255 resultados para leaf flushing
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do aumento da concentração de CO2 do ar sobre o crescimento de plantas e sobre a mancha foliar causada por Cylindrocladium candelabrum em Eucalyptus urophylla. As mudas foram cultivadas durante 30 dias, a 451, 645, 904, 1.147 µmol mol-1 de CO2 ; em seguida, elas foram inoculadas com o patógeno e mantidas nas mesmas condições por sete dias. O aumento da concentração de CO2 aumentou a altura de plantas e a massa de matéria seca da parte aérea, e diminuiu a incidência e a severidade da doença. O diâmetro do caule não foi afetado pelos tratamentos. O aumento das concentrações de CO2 atmosférico afeta favoravelmente o crescimento de plântulas de eucalipto e reduz a severidade da mancha foliar.
The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of flushing on the reproductive performance of Morada Nova (MN) and Santa Inês (SI) ewes submitted to fixed time artificial insemination (TAI). Twenty seven SI and 24 MN supplemented with concentrate (1% of live weight, on average), for 75 days during the breeding season. After 30 days of supplementation, ewes were synchronized with the aid of a hormonal protocol (HP) based on progesterone, eCG and cloprostenol. The estrus observation was conducted at 12, 24, 36 and 48 h after the end of HP with the aid of two ruffians. TAI was done 55 h after the end of HP. From 20 to 45 days after the beginning of the HP ewes were exposed to rams (natural breeding). The pregnancy diagnosis was evaluated 70 days after TAI. We analyzed the weight, body condition score, estrus rate, pregnancy rate and prolificacy testing the effects of race, week of supplementation and body condition score class. The weight and body conditions of ewes varied according to the week of supplementation, with higher values in the first two weeks following TAI. The estrus rate was 88.2% and 43.2% of the ewes showed estrus up to 24 hours of the end of the HP. The pregnancy rate per TAI was 31.3% and the pregnancy rate after natural breeding was 50.0%. It was observed that body condition score classes interfered in pregnancy rates. There was a higher percentage of multiple births by pregnancy by TAI than by natural breeding. It was concluded that the flushing resulted in weight gain and better body conditions ensuring the standardization of the herd for breeding season, which therefore improved reproductive performance. The HP used advanced the onset of estrus and increased prolificacy, but was inefficient in the synchronization of woolless sheep.
This study compared the morphological and anatomical variations of the leaves of four shade-tolerant tree species Allophylus edulis (St.-Hil.) Radlk (Sapindaceae), Casearia sylvestris Sw. (Salicaceae), Cupania vernalis Cambess. (Sapindaceae) and Luehea divaricata Mart. (Malvaceae) from a fragment of Araucaria forest in two developmental stages. Morphological and anatomical traits, such as leaf and tissue thickness, leaf area, leaf dry mass, specific leaf area, leaf density and stomata density were measured from 30 leaves of each developmental stage. The phenotypic plasticity index was also calculated for each quantitative trait. The results showed that the four species presented higher mean values for specific leaf area and spongy/palisade parenchyma ratio at young stage, and higher mean values for stomata density, total and palisade parenchyma thickness in the adult stage. The plasticity index demonstrated that L. divricata presented highest plasticity for both the morphological and anatomical traits while A. edulis displayed the lowest plasticity index. The results of this study indicated that the leaves of these species exhibited distinct morphological traits at each stage of development to cope with acting environmental factors.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of Moringa oleifera Lam. leaf extract on the sedimentation of impurities in the treatment of sugarcane juice and the effects on sugar quality and on the clarified juice. The experimental design used was a 4x2 factorial arrangement with four replications. The main treatments performed included the extracted original sugarcane juice, the synthetic polyelectrolyte (Flomex 9076), the leaf extract, and a control. The secondary treatments consisted of the sugarcane varieties RB92579 and RB867515. The clarification process used was simple defecation, in which the flocculating agents and the juice, limed and heated, were poured simultaneously into a decanter. The microbiological and chemico-technological characteristics of the extracted and clarified juices were evaluated. The clarified juice was concentrated up to 60° Brix (syrup) and subjected to boiling in a pilot pan using seeds to perform the graining: The sugar was recovered by centrifugation and analyzed for microbiological and chemico-technological characteristics. It was concluded that the use of the Moringa oleifera Lam. leaves extract resulted in a better quality of clarified juice and sugar.
Energetic cost of digging behavior in workers of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens (Fabricius). During nest excavation, leaf-cutting ant workers undergo reduction in their body reserve, particularly carbohydrates. In order to estimate the energetic cost of digging, groups of 30 workers of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens were sealed in a hermetic chamber for 24, 48 and 72 hours, with and without soil for digging, and had the CO2 concentration measured using respirometric chambers as well as volume of soil excavated (g). As expected, the worker groups that carried out soil excavation expelled more carbon dioxide than the groups that did not excavate. Therefore, a worker with body mass of 9.65 ± 1.50 mg dug in average 0.85 ± 0.27 g of soil for 24 hours, consuming ca. 0.58 ± 0.23 J. In this study, we calculate that the energetic cost of excavation per worker per day in the experimental set-up was ca. 0.58 J.
Energy substrate used by workers of leaf-cutting ants during nest excavation. In this study we aimed to ascertain whether leaf-cutting ant workers lose body reserves (fat or sugars) as a function of nest excavation. For each treatment, we isolated 10 workers of Atta sexdens into two experimental groups, Control (C- without excavation) and Soil (S- with excavation), which were kept for different time intervals (0, 24, 48 or 72 hours), totaling 700 tested workers. We then determined the concentration of soluble carbohydrates and total lipid content in them. The total carbohydrates were determined colorimetrically, based on the reaction between carbohydrates and sulfuric acid-phenol. For determination of lipids, the insects were immersed in organic solvent until they reached a constant weight. Our results showed that carbohydrates are consumed during nest excavation activities. In the experimental groups S24, S48 and S72, there was an average reduction of 5.82 (20.42%), 14.31 (44.96%) and 13.27 (43.96%) µ.mg-1 in soluble sugar when compared with the experimental groups that did not excavate. Furthermore, the lipids were not used during this activity. With respect to dry mass of the workers, their values were C0 = 8%, C24 = 10.4%, C48 = 9.2%, C72 = 10%, S24 = 9.2%, S48 = 8.7% and S72 = 8.5%. Our results show experimentally that the source of energy for nest excavation is carbohydrates, whereas lipids are conserved for other activities.
This study evaluated the decomposition process of leaf litter from the main Brazilian mangrove species Avicennia schaueriana, Laguncularia racemosa and Rhizophora mangle. Senescent leaves were collected, dried and placed in nylon bags with different mesh sizes (fine: 2x2mm and coarse: 8x8mm). The bags were distributed over the sediment, and replicates of each species and mesh size were collected periodically over 4months. In the laboratory, the dry weight of the samples was measured, and the decomposition coefficient (k) for each species and mesh size was obtained over time. All species showed a rapid decomposition rate at the beginning of the experiment, followed by a slower but steady rate of decomposition over time. The rate of leaf litter decomposition was highest in A. schaueriana, intermediate in L. racemosa and lowest in R. mangle. The difference was mainly linked to the activity and abundance of detritivores, together with the different litter quality of the species, which determined their palatability and probably influenced the decomposition process.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)