322 resultados para Newborn


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This report presents the case of a nine-month-old bitch with incomplete occlusion of the skin and mucosa between the anus and dorsal commissure of the vulva. This anomaly, known as anovulvar cleft, was associated with a vaginal prolapse-hyperplasia. Anovulvar cleft is a rare condition in bitches and is caused by incomplete closure of the dorsal urogenital folds. Anovulvar cleft can lead to clitoritis, abrasion, dryness and devitalisation of the smooth exposed mucosa. Surgery can correct the condition. In the present study, surgical resection of the hyperplasic vaginal tissue associated with perineoplasty using an inverted V-shaped incision showed excellent results. An ovariohysterectomy was also performed to prevent recurrence of the vaginal prolapse-hyperplasia. © 2007 British Small Animal Veterinary Association.


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Multiple resistances to antimicrobial drugs arising in Escherichia coli isolates may complicate therapeutic management of urinary tract infection (UTI) by this organism. In order to assess the multidrug resistance (MDR) among urinary E. coli isolates, we have tested 11 antimicrobial drugs against 67 isolates from outpatients attended in a tertiary-care teaching hospital and of 78 isolates from a municipal health unit, respectively in Ribeirão Preto, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Seventy-six percent and 22% of the isolates from the tertiary-care hospital and the municipal unit, respectively, were resistant to three or more different classes of agents, and were considered to present MDR. Among the isolates from the hospital patients, 73.0%, 65.0%, 58.0%, 58.0% and 31.0% were resistant to tetracycline, ampicillin, cephalothin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMX) and norfloxacin, respectively; resistance from the municipal unit patients were 31.0%, 37.0%, 8.0%, 29.0% and 12.0% respectively, to the same drugs. The predominant phenotype among the MDR isolates presented is ampicillin, TMP/SMX and tetracycline resistance. The high prevalence of drug resistance among UTI patients calls for continuous surveillance to assure effective control of this infection. © 2007 by The Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Contexto Publishing. All rights reserved.


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Infection in hospitals is a serious problem for the Public Health System. It is responsible for the increasing number of hospital deaths, as well as the longer time patients may have to stay in hospital, raising the costs of confinement more and more. The most common hospital infection is urinary tract infections (UTI), the use of the urinary catheter being the main risk factor. The aim of this study was to evaluate the profile of UTI among hospitalized patients in a University Hospital in Brazil, from October to December 2003. Out of 271 samples of urine checked, 51 were positive, 27 of these from patients having community-acquired UTI and 24 whose infection originated in the hospital. The community-acquired UTIs were more frequent in female patients (63%). The highest incidence of infection was caused by Escherichia coli (74%), especially in patients aged from 0 to 15 (37%). The episodes of hospital-acquired infection happened, in the main, in male patients aged above 50 (68%) who were using a lasting vesical catheter; in this group of patients the infection was frequently caused by E. coli (29.1%) and Klebsiella spp. (29.1%). E. coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae exhibited strong resistance (62.5%) to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, as well as to ampicillin, showing that these drugs should not be used to cure UTIs in this institution.


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Eisenmenger's syndrome consists of pulmonary hypertension with a reversed or bidirectional shunt at the atrioventricular, or aortopulmonary level. Eisenmerger's syndrome in pregnancy is usually associated with high mortality rates (nearly 30-50%). Unfortunately, pulmonary hypertension is aggravated during pregnancy and often leads to an unfavorable outcome. Here, we report a successful pregnancy in a woman with Eisenmenger syndrome.


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Objective: To evaluate the results of the kangaroo mother method in Brazil. Methods: A prospective cohort study comparing 16 units that have or do not have the second phase of the kangaroo mother method: eight were national centers of excellence for the kangaroo mother method (study group) and eight were part of the Brazilian Neonatal Research Network (control group). A total of 985 newborn infants with birth weights of 500 to 1,749 g were enrolled. Multivariate analyses employedmultiple linear regression and Poisson regression with robust adjustment. Results: The adjusted analysis (controlled for birth weight, gestational age, Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology Perinatal Extension II, Neonatal Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System, and maternal age and educational level) demonstrated that mean length of hospital stay (p = 0.14) and intercurrent clinical conditions in the intermediate or kangaroo unit were equal for both groups. Weight (p = 0.012), length (p = 0.039) and head circumference (p = 0.006) at 36 weeks' corrected gestational age were all lower at the kangaroo units. The kangaroo units exhibited superior performance in relation to exclusive breastfeeding at discharge (69.2 vs. 23.8%, p=0.022). Conclusions: The evidence suggests that the humanization strategy adopted by the Brazilian Ministry of Health is a safe alternative to conventional treatment and a good strategy for promoting breastfeeding. Copyright © 2008 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.


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Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) is the major cause of lower respiratory tract infections in children under 5 years of age and the elderly, causing annual disease outbreaks during the fall and winter. Multiple lineages of the HRSVA and HRSVB serotypes co-circulate within a single outbreak and display a strongly temporal pattern of genetic variation, with a replacement of dominant genotypes occurring during consecutive years. In the present study we utilized phylogenetic methods to detect and map sites subject to adaptive evolution in the G protein of HRSVA and HRSVB. A total of 29 and 23 amino acid sites were found to be putatively positively selected in HRSVA and HRSVB, respectively. Several of these sites defined genotypes and lineages within genotypes in both groups, and correlated well with epitopes previously described in group A. Remarkably, 18 of these positively selected tended to revert in time to a previous codon state, producing a flipflop phylogenetic pattern. Such frequent evolutionary reversals in HRSV are indicative of a combination of frequent positive selection, reflecting the changing immune status of the human population, and a limited repertoire of functionally viable amino acids at specific amino acid sites.


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Hemoglobinopathies were included in the Brazilian Neonatal Screening Program on June 6, 2001. Automated high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was indicated as one of the diagnostic methods. The amount of information generated by these systems is immense, and the behavior of groups cannot always be observed in individual analyses. Three-dimensional (3-D) visualization techniques can be applied to extract this information, for extracting patterns, trends or relations from the results stored in databases. We applied the 3-D visualization tool to analyze patterns in the results of hemoglobinopathy based on neonatal diagnosis by HPLC. The laboratory results of 2520 newborn analyses carried out in 2001 and 2002 were used. The Fast, F1, F and A peaks, which were detected by the analytical system, were chosen as attributes for mapping. To establish a behavior pattern, the results were classified into groups according to hemoglobin phenotype: normal (N = 2169), variant (N = 73) and thalassemia (N = 279). 3-D visualization was made with the FastMap DB tool; there were two distribution patterns in the normal group, due to variation in the amplitude of the values obtained by HPLC for the F1 window. It allowed separation of the samples with normal Hb from those with alpha thalassemia, based on a significant difference (P > 0.05) between the mean values of the Fast and A peaks, demonstrating the need for better evaluation of chromatograms; this method could be used to help diagnose alpha thalassemia in newborns.


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Four births of Hippocampus reidi Ginsburg, 1933 were monitored for the first time under natural conditions. This study provides the fish estimate of fecundity in the wild, which is an important parameter for assessing population dynamics and management strategies.


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Abstract: When and how the dentist intervenes have repercussions on children's physical and emotional patterns. The objective of the present study was to conduct a longitudinal behavioral analysis during dental care of babies aged 0 to 3 years. A total of 216 patients seen at the Baby Clinic of the School of Dentistry at Araçatuba, São Paulo State University (UNESP), were selected. The selection criterion was attendance at ten dental care sessions at bimonthly intervals for routine procedures such as clinical examination and oral hygiene. There was a predominance of cooperative behavior compared to uncooperative behavior when each visit was analyzed separately. The behavior of the patients must have been directly influenced by their psychomotor development. Constant attendance and exposure of the baby to non-stressful dental stimuli are factors that favor a cooperative behavior.


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PURPOSE: to investigate the effect of cigarette smoke exposure on body and tissue weight gain, serum parameters and milk yield during pregnancy and lactation in rats, and the impact on offspring from birth toil young adulthood. METHODS: 40 Wistar pregnant rats were randomly divided into: CG - not exposed to cigarette smoke and sacrificed at the end of pregnancy; CL - not exposed to cigarette smoke and sacrificed at the end of lactation; FG - exposed to cigarette smoke and sacrificed at the end of pregnancy; FL - exposed to cigarette smoke and sacrificed at the end of lactation. The offspring were separated by gender and divided according to their mothers' groups. Tissue weight, body weight and serum parameters were evaluated in rats and offspring. Milk yield per pup was calculated. RESULTS: body weight was decreased in FL during lactation (CL=267.0±7.2; FL=235.5±7.2 g*, *p<0.05). Adipose tissue was not detected in the CL and FL groups, and was reduced in FG compared to CG (CG=3.3±0.3; FG=2.4±0.3 g*, *p<0.05). Rats exposed to cigarette smoke had higher blood glucose levels (CG=113±17, CL=86±16, FG=177±21*, FL=178±23 mg/dL*, *p<0.05 CG versus FG e CL versus FL), CL and FL groups presented lower HDL-cholesterol with no change in total cholesterol. Finally, rats exposed to cigarette smoke had lower milk yield compared to unexposed rats (CL=6.7±0.4, FL=5.4±0.3 g*, *p<0.05). In offspring from the FG and FL groups, there was a decrease of body weight from birth to young adulthood, with no changes in gastrocnemius, liver or heart weights in any group, and adipose tissue was no detected in female offspring. There was an increase in blood glucose in offspring of both sexes from rats exposed to cigarette smoke (males: Pcg=107±10.5, Pcl=115±8.6, Pfg=148±16.8*, Pfl=172±11.2**; females: Pcg=109±27.2, Pcl=104±9.7, Pfg=134±20.0*, Pfl=126±13.3**; p<0.05 *Pcg versus Pfg and **Pcl versus Pfl). CONCLUSIONS: exposure to cigarette smoke provokes impairment of morphometric and serum parameters during pregnancy and lactation both in mothers and offspring, which is maintained during young adulthood.


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Background: This study constitutes a clinical and genetic study of all newborn and stillborn infants with birth defects seen in a period of one year in a medical school hospital located in Brazil. The aims of this study were to estimate the incidence, causes and consequences of the defects. Methods. For all infants we carried out physical assessment, photographic records, analysis of medical records and collection of additional information with the family, besides the karyotypic analysis or molecular tests in indicated cases. Result: The incidence of birth defects was 2.8%. Among them, the etiology was identified in 73.6% (ci95%: 64.4-81.6%). Etiology involving the participation of genetic factors single or associated with environmental factors) was more frequent 94.5%, ci95%: 88.5-98.0%) than those caused exclusively by environmental factors (alcohol in and gestational diabetes mellitus). The conclusive or presumed diagnosis was possible in 85% of the cases. Among them, the isolated congenital heart disease (9.5%) and Down syndrome (9.5%) were the most common, followed by gastroschisis (8.4%), neural tube defects (7.4%) and clubfoot (5.3%). Maternal age, parental consanguinity, exposure to teratogenic agents and family susceptibility were some of the identified risk factors. The most common observed consequences were prolonged hospital stays and death. Conclusions: The current incidence of birth defects among newborns and stillbirths of in our population is similar to those obtained by other studies performed in Brazil and in other underdeveloped countries. Birth defects are one of the major causes leading to lost years of potential life. The study of birth defects in underdeveloped countries should continue. The identification of incidence, risk factors and consequences are essential for planning preventive measures and effective treatments. © 2011 Fett-Conte et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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The National Neonatal Screening Program (NNSP) set up in all Brazil, aims, through planned phases of local implementation, to detect diseases such as phenylketonuria, congenital hypothyroidism, hemoglobinopathies and cystic fibrosis. The aim of this study was to assess, through a cross-sectional observational study, the prevalence of the diseases detected by the NNSP in the city of Araraquara, in records issued by the São Paulo APAE laboratory in the period between April and December 2009.The results show that Araraquara had a prevalence of phenylketonuria and congenital hypothyroidism 0.06% above the national averages of 0.01% and 0.03% respectively. With respect to hemoglobinopathies, the prevalence of sickle cell trait was 2.15% below the national average of 2.6%. The prevalence of Hb C in the city was 0.57%, similar to national values reported in the literature. Confirmed Hb Bart's had a prevalence of 0.13% in Araraquara, below the average of 0.38% for the surrounding region. The neonatal screening by heel-prick test and counseling for caregivers are important factors in reducing morbidity related to the evolution of these diseases.


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Newborn infants exposed to preeclampsia (PE) present increased short-term morbidity, mainly respiratory diseases such as respiratory distress syndrome and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Gastrointestinal problems are also frequent, although a higher risk of necrotizing enterocolitis has not been confirmed. These problems could be related not just to PE itself but also to prematurity or intrauterine growth restriction, which frequently occur in this maternal disease. Other findings, however, seem to be due to the direct effect of the maternal disease; these findings include an increased frequency of neutropenia and thrombocytopenia and a lower incidence of cerebral disorders, such as periventricularintraventricular hemorrhage and cerebral palsy. The evaluation of long-term outcome shows increasing evidence that PE has important implications for the future health of the mother and her child, suggesting that PE is not a simple gestational disorder but a clinical syndrome with an unclear etiology, a genetic component, and a complex pathophysiology. This syndrome involves important maternal and fetal vascular alterations that can persist and cause diseases in later life. The divergence in results on outcomes for children exposed to PE could, in part, be due to methodological differences in the studies, most of which are retrospective case-control studies. Better evidence on prognosis is obtained from cohort studies. Even in the cohort studies, differences in patient characteristics and severity of maternal disease, as well as sample size, follow-up time, and main outcome measures certainly contribute to the variability in results reported in the literature. © 2012 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved.


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Congenital diaphragmatic Bochdaleck hernia is an anatomical defect of the diaphragm, which allows protrusion of abdominal viscera into the chest, causing serious pulmonary and cardiac complications in the neonate. In this study we aimed to present a case of congenital Bochdaleck hernia. We investigated a 40 weeks old child, with a pregnancy carried out in a public hospital in Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. We suggest that if diagnosis occurs in the prenatal period, the prognosis of this disease improves. As a consequence, it allows the parity of the fetus to occur in a higher complexity center, optimizing the chances of survival. © 2012 Lava et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Objective: To verify, in extremely preterm infants, if disagreement between obstetricians and neonatologists regarding proactive management is associated with early death.Study Design: Prospective cohort of 484 infants with 23 0/7 to 266/7 weeks, without malformations, born from January 2006 to December 2009 in eight Brazilian hospitals. Pro-active management was defined as indication of ≥1 dose of antenatal steroid or cesarean section (obstetrician) and resuscitation at birth according to the international guidelines (neonatologist). Main outcome was neonatal death in the first 24 h of life.Result: Obstetricians and neonatologists disagreed in 115 (24%) patients: only neonatologists were proactive in 107 of them. Disagreement between professionals increased 2.39 times the chance of death in the first day (95% confidence interval 1.40 to 4.09), adjusted for center and maternal/neonatal clinical conditions.Conclusion: In infants with 23 to 26 weeks of gestation, disagreement between obstetricians and neonatologists, translated as lack of antenatal steroids and/or vaginal delivery, despite resuscitation procedures, increases the odds of death in the first day. © 2012 Nature America, Inc.