254 resultados para Medicação psiquiátrica


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A doença de Parkinson (DP) é uma doença neurodegenerativa que afeta principalmente o controle motor com reflexos negativos no desempenho funcional de seus pacientes. Alterações no equilíbrio podem levar à diminuição da independência e funcionalidade. Alguns estudos evidenciam os benefícios do exercício físico, como alternativa nãofarmacológica para esses pacientes. Objetivo: O presente trabalho analisou e comparou os efeitos de dois programas de atividade física sobre o risco de quedas e o equilíbrio funcional em pacientes com doença de Parkinson. O presente estudo também teve como objetivo verificar a associação entre as variáveis clínicas e comportamentais. Método: Participaram do estudo 30 pacientes com DP idiopática entre os estágios I a III na escala de estagiamento clínico de Hoehn & Yahr, sendo distribuídos em três grupos: grupo de treinamento com pesos (GTP), atividade física generalizada (GAFG) e o grupo controle (GC). O período de intervenção para o GTP e o GAFG foi de quatro meses. As avaliações foram realizadas com os participantes na fase “on” da medicação. Para avaliar o equilíbrio dinâmico juntamente com o risco de quedas foi utilizado o teste Timed Up and Go (TUG) e, para analisar o risco de quedas foi utilizada a Escala de Equilíbrio Funcional de Berg (EEFB). As avaliações clínicas foram realizadas por meio da Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (sub-escalas funcional e motora), escala de nível de gravidade da doença de Hohen & Yahr e Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM). O teste U de Mann-Whitney foi utilizado para comparação das variáveis analisadas entre os três grupos separadamente por momento do treinamento. Resultados: Apenas em relação à EEFB foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos, com pior desempenho para o grupo controle (GC). Conclusão: Foi possível observar que: os pacientes... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of chlorhexidine gel 2% as auxiliary chemical substance on the biomechanical preparation (BMP) and medication intracanal (ICM) on C. albicans, E. faecalis, E. coli and their endotoxin in root canals. We used 48 single-rooted human teeth divided into four groups according to dressing ICM: 1) Ca(OH)2 + pyrogen-free saline solution; 2) 2% chlorhexidine gel (CLX); 3) Ca(OH)2 + CLX, and; 4) pyrogen-free saline solution (control group). Were collected the contents of root canals to confirm the presence of microorganisms (confirmation), immediately after instrumentation (1st collection), after 7 days of the BMP (2nd collection), after 14 days of the action of ICM (3rd Collection) and 7 days after removal of the ICM (4 th collection). Were performed: the evaluation of antimicrobial activity and the content analysis of endotoxins for all sampling tests. The results were statistically analyzed using Kruskall-Wallis and Dunn tests with a significance of 5%. It was found that the CLX as auxiliary chemical substance has significantly reduced microorganisms confirmation collection when compared. In relation to the neutralization of endotoxin, it was found that the 1st and 2nd collections presented a decrease of 92.03% and 98.10% in mean percentage respectively, when compared to the confirmation collection. In the 3rd and 4th samplings, the Ca (OH)2 + CLX group showed the best results. It was concluded that the BMP and the ICM were able to eliminate the tested microrganisms, however, they were not able to completely eliminate endotoxins root canal


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No Brasil, 190.000 pacientes HIV+ utilizam a terapia antirretroviral. Embora a distribuição da medicação seja gratuita, o problema enfrentado é a não adesão do paciente à terapia, que deve ser igual ou superior a 95%. A não adesão causa o aumento da carga viral, queda dos linfócitos CD4+ e resistência viral à medicação. A complexidade da farmacoterapia, as reações adversas à medicação e a falta de conhecimento sobre HIV e os hábitos necessários para cumprir a terapia comprometem a adesão. Embora o acompanhamento farmacêutico seja eficaz na promoção do cumprimento da terapia, faltam estudos que avaliem esta influência na adesão a TARV. Propor um plano de Intervenções Farmacêuticas e Educativas para promover o cumprimento da TARV. Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo, qualitativo e semi-experimental, realizado com pacientes não cumpridores da terapia segundo o autorrelato. Foram realizados seis encontros, sendo o primeiro para anamnese, aplicação de questionários de avaliação da adesão e qualidade de vida e consulta a exames clínicos; os quatro seguintes para intervenções farmacêuticas e educativas, e o sexto para a avaliação dos mesmos critérios do primeiro encontro, e da satisfação quanto à intervenção. Os encontros contemplaram: intervenções educativas sobre a síndrome, a terapia e mudanças no estilo de vida, proposta de um instrumento para auxiliar na tomada da medicação e recomendação ao médico sobre a necessidade da avaliação laboratorial. Apenas dois pacientes participaram de todos os encontros. Estes pacientes apresentavam carga viral indetectável e contagem de linfócitos T CD4+ desejável, relataram não utilizar estratégias para lembrar-se de tomar a medicação e possuiam pouco conhecimento sobre a doença e a terapia. Durante os encontros, estabeleceram-se plano de metas individuais... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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A farmacovigilância permite a avaliação do risco/benefício da utilização dos medicamentos disponíveis no mercado. A análise da segurança e da efetividade dos fármacos é realizada, fundamentalmente, pelo método de notificação espontânea de evento adverso a medicamento. Entretanto, este método passivo contém limitações, sendo a principal, a subnotificação dos casos. Portanto, fazem-se necessárias metodologias que contribuam para a promoção da farmacovigilância de modo a contribuir com análise da segurança dos medicamentos e para o uso racional destas tecnologias em saúde. O presente estudo teve como objetivo validar metodologia de intervenção educativa para estimular a notificação de evento adverso a medicamento por profissionais da saúde. A intervenção foi realizada com alunos do curso de Farmácia Bioquímica e da Especialização em Saúde Pública da Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas da Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”. Foram propostos quatro encontros, com duração de uma hora cada, para o desenvolvimento de aula expositiva sobre o tema, com distribuição de material educativo e certificado de participação, realização de dinâmica de grupo para o correto preenchimento da ficha de notificação de evento adverso a medicamento e aplicação de questionário, antes e após a intervenção, para avaliação do impacto sobre o conhecimento/atitude/habilidade em farmacovigilância. Participaram da pesquisa 14 voluntários, os quais aceitaram participar da pesquisa, assinando o termo de consentimento livre esclarecido, sendo 9 alunos de graduação e 5 do curso de especialização, graduados em farmácia 1, enfermagem 2, nutrição 1 e biomédica 1. A análise qualitativa das respostas indicou melhora nas definições e conceitos de farmacovigilância, porém as contestações ainda permaneceram incompletas... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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Congenital toxoplasmosis is a serious public health case, for it causes irreversible damage to the embryo/fetus, which may cause its death. The identification and the care to pregnant women with suspect acute toxoplasmosis (IgM+) is performed in prenatal monitoring. This study aimed to measure the incidence and know the profile of positive pregnant women for toxoplasmosis in a Basic Health Unit (BHU) in Matão - SP, between the years 2011 to 2013. This is a retrospective descriptive study, from the medical records of pregnant women attended. The project was approved by the Municipal Departament of Health and BHU was chosen along the Municipal Epidemiological Surveillance. From 2011 to 2013, 189 women began prenatal care in the unit, an annual median of 71(±26.91), of which 17 (8.99%) were positive for the serological test indicative of acute phase (IgM+). The distribution over the trial period was: four cases in 2011, twelve cases in 2012 and one in 2013. Pregnant women IgM positive for toxoplasmosis attend by BHU were: age 24(±5.47) years; color: equally distributed among white, black and brown; as the number of pregnancies: multiparous (2±0.97), most of them with a cesarean delivery as obstetric history and possessed no other risk factors associated with pregnancy (94.12%); gave entrance at BHU with 13.65(±7.35) weeks of gestation and had a median of 5(±2.36) consultation on their prenatal care. The examination for toxoplasmosis was requested as recommended by the Health Ministry (HM) and the medication prescribed was Roxamicina® - spiramycin, as soon as the test results (IgM+) arrived. Of the 17 pregnant women, only 10 completed the pre-natal at BHU - attendance at the postpartum consult (58.8%). Of these, the deliveries were vaginal (55.55%), made preterm with 36.5 weeks of gestation at the Municipal Hospital. The babies were born alive (100%) with the weight of 2.68(±0.77) Kg and required special care hospital scope. From the ...


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The paper talks about the education of persons with disabilities severe mental retardation based on the idea of Reuven Feuerstein mediation. The collected data were analysed mainly under the focus quantitative, allowing extraction of details of everyday life investigated. Aims to describe and analyze the implementation process their educational, focusing on teaching strategies used by Special Education teachers in the Araraquara’s city. In addition, seeks to address the educational process of a population slightly investigated by uniting two strands of thread in an innovative way: the Theory of Structural Cognitive Modifiability (SCM) and Reuven Feuerstein education of students with severe cognitive impairment. The methodology initiated by the establishment of the teacher’s profile, their mapping and location. Data collection was achieved through three instruments: interviews with teachers, observation protocol and field diary for registration. Our results describe the work of a teacher, showing their practice, and enlist the pedagogical strategies used, mainly those related to the criteria medication. According to the Theory of Structural Cognitive Modifiability (SCM) and the idea of Mediated Learning Experience (MLE), the teacher acts as mediator, interposing themselves between stimuli the environment and the student. The work of the teacher observed indicates that the environment and the student. The work of the teacher observed indicates that she exerts her functions in teaching using pedagogical strategies which are found in her heart, precepts essential to mediation. This shows it is possible to associate the ideas of Feuerstein practices aimed at teaching students with severe mental disabilities.


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The development and maintenance of periapical lesion occurs as a result of bacterial infection of the root canal system. Faced with the failure of endodontic treatment, retreatment is the first option with great potential for success, when performed with proper disinfection of the root canal system. Case report: Patient aged 39 years needing dental care show at clinical examination moderate gingival bleeding in the region of tooth 22 and the presence of radiographic periapical bone rarefaction due to unsatisfactory endodontic treatment. It was indicated the endodontic retreatment. We performed procedures to remove the filling material, root canal preparation using manual and mechanical techniques and completion with the use of root canal medication based on calcium hydroxide. After root canal filling, clinical and radiographic success were demonstrated for the case. Conclusion: We conclude that the non-surgical retreatment with disinfection and proper use of medication to the base of calcium hydroxide promoted success after outcome monitoring for 2 years and 8 months (AU)


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the rat subcutaneous tissue reaction to calcium hydroxide-based intracanal medicaments, UltraCal XS (calcium hydroxide, barium sulphate, aqueous matrix), Hydropast (calcium hydroxide, barium sulphate, and propyleneglycol), and Calen (Calcium hydroxide, zinc oxide, colophony, and polyethyleneglycol), used as a control. Methods. Forty-eight rats (Rattus Norvegicus Holtzman) were distributed in three groups: Calen, UltraCal XS, and Hydropast. Polyethylene tubes filled with one of the medicaments were implanted in the dorsal subcutaneous. After 7 and 30 days, the implants were removed and the specimens were fixed and embedded in paraffin. Morphological and quantitative analyses were carried out in the HE-stained sections. The numerical density of inflammatory cells in the capsule was evaluated and statistical analyses were performed (P>/0.05). Results. At 7 days, all materials induced an inflammatory reaction in the subcutaneous tissue adjacent to the implants. In all groups, a significant reduction in the number of inflammatory cells and giant cells was verified in the period of 30 days. Conclusion. These results indicate that the calcium hydroxide-based medicaments evaluated present biocompatibility similar to Calen.


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The Burnout Syndrome is considered a psychosocial problem to which teachers are routinely exposed. This study was conducted to estimate the prevalence of burnout in Dentistry teachers and its relation to relevant socio-demographic variables. The participants were 70 teachers from the undergraduate Dentistry Course, Faculty of Dentistry of Araraquara – UNESP. Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI) was used. The prevalence of burnout was estimated. In order to compare performed. Mean age of participants was 46.0 ± 6.1 and teaching experience was 19.6±7.6 years. The prevalence of burnout was 17.1%. Low mean scores for Exhaustion (2.11±0.61) and Disengagement (1.73±0.50) were observed. There reported taking medication due to work (p=0.008) and for those who have thought about quit teaching (p=0.001). There scores according to the habit of taking medication, the experience as a teacher and gender


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)