201 resultados para infiltração


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Over the decades, there was an evolution in dentistry, specifically in filling technique, and Buonocore (1955) has been the introducer of Adhesive Era. Thus, this paper aims to review the literature about the current adhesive systems. Was performed a literature review about the 5th and 6th adhesive system generations. The titles and abstracts of published articles were analyzed in PubMed database over the past 5 years. However, there are still different views about the technique used, therefore, because the diversity of these materials, it is impossible to highlight one that presents the best efficiency in all situations, being the responsibility of the professional the knowledge of the techniques and clinical applicability of each material.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A contaminant plume due to leachate infiltration was found in the solid waste landfill from Bauru, SP. The soil hydraulic conductivity (K) is an important parameter to understand the moving of this plume. This paper intends to show representative K values for the soils that occur in the vicinity of this landfill determined by field and laboratory tests. There are four soil types in the area: colluvium, alluvium, sandstone residual soil and the sandstone. Laboratory tests were performed using constant and variable head in rigid and flexible wall permeameters. Slug tests and hydraulic conductivity tests with the Guelph permeameter were also carried out in situ in the area. Representative K values of 3.7x10-7 m/s for the saturated zone and 2.4x10-8 m/s for the unsaturated zone were determined for the residual soil. A K value of 5.3x10-5 m/s was obtained for the colluvium soil. A great variation of K with depth was observed for the alluvium and the assumed average values for the saturated zone were 7.9x10-7 m/s and 1.1x10-4 m/s for the unsaturated surficial layer. An average K value of 3.3x10-8 m/s was determined in laboratory for the sandstone and it was assumed representative for this material.


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Interventions in nature made by man are very common since the beginnings of human history, especially in the case regarding the storage of water. The construction of dams have been and still are fundamental in maintaining human life due to the vital importance that water plays. The size of these structures vary according to need, such as water catchment, fish-farming or electricity generation. Embankment dams are the most common type of these structures. Can be defined as dams natural material obtained from loan chambers located near the dam site. This type of barrier may be divided into earth dams and rockfill dams. The study area covers an earth dam located in Cordeirópolis (SP) and is essentially composed of diabases altered soil of the Serra Geral Formation of the Paraná Basin. With the aid of geophysics, more specifically of the Electrical Resistivity method, the aim is to check any water infiltration zones in the dam's body. Given the risks associated with water seepage in earth dams, that may generate breakdown structures, erosion, and consequently accidents and / or harmful factors in the nearby areas. One of the main structural problems married by water infiltration is the possible generation of pipes that could jeopardize the dam structure. This work aims to contribute towards the evaluation of the effectiveness of using an indirect technique of research and monitoring in aid to direct research techniques such as piezometers and drive stakes. The results are presented in the form of 2D and 3D geophysical models, the analysis shows a low resistivity zone with typical values of the presence of humidity originating upstream of the dam and downstream bottleneck trend, that are the basis for interpretation by percolation or not water in the dam


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Paciente feminino 36 anos, com queixa de febre noturna, astenia, parestesia de membros inferiores, artralgia, hepatoesplenomegalia, lesões cutâneas, anemia hipocrômica, microcítica e linfopenia. Sorologia negativa para Hepatite B,C e HIV; FAN e anti-DNA também negativos. Histopatologia da medula óssea mostrou-se discretamente hipercelular, com presença de focos de histiócitos com citoplasma vacuolado (células pseudo-gaucher-like),aspecto megaloblástico, linfoplasmocitico e lipogranulomatoso. A coloração Ziehl- -Nielsen positivo; diagnóstico morfológico: micobacteriose de medula óssea. A cultura do sangue e do aspirado de medula óssea foi negativo para M.tuberculosis. Biópsia das lesões cutâneas máculas e pápulas hipercrômicas dos membros inferiores e superiores revelou hanseníase de padrão Vichowiana. A pesquisa BAAR pela Faraco demonstrou numerosos bacilos, sendo a maioria de padrão granuloso. Pacientes com hanseníase virchowiana tem acometimento cutâneo em 100% dos casos, o baço é o órgão mais frequentemente acometido com disseminação através do sangue periférico. O quadro anêmico e a linfopenia provavelmente se deve à cronicidade da infecção, levando a infiltração medular. A ocorrência do comprometimento medular em paciente com hanseníase Virchowiana é excepcional, mesmo em países endêmicos, e pode indicar necessidade de tratamento mais prolongado.


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A análise morfométrica de uma microbacia é uma importante ferramenta de diagnóstico da susceptibilidade à degradação ambiental, pois os resultados nortearão o planejamento, o manejo e a implementação de medidas mitigadoras para conservação dos recursos hídricos. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a caracterização morfométrica da microbacia do Ribeirão Tabuleta – Piquete (SP) através do Sistema de Informações Geográficas Arcview e da Carta Planialtimétrica de Lorena – SP e Delfim Moreira - MG, editadas pelo IBGE (1970), em escala 1:50000. As variáveis avaliadas foram as dimensionais, da composição da rede de Drenagem e do padrão de drenagem. As bases cartográficas utilizadas foram a carta planialtimétrica de Lorena – SP e Delfim Moreira - MG, editadas pelo IBGE (1970), em escala 1:50000, para a hierarquização da rede de drenagem e a análise morfométrica. Os resultados permitiram concluir que a microbacia apresenta altos riscos de susceptibilidade a erosão e degradação ambiental, sendo fundamental a manutenção da cobertura vegetal e as zonas ripárias para conservação dos serviços ambientais. O fator de forma e a densidade de drenagem alta permitiram inferir que o substrato tem permeabilidade baixa com menor infiltração e maior escoamento da água. A alta declividade das encostas (montanhoso) indica se não for conservada pode haver alteração na regulação do sistema hidrológico e consequentemente na produção de água. O Sistema de Informações Geográficas ArcGis 9.3 foi excelente na digitalização e análise dos dados.


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A morfometria é uma ferramenta de grande importância como diagnóstico de suscetibilidade a degradação ambiental, delimitação da zona ripária, planejamento e manejo da microbacia. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a caracterização morfométrica da microbacia do Ribeirão Benfica – Piquete (SP) através do Sistema de Informações Geográficas Arcview e da Carta Planialtimétrica de Lorena – SP e Delfim Moreira - MG, editadas pelo IBGE (1970), em escala 1:50000. As variáveis avaliadas foram as dimensionais, do padrão de drenagem e do relevo. A base cartográfica utilizada foi as cartas planialtimétricas de Lorena – SP e Delfim Moreira - MG, editadas pelo IBGE (1970), em escala 1:50000, para a hierarquização da rede de drenagem e a análise morfométrica. Os resultados permitiram concluir que a microbacia apresenta altos riscos de susceptibilidade a erosão e degradação ambiental, sendo fundamental a manutenção da cobertura vegetal e as zonas ripárias para conservação dos serviços ambientais. O fator de forma e a densidade de drenagem alta permitiram inferir que o substrato tem permeabilidade baixa com menor infiltração e maior escoamento da água. A alta declividade das encostas (montanhoso) indica que se a microbacia não for conservada pode haver alteração na regulação do sistema hidrológico e consequentemente na produção de água. O Sistema de Informações Geográficas ArcGis 9.3 foi excelente na digitalização e análise dos dados.


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Esse trabalho objetivou a aplicação de geoprocessamento na caracterização morfométrica da microbacia do Ribeirão Morro Grande – Bofete (SP) através do Sistema de Informação Geográfica – Selva, visando à preservação, racionalização do seu uso e recuperação ambiental. A microbacia apresenta uma área de 4049ha e está localizada entre os paralelos 22o 50' 05" a 22o 54' 26" de latitude S e 48o 22' 29" a 48o 26' 36" de longitude W Gr. A base cartográfica utilizada foi a carta planialtimétrica de Bofete (SP), em escala 1:50.000 (IBGE, 1968) na extração das curvas de nível, da hidrografia e da topografia, em ambiente de Sistema de Informações Geográficas - Idrisi Selva, para determinação dos índices morfométricos. Os resultados mostram que os baixos valores da densidade de drenagem, associados à presença de rochas permeáveis, facilitam a infiltração da água no solo, diminuindo o escoamento superficial e o risco de erosão e da degradação ambiental, bem como o baixo valor do fator de forma amparado pelo índice de circularidade indica que a microbacia tende a ser mais alongada com menor susceptibilidade à ocorrência de enchentes mais acentuadas. O parâmetro ambiental coeficiente de rugosidade permitiu classificar a microbacia para vocação com floresta e reflorestamento.


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This study aims to perform the morphometric characterization of the watershed stream Petiço, Botucatu-SP, through techniques of GIS by GIS IDRISI Selva and Charter planialtimetric Botucatu (SF-22-ZB-VI-3) , edited by IBGE (1969), scale 1: 50000 for ranking the drainage network and the morphometric analysis. The variables analyzed were the dimensions, the relief pattern, pattern of the drainage network and the shape variables. The results show that related to how the watershed has an oblong shape with environmental interpretation with low tendency to flooding and erosion. The sinuosity index of 1.22 shows that the channels of the micro tend to be somewhat sinuous, which allows to infer that is permeable soil with good water infiltration. Based on the results of the morphometric variables was found that the watershed is in good condition of conservation, however, presents certain risks of susceptibility to erosion, and environmental degradation in some points, being fundamental to the maintenance of vegetation cover, in view of the roughness coefficient (Rn). Thus, the evaluation of morphometric characteristics in the study watershed constitutes an important tool in conjunction with the use of GIS and Geographic Information Systems makes possible the planning and management of natural resources aimed at their conservation.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate geoprocessing to morphometrically characterize the Ribeirão Descalvado micro watershed – Botucatu, SP by the Geographic Information System (GIS) – Selva for preservation, rationalization of its use and environmental restoration. The micro watershed is 2,228.61 ha between the geographic coordinates: 22° 50' 05" to 22° 54' 26" latitude S and 48° 22' 29" to 48° 26' 36" longitude W Gr. The cartographic basis was the planialtimetric chart of Botucatu (SP), 1: 50000 scale (IBGE, 1969), used for extraction of level, hydrography and topography curves to determine morphometric indices. The results showed that low values of drainage density associated with the presence of permeable rocks facilitates ground water infiltration which decreases surface runoff, erosion risks and environmental degradation. The low value of the shape factor supported by the circularity index shows that the micro watershed is more elongated and at lower risk of more pronounced floods. The roughness coefficient environmental parameter classified the micro watershed for forest and reforestation.


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The experiment was conducted in the experimental field of the University of GoiásUEG, UNU Ipameri - GO with the objective of evaluating the effect of different doses of vinasse on the vegetative development of degraded pasture and soil physical properties in two seasons. The pasture used in the experiment was in a state of degradation, and had eight years of formation. The experimental design was randomized blocks consisted of eight treatments and four blocks, totaling 32 experimental units. We evaluated the following soil physical properties: density the soil, particle density, total porosity, infiltration velocity, soil water. We also evaluated the following parameters of vegetative development of grassland: green and dry mass of shoots, effective depth of the root system, the grass height. The results were submitted to analysis of variance at 5% significance level and after we performed regression testing. The vinasse promoted significant effect on all parameters related to vegetative development of both grazing during the rainy season as in the dry. In this case, a model that best fit the dataset vegetative pasture was quadratic. It appeared that the vinasse different doses did not cause changes in the physical properties of the soil.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)