496 resultados para Fratura nos dentes
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT
The understanding of the etiology and the determination of the position of the unerupted teeth turn safer the surgical planning of the cases. By the number of techniques proposed to the orthodontic traction of unerupted teeth, the particularities of each one must be understood to select the most appropriate technique and control the unwanted effects. Based on literature and comparing results obtained with the most used surgical techniques, this article describes different ways of accesses for the orthodontic traction of unerupted teeth, detailing interest aspects to the orthodontist. The authors concluded that the surgical techniques present particularities worthy of the orthodontists´ knowledge - once they will be executed in agreement with the preference or experience of the involved professionals.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Novos compósitos têm surgido no mercado especificamente destinados à confecção de restaurações estéticas posteriores. Entretanto, embora tais materiais apresentem resultados iniciais animadores, há a necessidade de comprovações adicionais para que possam ser utilizados com segurança. Resinas compostas posteriores são submetidas a estresses complexos de compressão e abrasão durante a mastigação e a aplicação de selantes superficiais tem sido relatada como forma de aumentar a resistência ao desgaste destes materiais. O presente trabalho teve como propósito avaliar a dureza e a resistência à compressão das resinas compostas Alert (Jeneric/Pentron), Ariston (Vivadent), Definite (Degussa), P60 (3M), Solitarie (Kulzer), Surefil (Dentsply) e Z100 (3M) após 90 dias de imersão em água destilada, recobertas com selante Protect It (Jeneric/Pentron) e submetidas à ciclagem mecânica (10.000 ciclos, 600N, 5Hz). Os ensaios de dureza (n=8) foram realizados em aparelho Wolpert, com diamante Vickers e peso de 50gf aplicado por 30 segundos, antes e após períodos de imersão de 30, 60 e 90 dias. Os ensaios de resistência à compressão (n=8) foram realizados somente após 90 dias, em corpos-de-prova cilíndricos medindo 8mm de altura por 4mm de diâmetro. Apenas os espécimes destinados à compressão foram ciclados mecanicamente. Os ensaios foram realizados em máquina MTS 810, equipada com célula de carga de 10kN (ciclagem) e 100kN (compressão) e velocidade de 0,5mm/min. Após análise de variância (p<0,05), os resultados mostraram, previamente à imersão, maiores valores de dureza para os materiais Z100 (74,253VHN) e Ariston (71,308VHN). A seguir, com valor semelhante à resina Ariston, mas inferior à resina Z100, apresentou-se o material Surefil (69,969VHN)...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Recentemente, foram lançados no mercado odontológico novos materiais estéticos para restaurações diretas em dentes posteriores, aos quais são atribuídas propriedades mais adequadas para essa indicação. Entretanto, as informações disponíveis são ainda muito escassas, gerando dúvidas quanto à sua real eficácia, sobre quais as diferenças de suas composições e propriedades físicas e mecânicas em relação aos materiais até então disponíveis e se, de fato, apresentam melhor performance clínica. Em vista do exposto, nos propusemos a estudar contração de polimerização, resistência à flexão e concentração de partículas inorgânicas, por massa e volume, de sete resinas compostas (Alert, Ariston, Solitaire, Definite, Filtek P60, Z-100 e Tetric Ceram). A contração de polimerização foi medida nos materiais inseridos em um anel plástico, e o registro das alterações, durante a polimerização, foi feito por meio de instrumento eletrônico de medida linear, que registra as alterações dimensionais, com sensibilidade de 1 mm. A resistência à flexão foi medida na máquina de ensaios mecânicos MTS 810 e a confecção dos corpos-de-prova e dos dispositivos para o ensaio foi orientada pela norma ISO no 4049:1988. A determinação do conteúdo de partículas inorgânicas por massa foi feita através da pesagem de uma porção de resina composta polimerizada antes e após a eliminação da fase orgânica em forno, à temperatura de 700oC. O porcentual volumétrico de partículas inorgânicas foi calculado com base no Princípio de Arquimedes. Foi determinado o volume da resina composta polimerizada, antes e após a eliminação da fase orgânica, pela diferença da massa do material pesado ao ar e imerso em água. Os dados de conteúdo de partículas inorgânicas por massa e por volume, de contração de polimerização e resistência à flexão foram submetidos...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Atualmente o titânio é empregado como biomaterial devido à sua biocompatibilidade e resistência à corrosão. Entretanto, íons fluoretos, freqüentemente empregados em dentifrícios bucais, podem interferir no processo de corrosão. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a influência de um meio fluoretado com diferentes pH nas propriedades mecânicas e na resistência à corrosão dos conjuntos implantes/componentes protéticos à base de Ti c.p., a partir dos testes de fadiga, microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e dureza. Foram simulados cinco anos de uso regular de meios de higiene oral com conteúdo de 1500 ppm de NaF, com dois diferentes pH, 7,4 e 5,3, mediante imersão das amostras nesses meios durante 184 horas e também em água destilada, grupo controle. As amostras foram testadas num durômetro Micromet 2001 (500gf/30s). Os dados dos testes de dureza foram analisados pelo teste de Wilcoxon, demonstrando que as amostras sofreram influência negativa na dureza após a ação dos íons fluoreto. Entretanto, essa influência não ocorreu nos testes de fadiga realizados em uma máquina de ensaios mecânicos MTS-810, fixada a 100.000 ciclos, 15Hz e programada com força de fadiga a 150 N. Pela análise de MEV foram constatadas evidências de corrosão na superfície das amostras após ação de íons fluoretos, entretanto pelo EDS não se verificou incorporação de íons fluoretos sobre a superfície dos conjuntos. Concluiu-se que a concentração de flúor e o pH das soluções não exerceram influência nas propriedades mecânicas.
The fracture surfaces express the sequence of events of energy release due to crack propagation by linking the relief of the fracture to the loading stresses. This study aims to evaluate the heterogeneity of the critical zone for the advancement of the crack along its entire length in a thermoset composite carbon fiber and epoxy matrix, fractured in DCB testing (Double Cantilever Beam) and ENF (End-Notched Flexure). Investigations were made from image stacks obtained by optical reflection of extended depth from focus reconstruction. The program NIH Image J was used to obtain elevation map and fully focused images of the fracture surface, whose topographies were quantitatively analyzed. The monofractal behavior for DCB samples was assessed as being heterogeneous along the crack front and along the crack for all the conditionings. For the samples fractured in ENF test, there was a strong positive correlation to the natural condition, considering the fibers at 0° for the monofractal dimension and structural dimension (Df and Ds). For fibers at 90° to crack propagation, there was a moderate positive correlation for the textural dimension of natural condition. However, for the samples under ultraviolet condition and those subjected to thermal cycles, there was no correlation between the fractal dimension and fracture toughness in mode II
Because of the great metallurgical advances, the welded tubes by HF / ERW (High Frequency / Electrical Resistance Welding) have played a more active role in the oil and gas, gradually replacing tubes produced by other processes (UOE, SAW, and others) to deep water applications, in high and extremely low temperatures, highpressure conditions and in highly corrosive environments. However, studies have revealed that defects in the welded joints are in one of main causes of failures in pipelines. Associated with damage external and the stringent requirements of this sector, the welded joints become particularly critical for his toughness and the determination of this particular property is fundamental. This study aims to evaluate the toughness of the HF / ERW pipes in HSLA steel API X70 class, used in pipelines transport systems of gas and oil from data obtained with CTOD tests (Crack Tip Opening Displacement). The main objectives of this project are: mechanical and microstructural characterization of steels API X70 manufactured in Brazil; and evaluation of the toughness of weld process by HF / ERW steel API X70 national. After having the tests done, mechanical, chemical and metallurgical, we have the conclusion that those pipe are in agreement to API 5L 42ª edition for X70MO and the toughness behaves like the expected
This work aims to analyze the toughness of a welded joint in the presence of a crack through the analysis of maximum tension the material can withstand the presence of this type of defect, since a discontinuity is likely to occur in this type of joint and its detection and its design is simple, using non-destructive testing techniques. The study will be conducted through the CTOD test - Crack-Tip Opening Displacement, with type specimens SE (B) - Single Edge Bend taken from a weld in the L-C position in relation to the length (longitudinal axis) of a test tube. The main idea is to simulate the welding conditions for the manufacture of industrial pipes, made in boiler shops (pipe-shop) within petrochemical plants. These pipes are often subject to operation with flammable and toxic subjected to high pressures and temperatures, where one can break the line can cause irreparable damage to the plant, the environment and the health of surrounding communities. With this study we evaluate whether the weld metal has the same properties as fracture toughness of the base material. This study shows the importance of using a qualified welding procedure for performing quality welds while maintaining the properties of the fracture toughness of the base metal. It was found from the results of tests using a welding procedure described for carrying out welding ensures mechanical properties very close to the base metal, which in terms of design is great, since one can ensure that the weld will the same characteristics of the base metal specified for the assembly of the pipe
The biological principles of osseointegration caused the rehabilitation treatment with osseointegrated implant become a safe, well alternative accepted by the dental community for the high success rate, allowing the preparation of functional and aesthetic prostheses in edentulous and partial patients. We passed the initial phase of functional vision for an aesthetic approach, too, depending on the demands of the patient and the quest for excellence by professionals. Over these last years, implant treatment has undergone many changes in surgical and prosthetic protocols. The less invasive surgical techniques and the development of restorative materials, especially ceramics allow the prosthetic rehabilitation of high functional quality and aesthetics. The installation of implants in sockets immediately after extraction of teeth involved by fracture, periodontal disease, endodontic lesions, is part of the arsenal of techniques for rehabilitating a number of advantages that we get to the outcome of multidisciplinary treatment. For this, we must consider several criteria in its planning as a fundamental unit, adjacent teeth, multiple losses, system, form and number of implants, type of retention of the prosthesis components, the patient expectation of the outcome perspective, gingival biotype, standard of ridge resorption, the smile line, etc. occlusal analysis. With the three-dimensional placement of the implant can immediately join the biological processes of repair of the socket, implant osseointegration, speeding treatment time. Much has been made by companies in the surface treatment of endosseous implants to be osseointegration shortened and restorative procedures started earlier, bringing benefits to the patient and professional. Among the main advantages we can emphasize the preservation of the structures adjacent to the teeth replaced, minor resorption of bone tissue involved... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
In the last years, the use of industrialized systems of lattice structures of wood as an alternative in the construction processes, is becoming more popular in Brazil, mainly for their commitment to the environment.The industrialized system of wooden lattice structures consists in a production of lattice structures, composed of pieces of wood where their mechanical connections are made with the sheet multi-toothed connectors (CDE).Among the many challenges to make this system competitive, the whole system of the connections between the pieces of wood not only must show functionality, but also speed, strength, versatility and economy. Referenced at Brazilian Standard for Wood Structures (NBR 7190/1997 - Project of timber structures) the sheet multi-toothed connectors, are analyzed using three test methods: tensile strength parallel to grain, tensile strength normal to the fibers and shear strength, all of them in two positions, αCH0=0o e αCH0=90o to four types of wood: Angelim (Vatairea heteroptera Ducke); Red-Angico (Parapiptadenia rigida (Benth) Brenae); Garapa (Apuleia leiocarpa (Vog.) Macbr) and Jatoba (Hymenaea stilbocarpa Hayne), belonging to the Leguminosae family and founded in several regions of Brazil.The purpose of this manuscript consists to analyze the mechanical connections with the sheet multi-toothed connectors through tests from NBR7190/1997
The present study evaluated the use of semicircular bending test (SCB) as an alternative to conventional bending test to examine the effect of thermal shock. Still, studies the behavior of fracture surfaces generated by monofractal behavior analysis, which allows us to evaluate the contributions of the microstructure and the mechanical context in forming reliefs during the crack propagation. The fractal analysis is made from elevation maps obtained by reconstruction method by extension of the focus stacks of digital images acquired in microscope. The specimens used were samples semicircular pressed TiO2 (rutile) with and without heat shock, prepared for testing mode I loading. Were also produced, specimens in the form of bars for Weibull statistical analysis. From the three-point bending test, we found the variation of fracture toughness between the samples after the heat shock and natural condition. The SCB test was feasible for the analysis of thermal shock resistance. The results showed that the value of the fracture toughness decreases as the heat shock treatment
The cervical enamel projection (CEP) is an anatomic variation that can be found in the cement enamel junction, it´s recognition and early diagnosis improves outcome the tooth involved, allowing greater efficiency in treatment. The knowledge of the location, grade and incidence of CEP is decisive on prevention and treatment of periodontal disease. It were studied 1200 molars (600 mandibular molars and 600 maxillary molars) separated from the collection of teeth on the Discipline of Anatomy in FOSJCampos - UNESP. Each group of 600 teeth was separated from the second side (300 teeth) and the second type (first, second or third molar). Each tooth had thoroughly inspected the cervical region, in all their faces, in order to verify the incidence and the grade of CEP in each surface. It was found that the CEP covered in 278 (23,17%) teeth was 146 (52,52%) mandibular molars and 132 (47,48%) maxillary molars. The CEPs were concentrated on a tooth surface in 222 (79,86%) teeth, in two surfaces 53 (19,06%) teeth, and in three surfaces in three (1,08%) teeth. From the total of 4.800 surfaces examined the CEPs were found in 337 surfaces, and 228 (67,66%) surfaces of the grade I, 60 (17,8%) grade II and 49 (14,54%) grade III. The buccal surface presented 207 (61,42%) CEP, the lingual surface in 57 (16,91%), the mesial surface in 35 (10,39%) and the distal surface in 38 (11,28%) CEP. The results of this study demonstrated that the CEPs have focused more on the mandibular teeth on only one surface of the tooth, the grade I was the most found and the buccal surface the most involved
To evaluate the effect of surface treatment with Er:YAG and Nd:YAG laser on resin composite bond strength to recently bleached dentin. Material and Methods: In this study 120 bovine incisors were used and distributed into two groups: Group C: without bleaching treatment; Group B: with bleaching treatment (35% hydrogen peroxide). Each group was divided into three subgroups: Subgroup N: without laser treatment; Subgroup Nd: irradiation with Nd:YAG laser; Subgroup Er: irradiation with Er:YAG laser. Next, the adhesive system (Adper Single Bond 2) was applied and composite buildups were constructed with Z350 composite. The teeth were sectioned to obtain dentin-resin sticks (1x1mm) and analyzed by microtensile bond testing. The data were statistically analyzed by the ANOVA and Tukey tests. Results: The results showed that the bond strength values in the bleached control group (16.17 MPa) presented no significant difference in comparison with the group bleached and irradiated with Er:YAG laser (14.69 MPa). The non bleached control group (26.79 MPa) presented significant difference in bond strength when compared with the non bleached group irradiated with Er:YAG laser (22.82 MPa) and with the group treated by bleaching and irradiation with Nd:YAG laser (28,792 MPa). The group without bleaching treatment and irradiated with Nd:YAG (36.1 MPa) presented a significant increase in bond strength in comparison with the other groups. Conclusion: The use of Nd:YAG laser on bleached specimens was able of completely reversing the immediate effects of bleaching, obtaining bond strength values similar to those of the control group