365 resultados para seminiferous epithelium


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Purpose: Several urethral conditions may require tissue substitution. One collagen-base biomaterial that recently emerged as an option is small intestinal submucosa (SIS). The aim of this study was to compare the results of SIS and buccal mucosa for urethral substitution in rabbits.Materials and Methods: Thirty-six North Folk male rabbits were randomized into three groups. In all animals, a 10 x 5 mm urethral segment was excised, and the urethral defect was repaired using a one-layer SIS patch (group I [GI]); four-layer SIS (group II [GII]); or buccal mucosa (group III [GIII]). Urethrography was performed preoperatively and after 12 weeks. After sacrifice, graft retraction was objectively measured using Scion Image (R) computer analysis and by calculation of ellipse area. The grade of fibrosis, inflammatory reaction, vascular/epithelial regeneration, and collagen III/I ratio were analyzed by hematoxylin/eosin and Picrosirius red staining.Results: Urethrography confirmed a wide urethral caliber without any signs of strictures after surgery. Urethral fistulae was diagnosed in 8.3% of cases (1 animal each group). Average graft shrinkage was 55.2% in GI; 44.2% in GII; and 57.2% in GIII (p < 0.05). The intensity of chronic inflammation, fibrosis, epithelium regeneration, and neovascularization was similar in all groups (p > 0.05). Collagen III/I ratio was higher in GII (GI: 119.6; GII: 257.2 and GIII: 115.0); p < 0.01.Conclusions: The four-layer SIS is more advantageous than the one-layer SIS and buccal mucosa for urethral substitution in rabbits.


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A úlcera gástrica figura como uma importante causa de desconforto abdominal em eqüinos jovens. de acordo com a localização das lesões na mucosa gástrica, a presença ou ausência de sinais clínicos e possíveis complicações resultantes de sua ocorrência, quatro síndromes clínicas são freqüentemente descritas em potros: 1) Úlceras assintomáticas ou silenciosas; 2) Úlceras sintomáticas ou ativas; 3) Úlceras perfuradas; e 4) Obstruções gástrica ou duodenal. Com o objetivo de se verificar a distribuição de lesões gástricas (úlceras e/ou erosões) e descamações do epitélio aglandular no estômago de eqüinos jovens assim como uma possível relação entre as alterações mencionadas (lesão/descamação) sessenta potros da raça Quarto de Milha não-portadores de sinais clínicos compatíveis com úlceras gástricas foram submetidos à gastroscopia. Os potros foram divididos em quatro faixas etárias de 15 animais cada uma, sendo: 1 a 30 dias, 31 a 60 dias, 61 a 90 dias e 91 a 120 dias de idade. As lesões ocorreram em ordem decrescente de freqüência nas regiões aglandular próximo ao margo plicatus ao longo da curvatura maior, aglandular próximo à cárdia ao longo da curvatura menor, fundo glandular e aglandular e antro. As descamações do epitélio aglandular ocorreram de forma similar nas regiões de fundo e margo plicatus. Não houve associação entre a ocorrência de lesões e descamações.


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Analisou-se a piometra de 31 cadelas, de raças e idades variadas, sendo 25 cadelas com piometra de cérvice aberta e seis de cérvice fechada. Após ovariossalpingo-histerectomia, foram coletados fragmentos da cérvice e do útero para a avaliação imunoistoquímica. Foram analisados os receptores de estrógenos α e β, progesterona e colágenos I e III. Foram realizadas imunomarcações em diferentes regiões da cérvice, como o epitélio glandular, o epitélio luminal e o estroma glandular, assim como em diferentes regiões do útero, como o epitélio glandular e o estroma glandular. As imunomarcações de colágenos I e III foram realizadas nas regiões glandular e muscular da cérvice e do útero. Concentrações de receptores de progesterona foram maiores em cadelas com piometra fechada.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a expressão das metaloproteinases 2 (MMP-2) e 9 (MMP-9) em próstatas caninas normais e com desordens proliferativas, verificando o papel dessas enzimas na remodelação da matriz extracelular (MEC) e no processo de invasão tecidual. Um total de 355 amostras prostáticas foram obtidas, sendo 36 (10,1%) normais, 46 (13,0%) com hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB), 128 (36,1%) com atrofia inflamatória proliferativa (PIA), 74 (20,8%) com neoplasia intraepitelial prostática (PIN) e 71 (20,0%) com carcinoma prostático (CP). Houve diferença de imunomarcação citoplasmática para MMP-2 e MMP-9 entre o epitélio acinar e o estroma periacinar, quanto aos diferentes diagnósticos. Observou-se correlação entre a expressão de MMP-2 e MMP-9 em relação ao número de células marcadas no epitélio acinar e estroma periacinar, bem como para a intensidade de marcação das células estromais periacinares em próstatas caninas com PIA. Conclui-se que há variação na expressão de MMP-2 e MMP-9 em próstatas caninas de acordo com a lesão, com menor expressão em próstatas caninas normais e com HPB, e maior naquelas com PIA, PIN e CP. Ainda, o microambiente inflamatório na PIA influencia a atividade de ambas as enzimas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Avaliaram-se, por método imunoistoquímico, a expressão e distribuição das metaloproteinases (MMP) 2 e 9 em amostras de endométrio hígido e de éguas portadoras de endometrite crônica. Foram utilizadas 60 biópsias endometriais. A MMP-2 foi observada na parede vascular, nas células estromais e no epitélio glandular, e a imunorreatividade mais intensa foi obtida nas células do epitélio glandular nas endometrites da categoria III e na parede vascular nos endométrios da categoria I. A marcação imunoistoquímica para MMP-9 mostrou-se difusa pelo endométrio e foi observada no epitélio luminal e glandular, na região da parede vascular, nas células estromais, endoteliais e do infiltrado inflamatório. Houve diminuição da marcação imunoistoquímica na região da parede vascular conforme aumentou o grau das lesões endometriais concomitante à diminuição da intensidade da reação. Não houve relação na expressão imunoistoquímica das metaloproteinases estudadas com o tipo de endometrite


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Stelmann U.J.P., Silva A.A, Souza B.G., Oliveira G.F., Mello E.B.F.R.B, Souza G.C.J. & Hess T.M. Dermoid cyst in sheep - A Case Report. [Cisto dermoide em ovino - Relato de Caso]. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 34(2):127-130, 2012. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ciencia, Tecnologia e Inovacao em Agropecuaria, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465, Km 7, Seropedica, RJ 23890-000, Brasil. E-mail: stelmann.ppgctia@gmail.comA dermoid cyst is a non-neoplasic, benign dermatologic injury. This article describes the finding of a dermoid cyst that was surgically extracted in a nine months aged ewe. The patient was admitted to the Large Animal Veterinary Hospital Department at the Federal Rural of Rio de Janeiro University, with a history of a non-healing wound that also contained fur. The ewe was referred to the surgical service and the histopathologic analysis of the lesion revealed a structure lined by stratified epithelium containing hair follicles, sudoriparous and sebaceous glands, which are conclusive for a dermoid cyst diagnosis.


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Um experimento foi conduzido para verificar a influência da glutamina no turnover do carbono na mucosa intestinal de leitões desmamados. Nove matrizes receberam dietas compostas basicamente de plantas do ciclo fotossintético C4 durante toda a gestação (d‰13C = 17,12) e lactação (d‰13C = -19,26). Os leitões foram desmamados aos 21 dias de idade e 68 deles foram alimentados com ração composta de plantas do ciclo fotossintético C3 (d‰13C = -25,12). Os leitões foram aleatoriamente distribuídos em duas dietas: uma sem suplementação de glutamina; e outra suplementada com 1% de glutamina. Aos 0; 1; 1,5; 2; 2,5; 3; 3,5; 4; 4,5; 5; 5,5; 8; 11; 15, 20; 29 e 46 dias pós-desmame, dois leitões de cada dieta foram abatidos para coleta de amostras da mucosa intestinal, que foram analisadas quanto à composição isotópica de d‰13C e mensurada a velocidade de substituição do carbono no tempo. Os valores da meia-vida do carbono para a mucosa intestinal foram de 6,0 e 3,5 dias para as dietas controle e com glutamina, respectivamente. A glutamina acelerou a velocidade de substituição do carbono na mucosa intestinal, evidenciando sua ação benéfica na recuperação da estrutura do intestino após o desmame.


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The aim of the present study was to monitor endometrial distribution and concentrations of oestrogen receptors alpha (ER alpha) and progesterone receptors (PR) by immunohistochemistry in Nelore cows (Bos taurus indicus) during the oestrous cycle. Blood samples were collected for progesterone measurement and endometrial samples were taken from the uterine horn contra lateral to the corpus luteum in 16 cows at days 0 (ovulation), 5, 9, 13 and 19 of the oestrous cycle. Immunostaining evaluation for ER alpha and PR in the glandular epithelium and uterine stroma was performed by two methods: positive nuclei counting and staining intensity of the nuclei. Specific positive staining reactions for both receptors were limited to cell nuclei and they were not identified in the cytoplasm. The proportion of ER alpha positive nuclei had a temporal variation throughout the oestrous cycle in both cell types evaluated and was higher in uterine stroma than the glandular epithelium (p < 0.05). The greatest proportion of ER alpha stained nuclei was observed at oestrus and during the initial and mid luteal phase (days 5, 9 and 13) (p < 0.05) in the glandular epithelium and at days 0, 5 and 9 in the uterine stroma (p < 0.01). The proportion of PR positive nuclei remained constant throughout the entire oestrous cycle for both cell types evaluated (p > 0.05). A higher proportion of PR positive nuclei was measured in the uterine stroma compared with the glandular epithelium (p < 0.05). Intensity of staining for ER alpha and PR varied throughout the oestrous cycle (p < 0.01). There was a higher staining intensity at days 0 and 5 in the stroma for ER alpha (p < 0.01) and PR (p < 0.01) and in the glandular epithelium at days 0, 5, 9 and 13 for ER alpha (p < 0.01) and at days 0, 5 and 9 for PR (p < 0.01) when compared with the other evaluated days. These data demonstrate that ER alpha and PR expression varied throughout the oestrous cycle in Nelore cows, in general with highest concentrations at oestrus and the lowest during the luteal phase. This is similar to patterns observed in Bos taurus taurus.


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Dados histológicos e morfométricos foram obtidos de útero de cadelas nulíparas (n=6), multíparas (n=6) e de cadelas tratadas com contraceptivo (n=6). Para esse fim foram usadas seis amostras de cornos uterinos, em corte médio, para cada grupo. As mensurações das espessuras da parede uterina, endométrio total, miométrio total, miométrio interno, miométrio externo, estrato vascular e diâmetro das glândulas endometriais normais não foram estatisticamente significantes entre as cadelas multíparas e tratadas, com exceção para a altura do epitélio de glândulas normais. As mensurações das espessuras da parede uterina, endométrio total, miométrio total, miométrio interno, diâmetro das glândulas normais e altura do epitélio glandular foram significantes, comparando cadelas nulíparas com as multíparas e/ou tratadas, com exceção para as espessuras do miométrio externo e estrato vascular. Diante dos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que os dados numéricos confirmam que (1) o uso de anticoncepcionais e sucessivas gestações afetam a estrutura uterina em seu total; (2) o miométrio externo e estrato vascular foram as regiões que menos sofreram alterações comparando-se os 3 grupos; (3) as variações morfológicas ocorreram com a mesma intensidade no endométrio e miométrio totais para as cadelas tratadas e multíparas, e (4) a presença de glândulas endometriais dilatadas foi o diferencial encontrado nas cadelas tratadas, pois as mesmas estavam ausentes nas multíparas e nulíparas.


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This article describes an alternative surgical approach to the harvesting of subepithelial connective tissue grafts from thin palates. A partial-thickness flap is raised, and a graft composed of epithelium and connective tissue is removed from the palate. The superficial layer ( epithelium and a thin zone of connective tissue) is then dissected from the graft and replaced at the donor site to facilitate faster healing. The subjacent layer of connective tissue is placed as needed to obtain root coverage. The clinical application of this technique is described in two patients with multiple gingival recessions.


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Background: Very limited information is available from in vivo studies about whether smoking and/or nicotine affect gingival tissues in the absence of plaque. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of the systemic administration of nicotine in the proliferation and counting of fibroblast-like cells in the gingival tissue of rats.Methods: Thirty adult male Wistar rats were randomly assigned into two groups to receive subcutaneous injections of a saline solution (control group = group C) or nicotine solution (group N; 3 mg/kg) twice a day. The animals were euthanized 37, 44, or 51 days after the first subcutaneous injection. Specimens were routinely processed for serial histologic sections. Five fields of view in the connective tissue adjacent to the gingival epithelium and above the alveolar bone crest of the maxillary first molar were selected for the counting of fibroblast-like cells. Data were statistically analyzed (P<0.05).Results: The intergroup analysis detected a lower number of fibroblast-like cells in group N compared to group C on days 37 (2.65 +/- 1.41 and 6.67 +/- 3.25, respectively), 44 (2.70 +/- 1.84 and 8.57 +/- 2.37, respectively), and 51(2.09 +/- 1.41 and 7.49 +/- 2.60, respectively) (P<0.05). The quantification of fibroblast-like cells showed no significant difference (P >0.05) in the intragroup analysis of control and nicotine throughout experimental periods. In the intergroup analysis, group N had reduced proliferating cell nuclear antigen positive fibroblasts compared to group C in all periods (P<0.05).Conclusion: The daily systemic administration of nicotine negatively affected, in vivo, the number and proliferation of fibroblast-like cells in the gingival tissue of rats. J Periodontol 2011;82:1206-1211.


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Reimplantation of primary teeth has been the subject of various clinical and histological studies, but very little is known about the effect of this treatment on primary teeth. The aim of the present study was to histologically evaluate the biological response of dog primary teeth after immediate reimplantation. Twelve dogs were divided into two groups according to postoperative time: 1 week and 3 weeks. Twenty-one upper and lower intermediate incisors were extracted and submitted to endodontic treatment, reimplantation and splinting. The 21 homologous teeth not submitted to treatment served as controls. The animals were killed after the respective experimental periods, and the obtained specimens were processed for histological analysis. Most dogs of the 1-week group exhibited the following alterations: gingival epithelium was inserted in the cemento-enamel junction, with a small number of chronic inflammatory cells being observed in the gingival corium; the periodontal ligament was partially reestablished, with a more expressive chronic inflammatory infiltrate being observed in the apical third; small root resorption was observed on the palatine/lingual side in the apical third. In contrast, in 3-week animals, gingival epithelial insertion was predominantly absent on the buccal side, and a moderate chronic inflammatory infiltrate was present; the periodontal ligament generally showed no bone-cementum reinsertion especially on the palatine/lingual side, with an expressive inflammatory infiltrate in the apical region, and large root resorption was mainly observed on the palatine and lingual sides. In conclusion, reimplantation causes histological alterations in the tooth and its supporting periodontal structures that suggest the impossibility of its maintenance.


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Objective: To evaluate a significant number of cases of fistulae of the lower lip with the light microscope in order to investigate the histological variation and to attempt to define the histopathological pattern of the lesion.Methods: Congenital fistulae of the lower lips of 17 patients with Van der Woude syndrome were analyzed by light microscopy,Results and Conclusion: the walls of most of the fistulae consisted of stratified nonkeratinized squamous epithelium and a lamina propria of dense connective tissue with areas of lymphohistiocytic inflammatory infiltrates. Bundles of striated muscle fibers, blood vessels, nerves, adipose tissue, and mixed acinar glands were observed. These glands surrounded the entire wall of the lesion, and their excretory ducts opened into the lumen of the fistula, explaining the clinical observation of elimination of mucous secretion through the opening of the fistula, Two microform cases of fistula were analyzed that presented only a depression in the epithelium at the site corresponding to the opening of the fistula.