182 resultados para Brassica oleracea L. var. italica
In the postharvest management, the fruits can be exposed to injuries that depreciated the quality and the shelf life. Thus, it was evaluated the modified atmosphere effects on guavas var. Paluma subjected to different mechanical damages. Once harvested, the fruits were selected, sanitized and submitted to the treatments T1 (control) - without injuries or packaging in bags of low density polyethylene (LDPE); T2 - without injuries + LDPE bags; T3 - damage by fall of 1 m + LDPE bags; T4 - damage by compression of 9 N + LDPE bags; T5 - damage by fall of 1 m + damage by compression of 9 N + LDPE bags and T6 - damage by fall of 1 m + damage by compression of 9 N without LDPE bags. The treatments were kept in cold storage at 10 ± 1 o C and 94 ± 2% de R.H. The analysis of CO2/ethylene production, enzymatic activity, total and soluble pectins, pulp firmness, titratable acidity (TA), soluble solids (SS), reducing sugars and ascorbic acid were performed every 10 days of refrigeration, and an additional day outside cold storage (22 ± 1o C and 75 ± 3% R.H.) for 30 days. Guavas packed in LDPE bags, not subject to mechanical damage, presented the best quality standards. The fruits suffered only one kind of damage, when packaged, presented satisfactory pattern compared to the fruits without package and not exposed to any mechanical damages. Applying the two kinds of damages, the LDPE packaging was not adequate to decrease the metabolic rate of these fruits, making them unfit for marketing.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)