475 resultados para UNESP


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As aves apresentam diversas características que as tornam peças importantes tanto para a educação ambiental, quanto nas tentativas de conservação de habitats. Para isso, levantamentos da composição da avifauna são fundamentais. Assim, realizou-se o levantamento qualitativo das aves que frequentam os espaços de maior circulação de pessoas do Campus de Rubião Junior, UNESP/Botucatu-SP, entre os meses de Março e Outubro de 2009. Adotou-se o método de transectos lineares, através do qual se percorreu dois trajetos distintos, nos horários de maior atividade das aves. As observações foram feitas com o auxílio de binóculos, além de algumas espécies terem sido registradas visual e/ou sonoramente por câmera fotográfica e gravador. Para a identificação das espécies, utilizou-se basicamente guias de campo. Além da lista de espécies, foi possível também calcular as frequências de ocorrência delas. Foram detectadas 67 espécies, distribuídas em 26 famílias, sendo Tyrannidae a mais representativa (15 espécies). O percurso 1 apresentou 13 espécies exclusivas, enquanto o percurso 2, apenas 4. A maioria das espécies (36) apresentou frequência de ocorrência total inferior a 25% e apenas 12 puderam ser consideradas residentes, com frequência de ocorrência total igual ou superior a 75%. Dentre as famílias com mais de um representante, Columbidae apresentou a maior proporção de número de espécies com alta frequência de ocorrência total (> 50%). Os resultados revelaram maior riqueza de espécies na área com maior diversidade de habitats e menor fluxo de pessoas


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The present work aims to expand and contribute to the understanding of issues related to social demands urgent today as regards of teachers’ formation of kindergarten and initial series. Through a survey of the profile of students in four years (2007-2010) of Pedagogy, UNESP, Bauru, I propose to trace discussions about the student profile that seeks to train teacher in higher education. This process will reveal the profile of the student who is preparing to enter the teaching profession and who in later years will work in public and private spheres of education as a teacher, coordinator and manager in the kindergarten and elementary education. For this research will develop both qualitative approach in that it analyzes the profile to the light of the literature and studied quantitatively the extent that is based on the results


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O sedentarismo é um problema que afeta milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo, e para vários autores a redução ou até mesmo a extinção deste comportamento inativo deve ser encarada como prioridade para elevar a qualidade de vida da população. Para isso, se faz necessário, definir o problema, identificando a prevalência deste estilo de vida, a população-alvo e as barreiras enfrentadas para que a mudança ocorra. Só assim, é possível implantar alternativas baseadas nas evidências concretas, englobando diferentes fatores e intervindo nos quatro domínios que contemplam a prática de atividade física. Desta forma, o objetivo do estudo foi analisar o nível de atividade física habitual dos funcionários administrativos (exceto docentes e trabalhadores de manutenção) da Unesp – Rio Claro, através do questionário Baecke adaptado por Florindo e colaboradores. . Além disso, medidas antropométricas foram coletadas para fornecimento de dados sobre a composição corporal dos mesmos. A partir das respostas dos questionários observou-se que a maioria dos funcionários é moderadamente ativa (58%), quando se trata do nível de atividade física total. O nível de atividade física de lazer é o maior responsável por aumentar o nível de atividade física habitual, no entanto menos de 10% dos sujeitos, cerca de 7 funcionários, foram considerados muito ativos neste domínio. Quanto à composição corporal, grande parte dos sujeitos apresenta-se com sobrepeso, estando com a média do IMC acima da população de Rio Claro. No nível de atividade de física de locomoção, mais de 60% ou aproximadamente 56 sujeitos foram identificados como insuficientemente ativos. Com relação ao gênero, as mulheres são mais inativas no deslocamento em relação aos homens. Tendo em vista a problemática que comportamentos de risco afetam...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The protection and distribution systems for the electrics equipments are really important for the safety of products, process and final users, for an enterprise or even for a residence. For that, it’s necessary the utilization of low voltage switchboards for controlling the feeding of a charge, avoiding any kind of abnormality that can eventually occur. It’s necessary to pay attention in the cubicles conditions, and always verify if they are in accordance to the norms of the product, verifying also any kind of physical damage for the operator and/or users. In this line, the present graduation work analyses the low voltage switchboards in the college, checking if they are attending the actual standards, suggesting some improvements and later making a simulation of the creation of a new panel that reach all the needing in substitution of this actual, through the software Simaris. Using the research and lecture of norms and regulations for verifying the problems, this way we could register the greatest acting failures. These actions are made for becoming aware to the university about the danger in using electrics equipments without a minimum degree of protection, allowed by the law, and attempting to the urgency in changing this fails


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Due to the great impact caused by construction, the university has a major role in the development of alternative projects and studies aimed at sustainable development. This project presents the advantages and importance of building in a sustainable manner from the beginning to end of the Center of Experiences at UNESP, Rio Claro / SP. It will be presented alternative building materials that have high environmental performance and that bring the least negative impacts as possible. Providing a Center of Experiences through a sustainable building is in need of the university to renovate the new trends of society in which the construction is in harmony with the environment in which it is inserted. This sustainable building will serve as a model for students and residents of Rio Claro, since the building itself will serve as a way of learning to the audience goer, as well as for the other campuses of UNESP. Thus, this project will serve as a guide for decision makers facing the huge amount of building materials available in the market


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A infertilidade está se tornando um problema emergente de saúde pública em muitos países do mundo e, para muitos autores, esse aumento parece coincidir com o crescente papel desempenhado pela Chlamydia trachomatis. A infecção por C. trachomatis é uma das principais causas de lesão tubária que pode levar a oclusão desta ou processos aderentes que comprometem o complexo tubo-ovariano. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a prevalência de cervicite por Chlamydia trachomatis em mulheres diagnosticadas com infertilidade primária ou secundária atendidas no Ambulatório de Esterilidade do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, UNESP. Foram incluídas no estudo 112 mulheres atendidas no período de julho de 2008 a junho de 2009, que concordaram em participar do estudo e que responderam ao questionário para caracterização sóciodemográfica e ginecológica, sendo 62 pacientes com infertilidade primária e 50 com infertilidade secundária. Durante o exame especular, foi coletada secreção cervical com cytobrush para pesquisa de C. trachomatis pela técnica de reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) e conteúdo vaginal por meio de swab para avaliação da flora vaginal pelo método de Gram. Em relação à caracterização das pacientes, 66,7% eram moradoras de municípios com menos de 100.000 habitantes, 63,4% relataram ter vínculo empregatício, 98,2% declararam união estável, 74,1% eram brancas e 14,3% fumantes. A mediana de idade das pacientes no momento da inclusão no estudo foi de 28 anos (14-44). A mediana de idade à menarca e ao início da atividade sexual foi de 12 anos (9-17) e 16 anos (11-38), respectivamente. A mediana do tempo de infertilidade foi de 4 anos (1-17). Ainda nesse estudo, 67,9% das pacientes relataram mais de três relações sexuais por semana, 25,0% relataram infecção do trato genital inferior anteriormente ao estudo, 23,2% relataram... (Resumo Completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Laboratory of Chemical Waste Management programs are being implemented in various universities of the country and the world, in recognition of the urgent need to change the reality of disregard for the environment, together with objective responsibility of the generator, and especially the awareness of sustainability. Analysis and research laboratories involve a range of waste in developing their studies with intrinsic characteristics related to their form of generation. The amount of waste generated in this segment is negligible compared to industrial activities, but the environmental issue is that these residues do not have a standard technique for treatment due to the potential variation of its composition. This research project, aiming their suitability and continuous improvement, aims to diagnose and analyze the current situation of the management and disposal of chemical waste generated by the laboratories IGCE UNESP, Campus Rio Claro / SP. Universities, through their research, teaching and extension, end up generating potentially hazardous chemicals that may contaminate the environment when they are disposed of improperly, with no concern for the environment and / or public health. Aiming to assist in improvements with respect to this issue, the purpose of this study is to understand the management and disposal of chemical waste from the IGCE, laboratories UNESP - Rio Claro / SP, in order to discuss the situation of such waste, and present proposals to reduce generation of the same and minimizing the environmental impact, thereby increasing the local hygiene through proper disposal. The research instrument used interviews, questionnaires, review of recent literature and observations were made in order to develop proposals for the management and disposal of waste. These proposals based on prevention and corrective control, where the preventive approach aims at lifting techniques and actions to reduce the generating sources and...


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As abelhas solitárias são caracterizadas pela independência da fêmea em construir e aprovisionar sozinha seus ninhos, sem auxílio, cooperação ou divisão de trabalho entre as fêmeas de uma mesma geração, ou entre mãe e filhas. Dentro deste grupo, se enquadram aquelas que nidificam em cavidades pré-existentes. O objetivo deste trabalho é inventariar as espécies de abelhas solitárias no Campus da UNESP de Rio Claro - SP com o auxílio de ninhos-armadilha. Para este estudo foram escolhidos quatro locais, e em cada um foram expostos 212 ninhos-armadilha, confeccionados com cartolina preta, fechados numa das extremidades, todos com o mesmo comprimento, porém diferentes quanto ao diâmetro: 12,0 x 0,6 cm (ninho pequeno, NP) e 12,0 x 0,8 cm (ninho grande, NG). Esses ninhos foram arranjados dentro de tubos de PVC e apoiados em prateleiras ou em troncos, sempre a 1,40 metros de altura e protegidos contra o sol e chuva. A amostragem dos ninhos foi realizada no período entre maio de 2009 e abril de 2010, com coletas a cada dez dias. Cada ninho retirado foi reposto para manter o número de ninhos disponíveis. O período de emergência foi acompanhado de maio de 2009 a agosto de 2010. Apenas um ponto de amostragem houve coletas de ninhos de abelhas, o “Sítio de Nidificação”, com nidificação de sete espécies de abelhas pertencentes às famílias Apidae, Centris (Hemisiella) tarsata, Centris (Heterocentris) analis, Tetrapedia curvitarsis e Tetrapedia diversipes, e Megachilidae, Carloticola sp., Epanthidium tigrinum e Megachile sp. A espécie mais abundante foi Tetrapedia curvitarsis, seguida por Centris (Heterocentris) analis e Tetrapedia diversipes. A construção de ninhos foi maior durante o período chuvoso, havendo no mês de fevereiro de 2010 maior abundância de nidificações (23%) assim como maior riqueza de espécies nidificando (n = 6). Neste mesmo mês também... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Several aspects interfere when it comes to choose a career. Some of which are family and cultural influence; and even lack of opportunities. Such aspects were greatly taken into consideration for defining the subject of this research which is to analyze the reasoning Pedagogy students from UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista – University of São Paulo State) used when choosing their academic career, and to assess the students’ profile who were taking this course in 2011 as well as the influence of students’ socioeconomic conditions. An empiric approach with a qualitative survey was chosen to develop this research which was conducted with a questionnaire appliance and with a semi-structured interview with randomly selected students. A theoretical study about the specifics of the academic career and a fully comprehension of the legal / regulatory aspects of this profession in Brazil were also conducted. The survey results showed that most students were women, supporting the fact that this career has become a female profession. Characteristics such as vocation and mission, presented on literatures as the specifics of this profession were clearly seen in the survey results. Several students went to public schools and are labeled into the classes C and D in social economical status; furthermore almost 50% had not chosen Pedagogy as a first choice for a major. However, most of the students do not think that their social economical status had influence in their choice. Nevertheless some students claimed that their options were not their first wish and their choice was made by the easier possibility of entering and concluding the course besides the prompt need of these professionals after graduating in the job market. The students’ education background were also discussed in the research... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Solar energy can be considered the largest source of energy available on earth and has attracted in recent decades, attention and interest for its rational use. The use of energy sources in a sustainable manner is essential to the survival of future generations, due to the scarcity of natural resources and their exploitation in a disorderly way. Studies related to the applications of renewable sources becomes then relevant, given its great importance as regards the conscious use of resources provided by nature, with the least possible impact on it. The present study presents an evaluation of generation potential and feasibility of implementing a solar photovoltaic connected to the grid and connected to the roofs of some buildings of the Faculty of Engineering of Guaratinguetá - FEG, to supply the demand of electric energy consumption on campus and attempting to inject a possible surplus power generation in local power grid, increasing network capacity and reducing peak loads


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The present paper is a reflection of studies and analyzes on issues involving the training of Geography Teachers. By realizing this projetc, we aim to analyze the influences of specialization training in the teaching practice of the subjects who graduated in Geography at the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Rio Claro Campus. This is primarily a discussion of the university curriculum, the professionals it forms and the current politics of training teachers of Geography. Thus, we conducted a literature review, and will be used questionnaires and interviews with the subjects, graduated in degree course and a BA in Geography in the last four years


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This work presents the objective of producing organic fertilizer from the waste generated at FCT/UNESP and its use in the growing sunflower. For this, there were collected wastes of pruning/weeding and organic waste from the canteen. It were made two types of treatments, one conventional and the other mechanized, using three mass ratios: ratio 1 (30% wastes of pruning/weeding (RP) + 70% organic waste (RC)), ratio 2 (50% RP + 50% RC) and ratio 3 (70% RP + 30% RC). The conventional system was done windrow with turning manual and the mechanized system was developed in reactors by injecting compressed air. The compounds produced were analyzed in terms of pH, organic matter, organic carbon, mineral residue, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which could be compared to the values stipulated by the Instrução Normativa n° 25 de 23/07/2009 do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento. The compounds produced were used on growing sunflowers in 14 different conditions for the systems manual and mechanized, totaling 26 treatments with the following proportions... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The present work aimed to study the composting process using two methods of treatment, conventional and mechanized for the treatment of pruning/weeding waste and organic waste generated in the canteens of the FCT/UNESP. For this work, it was quantified the generation of the waste However, of the tests with pure organic compound, which had the best result was T1 - 70% RPC / 30% ROC, again indicating the feasibility of applying this condition in scales at the campus. The conventional treatment by composting was carried out on manual aerated piles: 70% residue pruning/weeding (RPC) and 30% organic waste from the canteen (ROC); 50% RPC / 50% ROC, 30% RPC / 70% ROC. The mechanized system consisted of a reactor of 190 liters – 50% RPC / 50% ROC, with air injection from a compressor for 15 minutes daily. The parameters characterized and monitored were pH, organic matter, organic carbon, ash, nitrogen kjedahl and phosphorus. The temperature measurements were taken daily by a digital thermocouple (top, middle and base of the piles and reactor)... (Completo abstract click electronic access below)


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Volunteering is seen as a form of citizen participation enabling to involve, mobilize, engage and articulate people and institutions around issues of collective interest. Both for the volunteer and for the community involved, voluntary action can promote learning, new experiences and interaction with people previously unknown, as well as create opportunities for professional and personal growth. (CENTRO DE VOLUNTARIADO DE SÃO PAULO, 2012). This work starts from a survey conducted in 2006 by Carvalho, who detected the interest of members of the campus community Guaratinguetá UNESP in performing volunteer work. Its objective is to continue the work mentioned and think of ways to support volunteering in the Guaratinguetá Engineering College, mainly through the creation of connections between stakeholders (individuals and institutions). For this, focused Volunteer Centers and their functional models. Such a center could be the ideal facilitator of relationships between volunteer candidates that integrate FEG / UNESP community and institutions interested in the collaboration of these people. The work highlighted the benefits that voluntary action can bring to those involved in it, and the role that a Volunteer Center at UNESP Guaratinguetá may play, in the promotion and expansion of social activities already undertaken. The study also indicates the need for a validation of the proposals presented here and later detailing way of acting of the Centre in its institutional placement and maintenance costs