272 resultados para Relato de caso


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Symmetric lupoid onychodystrophy, or lupoid onychitis, is a multifactor immune-mediated onychopathy. The aim of the present study is to report the occurrence of lupoid onychitis in a two year-old mongrel dog helped at the Small Animal Dermatology Service of Sao Paulo State University Veterinary Hospital, in Botucatu, São Paulo. The animal presented lameness, onycholysis in five digits, paronychia, onychomadesis, nail softening and leuchonychia, as well as melicerous crusts in interdigital spaces and nailbeds. No non-dermatological systemic symptoms were observed. Complementary exams were negative for parasites or fungi. After 15 days of treatment there was partial recovery followed by recurrence. Onychectomy was performed in two digits for histopathological examination and fungal culture, which was negative. Histopathology was consistent with lupoid onychitis, reinforcing the importance of this complementary exam.


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Suppurative meningitis are rarely reported in dogs and cats. The present study aims to report the occurrence of suppurative meningitis secondary to otitis media and interna in a five-year-old female Persian cat examined at the Veterinary School of Unesp-Botucatu with acute progressive multifocal neurological alterations. Analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) demonstrated predominance of neutrophils (90%) and the presence of bacteria. Therapy with antibiotics was initiated, but the animal came to die. beta-hemolytic Staphylococcus, beta-hemolytic Streptococcus and Proteus mirabilis were detected in fragments sent to culture. The present report demonstrates the importance of performing more specific exams such as complete CSF analysis in cases of otitis media and interna. This way, central nervous infections can be diagnosed and treated in a timely manner, as those are acute diseases with poor prognosis.


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Intracranial neoplasms are common causes of neurological disorders in middle-aged and elderly dogs. With the feasibility of computed tomography, it is now possible to determine the extent and exact location of brain tumors, identifying them ante mortem in dogs and cats. This paper aims to report the occurrence of a mixed glioma in a Boxer dog examined at the Veterinary Hospital of Unesp, Botucatu Campus. The animal presented with a brain syndrome of acute onset and progressive course. CT scan showed the presence of a mass in the right cerebral hemisphere extending from the frontal to the parietal region and involving the basal ganglia. Given the gravity of the neurological disorder, the owner chose to perform euthanasia. Microscopic analysis of the mass allowed the diagnosis of mixed glioma.


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The blue-fronted parrot (Amazona aestiva) belongs to the order Psittaciformes and family Pscittacidae. It is widely held as a pet because of its peculiar characteristics. The owners of such animals, however, frequently report behavioral problems. The absence of proper environmental stimuli generated by confinement and lack of social engagement can predispose these animals to characteristic behaviors related to stress, which can be manifested as a feather plucking syndrome. The present study reports the case of a blue-fronted Amazon parrot with a two-year history of feather plucking. The psychosomatic disease was halted once the animal created an emotional bond with a human being. This finding reinforces the social nature of this species and raises questions about the welfare of captive birds of this order.


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The main disturbs affecting the genital segment of bulls are balanitis, phimosis and preputial injuries, abscesses or prolapses, resulting in decreased libido or mating ability. One case of traumatic phimosis with partial obliteration of preputial lumen is reported in Aberdeen Angus bull. During anamnesis, it was reported that the animal was unable to expose the penis and presented increased penile and preputial volume of unknown etiology after being submitted to a libido test. During clinical examination, a firm preputial mass of 15 cm in diameter was observed in the middle third of the prepuce and stenosis of preputial lumen was detected approximately 17 cm from the preputial orifice. Reconstructive surgery was the chosen therapy, with amputation of the affected foreskin portion. A skin segment of about 12 cm and affected mucosal portion were removed. Postoperative therapy consisted of dressing with chlorhexidine digluconate based ointment, povidone iodine and topical insect repellent (cypermethrin and carbamyl), systemic antibiotic therapy with benzathine penicillin (30,000 IU / kg, repeated after 48 hours) and anti-inflammatory therapy with flunixin meglumine (2 , 0 mg / kg SID) for three days. After twenty days, semen was collected by massage of the accessory glands. The ejaculate volume was 3 mL, with 200x106 spermatozoa / mL, white color, "suis generis" odor, 88% of motile sperm, 64% of progressively motile sperm and 82% of rapid sperm. Thus, the chosen surgical treatment was effective to correct the pathology and reintroduce the animal into reproductive activity


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Orchiepididymitis is the inflammation of both, testis and epididymis and may be caused by microbial agents such as Brucella ovis. Thus, the aim of the present report is to present a case of orchiepididymitis in a Lacaune ram with unilateral testicular enlargement. Ultrasonography of the testis revealed the presence of a circular hypoechogenic structure adjacent to the testicular parenchyma. Corynebacterium sp was isolated from the surgically removed testis. Two months after removal of the affected testis, the animal returned to the Veterinary Hospital due to an enlargement of the remaining testis. A new ultrasonographic exam revealed the presence of abscesses in the testicular parenchyma and periorchitis. After orchiectomy, Proteus mirabilis was isolated from the material.


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A histerocele inguinal e uma hérnia pouco frequente, caracterizada pela protrusão do útero pelo canal inguinal, ocasionando sinais clínicos em decorrência de gestação ou alterações uterinas, dentre elas a piometra, tendo como causa primaria o desequilíbrio hormonal levando ao enfraquecimento de tecido conjuntivo, que distende os anéis inguinais. Pode ser causada por um conjunto de fatores tais como obesidade e aumento da pressão intra-abdominal, acompanhada pelo enfraquecimento das estruturas de contorno adjacentes. Foi relatada a ocorrência de histerocele inguinal com piometra em uma cadela da raça Poodle, com nove anos de idade, atendida no Ambulatório de Reprodução de Pequenos Animais do Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” Unesp – Botucatu – SP. As alterações clínicas observadas foram presença de secreção vulvar mucopurulenta, hipertermia (40,2°C), vasos episclerais ingurgitados, apatia e anorexia, além da presença de hérnia inguinal esquerda. Ao exame ultrassonográfico da cavidade abdominal e da hérnia, constataram-se áreas lobuladas com regiões anecoicas bem evidentes, características dos achados ultrassonográficos de piometra, tanto no interior da cavidade como no conteúdo herniário. Os achados hematológicos revelaram anemia normocítica e normocrômica, leucocitose grave, neutrofilia e desvio a esquerda; o exame bioquímico do soro revelou alteração das enzimas hepáticas, hiperglobulinemia e hiperproteinemia, condizentes com o quadro de piometra. Diante do quadro clinico, procedeu-se laparotomia de caráter emergencial e verificou-se que ambos os cornos estavam repletos de secreção e que o conteúdo herniario tratava-se do corno uterino esquerdo. O corno distendido foi removido do anel inguinal lentamente e, apos a ovariosalpingohisterectomia (OSH), foi realizado a redução do anel inguinal esquerdo. Apos a recuperação pós-operatória, restabeleceu-se a saúde do paciente.


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This study describes the occurrence of iatrogenic hydronephrosis in left kidney with compression of the abdominal aorta in persian cat and paralysis of hind limbs. The animal had slight dehydration, pale mucous membranes, cold extremities and cyanotic, absence of bilateral femoral artery pulse, and absence of superficial and deep pain, and presence of a mass of firm consistency with six centimeters in diameter, on abdominal palpation. Performed exploratory celiotomy, there was increased left kidney compressing the abdominal aorta and dilation of the cranial left ureter attached to the uterine horn by means of ligation with nonabsorbable. After nephrectomy, it was observed the restoration of local circulation. The animal died after eight hours.


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A cirurgia videolaparoscópica (CVL) vem evoluindo como alternativa cirúrgica menos invasiva para o tratamento da doença aterosclerótica oclusiva aortoilíaca. O objetivo deste relato de caso foi demonstrar os resultados da primeira cirurgia aórtica totalmente laparoscópica relatada no Brasil para o tratamento da doença oclusiva aortoilíaca em paciente com isquemia crítica. Os tempos cirúrgicos totais de dissecção e exposição da aorta antes do clampeamento, exposição retroperitoneal da aorta, clampeamento total e da anastomose proximal com técnica totalmente laparoscópica foram de 220 minutos, 15 e 27 minutos, 42 minutos, 110 minutos e 78 minutos, respectivamente. A técnica videolaparoscópica é mais uma ferramenta minimamente invasiva, viável, segura e eficaz para o tratamento da doença oclusiva aortoilíaca extensa. Ela, que nada mais é do que a cirurgia convencional realizada sob visão laparoscópica, tem bons resultados a longo prazo, que se associam à elegância técnica.


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In malocclusion studies, may happen not only dental discrepancies but even skeletal discrepancies. In Class III malocclusion can be observed underdeveloped maxilla, mandible protraction or both of them, and, in most of the times associated with a narrow maxilla that causes anterior or posterior crossbites, in one side or in two sides. The aim of this case report is to evaluate the facial profile and occlusal effects of interceptive orthodontics therapy. The treatment with upper arch expansion and maxilla protraction was done in an early age to be effective in the circummaxillary sutural system and to make the orthopedic effect easier. The facial mask used is positioned on two facial points and allows an anterior maxillary replacement. Patients’ compliance is important to reach treatment success, this because using the mask still in this growth and development phase is essential to make the facial and occlusal effects happen. It is important to mention that patients with Angle Class III malocclusion need to be followed till the end of their growth.


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The activities developed in health area are of great importance, because they have the aim to preserve the life of the men, and therefore, must be performed by authorized persons. The increase of the number of dental schools, the decline at the education quality and a higher admission of students with low ability to exercise their profession, are facts that bring disastrous consequences for society. These facts are, also, reflected at the moral, ethical and technical-scientific performance of the professional. The purpose of this clinic case is to show that although there is a significant suplly of education institutions, there is a lack of scientific and adequate technical knowledgement from the graduated dentals surgeons. The patient MSL, 17 year old, female, went to a dental clinic presenting a tray type Vernis, attached to the lower arch. After clinical evaluation, it was showed that an incorrect material was used for the impression technique, being impossible to take out the tray by the conventional manner. The planning for the removal of the tray was through the divide of it. Thus, the consequence of the lack of knowledge in the use of impression materials had caused a great incovinience to the patient. It can be concluded that the rate of malpractice is directly related to the professional preparation, highlighting the importance of quality dental education for a responsible clinical practice.


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The apical surgery with simultaneous root filling consists in the elimination of the local etiologic factors concomitant with the shaping and obturation of the root canal system. This technique is indicated when there is no possibility of obturating the root canal by conventional methods. Some adverse factors may difficult the clinical procedures, such as the radiographic interpretation. Periapical radiographs must not be used as the main diagnostic resource due to their inherent disadvantages, such as distortion and superimposition with other anatomical structures. The aim of this clinical case report is to show the limitations of radiographic examination in an apical surgery in which a root perforation was not visible in the radiographic image, as well as the gutta-percha was not related to its real clinical location.


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The exercise of a professional activity provides the human beings the possibility of making part of the life in society, as members of a culture. In this perspective, the work confers the possibility of the construction of the professional and the personal identity. However, there are some situations in which the worker gets sick. Present e discuss a case report of sick leaves due to illness constituted the central objective of this study.


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The treatment with overdenture supported by tooth consists in complete or partial removable prosthesis confection in which some satisfactory tooth are maintained and used to aiding retention associated with any retention system. The purpose of this case report is to show the use of magnet attachment in the confection overdenture to improve the oral rehabilitation in cases with restricted intermaxillary space. The treatment was considered successful by the patient and no need for excessive alteration in the prosthesis was required in the follow-up period of 6 months.


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Necrotizing fasciitis is a rare dermatopathy that promotes subcutaneous tissue damage, associated to substantial morbidity and mortality if treatment is not initiated at the beginning of the condition. The objective of the present study is to report the occurrence of two cases of necrotizing fasciitis, one in a miniature female Pinscher and the other one in a female Poodle, both attended at the Veterinary Hospital of FMVZ/Unesp-Botucatu. The animals presented ulcerated, erythematous lesions with secretion and points of necrosis along fascial planes. Bacterial culture was positive for Streptococcus spp. The animals were treated with enrofloxacin, associated to topical cleaning of the lesions with saline solution and triclosan-based soap and rifampicin spray. Both animals presented total remission of lesions after approximately 15 days of treatment. The present report aims to alert veterinary clinicians to the severity of Streptococcus spp infections.