236 resultados para Morte fetal


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Maternal undernutrition affects the foetal development, promoting renal alterations and adult hypertension. The present study investigates, in adult male rats, the effect of food restriction in utero on arterial blood pressure changes (AP), and its possible association with the number of nephrons, renal function and angiotensin II (AT1R/AT2R), glucocorticoid (GR) and mineralocorticoid (MCR) receptors expression. The daily food supply to pregnant rats was measured and one group (n=5) received normal quantity of food (NF) while the other group received 50% of that (FR50) (n=5). The AP was measured weekly. At 16 weeks of life, fractionator’s method was used to estimate glomeruli number in histological slices. The renal function was estimate by creatinine and lithium clearances. Blood and urine samples were collected to biochemical determination of creatinine, sodium, potassium and lithium. At 90th and 23rd days of life, kidneys were also processed to AT1R, AT2R, GR and MCR immunolocalization and for western blotting analysis. FR50 offspring shows a significant reduction in BW (FR50: 5.67 ± 0.16 vs. 6.84 ± 0.13g in NF, P<0.001) and increased AP from 6th to 12nd week (6thwk FR50: 149.1 ± 3.4 vs. 125.1 ± 3.2mmHg in NF, P<0.001and, 12ndwk FR50: 164.4 ± 4.9 vs. 144.0 ± 3.3 mmHg in NF, P=0.02). Expression of AT1R and AT2R were significantly decreased in FR50 (AT1, 59080 ± 2709 vs. 77000 ± 3591 in NF, P=0.05; AT2, 27500 ± 95.50 vs. 67870 ± 1509 in NF, P=0.001) while the expression of GR increased in FR50 (36090 ± 781.5 vs. 4446 ± 364.5 in NF, P=0.0007). The expression of MCR did not change significantly. We also verified a pronounced decrease in fractional urinary sodium excretion in FR50 offspring (0.03 ± 0.02 vs. 0.06 ± 0.04 in NF, p=0.03). This occurred despite unchanged creatinine clearance. The study led us to suggest that fetal undernutrition, with increased fetal exposure... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The use of pesticides in Brazil has intensified over the years. And since 2009 it was ranked as the largest market for pesticides worldwide. The consequential diffuse contamination of the environment is therefore due to the increasing number of chemicals of different classes, origins and modes of action. Little is known about the action of pesticides on human health in situations of co-exposure. Possible toxic effects are not restricted to agricultural and industrial workers, but also the general population that may be exposed continuously to its residues in food and water. Although these pesticides are mostly present in the environment at low doses, it must be considered that possible cumulative or synergistic effects may occur when there are concurrent or sustained exposure for two or more of these agents, which can lead to late manifestation of subclinical damages, sometimes irreversible. Thus, the specific objective of this study was to assess the effect of carcinogenesis promotion of a mixture of pesticides at low doses and analyze the phenomena of cell proliferation and apoptosis in rat liver. A total of 50 male Lewis rats was separated into 5 groups for 8 weeks in a medium term hepatocarcinogenesis model. The three different classes of pesticides (dieldrin, dicofol, endosulfan, dichlorvos and permethrin), whose residues were detected by ANVISA during the period from 2001 to 2005 in tomatoes cultures, were added to the feed of rats initiated to hepatocarcinogenesis with diethylnitrosamine (DEN- 200mg/kg ip). We used two different mixtures, one with no toxic effects at doses (MEX1) referring to the NOEL (no-observed-effect level) and another at doses LOEL / LEL / LOAEL (Lowest-observed-effect level / Lowest-effect level / Lowest -observed-adverse-effect level), to the installation of adverse effects (MEX2), derived from chronic studies. All animals ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Presently, the dying process and death most often occur in hospitals and, particularly, in Intensive Care Units (ICU), where patients’ lives are prolonged thanks to advanced technological devices and highly efficient medicines. To learn about the opinion of health care professionals working at a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit in relation to the dying process and dying. This is a descriptive quantitative study. A questionnaire was applied to the unit’s staff members from June to August, 2011. Data were statistically analyzed. Twenty-five professionals answered the questionnaire, and 72% faced death as a natural life process. 60% felt compassion, but that feeling did not interfere with how they cared for patients. Concerning their professional training, 52% reported not to have received any concerning patients’ caregivers in the dying process or death; therefore, they experienced such situation when they were already working, and 76% reported to be interested in updating courses on that theme. Further discussion about this topic during academic education is necessary. It is also necessary to provide health care professionals with specialization courses, debates and experience exchange so that they can better understand and deal with their feelings and limitations in face of death and thus give better care to patients and relate to patients’ families during the dying process of a loved one


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The main objective of the presented study is the development of a predictive interval type-2 fuzzy inference system in order to estimate the mortality risk for a newborn, to be used as an auxiliary tool for decision making in medical centers where there is a lack of professionals for this purpose and, afterwards, to compare its performance to a type-1 fuzzy system. The input variables were chosen due to their acquisition ‘simplicity, not involving any invasive tests, such as blood tests or other specific tests. The variables are easily obtained in the first few minutes of life: birth weight, gestational age at delivery, 5-minute Apgar score and previous report of stillbirth. Databases from the DATASUS were used to validate the model. 1351 records from the city of São José dos Campos, a mid-sized city in the São Paulo state’s countryside, were considered in this study. Finally, an analysis using the ROC curve was performed to estimate the model’s accuracy


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Tendo em vista a problemática mundial com relação à degradação dos materiais plásticos e sua dispersão no meio ambiente, e diante de estudo realizado anteriormente onde se observou alterações histopatológicas e bioquímicas na próstata de animais expostos ao DBP (Di-N-Butil-ftalato) no período perinatal, este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o potencial carcinogênico do DBP administrado desde o período fetal e após iniciação pelo MNU em um modelo de carcinogênese prostática. Ratas prenhes foram divididas em 4 grupos experimentais: 2 tratados: n=16/grupo (TDBP100 e TDBP500) e 2 controles: n=8/grupo (CN e CMNU). O grupo TDBP100 foi exposto ao DBP (100 mg/kg) e o TDBP500 a 500 mg/kg do 15º. dia de gestação (DG15) até a 21º. dia pósnatal (DPN21), enquanto que os animais controle receberam o veículo. Após o desmame, os machos foram separados e os grupos tratados e CMNU receberam dose única de MNU (50 mg/Kg, i.p.) na 6ª. semana pós-natal. Metade dos animais tratados (n=8/grupo) continuaram recebendo o DBP (DBP100+ e DBP500+) após o desmame em doses semanais até o dia do sacrifício (DPN180), enquanto os demais foram mantidos pelo mesmo período sem tratamento (DBP100- e DBP500-).Após a aplicação do MNU, os animais foram submetidos a injeções semanais de Cipionato de Testosterona (promotor) 2mg/aplicação. No dia do sacrifício, o sangue foi coletado, os órgãos reprodutores foram pesados e fragmentos do lobo ventral da próstata foram processados para inclusão em resina e Paraplast para as análises estruturais; e imunocitoquímicas para a detecção de AR e ER. Fragmentos de próstata ventral foram congelados e estocados a -80ºC e após extração das proteínas, estas foram destinadas à reação de Western Blot para avaliar a expressão das mesmas proteínas. Houve diminuição na distância anogenital nos animais DBP500 no DPN1 quando comparado com o grupo controle apontando para o efeito efetivo do DBP ...


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This study intends to get a general overview on the German Angelus Silesius (1624- 1677)’s poetry about the way he discusses death. For the purpose of postulating some hypotheses about the meaning of death in the historical period in which the poet lived, we will comment some poems by identifying clues which reclaim the period’s moral.


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This article compares Thomas Mann´s The death in Venice with its cinematographic version directed by Luchino Visconti.


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The novel As intermitências da morte, by José Saramago (2005a), presents an imaginary narrative that treats one of the most classical themes of universal literature. Besides that, the novel discusses the question of fictional discourse construction, showing the potentialities (and limits) of language as an intermediation between life and art.