231 resultados para Tecnologia da informação e comunicação


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Introduction: With the invention of the Internet and the Collaborative Web, libraries had to rethink the way to offer their services. Thus, the U.S. libraries began a search for technological innovations in an effort to bring the library to the user through features that patrons commonly use. The Virtual Reference Service (VRS) through chat and reference services via videoconferencing are features that derived from this search. Objective: This article aims to outline the implementation process of Virtual Reference Services (SRV) libraries in American universities, particularly those for chat, as well as presenting the successful Brazilian experience. This paper also discusses factors to be considered for implementing virtual reference service via chat for libraries wishing to offer the service. Methodology: The research methodology is based on a theoretical search on international and national literature on the subject. The methodology also includes participant observation. Results: In Brazil the implementation of SRV in some university libraries has occurred and according to these institutions, the SRV is a service that benefits the community and puts the library in line with the demands of information technology and communication. Conclusions: It is concluded that online SRV is appropriate to the reality of university libraries in Brazil, since the institutions that offer the service have positive results from their assessments and believe they are adding value to their library.


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Techniques of image capture have advanced along with the technologies of information and communication and unthinkable numbers of information available and imagery are stored in digital environments. The objective of this study is point out difficulties found in the construction of imagetic representations of digital resources using the instruments available for the treatment of descriptive information. The results we have the mapping of descriptive elements to digital images derived from analyzing of the schemes to guide the construction of descriptive records (AACR2R, ISBD, Graphic Materials, RDA, CDWA, CCO) and the conceptual model FRBRer. The result of this analysis conducted the conceptual model, Functional Requirements for Digital Imagetic Data RFDID to the development of more efficient ways to represent the use of imagery in order to make it available, accessible and recoverable from the data persistence descriptive, flexibility, consistency and integrity as essential requirements for the representation of the digital image.


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The life expectancy increase has been augmenting studies on human aging. Among these studies are those that address the interaction between the elderly and the information and communication technologies, which may facilitate the execution of daily activities by elderly people. Therefore, the goal of this article was to investigate the application of constructivist elements in computer courses offered to Universidade Aberta à Terceira Idade – UNATI – UNESP – Campus of Marília, contributing to the digital inclusion of this community. The constructivist elements focused on the role of the teacher as a mediator in the teaching-learning process. It was found that most of these elements are already being applied in this universe, but some changes need to be undertaken in order to expand the opportunities for education and to allow students to have more autonomy for information seeking and use in the web environment.


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Information retrieval has been much discussed within Information Science lately. The search for quality information compatible with the users needs became the object of constant research.Using the Internet as a source of dissemination of knowledge has suggested new models of information storage, such as digital repositories, which have been used in academic research as the main form of autoarchiving and disseminating information, but with an information structure that suggests better descriptions of resources and hence better retrieval.Thus the objective is to improve the process of information retrieval, presenting a proposal for a structural model in the context of the semantic web, addressing the use of web 2.0 and web 3.0 in digital repositories, enabling semantic retrieval of information through building a data layer called Iterative Representation.The present study is characterized as descriptive and analytical, based on document analysis, divided into two parts: the first, characterized by direct observation of non-participatory tools that implement digital repositories, as well as digital repositories already instantiated, and the second with scanning feature, which suggests an innovative model for repositories, with the use of structures of knowledge representation and user participation in building a vocabulary domain. The model suggested and proposed ─ Iterative Representation ─ will allow to tailor the digital repositories using Folksonomy and also controlled vocabulary of the field in order to generate a data layer iterative, which allows feedback information, and semantic retrieval of information, through the structural model designed for repositories. The suggested model resulted in the formulation of the thesis that through Iterative Representation it is possible to establish a process of semantic retrieval of information in digital repositories.


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This article discusses the access to geographic information and its importance for the public policies formulation, reflecting on the implementation of the Spatial Data Infrastructure. The data view and the maps construction are useful for identifying needs and sponsoring public managers in decision making. The public policies implementation stages are optimized when the quantitative and qualitative information are integrated to the spatial phenomena relations. The improvement in the use of geographic information for decision making will be achieved when spatial data are efficiently generated in spatial data infrastructures.


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The Information Technology and Communication (ICT) made possible to adapt bibliographic catalogs to the digital environment, giving them more speed, flexibility and efficiency in the information retrieval. The FRBR, as a conceptual model for the bibliographic universe based on entity-relationship modeling, brought to the Librarianship area the possibility of making more efficient operation catalogs. The FRBR model was the first initiative caring about how to accomplish the conceptual modeling of bibliographic catalogs, to do not spend more efforts in individual developments of distinct and inconsistent modeling.However, even many years after its publication, there were few real implementation initiatives. The aim of this study is to present the model, based on its main features and structure, and bring to the discussion some considerations and inconsistencies that, according to the literature, may be the cause of its failure so far. It s based on the national and international literature about conceptual modeling and about the FRBR model.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Over the years, society changes, renews and creates conditions for the use of new technological devices. The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to expand in our society and are used also in teaching and learning, making it necessary that the teacher knows them. This study was first to analyze the curriculum of teacher training at the campus of UNESP, specifically in relation to courses Full Degree in Education in order to understand how these courses are structured in relation to the subjects they deal with ICT. For this, we searched the literature on the main issues involving technology and teacher education, curriculum and document analysis of Pedagogy of UNESP. It was noted that only the Faculty of Education offers the campus of Bauru disciplines working technology issues centrally. From this result, the second objective of this research was to understand, through a questionnaire, the views of students of Bauru, enrolled in these disciplines, on the Distance Education. With the results of the questionnaires it was concluded that students rated as important the knowledge of technological tools, made possible by specific disciplines during their training was noted the positive contribution of a comprehensive curriculum with respect to knowledge of ICT for reflection and formation of critical thinking in teachers training


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Não disponível


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This study presents the results from a qualitative resource, based on research-action methodology, which examined the innovate teaching practices implementations in the Calculus I during 2011 year. The analysis of collected data from three used sources – an initial questionnaire, an exploratory-investigative classroom, and an interview with some students at the end of the second semester – reveals that the students had appropriated of the technological recourses, using it as a tool to look for the knowledge. The investigative activities with the use of information technologies made the use of multiple representations in solving mathematical tasks, making the transition of numerical, algebraic and geometrical results possible for the students when they have looking for validation of their hypotheses and conjectures during mathematical problems solving. This works helped in the insertion of new practices in the discipline, and their results validate the proposal presented by the teacher, which is the discipline of Calculus use, whose character is strongly linked to the training content of the student, as a discipline whose can contributed to the pedagogical formation of the graduation student, leading him to know the Mathematical Education possibilities, specially the Mathematical Investigation - Solving Problems, in the outlook of dialogued classes where the teacher assumes the facilitator role and where the students become actives in their pursuit of knowledge


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This monograph has as objective to study the human relations and the Public Relations in the contemporary time in witch the new technologies of the information got closer to the various existent cultures, but who make of the informative society of the global era, the expansion of the capital and of the culture of the more value. Man kind is backing away from the human relations, because the social interactions in the global world are done by objects such as the television, the internet and the telephone in witch cases the subjectivity and the human contact are traded for the informative quantity, because man kind doesn’t have anymore time to think, reflect and to exchange information. Man kind isolates itself and fills it’s subjective emptiness with the products offered by the neoliberal capitalism. The public relations in the organizations seek the human values created from a complex network of social interactions in all the heterogeneous of the organization. Through the communication the public relations tries to manage the relationships with the dialogical communication, between the public-organization, to harmonize the conflicting differences of the organizational environment. Thus, the public relations has to assume the roll of the information manager, and administrator of the human relations in this new global world, informative and that functions from the capital


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With the implementation of new technologies on the world stage of communication, Internet access has become increasingly numerous. Being sought by this means all kinds of information, from knowledge to entertainment. This paper intends to report the experience in two communities of the Internet, particularly in the social network Orkut, entitled I Hate Mathematics and I Love Mathematics, whose members are students, teachers and people who want to express how they feel about mathematics. The goal is to understand what took the members of these communities to hate or love Mathematics, clarifying the nature of the network Orkut and its contribution to mathematics education. For the analysis of data from field work, we use the phenomenological approach. The procedures followed by such approach allowed us to build four open categories: Research and Background, revealing that the research activities allow students to develop strategies, develop creativity and shows that what is learned in classroom is not just an accumulation of knowledge; Teacher's Role shows that it is necessary that the teacher understands the meaning of being a teacher and worry about being a student; Acquisition Technique, it is necessary that students be able to understand what is done and how it is done, and Sense of What is Done, to do is not directly linked to comprehend. The interpretation of these categories helped us understand the investigated giving us source to analyze how Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can help the teacher understand the student's relationship with Mathematics


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Atualmente vivemos na era da informação, da comunicação e das tecnologias, que mantém a sociedade em constante transformação, principalmente na educação e nos comportamentos das pessoas, influenciando direta ou indiretamente na construção da identidade pessoal ou coletiva. Pensando que a educação ocorre tanto na família, como na escola, é possível observar com mais clareza a influência destes elementos através da forma com que as crianças passam a se comportar em diversos ambientes. A mídia é cada vez mais parte integrada do nosso cotidiano, incluindo-se também o ambiente escolar, participando da vida dos alunos (BETTI, 2003). Para compreender a relação aluno-escola seguimos a perspectiva de Perrenoud (1995), pensando que a escola representa um lugar de muitas socializações, e que o desenvolvimento da identidade de aluno se desenvolve também nesse contexto, podemos questionar qual seria o papel da mídia? Esta tem influenciado? Em que? Para Identidade consideramos a perspectiva de Dubar (1995), que a considera como um processo em constante construção, sendo que existem meios específicos que contribuem para o desenvolvimento identitário, tanto a identidade biográfica como a relacional. Estabelecendo uma relação entre mídia e identidade, o presente estudo propôs-se a pesquisar a influência da mídia na construção da identidade de aluno, tomando como base as aulas de educação física, momento em que os estudantes tem maior possibilidade de expressão corporal. Como objetivo geral buscou-se compreender como os escolares constroem sua identidade de aluno a partir da influência da mídia na Educação Física. Especificamente: I. Identificar quais são os fatores midiáticos que influenciam na constituição da identidade de aluno; II. Analisar quais são os aspectos que compõe a identidade de aluno. Nosso trabalho se baseou em uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa. Os participantes foram 15 alunos de uma escola...


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Considering the necessity of implementation of the Information Technologies and Communication (ICT) in the public Brazilian schools, the São Paulo State government hearing the call of the federal government and, with the objective to promote the digital inclusion, created the Programa Acessa Escola. The research that we realized and bring expressed on this text, is about such program and allowed us comprehend how it had been developed in the public state schools of the city of Guaratinguetá. By visiting the schools, we saw the manner that each school make use of his informatics laboratory; how they understand the government Project; how they develop actions of use of the laboratory and, particularly, how they use the informatics laboratory to the teaching and learning of mathematics helping the professor and the students. To make possible to understand this use, was realized interviews with the responsible intern of each one of the 14 (fourteen) schools of Guaratinguetá; with the pedagogical coordinator or director of the school and with the mathematics teacher. By the analysis, realized using a qualitative approach of phenomenological nature, we understand that the intern see himself as an auxiliary of the student and professor in the use of the laboratory. The director or pedagogical coordinator understand that the laboratory is an excellent resource to the school, but still exist the necessity of more resources that allow to attend properly the community; and the mathematics teacher consider important the program in the school as much for the students digital inclusion as for the teaching but they feel not safe to use into his classes, because they consider that there is a lack of capacitation and collaboration to make their activities relevant to the learning. That make possible to recognize what is the function of the intern and what is the way that the students and professor ... ( Complete abstract click eletroctronic access below)


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All the time, organizations are seeking ways to relate to their audiences, in order to become stronger institutionally and merchandising. In the era of information technology contacts occur increasingly in virtual form, minimizing the face-to-face. Thus, this study contextualizes the trade fairs as a way to bring business relations / public interest in a real environment and provides the friendly atmosphere, much as in a short time, the company with a large amount of their customers, potential customers, partners, suppliers, and other audiences that may be interesting. However, shows that for the success of these events is a necessary strategic planning, so that subsequent implementation is possible to measure the results. It also envisions the trade fairs getting a new format, that is, their commercial character to give the space for the relational as a way to bring more awareness to organizations and to strengthen ties with their audiences. This beneath the optics of Public Relation as the appropriate professional to manage relationships and therefore be the strategist of the company's participation in a trade fair