200 resultados para Setor sucroalcooleiro


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In 2010 two retailers signed an association agreement to gain an advantage in the market, however this association has promoted many changes within the companies. So this study had the objective to analyze the organizational climate, in the integration of companies context, in order to early detect deficiencies that could pose risks to the process of integration. The results collected from the questionnaires revealed the perceptions and expectations of employees regarding the integration of companies and their level of satisfaction with the organization, in addition, the data obtained from interviews allowed us to understand and to find some causes to the level of satisfaction presented by employees. The results made possible to identify strengths as the company‟s image, points of failure in communication and training and dissatisfaction with the workload, then some actions were suggested with the intention to achieve greater engagement and commitment of employees and consequently contribute to the success of the Integration Program. The conclusion of this study is that the changes promoted by the integration of companies impacted in the organizational climate and increased employees dissatisfaction


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The changes occurring in Brazilian agriculture, with the inclusion of agro-industrial activities in your mode of production, must be analyzed to verify the changes in the behavior of territorial dynamics. Through changing the Rural Complex, traditional for the Agroindustrial Complex tightly integrated with trade and industry brought many consequences for the rural population, with regard to employment. Understanding this transformation capitalist the field is needed to analyze the actors involved in this process and the policies adopted for the expansion of sugar and ethanol activity in the State of São Paulo and the consequences for the spatial organization. The expansion of cane production areas were governed by the Institute of Sugar and Alcohol (IAA), the National Alcohol Program (PROÁLCOOL) Development Plan for the West of São Paulo - PRO-WEST and Expansion Program for the production of Canavicultura for production of fuel for the State of São Paulo (PROCANA). The occupation of these agroindustrial facilities in rural spaces contextualized by territorialization of the rural complex, in that sense, understanding these concepts is a key part development in the research. therefore, are concepts of fundamental importance to geographical science, and interpreting their function and construction in rural spaces


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O presente estudo, que foi desenvolvido considerando os dados de quatro municípios do Estado de São Paulo (São Carlos, Araraquara, Matão e Gavião Peixoto), teve como propósito definir um Indicador de Desenvolvimento Regional e teve os seguintes itens pesquisados: consumo energia elétrica residencial e industrial, população, valor adicionado total e o número de empregos gerados. Desses itens foram utilizados o valor adicionado e o número de empregos gerados para definir um indicador de desenvolvimento regional a fim de detectar o desenvolvimento dos municípios estudados, utilização de mão de obra qualificada e a geração de riquezas obtidas e distribuída entre esses municípios. A construção desse Indicador teve como base os dados dos municípios paulistas do período de 2001 a 2007. Após a mensuração do indicador de desenvolvimento regional foram extraídos e analisados os seguintes dados: análise do crescimento desses indicadores que levam ao desenvolvimento dos municípios vizinhos e a formação de um agrupamento produtivo local (cluster). Esses dados também foram utilizados numa análise estatística de regressão para estimar previsão de crescimento desses municípios em função do setor aeronáutico que está se instalando na região estudada. Foi observado também que no período estudado houve um crescimento de consumo de energia elétrica industrial e residencial, propiciando aos seus habitantes uma melhor qualidade de vida, com melhores salários e benefícios comuns. Esse indicador é altamente favorável, pois evidencia que a tendência de agrupamento de empresas no mesmo setor, contribui para o desenvolvimento da sociedade onde está inserida, incentiva o crescimento dos municípios e fomentando as atividades. No período de 2001 a 2005, os municípios de Araraquara, Gavião Peixoto e São Carlos tiveram um crescimento no indicador, de maneira estável... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Esse trabalho tem por objetivo estudar a história da produção canavieira no Brasil e no estado de São Paulo; entender o espaço e a evolução das relações de trabalho ali presentes, além da sua relação e impacto nos núcleos urbanos próximos. Com base nesse estudo, analisar a possibilidade de uma proposta projetual que resgate as relações existentes nas usinas, prevendo uma nova agregação de usos e equipamentos


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The proper management of materials storage is essential to supply the needs of production and reduce the inventory costs. Moreover, an effective layout contributes to improve the productivity and reduce the operational costs of a warehouse. This way, the purpose of this study was: to propose an expansion project to the warehouse of a factory in the food sector, suggesting a layout that best fit their needs and to verify its economic feasibility. To achieve this goal, it was applied methods such as ABC curve, spaghetti diagram and concepts of economics engineering to the analysis of investment in the project. The results showed that the second layout model was better than the first, supporting the storage capacity required by the company and presenting an internal movement more efficient. However, with the investment analysis, it was found that it was not feasible, given the conditions of the company, investing in the expansion of the warehouse


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A conservação da biodiversidade é tema recorrente nas ciências e nas políticas já há algumas décadas, porém esta inquietação não é recente, visto que muitos naturalistas de séculos passados alertaram sobre as adversidades da perda da biodiversidade. Mais recentemente, a sociedade passou a exigir das empresas uma postura pró-conservação, pois são elas as maiores responsáveis pela degradação ambiental. Sendo assim, esta pesquisa analisou como a conservação da biodiversidade está inserida no setor de negócios e quais práticas têm sido adotadas para alcançar este fim. Em um primeiro momento, foi feito um histórico a respeito da conservação da biodiversidade desde os primeiros naturalistas até as grandes cúpulas mundiais sobre meio ambiente. Posteriormente, foi discutida a importância da inter-relação entre a biodiversidade e o setor empresarial. Por fim, foram levantados os principais instrumentos de gestão ambiental utilizados pelas empresas. Para ilustrar este arcabouço teórico, foram identificados os principais acordos multilaterais pró-conservação da biodiversidade e as mais novas ferramentas de gestão ambiental desenvolvidas e aplicadas no setor empresarial. Além disso, foi conduzido um estudo de caso com duas empresas brasileiras do setor de cosméticos, fundamentados nos seus respectivos Relatórios de Sustentabilidade, que subsidiaram a extração de informações sobre o modo como as empresas gerenciam seus recursos naturais. Concluiu-se que as empresas analisadas possuem boas práticas ambientais, exemplificadas em um estudo de caso a partir do qual foi possível conhecer as ações em andamento que versam sobre economia de energia, economia e reutilização da água, compensação das emissões dos gases de efeito estufa, gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos e investimentos em projetos socioambientais... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This work aims at the debate about the role of professional public relations practices in the Public Sector Governance, building concepts through policies to encourage public communication. The democratic regime in place in most national states gave up the struggle of social actors in the quest for greater participation and representation in public policy decisions. The communication processes established in the state-society relationship is not limited to the dissemination of information but should lead the public involvement in changing social reality. And public relations are responsible for the mediation in the dialectic of communication between governments and governed


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This study is the result of a bibliographical research on the performance of the Third Sector in the current society. From references the study tried to locate the sprouting of the Third Sector in the international scene, whit the bankruptcy of welfare state, until its insertion in the Brazilian scene. Following this historical context, the paper of Communitarian Communication, Social Marketing and Communitarian Public Relations is discussed the importance of the communication of this Sector. Moreover, it has the effort of making one brief conceptualization and definition of the present terms. Working whit the concepts of Communitarian Communication and Communitarian Public Relations the study tried to focus the importance of creating a bond whit the development of a new educational model. Finally, the relation and the paper of the Communication in the construction of a new conception of citizenship was discussed. The hypothesis that crossed this study with respect to the potentialities of the Third Sector are considered an answer to the current social economic and political questions. Confiding, thus, a dynamic and stimulating field for the professional of Public Relations that, opposing what some studies had tries to show, are not necessarily the service of the market or private interests, but can collaborate whit its expertise to help to rescues the ethical values capable to change the life into a more solidary society


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Nuclear medicine uses non-sealed sources for exams and treatments, because the movement of these sources, source of patients injected or not, involve a wide range of environmental radiometric levels. To better control of these levels this study was aimed at monitoring points strategically distributed in all environments Sector Technical Nuclear Medicine, Hospital of the Botucatu Medical School, performing two measurements at random times daily for a period of three months, sampling the normal routine of the sector. The detector Geiger-Muller was used for the acquisition of exposure rates of the points, efficiency and reprodutibility test have shown good performance of this equipment for this purpose. The results allowed to make a projection of annual dose for each environment indicating higher risks for Occupationally Exposed Individuals as well as Public Individuals compared with the limits established by the National Commission of Nuclear Energy. Was developed a spatial map of dose that can be used as a visual warning to the regions with the highest exposure to ionizing radiation, enabling reduced risk of a potential exposure


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This work presents a project of Action Search in a consumption industry of the sector of personal care, health and beauty. Following the implementation steps of Autonomous Maintenance Pillar of TPM methodology, stands for Total Productive Maintenance, this work aims to ensure the advancement of some machines in a production line of the company to the next steps of the methodology implementation, demonstrating the results achieved by the TPM. In the company in question, the TPM has been implemented in the past but lost strength over the years and some of its concepts were abandoned, producing then a drop in the equipments efficiency, increased wastes and breaks in the processes, as well as loss in product quality. Then, the need arose to restart the implementation process from the beginning, to strictly follow all the steps of the methodology, ensuring increased efficiency of equipment and processes. Through training and a changing in the company culture, it was possible a joint effort between Operation and Maintenance in order to enhance the knowledge of the operators on their machines. Initially, it was developed a general cleanliness program of equipments so that it could be possible to find the anomalies in the process. Subsequently, operators and maintainers were trained to detect anomalies, enabling equipments to work under their basic conditions of operation and subsequently building provisional standards of equipment cleaning, lubrication and inspection. Through the improvement presented by some indicators such as OEE, wastes, bankruptcies and unavailability, it was proved the importance and the positive effects of TPM implementation in manufacturing


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The city of San Carlos is known to have important centers of research aimed at developing high technologies, which are: Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), the University of São Paulo (USP). Thus, the portion of the population of students who are not from the city of San Carlos, but it has to be present daily to provide their respective courses in San Carlos, has the need to rent property. The housing market, in turn, uses the application of capital to meet the demands of students and business is taking steps that make the production of space and provide new scope of the place, giving new meaning to the settings and new residents. This work goes towards understanding the students, social workers, boosting growth in this market and the influences of space and real estate agents and their actions materialized in space to meet this demand


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This thesis aims to analyze the applicability of Lean Six Sigma and DMAIC to improve processes focused on agriculture. We discuss the origins of each system separately, Lean Manufacturing, the Toyota plants in Japan, and Six Sigma, by Motorola in the U.S., and then appears to merge them and can meet their complementarities and synergy between their tools. Finally, we describe a case study focused on the harvesting department, applicable to all types of manuals crops, covering the production of fruits, vegetables and greens. This study shows the ability to reduce costs, increase productivity and elimination of defects that the methodology developed with the fusion of Lean Manufacturing with Six Sigma allows


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Nos últimos 40 anos, a biotecnologia tem evoluído significativamente, gerando uma série de repercussões e possibilidades para diversos setores. Embora os avanços tenham impactos muito amplos, um dos setores que mais se beneficiam do desenvolvimento da biotecnologia é a agricultura. Em meio a um contexto favorável para o desenvolvimento da biotecnologia no Brasil, buscaremos analisar o papel do setor público, de instituições de pesquisa e ensino e de empresas nacionais e transnacionais, bem como o estímulo à cooperação entre universidades e empresas do setor de defensivos agrícolas e sementes


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The questions involving environment and society have been increasingly considered into account when companies make business decisions. However many of them have not yet incorporated sustainability effectively in their business plan, sometimes performing only a few external actions and outside their area of expertise. The concept of corporate sustainability is within this context, and therefore the practice of companies consider, the environmental and social issues into their strategies, along with economic issues. This work has as main objective to identify what are the key indicators and related practices of the concept of corporate sustainability that has been introduced in companies on environmental reference of a certain sector of the Brazilian economy. The sector that was chosen is electric power, having enormous significance both in economy, society and environment. The results indicate that the main practice are in the areas of energy efficiency, security and good relationship with its key business stakeholders


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In Brazil , the construction industry is on an upward trend, mainly by the housing shortage , and yet there are few builders that take a Quality Management System ( QMS ) to improve the quality of its services and processes . The ISO 9001 standards are guidelines for an effective QMS and this certificate is recognized worldwide as a seal of quality standard. This paper will describe and analyze the implementation of a QMS in a small construction company of Guaratinguetá - SP, identifying best practices and major difficulties , besides proposing preparatory recommendations for other companies that seek the ISO 9000 certification. Access to company’s data made the nonconformities and the customer satisfaction research analysis possible, and a questionnaire and unstructured interviews allowed a deeper understanding of the situation. Despite this ISO 9000 QMS not being fully implemented, the company has already conquered some improvements in document control, project planning, process traceability and established focus on customer