211 resultados para VACA
Climate change in tropical countries, like Brazil, causes major problems in dairy production due to an increase of heat stress effects. In recent years, milk production in Brazil increased 36.07%. The Southeast region remains a leader in production with herds of high producing Holstein cattle (mostly), which is more susceptible to heat stress. Thermal stress decreases fertility in direct and indirect ways. Conception rates are reduced of 40-60% during cooler months of the year and 10-20% in the warmer months. Negative effects of heat stress involve changes in reproductive hormones, follicular development, oocytes, and embryos, and decreased dry matter intake. Several studies discuss change in reproductive hormones, such as reduction in plasma concentration of GnRH, LH, and oestradiol, which lead to decreased detection of estrus and ovulation. Various methods are being studied to bypass these negative effects and increase the fertility of dairy cows under heat stress. Cooling systems are the most advantageous and can be associated with technologies such as ET and TAI
The aim of this review was to evaluate the effects of cesarean sections in cows, furthermore establish the effects of this surgery with subsequent complications, such as mortality, reproductive performance and milk yield, leading owner economical falls. One case report is included on the discussion
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Herbivory is the basal link among the trophic chains and therefore has great importance in the energy flow in the ecosystems. However, the ecological interactions have been changed due to the process of fragmentation that has occurred in the cerrado. Thus, our objective was to evaluate the herbivory and the presence of possible constituents of defense in leaves of Bauhinia rufa in two cerrado fragments of different sizes . We evaluated in both of them species richness and abundance of herbivores as well absolute herbivory ( n = 25 plants / fragment ) . Through histochemical tests and scanning electron microscopy we verified the constituents of defense. The difference between the herbivory in the fragments was not statistically significant ( t = -1.387 , p = 0.166 ) . However , we found a higher abundance of morphotypes of herbivores in the smaller fragment. We detected chemical and physical constituents that may confer protection to the plant at all stages of leaf development. Although several publications have indicated that small fragments have a higher susceptibility to changes, our study revealed no effect of fragment size on the absolute herbivory, suggesting that there are other factors acting more strongly and maintaining this type of interaction in these ecosystems
Esta revisão avaliou a eficácia da utilização da vacina E. coli J5, na imunização de vacas e novilhas leiteiras no pós-parto, em relação à prevenção de novos casos de mastite clínica, redução na gravidade dos sinais clínicos dos animais acometidos pela enfermidade, assim como na contagem de células somáticas presentes no leite dos animais doentes. O experimento contou com a avaliação dos dados encontrados em seis trabalhos científicos, divididos em dois grupos, três com estudos em vacas e três com estudos em novilhas. A prevenção de casos de mastite clínica foi observada somente em vacas; no grupo das novilhas não houve diferença entre vacinados e não vacinados. Em relação à gravidade dos sinais clínicos dos animais acometidos com mastite, tanto no grupo das novilhas quanto no das vacas, a vacina mostrou-se eficaz, reduzindo custos com tratamentos, descarte de leite e de animais. Sobre a eficácia da vacina em reduzir contagem de células somáticas presentes no leite dos animais com mastite, a vacina não se mostrou eficaz em vacas e novilhas. Análise econômica indica que a vacina E. coli J5 é lucrativa para produtores de leite de grande, médio e pequeno porte, sendo recomendada tanto para vacas quanto para novilhas, por reduzir os custos de produção e facilitar o manejo das granjas leiteiras
In this article we analyze how the character of the story-teller is build up as a fictional creation in the novel Vaca de nariz sutil (1961) by Walter Campos de Carvalho (1916-1998). We associated the building process of the narrator-character to the poetic of the surrealism, process which brings a fragmentary feature to the writer’s language, and reflects a search for some coherency in a given chaotic environment, wherein space itself becomes the role of a dialogue between identity and representation of the real in the construction of the narrative analyzed here.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The aim of this study was to assess the occurrence of genotype-environment interaction, as well as its effects on the magnitude of genetic parameters and the classification of Nellore breeding bulls for the trait adjusted weight at 205 days (W205) on Southern Brazil. The components of (co)variance were estimated by Bayesian inference, using a linear-linear animal model in a bi-trait analysis. The proposed model for the analyses considers as random the direct additive genetic and maternal effects and residual effects, and as fixed effects the contemporary groups, sex, season of birth and weighing, and calving age as covariable (linear and quadratic effects). The a posteriori mean estimates of the direct heritabilities for W205 in the three States varied from 0.24 in Paraná (PR) to 0.34 in Santa Catarina (SC). The estimates of maternal heritability varied from 0.23 in SC and Rio Grande do Sul (RS) to 0.28 in PR. The a posteriori mean distributions of the genetic correlation varied from 0.52 between SC and RS, to 0.84 between PR and RS, suggesting that the best breeding bulls in SC are not the same as in RS.
The aim of this note is to describe preliminary results on assessment of land use by cattle, obtained in a pilot study using Geographic Information System (GIS). The research was carried out on a semi-natural pasture in Sweden, where the geographic positions of one cow were recorded during 25 consecutive days during summer. The cow, wearing a GPS collar, was integrated in a herd of 53 Hereford cattle. Each location point registered for the animal was considered as a sampling unit (N=3,097). The spatial distribution of ground declivity, water sources, cattle tracks, and classes of woody vegetation cover (forest, grassland with trees and open grassland) were recorded. The storage, processing and data analysis were carried out using the Idrisi and GS+ softwares. Three occupation zones were identified in function of the variation in the space used by the animal, which were occupied in a cyclical pattern; with the animal moving from one zone to another in cycles of five days. It was also clear that the cattle distribution in the area was neither random nor uniform, and it was affected by environmental characteristics that act as conditioners on its distribution. These preliminary results suggest that definition of zones of occupation and the environmental conditioners are promising tools to understand the land use by cattle
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The informal milk is recognized as the product marketed without inspection. We evaluated the microbiological quality, nutritional ingredients and substances inhibiting bacterial growth in 100 informal samples from cows milk, marketed in the southwest region of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. It was found that 77% of Somatic Cell Count (SCC) and 86% of Total Bacterial Count (TBC) of the samples were at odds with the maximum values required by Instruction Rules 62 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Supply. It was identified to solids contents in disagreement (36%), protein (23%), fat (38%), nonfat dry extract (43%) and 73% urea nitrogen. In 59% of the samples was detected residues of the bacterial growth inhibitors. Were isolated 240 strains of micro-organisms with a prevalence of enterobacteria, streptococci, staphylococci and fungi. The informal milk is marketed in the region without the minimum hygienic conditions and present risks to public health, and represents serious socio-economic problem for the region.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)