249 resultados para ANOMALIAS TERMICA


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In this work polymeric composites reinforced with cotton fibers, from the textile industry, were developed in order to manufacture printed circuit boards. It was used expanded polystyrene (EPS) as a thermoplastic matrix by melting it. For the obtention of 10% and 15% of fiber volume fraction in cotton fibers composites, it was used wasted cotton fibers as an incentive of recycling and reusing of the domestic and industrial wastes as well as for Expanded Polystyrene(EPS). The mechanical properties of the composites were evaluated by tensile and flexural strength from standardized test methods. Composites were characterized by a Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Thermogravimetry (TG/DTG), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and dielectric analysis. The analysis of the results showed that fiber in the composite directly influenced in the thermal and mechanical properties


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The study of ceramic materials is constantly evolving, especially in research related to advanced ceramics. Once these have many applications, this paper relates to synthesis by solid state reaction of calcium copper titanate (CCTO) ceramic material means doping with strontium. The powders were characterized using thermal analysis techniques such as TG (thermogravimetry), DTA (differencial thermal analysis), dilatometry, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The compositions have submitted weight loss at around 6% with respect to carbonates used, and was attributed a temperature of 950° C to perform the calcination according to thermogravimetric analysis. After the process of calcination and milling, the particles presented approximately spherical shapes and high percentages of substitution Ca2+ with Sr2+ was evident by the presence of necks between to particles due to the milling calcination. Analyses with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) showed stoichiometries in different samples very similar to the theoretical stoichiometry


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The Bonito oil field, located on southwest of Campos Basin-RJ, has been explored since 1982. The main reservoir is composed by calcarenites of Quissamã Formation (Macaé Group) from Albian, but two other carbonate levels are present on the field, firsts is Coqueiros Formation (Aptian) and the second Siri Member (Oligo-Miocene). In this context and considering that carbonates reservoirs are a challenge for exploratory geoscientists, since the difficulty on recognize the effective reservoir distribution. This work aim to characterize the geophysical/geological facies based on seismic attributes responses, related to reservoir geometrical distribution, for the tree carbonates intervals on Bonito oil Field. A tree dimensional interpretation of the levels has been developed, based on well cross correlation and a 3D seismic interpretation, resulting on the stratigraphic and structural framework of the field, which showed a NE-SW fault trend controlling the Aptian carbonates reservoirs, and halocnetics structures showing a structural trap on Albian carbonates reservoirs. The definition of the structural/ stratigraphic framework possibly the seismic attributes calculations over the reservoir intervals. To select the best response in comparison with the reservoir distribution, obtained by seismic interpretation, the attributes response were compared with isopachs maps of each carbonate stratigraphic level. The attributes Maximum Amplitude, Maximum Magnitude and Rms Amplitude showed a good answer to reservoir distribution. The Rms Amplitude also showed a good correlation with physical rock properties, like RHOB bulk density, for the Albian and Aptian carbonates, as consequence it is possible make a characterization of reservoir distribution based on seismic attribute answer


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In this work a study about the mechanical properties of the API 5L X70 steel, with or without heat treating, has been made, with the intetion of assess the influence of cooling after the austenitization heat treating by air cooling (normalizing) and a rapid cooling with oil (tempering). This steel is known by high strength and ductility values and it is commonly used in the manufacture of oil pipes. The growing energy demand encouraged the study and manufacture of this material. Although this microalloyed dispense subsequent heat treatings, it was proven that its implementation is very advantageous for this type of application, improving hardness and plastic stability. It was also assessed that the faster the cooling rate is, the better will be these properties


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Objetivo: Considerando o uso indiscriminado de diversas plantas para o tratamento de doenças, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os efeitos da Azadirachta indica (Neem) sobre a glicemia e performance reprodutiva materna de ratas normoglicêmicas e com diabete moderado. Material e Método: O diabete foi induzido em ratas fêmeas no dia do nascimento com streptozotocin (100mg/kg de peso corpóreo, via subcutânea). O grupo não-diabético (controle) recebeu como veículo o tampão citrato com dose e via similares ao grupo diabético. Na fase adulta, ratas não-diabéticas e diabéticas foram acasaladas com machos normoglicêmicos. Durante todo o período de prenhez, as ratas foram tratadas com o princípio ativo (Azadirachtina) ou óleo da semente de Azadirachta indica (Neem). As glicemias foram mensuradas nos dias 0, 7, 14 e 20 de prenhez e o teste oral de tolerância à glicose no 17º dia. Ao final da prenhez, foi realizada laparotomia para contagem de fetos vivos e mortos, corpos lúteos, implantações e de reabsorções (mortes embrionárias). Os descendentes foram analisados quanto à presença de anomalias externas e internas (esqueléticas e viscerais). Para limite de significância estatística foi considerado p<0,05. Resultados: Os tratamentos com o óleo e princípio ativo causaram maior intolerância à glicose em ratas diabéticas, prejuízos no desempenho reprodutivo materno e anormalidades esqueléticas e viscerais fetais. Conclusão: Os diferentes tratamentos não apresentaram efeito antidiabético e causaram efeitos adversos no desempenho reprodutivo materno e no desenvolvimento dos fetos. Sendo assim, este estudo mostrou que o uso indiscriminado de plantas medicinais, principalmente por mulheres grávidas, pode ser prejudicial para o desenvolvimento intrauterino


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The present work aims to study the characteristics of the alloy Al - 7 % Si - 0 , 3Mg ( AA356 ) , more specifically characterize the macrostructure and microstructure and mechanical properties of the alloy ingots AA356 obtained in metal molds and sand molds for power studying the structures through the difference of cooling rates . This alloy is explained by the fact of referring league has excellent combination of properties such as low solidification shrinkage and good fluidity, good weldability , high wear resistance , high strength to weight ratio, has wide application in general engineering , and particularly in the automotive and aerospace engineering . In this work we will verify this difference in properties through two different cooling rates . We monitor the solid solidification temperatures by thermocouples building with them the cooling curve as a tool that will aid us to evaluate the effectiveness of the grain refining because it achieved with some important properties of the alloy as the latent heat of solidification fraction the liquid and solid temperatures, the total solidification time, and identify the presence of inoculants for grain refinement. Thermal analysis will be supported by the study of graphic software “Origin “will be achieved where the cooling curve and its first derivative that is the cooling rate. Made thermal analysis, analysis will be made in macrographs ingots obtained for observation of macrostructures obtained in both types of ingots and also analysis of micrographs where sampling will occur in strategic positions ingots to correlate with the microstructure. Finally will be collecting data from Brinell hardness of ingots and so then correlating the properties of their respective ingots with cooling rate. We found that obtained with cast metal ingots showed superior properties to the ingots obtained with sand mold


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The weight of a vehicle has always been considered an extreme important factor, because it interferes in the performance, steering, consume, environmental impact, wear of components, among the others. Because of the new demand, consume reduction aim and gases emission increased the necessity to manufacture lighter vehicles, guaranteeing the complying with the gas emission international law. Besides the legal demand, the low weight will certainly be essential for the competitiveness for the next generation of vehicles. It is with this thinking the composite materials have been introduced in the automobilist industry, because those materials show an excellent relation of strength/weight, providing a reduction of consume and the increase of load capacity. Those factors justify the increase of interest of industry and the necessity of optimization of those materials and of their process. For this research, the field of application will be the Baja SAE Project, a project that is fully developed by engineering students, where they build a prototype single seat, off-road category, for use on hilly slopes with obstacle. This research aims to study two key components of the prototype are made of composite materials, analyzing all the processing. In addition, there is the analysis of the viability of this production parts to a Baja SAE vehicle, in order to increase their performance and reduce their weight without reducing the safety and robustness of the prototype. It was possible to achieve weight reduction of the steering subsystem with manufacturing the flywheel hybrid composite (carbon/glass) and the replacement of SAE 1010 steel by hybrid composite (carbon/aramid) in CVT box. The importance of this study is to obtain a good project for the vehicle of technical and scientific manner, contributing to the know-how to the team and providing a basis for optimization for upcoming projects


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The increasing application of structural composites in the aerospace industry is mainly due to its low specific weight coupled with its excellent mechanical properties when in service. As a result of climatic variations that pass the aircraft is of paramount importance to study the influence of weathering on this type of material when subjected to such changes. The purpose of this work is to evaluate the mechanical behavior of specimens of kevlar fiber /epoxy matrix composites, by dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMA) and interlaminar shear strength tests (ILSS), after passing through three environmental conditioning: saline fog, hygrothermal and ultraviolet radiation. From the results, we concluded that the laminate was molded supplied homogeneously, not presenting problems such as porosity, delaminations or cracks inside. After a period of 625 hours of exposure to hygrothermal conditioning, we observed a 1,2% maximum of absorption of moisture. Samples subjected to the conditioning by UV irradiation (600 hours) and salt spray showed a reduction of about 24,30% and 32,30%, respectively, on the shear strength (ILSS). In DMA analysis is not observed significant changes on the glass transition temperature. However, when considering the storage modulus of the samples conditioned by UV radiation (1200 hours), salt spray and hygrothermal conditioning there is an increase of 5,34% , 7,19% and 5,57% respectively


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The objective of the present work was to evaluate surface of experimental alloy Ti-7.5Mo after hydrothermal treatment. Ingots were obtained in arc melting furnace under an argon atmosphere and then homogenized under vacuum at 1100ºC for 86.4 ks to eliminate chemical segregation and after cold worked discs were cutting and grinding. For surface treatment, samples were immersed in a container with NaOH aqueous solution 5M, autoclaved, washed with distilled water. Followed, samples were heat treated and they were soaking in 5xSBF to form an apatite layer on the surface. Surfaces were investigated by, scanning electron microscopy, X-Rays powder diffraction, atomic force microscopy and contact angle, in order to evaluate the wettability of the alloy surface. The results were compared with our previous studies using the group of chemical surface treatments and results shows better condition is 120 minutes in the autoclave


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With the growing world energy demand mainly from developing countries like Brazil, Russia, India and China, the search for efficient sources of energy becomes a challenge for the coming years. Among the most widely used alternative sources, biomass is the one that grows in a more pronounced way. This study will assess the real possibility of having it as a heat source in an Organic Rankine Cycle, which employ heat transfer fluids as working fluids instead of water. From a regional data collection in agricultural production and their potential rice production and the resulting husk was defined as more appropriate. The availability of husks together with an amount of eucalyptus wood, provided by a company in the region on a monthly basis, were analyzed, and the low participation of the wood was discarded by the thermal contribution of little significance. Based on this, it was established the calorific value of fuel for thermodynamic calculations and the cycle to be used. It was then carried out the choice of working fluid from the literature and their availability in the library of software used for the simulations, the Engineering Equation Solver - ESS. The fluid most appropriate for the burning of biomass, Octamethyltrisiloxane (OMTS), was not included in the software and so the R227ea and R134a were selected. After the initial parameters modeling definition, as condensing temperature, efficiency and live steam conditions, the simulations were performed, and only the R227ea remained within the feasible thermodynamic and technological ranges. With this fluid the turbine power output was 265.7 [kW] for a scenario of 24 hours/day burning, 800.3 [kW] to biomass burning for 8 hours/day and 2134 [kW] for burning only 3 hours/day. The thermal efficiency of the cycle remained in the range of 6%, and for plants operating with the most... (Complete Abstract click eletronic access below)


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The aim of this study is to characterize the macrostructure and microstructure of Al - 1%Si alloy obtained in sand and metallic molds. Aluminium has good mechanical properties, but adding silicon, even in small quantities, can change the microstructure and improves mechanical behavior. Workpieces were castings in metallic and sand molds and one can see a difference in their cooling curve, macroscopic and microscopic structures. The sand mold casting has lower cooling rate and so its grains are larger. Due to the lower concentration of grain boundary, the hardness is lower compared to that found in metallic molds, which has smaller grains and a higher hardness. Therefore, it can be concluded that the cooling rate and alloying elements affect the final microstructure of the workpiece


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In order to study resin distribution and homogeneity of composite laminates manufactured by RTM, it was used CYCOM 890 monolithic toughened epoxy as a matrix with two different configurations of intermediated modulus (IM) carbon fibers: Satin Weave (5HS) and non crimp fabric (NCF). The injection parameters were defined based on Thermo Gravimetric Analysis (TG), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and rheological analysis. After processing the material, the resin/fiber impregnation was studied using ultrasonic test, Thermo Gravimetric Analysis, Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) and flexural tests. Therefore, it was able to observe an internal residual stress during the cooling process in both laminates, higher in the composite using NCF fabric due to the lack of symmetry, although a good proportion of fiber/matrix has been verified by the lower values of flexural modulus deviation. The DMA enabled the visualization of glass transition and its association with the inter and intra molecular interaction and movement, in which the NCF composite presented better permeability due to the lowest temperature of glass transition, when compared to the Satin Weave composite


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Geophysics studies in areas impacted by petroleum derivatives describe abnormalities of both low and high electrical resistivity (the opposite of electrical conductivity), confirmed as contaminant phase by chemical analysis: this contradiction can be explained by degrading processes that naturally occur and create sub products that can change the environment conductivity. Monitoring the variation of the parameters mentioned serves as a comparative basis to the variation in geoelectrical parameters, which identified the correlation between the same contaminant parameters and the difference between their behavior studied apart, as well as its relations with the biodegradation process. The results are applied to the fuel distribution and storage sectors, leading to the diagnosis and monitoring of possible groundwater contamination scenarios, and the knowledge of the area exposure time to the contaminant, besides the better remediation alternative and impacts control. Among some conclusions, the most significant are the decrease in conductivity over time, so as the increase in Eh value in the gasoline contaminated tank, as well as the decrease in the pH value in the second tank with ethanol, which can be attributed to its degradation. Comparing the variations in both tanks, it is evident that Eh, pH and electrical conductivity do not behave temporally in a similar way, although some correlations between Eh and pH can be related.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)