306 resultados para Domingos Rebelo
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Ultrasound effects on the release and activity of invertase from Aspergillus niger cultivated in a medium containing sucrose and peptone and in another with sugar-cane molasses and peptone were investigated. Irradiation was conducted for periods of 2 - 10 min. with waves of amplitude 20 and 40 using an ultrasound processor of 20 kHz. Product formation was determined as reducing equivalents formed by time units using 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid. Total and specific activities of the culture supernatants were compared in the presence and absence of sonication. Both amplitudes promoted a significant increase of total invertase activity in the time periods investigated and the highest values were obtained with an amplitude of 20. Ultrasound irradiation caused cell disruption, thus releasing invertase and, after 4 min, activation of the enzyme also occurred. The best conditions for production, extraction and activation of invertase were in molasses medium containing peptone and irradiation with ultrasound waves at 20 for 8 min. This method showed high efficiency for the extraction and activation of invertase from A. niger as well as a great potential for use in industrial processes.
In this work, we study the stability of hypothetical satellites of extrasolar planets. Through numerical simulations of the restricted elliptic three-body problem we found the borders of the stable regions around the secondary body. From the empirical results, we derived analytical expressions of the critical semimajor axis beyond which the satellites would not remain stable. The expressions are given as a function of the eccentricities of the planet, e(P), and of the satellite, e(sat). In the case of prograde, satellites, the critical semimajor axis, in the units of Hill's radius, is given by a(E) approximate to 0.4895 (1.0000 - 1.0305e(P) - 0.2738e(sat)). In the case of retrograde satellites, it is given by a(E) approximate to 0.9309 (1.0000 - 1.0764e(P) - 0.9812e(sat)). We also computed the satellite stability region (a(E)) for a set of extrasolar planets. The results indicate that extrasolar planets in the habitable zone could harbour the Earth-like satellites.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Estudou-se o reuso de água de um sistema composto por estação de tratamento de esgoto (ETE) com aeração prolongada e lodo ativado, e em uma estação compacta de tratamento de água (ECTA) de uma indústria metalúrgica. Os processos para obtenção da água de reuso foram: microbiológico e físico-químico. O esgoto doméstico foi bombeado para a ETE, onde houve formação de flocos biológicos e água clarificada. Avaliou-se a eficiência do processo microbiológico da ETE mediante a remoção de demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO), demanda química de oxigênio (DQO) e sólidos sedimentáveis (SS). A eficiência do processo físico-químico de clarificação e desinfecção foi avaliada mediante análises de pH, turbidez, cor, contagem de bactérias heterotróficas aeróbias, cloro livre, dureza, alcalinidade, cloretos, sulfatos, sólidos totais dissolvidos (STD). Na água de reuso além desses parâmetros avaliou-se a toxicidade aguda ao microcrustáceo Daphnia similis.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This article compares the efficiency of induced polarization (IP) and resistivity in characterizing a contamination plume due to landfill leakage in a typical tropical environment. The resistivity survey revealed denser electrical current flow that induced lower resistivity values due to the high ionic content. The increased ionic concentration diminished the distance of the ionic charges close to the membrane, causing a decrease in the IP phenomena. In addition, the self-potential (SP) method was used to characterize the preferential flow direction of the area. The SP method proved to be effective at determining the flow direction; it is also fast and economical. In this study, the resistivity results were better correlated with the presence of contamination (lower resistivity) than the IP (lower chargeability) data.
Intestinal obstruction occurs in chelonian mainly due parasitism and foreign bodies, as stones and sand. An intestinal compaction was described in a five year-old male d'orbigny's slider which was taken to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the UNICASTELO, at Fernandopolis, SP, Brazil, presenting anorexia for a week, severe dehydration and stupor. Definitive diagnostic was performed by radiographic exam and great amount of intestinal radiopac substance was detected. The animal went through emergency celiotomy for removing the intestinal foreign bodies. Inhalatory anesthesia with isofluorane was used for anesthesia induction and manutention. After local antisepsy, a 4cm(2) oblique opening was conducted on plastron by using a vibratory saw. Peritoneum was cut, intestines exteriorized and enterotomy performed. During the surgery, the animal was radiographed to confirm the complete taken out of the foreign bodies. Mononylon 4-0 strand was applied for intestinal suture in two planes. The plastron piece that was taken out was replaced and set with epoxy resine and gaze on the surgical window, making it waterproof. In the postoperative time, animal was medicated with analgesics for two days and pentabiotics for five days. Oral creamy diet was used with oral tube from the second to tenth day, what provided a great clinicosurgical recovering.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O trabalho teve como objetivo estudar os efeitos do tempo de armazenamento e de tratamentos com ácido giberélico, no processo germinativo de sementes de lichieira (Litchi chinensis Sonn.). As sementes foram retiradas de frutos maduros, lavadas, secas à sombra e colocadas para germinar imediatamente ou então, armazenadas em geladeira (8°C) por 15 e 30 dias. Os tratamentos corresponderam à imersão das sementes por 24 horas nas seguintes soluções com aeração: água, GA3 a 50, 100 e 200 mg.L-1. Através dos resultados obtidos, observou-se que as sementes perderam o poder germinativo, à medida que aumentou-se o tempo de armazenamento, sendo a porcentagem de germinação muito baixa (7%) aos 30 dias de armazenamento. O tempo médio de germinação foi menor após 15 dias de armazenamento.