186 resultados para Atividade de doença


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Imagens CCD/CBERS-2, nas bandas espectrais CCD2, CCD3 e CCD4, dos anos de 2004 e 2005, de Mirante do Paranapanema - SP, foram transformadas em reflectância de superfície usando o modelo 5S de correção atmosférica e normalizadas radiometricamente. O objetivo principal foi caracterizar espectralmente áreas de pastagens de Brachiaria brizantha em fase de florescimento, isentas e infectadas com a doença mela-das-sementes da braquiária, possibilitando a sua detecção por meio da comparação entre os valores de reflectância de superfície denominada de Fator de Reflectância Bidirecional de Superfície (FRBS). Teve-se, também, o objetivo de avaliar a eficácia das imagens CCD/CBERS-2 para a obtenção de respostas espectrais de pastagens. Os dosséis sadios e doentes da Brachiaria brizantha foram identificados por meio da análise dos valores de reflectância e dos dados observados no Índice de Estresse Hídrico Acumulativo Relativo da Cultura (ACWSI) obtidos na área de estudo. Os resultados indicaram que as principais diferenças foram a diminuição da reflectância na banda CCD3 e o aumento da reflectância na banda CCD4 nas áreas doentes. A metodologia empregada com o uso de dados do sensor CCD/CBERS-2, associados ao ACWSI, mostrou-se eficaz para discriminar dosséis infectados com a mela-das-sementes da braquiária.


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In the relative positioning, even considering that part of the errors due to ionosphere is canceled with the double-difference observations, strong ionospheric effects can occur in maximum solar activity period. However, in minimum solar activity period, the ionospheric effects decrease significantly and therefore an improvement of the relative positioning performance takes place. In this paper we aim at showing that improvement for the scientific and GPS community users. So, have been experiments by using GPS data of two stations of the Brazilian Network for Continuous Monitoring of GPS, forming a baseline of 430 km. The processing were use accomplished with interval of two hours, and only L1 carrier data have been used. The analysis of the obtained results has been carried out from the discrepancies between the "true" coordinates and corresponding ones obtained in the processing. In maximum solar activity period the discrepancy value reached 25 m. on the other hand, in minimum solar activity period, the discrepancy value reached 5,5 m. It is important to emphasize that the majority of the discrepancy values didn't exceed 0,50 m, and in some cases only reached 0,10 m. This shows the increase of application possibilities of the relative positioning using single-frequency GPS receivers in minimum solar activity period.


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One of the main drawbacks of the GPS accuracy for L1 users is the error due to ionosphere. This error depends on the total electron content presents in the ionosphere, as well as of the carrier frequency. Some models have been developed to correct GPS observables of the systematic error due to the ionosphere. The model more known and used is the Klobuchar model, which corrected 50-60% of the ionospheric error approximately. Alternatively, IGS (International GNSS Service) also has developed a model called Global Ionospheric Map (GIM). These maps, in format IONEX, are available in the site of the IGS, and one of the applications of them is to correct the GPS observables of the error due to ionosphere. This work aims at evaluating the quality of GPS point positioning using the IGS ionospheric model in the southerm region of Brazil. Tests carried out had shown an average improvement in the horizontal and vertical determination of 44% and 77%, respectively, when GIM is used in the point positioning.


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The ionosphere is a major source of systematic error in the GPS observables. As this error is directly proportional to the TEC (Total Electron Content), the quality of GPS positioning (especially with single frequency receivers) can be significantly affected by regular changes of TEC. The ionosphere factor is even more relevant in the Brazilian region, where ionospheric phenomena, such as the Equatorial Anomaly, intensify these variations. Taking the above mentioned factors into account, experiments were conducted in this research to evaluate the daily and seasonal behavior of the TEC and the point positioning with GPS (single frequency) in periods of high and low solar activity in the Brazilian region. The results showed a direct correlation between the decrease in electrons density in the ionosphere (period of low solar activity) and improvement in positioning accuracy, as well as a large influence of Equatorial Anomaly on the results of point positioning.


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To analyze influences of the physical activity and sedentary behaviors on indicators of both central and total body fat in male adolescents. Cross-sectional study with 60 male students of age range from 11 to 14 years old. It were evaluated the body mass, height, triceps skinfold, waist circumference, body fat percentage (bioelectrical impedance) and the physical activity level through questionnaire. The physical inactivity prevalence was of 35%, and the excessive total and central body fat were observed in 38.3% and 48.3% of the sample, respectively. There was association of the sedentary behaviors with the excessive total and central body fat (OR = 5.2 e OR = 6.4, respectively), however there was not for physical activity. The adoption of sedentary behaviors is associated at the development of the total and central obesity among male adolescents.


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Objectives: To analyze different physical activities domains in healthy adults and correlate with cardiovascular risk factors. Methods: The sample was composed by 32 Physical Education undergraduate students, with mean age of 22.6 years old. Adiposity was assessed by waist circumference (WC), body mass index (BMI) and bioelectrical impedance. Additionally, fast glucose (10-12 hours), systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure were assessed. Physical activity level was assessed by questionnaire (Baecke et al., 1982). Results: sports activities and leisure time were not related with cardiovascular risk factors. However, job activities were negatively related with %BF, SBP and DBP. Conclusion: Different physical activity domains should be considered when analyzing its associations with health indicators.