190 resultados para Literatura anos 1970 - Brasil


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The practice of pharmaceutical care (PC) is recent in Brazil and little is known about its impact on the health system or patients. The aim of this review was thus to identify the clinical, humanistic and economic outcomes achieved by the practice of PC in Brazil. In order to assess those outcomes, data published in studies from 1997 to 2011 were collected from Lilacs and MEDLINE databases, using the technique of content analysis. Original studies on PC that included pharmacotherapeutic follow-up were considered eligible for this descriptive review. A total of 306 articles were identified through the chosen descriptors. Of those, ten studies were eligible for this review and only two did not report significant results. The others reported increased adherence to pharmacotherapy, resolution of pharmacotherapeutic issues and control of clinical parameters of diseases (such as maintenance or reduction of blood pressure, reduction in HIV viral load and increase in lymphocyte count), promoting improvements in the general state of health and behavioral changes. However, economic impact was not assessed in any article analyzed, nor was a direct measurement of life quality performed. Although there are few studies on the outcomes of pharmaceutical care services in Brazil, it is demonstrated in this review that positive results were obtained when the pharmacist acted as a provider of optimized pharmacotherapy. This may be considered a result of the actions that followed the Brazilian Pharmaceutical Care Consensus of 2002, such as the restructuring of the curricular basis of pharmacy courses. From this point on, Brazilian researchers and pharmacists should think of a strategy to expand the offer of pharmaceutical care beyond academia and reach people in general who need this type of health care.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Over the past four decades it occurred a great expansion of science education research in Brazil (TEIXEIRA, 2008). Considering the scientific production in the area, descriptive studies, called state of the art are necessary, but little found in Brazilian scientific literature, especially in the field of science education. In this context, this paper identifies and describes the main features and trends of Brazilian research in the field of education in science museums, released in the form of dissertations and thesis, in the period 1970 to 2010. It is a qualitative and quantitative research, which performs a document analysis, in a bibliographical review. We mapped 153 academic researches, mainly in the Rio-São Paulo axis, mostly in the last decade, showing that the area can be characterized as an emerging field in science education.


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Pós-graduação em Biociências - FCLAS


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O Brasil tem passado por uma revolução demográfica importante e, com o crescente número de adultos e idosos, há também o aumento do aparecimento de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis relacionadas ao envelhecimento. Um exemplo é a osteoartrite, uma doença degenerativa, que acomete diferentes articulações do corpo e atinge com mais frequência a população acima de 50 anos de idade. O tratamento farmacológico da doença visa aliviar os sintomas de dor e inflamação com a administração de anti-inflamatórios e analgésicos que apresentam muitos efeitos adversos. Como alternativa para auxiliar o tratamento da osteoartrite, podem ser utilizados compostos bioativos dos alimentos, também chamados nutracêuticos. É reconhecido cientificamente que alguns compostos bioativos presentes nos alimentos possuem, além de sua capacidade nutricional, um papel importante para a prevenção e tratamento de alguns estados clínicos. Este estudo busca analisar, por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica, os benefícios de quatro nutracêuticos, quando utilizados no tratamento da osteoartrite. Dentre os nutracêuticos pesquisados, estão o ácido ascórbico, os insaponificáveis de abacate e soja, a vitamina D e o ômega 3, que auxiliam no tratamento do quadro inflamatório e na reparação da cartilagem danificada. Uma nova perspectiva no auxílio do tratamento da osteoartrite impõe ao farmacêutico adquirir um conhecimento interdisciplinar que possa contribuir para a orientação e informação de pacientes no exercício da atenção farmacêutica, a fim de sanar possíveis dúvidas dos pacientes sobre tais compostos e melhorar o aproveitamento do tratamento na melhoria de sua qualidade de vida.


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The Children's Literature is an invaluable tool for human formation, ethics, aesthetics and politics, as well as serves as an instrument for the formation of interdiscourse and transforms teaching procedures of text written production. Then, the investigation of how the literature is being worked in school. Therefore, in this work, constitutes the general objective, to investigate how the teaching of Children's Literature is organized in the early years of elementary school and if that organization promotes the development of literary literacy of the student, and language skills written and the reader behavior, making it critical on several topics. The question that served as a north to the research was the following one: is Teaching Children's Literature, in the early years of elementary school, organized to develop the literary literacy while acting as a catalyst tool for learning to read and write? Have been established the following objectives: a) describe how the teaching of children's literature is organized (teaching routine) in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th years of elementary school ; b) identify the literary genres that have worked in each school year, describe how they are worked out, analyze whether this work is related to the teaching of writing and the nature of that relation ship; c) verify if the Children's Literature teaching procedure seeks ways to articulate literary activities with the establishment of the interdiscourse as content for writing the textual production. The methodology that was included was the field research, from a qualitative interpretation approach and it had as direct data source the natural environment in which it was developed the teaching of Children's Literature. The work presents data results analyzed according to the concepts of Aesthetics of Reception (Iser, 1977; Jauss, 1977), and the functions of Literature, according to Candido (2000), Yasuda (2004), among others. From the results were extracted


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS