346 resultados para Felicia Sartori
A late survey of the renal function was performed in eighteen patients with paracoccidioidomycosis treated with amphotericin B, according to the glomerular filtration rate (RFG). The method was compartment analysis by single injection using EDTA Cr51, determined by its 'half biological life' and dosages of blood urea nitrogen and creatinine. The patients were seventeen males and one female. They were from 22 to 76 years old. Ten of these patients received 2 g of amphotericin B and eight of them received 4 g. There were no expressive difference between the two groups, taking into account age, dose in mg/kg of weight/day, time of conclusion of the treatment, urea, creatinine, glomerular filtration was smaller than the normal, and average of the half biological life of the EDTA Cr51 was large than the normal. The achieved results permitted us to consider that the amphotericin B determines deficit of renal function. However, by the present study, it hasn't been possible to affirm if the modifications are definitive.
After up to 21 days without food, adult male quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) lost about 45% of the initial body weight (100-150 g). As in naturally fast-adapted and larger birds, three phases were identified during prolonged fasting in quails. Phase I lasted 2-3 days and was characterized by a rapid decrease in the rate of body weight loss and high fat mobilization. Phase II was longer and characterized by a slow and steady decline in the rates of body weight loss and of nitrogen excretion. The third (critical) period was marked by an abrupt increase in the rates of body weight loss and of nitrogen excretion. Despite their small size, the duration of phase II in quails was relatively long, a clear advantage for the study of the relationships between the several metabolic events that occur during this crucial adaptative period. Also, the beginning of phase III could be precisely determined. Changes in blood glucose, plasma FFA and triacylglycerols levels, as well as in liver and carcass lipid content were similar to those found in other species of birds. Therefore, quails seem to be a suitable model to investigate the biochemical mechanisms involved in the metabolic adjustments to prolonged food deprivation in non fasting-adapted birds. © 1995.
The authors present a case of constriction band syndrome in a 20-year-old male. There were constriction rings in the interphalangeal joints of hands and in the thigh, shortening of the lower limb and atrophic left gastrocnemius muscle. These findings belong to the described syndrome, which is uncommon and has no genetic implication. Personal antecedent: convulsive syndrome and corrective surgery for congenital bent foot.
Few reports are available concerning yolk sac remnants in the equine species, with little information on histopathological findings. A stillborn mini-pony foal showed a fluid-filled mass, measuring about 10 cm in circumference, close to the umbilical cord. Microscopic examination better defined the structures seen in the cyst.
BACKGROUND - Pemphigus foliaceus is an autoimmune bullous disease that is endemic in Brazil and in other South American countries such as Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru and Colombia. OBJECTIVES - To compare the observed clinical and epidemiological data with those referred in the literature. METHOD - Retrospective study in patients with pemphigus foliaceus admitted to and treated at University Hospital of the School of Medicine of Botucatu, SP, Brazil, from 1976 to 1993, analyzing the following variables: age, sex, race, origin and onset of disease. RESULTS - From 1976 to 1993, 63 patients were treated, with an average of 3.7 cases/year. Patients within the age range of 20 to 60 years old were the most affected. Most of the patients were white, females being slightly more affected than males. The majority of male patients were rural workers. Some towns presented higher incidence of cases. Most of the patients from rural areas became sick mainly in summer and in autumn. Occurrence of similar cases was observed in blood-related family members and neighbors. CONCLUSIONS - Clinical and epidemiological data were similar to those referred in the literature.
The objective of this work was to evaluate effect of fasting period in the last growing phase on performance and mortality of male broilers. Two thousand one-day old male chicks were distributed in five randomized blocks according to a 4x2 factorial. (Four feeding programs (FP): ad libitum or one of three fasting schedules: 8-12, 12-16 and 8-16; and two strains (S): Ross or Hubbard-Peterson). Fifty birds were used per replicate. Birds were raised under identical feed and management conditions until day 42. During the experimental period (days 43-56), average temperature, relative humidity and temperature-humidity index (THI) recorded at day and at night were 29.4°C, 57.7 % and 78.1; and 22.0°C, 73.1% and 67.4, respectively. No SxP interaction was observed for all characteristics studied. At day 56, the Ross broilers showed higher mean weight (3104 g), weight gain, WG (3059 g), feed/ gain ratio, FC (2.22) and production factor, PF (213), than the Hubbard-Peterson birds (3011, 2967, 2.28 and 194, respectively). During the experimental period, the Ross broilers showed higher WG (831 g) and FC (3.40) than the Hubbard-Peterson ones (770 and 3.67, respectively). Birds submitted to the 8-12 h fast showed higher feed intake (2864 g) than those that fasted during the 8-16 period (2690). No effect of P on mortality was observed, either considering the overall period (days 1-56) or the experimental period (days 43-56). Fasting in the last phase of rearing not aided by other practices failed to decrease heat stress effects on performance and mortality of male broilers.
Immunity against the intracellular protozoan Leishmania species is highly dependent on Th1 development. We have previously shown that IL-12 is a powerful and probably obligatory factor for Th1 cell generation and proliferation. We also observed that the experimental infection of C3H and BALB/c mice with Leishmania major is associated with IL-12 production in vivo. Now we demonstrate that metacyclic L. major promastigotes are poor inducers of IL-12 in vitro in fresh human PBMC and monocytes. In addition, we show that the ability of this pathogen to induce IL-12 and other cytokines is modulated by the metacyclogenic process, which had previously not been recognized. In contrast to the infective parasites (metacyclic promastigotes), the procyclic promastigotes collected at the logarithmic phase of the culture displayed a striking ability to induce IL-12, IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-10. Despite this differential effect of procyclic and metacyclic parasites in terms of IL-12 induction, both stages were inhibitory for IL-12 production induced by Staphylococcus aureus. The ability of procyclic promastigotes and, to a much lesser extent, that of metacyclic promastigotes to induce IL-12 were enhanced by pretreatment of monocytes in a cytokine milieu containing IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-13, or granulocyte-macrophage CSF or. by neutralization of endogenous IL-10. Our results suggest the development of an evasion mechanism as the Leishmania promastigotes mature to infectious forms and the possi-bility of using Ags derived from procyclic promastigotes for immunization procedures. Copyright © 1997 by The American Association of Immunologists.
Sequelae due to testicular biopsy such as hemorrhage, adhesion and fibrosis may be limiting factors to the use of this surgical procedure. Fibrin glue (FG) derived from snake venom was used to minimize these sequelae, as well as to evaluate its healing property in tunica vaginalis and scrotal skin of rams. Applicability of fibrin glue derived from snake venom was tested in different tissues of other animals such as in sciatic nerve and colon of rats and skin of rabbits. In the present study, 30 healthy adult rams were used. They were divided into 3 groups of 10 animals each as follows: G1: fibrin glue group (application of fibrin glue on puncture sites and skin incisions after bilateral testicular biopsy with a Tru-Cut needle); G2: swab/nylon group (hemostasis by compression with a swab on puncture sites and skin suturing with nylon after biopsy) and G3: control group (the animals were not subjected either to biopsy or to surgery). On the 20th day after biopsy, the presence of adhesion strands between the sites of skin incision and testicle was evaluated by palpation Adhesion strands were found in three testicles (15%) in G1 and in two testicles (10%) in G2. One hundred days after biopsy, orchiectomy was carried out and the material collected was assessed for subcutaneous (SC) and/or tunica vaginalis adhesions. G3 did not present any abnormality. Groups G1 and G2 presented four testicles each (20%) with adhesion between the tunics at biopsy site. On the other hand, subcutaneous adhesions were found once (5%) in G1 and three times (15%) in G2. Fibrin glue showed to be of easy application, required short postoperative monitoring, presented fast and good-quality healing property and tended to reduce formation of subcutaneous adhesion.
Exogenously added IL-10 rapidly inhibited Staphylococcus aureus- or LPS- induced cytokine mRNA expression in human PBMCs and monocytes, with a maximal effect observed when IL-10 was added from 20 h before until 1 h after the addition of the inducers. Nuclear run-on assays revealed that the inhibition of IL-12 p40, IL-12 p35, and TNF-α was at the gene transcriptional level and that the addition of IL-10 to S. aureus- or LPS-treated PBMCs did not affect mRNA stability. The inhibitory activity of IL-10 was abrogated by cycloheximide (CHX), suggesting the involvement of a newly synthesized protein(s). The addition of CHX at 2 h before S. aureus or LPS also inhibited the accumulation of IL-12 p40 mRNA, but did not inhibit IL-12 p35 and TNF-α mRNA. This finding suggests that p40 transcription is regulated through a de novo synthesized protein factor(s), whereas the addition of CHX at 2 h after S. aureus activation caused superinduction of the IL-12 p40, IL-12 p35, and TNF-α genes. These results indicate that in human monocytes, the mechanism(s) of IL-10 suppression of both IL-12 p40 and IL-12 p35 genes is primarily seen at the transcriptional level, and that the induction of the IL-12 p40 and p35 genes have different requirements for de novo protein synthesis.
Background - Paracoccidioidomycosis is the most frequent among the systemic mycoses in Brazil. Objective: To study the cases of paracoccidioidomycosis diagnosed from 1976 to 1996 at the Department of Dermatology of the School of Medicine of Botucatu. Methods - Descriptive study obtained from specific protocols comprising anamnesis, clinical- dermatological-laboratorial examination, treatment and follow-up of the patients. Results - Paracoccidioidomycosis was diagnosed in 1.04% of the dermatologic outpatients assisted from 1976 to 1996. In 315 cases, 89.8% were male, 61.9% were over forty and 53.7% were rural workers. The complaints were related more to oropharyngolaryngeal (53.6%) or cutaneous (23.8%) lesions or adenopathy (10.2%). Seventy patients had already been treated in other health services. The chronic multifocal clinical from was the most common: 80.6% of the cases, followed by the acute-subacute (juvenile type) 15.5%. The disease was pulmonary in 80.0%, oropharyngolaryngeal in 69.2% and cutaneous in 45.7%. Th treatment: Amphotericin B in 146 patients, Ketoconazole - 88, Itraconazole - 56, Sulfonamide derivatives - 146 and Terbinafine in 3. The lethality index resulting from the disease or its treatment was 2.0%. Conclusions - The high number of cases, showing the regional relevance of the disease and the high percentage of tegumentary complaints and the high number of relapsing are remarkable.
Two trials were carried out to test the susceptibility for metabolic disturbances of different strains of male broilers. In Trial 1, 1,890 male chickens were allotted in a randomized block design with seven treatments (Arbor Acres, Avian Farms, Cobb-500, Hubbard-Peterson, ISA, Naked Neck, and Ross) and six blocks of 45 chickens. Trial 2 involved 2,184 male chickens of six strains (Arbor Acres, Avian Farms, Cobb 500, Hubbard-Peterson, ISA Naked Neck, and Ross) allotted in seven complete blocks of 52 birds. The same management system was adopted for all birds, reared up to 42 d in an open house during late winter (Trial 1) or late autumn (Trial 2). The most marked differences observed among the strains tested was the lower BW and higher feed conversion of Naked Neck broilers. Total percentage mortalities were high among the most productive broilers, being more than 50% due to sudden death (SDS) and ascites syndrome (AS). No Naked Neck birds died as a consequence of these disturbances and the total mortalities were significantly lower (P ≤ 0.05) than the other strains. The ratio of right ventricle weight to total ventricle weight of the dead birds was over 0.25, except for Naked Neck birds, which presented a nonhypertrophic ratio. The two trials confirmed the relationship between high productivity and high incidence of SDS and AS and indicated that Naked Neck male broilers are resistant to these metabolic disturbances.
Damped oscillatory motion is one of the most widely studied movements in physics courses. Despite this fact, dry damped oscillatory motion is not commonly discussed in physics textbooks. In this work, we discuss the dry and viscous dampec pendulum, in a teaching experiment that can easily be performed by physics or engineering students.
Seven male broiler strains (Arbor Acres, Avian Farms, Cobb-500, Hubbard-Peterson, ISA, Naked Neck, and Ross) were compared for their growth rate, feed efficiency, and mortality due to sudden death and ascites. In addition, weekly plasma levels of thyroid hormones [3,3′,5-triiodothyronine (T3) thyroxine (T4), T3: T4 ratio, growth hormone (GH), and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I)] were determined. The highly productive, commercial strains were very similar in their endocrine profiles but differed markedly from the Naked Neck chickens. Naked Neck chickens were characterized by higher plasma T3 and lower T4 levels at similar ages as well as when compared on the same body weight basis. The present findings support the hypothesis that the slightly hypothyroid state of high productive broilers renders them more sensitive to metabolic disorders. Naked Neck chickens also had higher plasma GH levels than those of their age-matched commercial broilers. The coefficient of variation for GH was highest for Naked Neck chickens, which is indicative for an amplified GH burst amplitude. It may be stated that changes in plasma thyroid hormone concentration in indirect response to selection for low feed conversion and fast growth may be causatively linked to susceptibility for metabolic disturbances such as sudden death syndrome and ascites.
Kala-azar is the visceral form of leishmaniasis and it is caused by intracellular parasites from the complex Leishmania donovani. Golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) infected with Leishmania donovani develop a disease very similar to human Kala-azar. There is conspicuous hipergammaglobulinaemia and their T cells do not respond to stimulation with parasite antigens. We used this experimental model to evaluate the natural killer (NK) activity during the initial phase of the disease. Outbred hamsters infected by intravenous route with 5.106 amastigotes of L. donovani 1S showed a concurrent increase in the spleen weight and in the spleen cell number. Using the single cell assay we detected a significant increase in the percentage of NK effector cells on the 4th day of infection. Imprints from spleen and liver showed at days 14 and 28 a significant increase in the parasite burden. These results show that the increased NK activity in the beginning of the infection was not able to restrain the progression of the disease in this experimental model.
A total of 20 insect species were observed on the extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) of Croton sarcopetalus. The most frequent ant species were Zacryptocerus sp., Crematogaster brevispinosa, C. scelerata, and Linepithema humile. Ants continuously patrolled the plants taking extrafloral nectar. Experimental data showed that there were no significant differences in either the degree of herbivory or in the reproductive output between control stems (with ants) and treated ones (without ants). We found no significant evidence of protection by ants mediated by EFNs in C. sarcopetalus. It is possible that the plant has other mechanisms than ant protection to prevent herbivore damage (e.g., hairs, latex, chemical defense). As this species occupies the southernmost distribution for the genus, the presence of EFNs in this species may be the remnant of a mutualistic interaction with the ants in tropical regions, where the abundance and diversity of ants and herbivores are comparatively higher. To draw accurate patterns in the genus Croton, further investigations in other species from tropical regions of South America are needed.