genders, aged 10 years to 16 years and 11 months, attending fundamental schools at the city of Bauru-SP. Examination of facial morphology comprised direct observation of the face in frontal and lateral views, always with the lips at rest, aiming to identify the individuals presenting vertical alteration of facial relationships. After identification, these individuals were scored, according to severity, into three subtypes, namely mild, moderate and severe. The prevalence of individuals with long face pattern considered only the individuals scored as subtypes moderate and severe. RESULTS: There was prevalence of 34.94% of vertical alteration of facial relationships and 14.06% of long face pattern. CONCLUSIONS: The results obtained in this study revealed that the prevalence of vertical alteration of facial relationships and long face pattern was higher than reported in the literature.


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We made a cytogenetic analysis of four species of Oxyopidae and compared it with the karyotype data of all species of this family. In Hamataliwa sp, the mitotic cells showed 2n♂ = 26+X 1X 2 and telocentric chromosomes. The 2n♂ = 28, which has been described for only one oxyopid spider, is the highest diploid number reported for this family. Peucetia species exhibited distinct karyotype characteristics, i.e., 2n♂ = 20+X 1X 2 in P. flava and 2n♂ = 20+X in P. rubrolineata, revealing interspecific chromosome variability within this genus. However, both Peucetia species exhibited telocentric chromosomes. The most unexpected karyotype was encountered in Oxyopes salticus, which presented 2n♂ = 10+X in most individuals and a predominance of biarmed chromosomes. Additionally, one male of the sample of O. salticus was heterozygous for a centric fusion that originated the first chromosomal pair and exhibited one supernumerary chromosome in some cells. Testicular nuclei of Hamataliwa sp and O. salticus revealed NORs on autosomal pairs, after silver impregnation. The majority of Oxyopidae spiders have their karyotype differentiated by both reduction in diploid number chromosome number and change of the sex chromosome system to X type; however, certain species retain the ancestral chromosome constitution 2n = 26+X1X2. The most remarkable karyotype differentiation occurred in O. salticus studied here, which showed the lowest diploid number ever observed in Oxyopidae and the second lowest registered for Entelegynae spiders. © FUNPEC-RP www.funpecrp.com.br.


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This paper presents a climatic and statistical analysis of global, direct horizontal and diffuse radiation from a database of solar radiation measured from 1996 to 2006 in the city of Botucatu, SP, Brazil. Variation intervals of hourly and daily irradiation, annual mean 〈H̄G〉, 〈H̄bh〉 and 〈H̄d〉 irradiation, monthly mean 〈H̄G〉, 〈H̄ bh〉 and 〈H̄d〉 irradiation and monthly mean 〈K̄t〉, 〈K̄bh〉 and 〈K̄d〉 fractions were determined. Results showed that values of hourly and daily annual mean irradiation were as follows: 〈H̄G〉=1.49MJ/m2 and 〈H̄ G〉=17.74MJ/m2; 〈H̄bh〉=0. 90MJ/m2 and 〈H̄bh〉=10.33MJ/m2 and 〈H̄d〉=0.57 MJ/m2 and 〈H̄d〉=7.09MJ/m2, respectively. Variation intervals of hourly monthly mean irradiation were as follows: 〈H̄G〉 ranged from 1.65MJ/m2 in March to 1.16MJ/m2 in June; 〈H̄bh〉 ranged from 1.06MJ/m2 in April to 0.79MJ/m2 in June, and 〈H̄d〉 ranged from 0.70MJ/m2 in January to 0.37MJ/m2 in June and July. Similarly, daily 〈H̄ G〉 irradiation ranged from 21.35MJ/m2 in November to 12.94MJ/m2 in June; 〈H̄bh〉 ranged from 11.83MJ/m2 in April to 8.49MJ/m2 in June, and 〈H̄d〉 ranged from 10.29MJ/m2 in December to 4.38MJ/m2 in June. Variation intervals of hourly monthly mean fractions were as follows: 〈K̄t〉 ranged from 43.5% in January to 54.2% in April; 〈K̄bh〉 ranged from 33.6% in January to 58.0% in April and 〈K̄d〉 ranged from 66.4% in January to 42.0% in April. In the same way, daily 〈K̄ t〉 fractions ranged from 45.5% in January to 59.8% in August; 〈K̄bh〉 ranged from 38.9% in January to 62.0% in August and 〈K̄d〉 ranged from 61.1% in January to 37.7% in July.


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The aim of this study was to carry out a zoning in the municipal ecological park of Ourinhos, SP, located southwest of São Paulo State, aiming to subsidize the planning and management of this area. With this purpose it was made an inventory of the landscape resources of this park with hypsometry, declivity, use of soil and zoning mappings. From this zoning, we analyzed the possibilities of implementing purposes of use, with the objective of preserving this area, minimizing the negative environmental impacts. Thus, this research was of extreme importance, since it allowed to identify and rank, in the territory, areas or sectors that are priority to the development of activities, as well as contribute to the conservation of natural and socio-cultural heritage.


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Studies on new adhesives and resins for bonding wood and wood products are being carried out with the intention to improve their properties, taking into account a lower environmental impact. To this end, new formulations of polyvinyl acetate (PVA) adhesives have been developed, because they have no polluting harmful to health chemicals in their composition, in contrast to formaldehyde-based resins; which in turn are the most commonly used for wood panels production these days. This study tested three different formulations of PVA adhesives, with different pressing times and temperatures for the production of Eucalyptus sp. plywood, obtaining satisfactory results with respect to shear strength at the bondline, which was higher for the PVA adhesives compared to the urea-formaldehyde and phenol-formaldehyde panels found in the literature.


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The high demand of pesticides in the production systems makes the application technology one of the main alternatives to optimize the products efficiency. In this context, the study aimed to evaluate the effects of spray nozzles and spray volumes on spraying deposits, armyworm control and crop corn performance in narrow row sowing system. The experiment was carried out at experimental area of Sao Paulo State University, Campus of Botucatu/SP, Brazil, during the 2009/2010 agricultural season, in randomized blocks with factorial scheme (2x2+1) and four replications. It was tested two flat fan spray nozzles (with and without air induction) combined with two spray volumes (100 and 200 L ha-1) plus a control treatment. There was no influence of spray nozzles (without air induction) in the spray deposits levels on plants. However, the flat fan nozzle with air induction was more effective on fall armyworm, with 100% of control against 47.84% from other at 15 days after spraying. The increase in the spray volume promoted high spray deposits (415.4 and 388.6 μL g-1 dry mass for flat fan nozzle with and without air induction, respectively at V10 growth stage) and consequently, the highest spray volume (200 L-1) was more efficient in the fall armyworm suppression, with 100% of control. All the technologies tested showed lower plant injury from fall armyworm. The insecticide sprayed with different technologies did not affect the parameters of plant height and leaf area index. The corn productivity was directly related with control efficiency of fall armyworm. © 2012 Academic Journals Inc.


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Endive (Cichorium intybus) is one of the vegetables least studied in Brazil with respect to the behavior of the most commercialized cultivars, but it is known that the number of plants per area is one of the factors that most influences the productivity of various crops. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the behavior of endive using four spacings between rows and five spacings between plants, in the region of Jaboticabal-SP. The experiment was conducted in the field in the period of August 12, 2008 to November 6, 2008, in the experimental area of the Sector of Vegetable Crops and Aromatic-Medicinal Plants, Department of Crop Sciences, School of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences - UNESP-FCAV. The experimental design utilized was a randomized block design with a 4 × 5 factorial scheme, i.e., four spacings between rows (0.15, 0.20, 0.25 and 0.30 m) and five spacings between plants (0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25 and 0.30 m), with three repetitions. The endive cultivar studied was 'Pão-de-Acucar', obtained from the company Tecnoseed. Seedlings were established utilizing the sowing system in 200-cell Styrofoam trays containing the substrate Plantmax Vegetables® HA. The seedlings were transplanted at 37 days after planting. After harvesting, the following characteristics were determined: height (cm), diameter of the plant in rows (cm), diameter of the plant in between rows (cm), number of leaves, fresh weight (g) and total estimated productivity (t/ha). There were no interactions between the factors studied. Based on the data, we conclude that spacings of 0.15 m between rows and of 0.15 m between plants produce plants of higher quality and with greater productivity.


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This study aimed to evaluate the helminth parasites of Geophagus proximus from the São José dos Dourados River, a tributary of Paraná River, Ilha Solteira Reservoir, São Paulo State, Brazil. From May 2006 to May 2007, 116 G. proximus specimens were examined and seven different taxa of helminth were collected and identified: proteocephalidean plerocercoids (Cestoda); metacercariae of Austrodiplostomum compactum, Clinostomum heluans and Clinostomum sp. (Trematoda); and Raphidascaris (Sprentascaris) hypostomi, and larvae of Raphidascaris sp. and Contracaecum sp. (Nematoda). All parasites presented the typical aggregated pattern of distribution, as well as the presence of a high number of larval stages, an absence of influence of the host sex and seasonality upon community parameters, as well as a correlation between species richness and host body weight. Moreover, with the exception of A. compactum metacercariae, all helminths found in this study are reported for the first time in G. proximus. Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2012.