199 resultados para religião israelitas


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Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O livro integra a coleção “Desafios Contemporâneos”, cujo objetivo é apresentar e discutir temas de interesse da sociedade em linguagem acessível ao grande público, sem prejuízo do rigor científico. No caso desta obra, os vários autores lançam um olhar panorâmico sobre a questão da identidade nacional, de modo a contribuir para o debate sobre o que é o Brasil e quem são os brasileiros. O trabalho foi dividido em cinco núcleos temáticos: a questão racial, o corpo, a língua, a religião e a cultura. Os ensaios procuram sempre adotar uma perspectiva ampla, do ponto de vista temporal e temático, tendo como horizonte a compreensão dos desafios sociais, políticos, econômicos e culturais do Brasil contemporâneos. É feito ainda um amplo balanço das diferentes formas de entender a identidade nacional, a partir da confrontação dos principais pensadores que se dedicaram ao assunto ao longo da história, e uma análise do estado atual das pesquisas sobre a identidade brasileira e os seus possíveis desdobramentos na área de ciências humanas do país.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper aims to base the thesis that the varied currents of the post-modern thought, in so far as have recourse to relativism to a greater or lesser degree, contribute to the legitimation of the religious education in public schools and, in a broader aspect, the religion in the public spaces. The methodological resource used to demonstrate the link between post-modern thought and religious education is the analysis at the historical and dialectical materialism perspective of publications produced to increase teachers on this discipline that is, in compliance with the Constitution, optional for students and mandatory for public elementary schools. The subject of this analysis is the learning content and has as prime concern to highlight the discourse of legitimation recurrent in authors when it is explicit in itself and explicit when it does not. The “religious education in public schools” as object of study allows us to understand the relationship between the post-modern thought, with its hegemony space within the human sciences and contextualized in the neoliberal economic environment, and the “learning to learn” pedagogies currently hegemonic in the educational landscape. We intend to contribute to the legal debate on laity, the philosophical debate on post-modernism and especially to the debate on the pedagogical theories in the educational fundaments.


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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Introducing the theoretical trajectory of social representations theory, outline here the parallel between this theory in social psychology and the Bakhtinian concept of ideology. Both approaches include individual and society as inseparable and views the array of social construction of knowledge forms, related to day-to-day, or composed by formal record of science, as state, religion etc. With this interdisciplinary study, although limited, we hope to contribute to a better understanding of theories that have made important contributions to social psychology, linguistics, ethnography, cultural studies etc.


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This paper aims to present some characteristics of Hispania in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages (4th-8th centuries). Search through a brief analysis of the relationship between Christianity and the Catholic Monarchy stood raise some issues and questions. We understand that Christianity has played and plays a significant role in the historical development of the Iberian countries. But in its installation and attempt to consolidation as hegemonic religion in the peninsula, faced several challenges. His alliance with the monarchy stood represented one of the ways to make stronger its dominance. In turn, the Monarchy, preserving its characteristic elective associated strongly with Christianity, giving him a theocratic character trying to raise the sovereign above the fray aristocratic, without much success. Thus, our text points to some of the paths followed by these two elements, Christianity and Monarchy at the time of the Kingdom of Toledo, proposing more reflections and ways that effectively covering them. We hope to have achieved it.


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This paper presents a comparative study concerning the novel The queen Margot (1845), by Alexandre Dumas father, and the homonymous movie (1994), by Patrice Chéreau, mainly considering its historical character, the production conditions of each “discourse” and the personages’ performances in both narratives. The novel has been originally published in the form of feuilleton in the French newspaper La presse, during the years 1844 and 1845, what explains its long extension and the correlation among the chapters. It constitutes a trilogy, the action of which takes place during the religion wars, affording to the text the classification of a traditional historical novel, having the episode of St. Bartholomew carnage as its most striking event. Regarding the movie, which has been awarded five Cesar prizes, two rewards in Cannes Festival and an indication to the Oscar for the best costume design, it also counts with Isabelle Adjani as the protagonist actress. With a few relevant differences regarding the novel, it is remarkable that the action in the movie happens in august 1572 in a Paris that is the center of conflicts among Catholics and Protestants. In this scenery, the comparison between the two artistic manifestations is based strictly on the analysis of the personages’ profiles, the circumstances in which they have been produced and the historical aspects surrounding the two works.


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To be or not to be (of candomblé)? – aspects of Afro-Brazilian religious field in the theater play Balbina de Iansã, by Plínio Marcos. In 1970, the playwright born in Santos-SP Plínio Marcos writes and directs the spectacle Balbina de Iansã, an adaptation (in form of a musical) from Romeo and Juliet, by Shakespeare. The action happens in a candomblé yard, managed authoritatively by a Mãe-de Santo, who tries to prevent the young protagonist couple’s love. This study analyzes the representation of some rites and principles of Afro-Brazilian religion in the play, especially concerning the critique of the relations of power that exist in the yards of São Paulo.