248 resultados para Monitoramento e Aprendizado Estratégico


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A etologia é um ramo da zoologia que estuda o comportamento animal, que em linhas gerais, trata-se da reação do animal a estímulos tanto internos como externos. Esse comportamento pode ser oriundo de um padrão pré-estabelecido na espécie, sendo inato, classificado como um “padrão fixo de ação” (P.F.A.) ou pode ser um conjunto de respostas adquiridas. Nesse caso, trata-se de um comportamento aprendido ao longo da vida do animal, por conta própria ou transmitido de indivíduo para indivíduo, diante das experiências e interações com o ambiente. Uma das definições consiste na mudança adaptativa do comportamento manifestada após experiências adquiridas. Existem várias formas pelas quais os animais podem aprender, como por exemplo, imitação, “insight”, tentativa de acerto e erro. Diante do exposto, o trabalho focará na aprendizagem do grupo de primatas classificado como os grandes símios: Orangotangos, Gorilas, Chipanzés e Bonobos. O objetivo é fazer um levantamento dos tipos de estudo existentes que buscaram ampliar o conhecimento acerca desse tipo de comportamento dos grandes símios: aprendizagem. Abordadas algumas ferramentas e a forma como são utilizadas. Será feito também um breve relato sobre a possível existência de cultura entre os grandes símios, além de aplicações atuais e práticas dos conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo dos anos


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The growing demand for electricity in Brazil has stimulated the implementation of Small Hydro Power (PCH) in various regions of the country. However, the silting of reservoirs is a major problem faced by power plants and power plants. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate the data hydrosedimentological strategic points of the watershed of the Alto Rio Sucuriú (MS) to identify the possible causes siltation of the reservoir PCH Costa Rica and suggest mitigation measures. Hydrosedimentological surveys were conducted during the rainy season (February / March 2012) and drought (August 2012), and obtained data flow, discharge liquid, suspended solids and bottom and organic matter content. Based on these results it was determined that the points 2, 4, 7 and 9 are the largest contributors to sedimentation, and point 4 got most liquid discharge (38,20 m3s-1), point 7 largest discharge of solid suspension (906,3 mg L-1), points 2 and 4 major discharges solid totals (231,59 t dia-1 and 238,185 t dia-1 respectively) and point 9 higher organic matter content (22,18%) . Found greater fraction of fine sand and very fine suspended solids and solid medium sand in the background. As mitigation measures for the process of silting of the reservoir PCH Costa Rica (MS) highlights the orientation of landowners in adopting conservation measures and planting of leguminous species native to the region in symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing bacteria


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In the past years, soya has increased itself as the mean agro export culture in Brazil, encouraging the expansion of its agricultural frontier throughout the country. Brazil is the second biggest soya producer around the world, with a 59,8 million ton production in 2008, according to the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), only behind United States. Around the country, the four leading producer states are Mato Grosso, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul e Goiás. Therefore, geotechnologies may be used to monitor use and soil occupation in various analyzes periods. In this review, the tools are important to illustrate the soya production areas and also the weather behavior around its production evolution in the territory through the years. Its utilization can contribute to the evolution and optimization around real time monitoring of the Agricola cultures, without being necessary to be in the area with a low financial cost. Generally, this information is strongly important for decision makers in both government and private sector, as soon as the achievement information regards the quantification of area, yield and development of agricultural crops are essential to the economic behavior of culture during the season and even beyond. By obtaining data regarding climate crops 2008/09 and 2009/10, held the climatic water balance calculation based on the dynamics of water storage in soil temperature and precipitation data, interpolation of the data through the interpolator (IDW) that generated thematic precipitation maps. Overall, the use of geotechnology to monitor agricultural areas, can strongly contribute to this monitoring, generating raw material for further analysis at low cost


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Geophysics studies in areas impacted by petroleum derivatives describe abnormalities of both low and high electrical resistivity (the opposite of electrical conductivity), confirmed as contaminant phase by chemical analysis: this contradiction can be explained by degrading processes that naturally occur and create sub products that can change the environment conductivity. Monitoring the variation of the parameters mentioned serves as a comparative basis to the variation in geoelectrical parameters, which identified the correlation between the same contaminant parameters and the difference between their behavior studied apart, as well as its relations with the biodegradation process. The results are applied to the fuel distribution and storage sectors, leading to the diagnosis and monitoring of possible groundwater contamination scenarios, and the knowledge of the area exposure time to the contaminant, besides the better remediation alternative and impacts control. Among some conclusions, the most significant are the decrease in conductivity over time, so as the increase in Eh value in the gasoline contaminated tank, as well as the decrease in the pH value in the second tank with ethanol, which can be attributed to its degradation. Comparing the variations in both tanks, it is evident that Eh, pH and electrical conductivity do not behave temporally in a similar way, although some correlations between Eh and pH can be related.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEB


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper analyzes voicing occurrences on the coda of Portuguese and English words pronounced by Brazilian speakers. The aim of this kind of analysis is to describe how voicing occurrences affect the realization and perception of foreign words. It was noted that there is a recurrence on the use of unvoiced coda in Portuguese, which was assumed to happen also in English when Brazilian Portuguese speakers uses it as a second language. The recordings were analyzed through Praat, software that generates waveforms and spectrograms, allowing segments to be divided and phonetically transcribed. The analysis proved the assumption to be true, concluding that speakers who had their speeches recorded produced unvoiced codas in fact. Conclusions concerning this take into consideration that, considering how minimal pairs in English can be produced based on coda voicing, there is a possible communication difficulty Brazilians may face due to this fact. But it goes by unnoticed, because this process sounds so natural it hardly is taken as a problem source


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A predição da resposta do tumor a radioterapia e a questão mais importante durante o tratamento de pacientes com câncer. Como consequência, a predição de genes que sejam responsivos a radiação ionizante e uma possibilidade para a melhoria dos resultados clínicos e a otimização das doses as quais os pacientes são submetidos ao longo do tratamento. Juntamente com esses dados, é possível obter respostas sobre os mecanismos de resistência a radiação dos tumores e até mesmo a identificação de biomarcadores responsáveis pela resistência a radiação ionizante que podem ser potenciais para o desenvolvimento de novas drogas visando a proteção de tecidos saudáveis. A determinação experimental dos genes que sejam responsivos à radiação ionizante é algo caro e que demanda muito tempo e trabalho; porém, se utilizarmos uma forma computacional de direcionar os estudos experimentais diretamente aos genes que têm mais potencial para serem responsivos à radiação ionizante, as pesquisas podem ser mais direcionadas e específicas. Para determinar essa característica, construímos, analisamos e determinamos os dados da topologia da rede integrada de interações moleculares entre genes humanos, contendo interações físicas entre proteínas, interações metabólicas e interações de regulação transcricional. Os dados topológicos foram utilizados como atributos de treinamento para o aprendizado de máquina, no qual os genes conhecidamente responsivos à radiação ionizante foram apresentados a um algoritmo de árvore de decisão que gerou modelos de predição com índices de sensibilidade e precisão de 5% e 72%, respectivamente. Os índices de acerto obtidos para os conjuntos de teste foram satisfatórios, retornando 91% dos genes conhecidos como responsiveis à radiação ionizante utilizados para o treinamento da árvore de decisão. Nós aplicamos o modelo de predição na rede integrada e atribuímos probabilidades ...


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A monitoring network of atmospheric electric field covering the Vale do Paraiba region was implemented. The sensors were located on different sites with different altitude and geographic topology. The present work reports the study carried on those sensors in order to verify the necessity of using some correction factor to the measured local electric field intensity due to effects of local environment. The measurements were done in continuous 24 hours per day with the data recorded on registers in each device accumulating information during a period of four months. The relation between the electric field values by each sensor was compared to the reference located on Sao Jose dos Campos city using the same period. In a graphical analysis using the local field intensity and the reference, the data were fitted to a straight line obtained by minimum square method. Variation up to 95% was observed between the field values in some sensors. Another method was proposed, comparing the mean values of the electric field in a function of time. The variation in some sensors reached up to 133%. We conclude that the variations are due to local atmospheric conditions and no correction factor is required on the electric field sensors


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS


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This study was conducted to investigate how visually impaired people perform distance estimation tasks by movement and navigation during deprivation of effective perceptual and proprioceptive information. For that they performed the task of walking three distances, being the first and second of 100 meters and the third of 140 meters (triangulation) from a point of origin in open field on a inverted L shaped trajectory and then returning to the origin. The first and second tasks were driven by means of a guide with GPS adapted to the study coordinates, and the third one was freeform with three sessions, the first without perceptual and proprioceptive restrictions, the second without auditory perception, and the third in a wheelchair, without proprioception. The objective of this study was to indicate the differences in distance reproduction in relation to accuracy and investigate the spatial representation of participants in a navigation task, in which there is active movement, but no effective perceptual and proprioceptive information. Results showed that the average participants underestimated distances producing average angles close to the value of 45°. And by means of the "t" students test no significant differences between subjects can be pointed out. To achieve these results we used remote monitoring by GPS and software TrackMaker.


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Governament organizations has as challenge for their governance the requirement ro improve evaluation system that measure the acting of their mediations and profefer for society informations about achievements. The text analyze the challenges and advances of evaluation tools for produce guidelines that could be inserted at context of decision-making from public agents. Thereunto informations must be reliable and real-time, creating vectors of haste for modernization of informational capacity of State as a whole.


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This article analyzes the results of three different field research, carried out simultaneously in small technology-based sectors, metal-mechanical industry and hotel in the city of São Carlos - SP, with goals, concepts and methods of similar research. The studies were classified as quantitative and descriptive and conducted through a survey of opinion with the main leader of the company. It were considered valid for analyses, the responses of 57 leaders, it were 33 technology-based sector, 13 of the metal-mechanic industry and 11 in the hospitality sector. The main results: the formalization of planning has not led to better performance, considering the indicator growth in sales in the three sectors studied and that the degree of formalization of the planning of the companies in the technologybased sector was higher, while the hospitality sector had a percentage smaller. The dynamic aspect of technology-based sector and stability in the hotel sector in the region studied, leads to assume that the turbulence of the environment is a predominant factor, contradicting the proposal of some authors, in which the formal planning is inappropriate for small companies that operate in environments that change quickly.