242 resultados para gas chromatography


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to characterize lychee seeds regarding their centesimal composition, and also to evaluate their antioxidant potential and fatty acid profile. Design/methodology/approach: To obtain the extract, dehydrated and grinded seeds were extracted with ethyl alcohol for 30 min, at a proportion of 1:3 of seeds:ethyl alcohol, under continuous agitation, at room temperature. Afterwards, the mixture was filtered and the supernatant subjected to a rotoevaporator at 40oC aiming to determine, by direct weighing, the extract dry matter yield. Findings: The largest found values went to the total carbohydrates (72.75 percent). In the oil from the lychee seeds there was a high percentage of unsaturated fatty acids, the main component being linoleic, considered an essential fatty acid. Research limitations/implications: Implies the identification of compounds biativos extracted from seeds of tropical and subtropical fruits, and to prevent certain types of diseases. Originality/value: The article tries to identify new source of phenolic compounds extracted from fruit. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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In the present study, the composition of essential oil of leaves and inflorescences of jambu (Spilanthes oleracea. Jambuarana), under organic manuring and mineral fertilization, was stuhed. Jambu plants show important chemical properties and their production has been addressed for the extraction of the essential oils for cosmetics industries, due to their pharmacolopcal properties. The experimental area of treatments contained urea as mineral fertilizer (120 g m2), applied twice and organic fertilizer (8 kg m2), applied at the planting. Jambu leaves and flowers were harvested twice: the first at 90 days after seedling transplantation and at the opening of the flower buds. Branches were cut at 7 cm from the soil, thus new branches can bud for the accomplishment of the second crop which happened 40 days after the re-budhng. The essential oil was analyzed by gas chromatography coupled with mass-spectrometry. According to our results the most representative compounds were trans-caryophyllene, germacrene-D, 1-dodecene, spathulenol and spilanthol (a compound presenting anesthetic properties) occurring in inflorescences. Fertilization procedure does not affect the content and the quality of the essential oil in Jambu plants. © 2012 Academic Journals Inc.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to characterize oils extracted from Bertholletia excelsa, Lecythis pisonis, Dipteryx lacunifera, Carya illinoensis and Juglans regia, regarding their characterization and fatty acid profile. Design/methodology/approach: The oils were extracted from oilseeds by cold pressing and physico-chemical characterization was performed by using standard methods for oils and fats. The oxidative stability and fatty acid profile also were determined. Findings: According to the results, the physico-chemical properties of oils from nuts and walnuts were comparable to those of good quality conventional oils. The oil seeds are a good source of unsaturated fatty acids, especially oleic and linoleic acids. Research limitations/implications: Implies the identification of fatty acid profile and physico-chemical properties of oils extracted from nuts and walnuts, and to prevent certain types of diseases. Originality/value: The paper identifies a new source of essential fatty acids extracted from oilseeds. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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We investigated whether Melipona quadrifasciata worker mandibular gland secretions contribute directly to their cuticular hydrocarbon profile. The mandibular gland secretion composition and cuticular surface compounds of newly emerged worker bees, nurse bees, and foragers were determined by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry and compared. Both the mandibular gland secretions and the cuticular surface compounds of all worker stages were found to be composed almost exclusively of hydrocarbons. Although the relative proportion of hydrocarbons from the cuticular surface and gland secretion was statistically different, there was a high similarity in the qualitative composition between these structures in all groups of bees. © FUNPEC-RP.


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This paper aimed to assess the tocopherol content and evaluate the fatty acid profile in soybean oil supplemented with salvia extract during heating, so as to verify the isolated and synergistic effect of natural and synthetic antioxidants. In order to obtain the extract, the lyophilized and crushed salvia was subjected to extraction by ethyl alcohol for 30 min, with a 1:20 salvia:ethyl alcohol ratio, under continuous agitation. Afterwards, the mixture was filtered and the supernatant was subjected to the rotary evaporator at 40 °C. Later the control treatments, ES (3000 mg kg-1 salvia extract), TBHQ (50 mg kg-1), and mixture (ES+50 mg kg-1 TBHQ) were prepared and subjected to 180 °C for 20 h. Samples were taken in time intervals 0, 10, and 20 h and analysed in terms of tocopherol content and fatty acid profile. Regarding the tocopherol and fatty acid profile analysis, it was found that the extract proved efficient in oil protection, when added isolated to soybean oil subjected to thermo oxidation. According to the results, salvia extract is a viable alternative that might be applied in industrialized processing of oils as natural antioxidant.


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Microbial β-glucosidases have been used for the enhancement of wine aroma. Nevertheless, few enzymes are active in the conditions of winemaking. In this work, the production of a β-glucosidase by an Aureobasidium pullulans strain (Ap-β-gl) isolated from grape ecosystems was evaluated. The maximum enzymatic synthesis using submerged fermentation was after 96 h of growth in complex media containing 20 g/L of cellobiose as the sole carbon source. The crude enzyme (Ap-β-gl) showed optimal pH at 5.5 and two peaks of optimum temperature (at 45 and 70 C). It showed a wide range of pH stability, stability at low temperatures, and tolerance to ethanol, showing suitable characteristics for winemaking conditions. The hydrolysis of glycosidic terpenes by Ap-β-gl was studied, and its ability to efficiently release free terpenols was demonstrated by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The enzymatic treatment notably increased the amount of monoterpenes, showing good prospects for its potential application for the development of aroma in wines. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


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A voltammetric method for the determination of ethyl acetate in ethanol fuel using a Fe3+/Nafion®-coated glassy carbon electrode (GCE) is proposed. The ethyl acetate present in the ethanol fuel was previously converted to acetohydroxamic acid via pretreatment with hydroxylamine chloride. The acetohydroxamic acid promptly reacted with the iron (III) present in the film, producing iron (III) acetohydroxamate, which presents a well-defined voltammetric peak current at -0.02 V. Optimization of the voltammetric parameters for the cyclic, linear sweep, square wave, and differential pulse modalities was carried out for this chemically-modified electrode. Square wave voltammetry afforded the best response for acetohydroxamic acid detection. The analytical curve for this species was linear from 9 to 100 μmol L 1 according to the following equation: ip (μA) = 0.27 + 2.55Cacetohydroxamic acid (μmol L 1), with linear correlation coefficient equal to 0.993. The technique presented limit of detection equal to 5.3 μmol L 1 and quantification limit of 17.6 μmol L 1. The proposed method was compared to the official method of ethyl acetate analysis (Gas Chromatography), and a satisfactory correlation was found between these techniques. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Rhipicephalus sanguineus, commonly known as the brown dog tick, is one of the most widely distributed species of tick. In dogs, it can cause anemia and provide the transmission of pathogenic microorganisms such as Babesia canis, Ehrlichia canis, Hepatozoon canis, Anaplasma platys, and Mycoplasma haemocanis. To man, it can transmit the intracellular parasites Rickettsia rickettsii and Rickettsia conorii, the causative agents of the Rocky Mountain spotted fever in the Americas and Mediterranean and spotted fever in Europe and North Africa. Its control is performed by applying synthetic formulations composed of pyrethroids; however, continued use of these products results in environmental damage and acquisition of resistance. Alternatively, studies with botanical insecticides have been increasingly recurrent. Therefore, this study aimed to test the efficacy of essential oil of Tagetes patula, a ruderal species widely described in the literature for its insecticidal properties, in engorged females of R. sanguineus by the adults immersion test (AIT) and impregnated paper disk test (IPDT). The essential oil used, through gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry, revealed the presence of 55 compounds, being the 4-vinyl guaiacol and gamma terpinene the majority ones. The AIT compared to the IPDT was more efficient in inhibiting oviposition of tick; however, the eggs laid by the females submitted to saturated atmosphere with essential oil, from IPDT, not hatched, interrupted their development cycle. Besides being a pioneer work, the results presented here contributes to new researches, aiming the incorporation of essential oil in an acaricide for use in the environment. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Butyltin (BTs) quantification in environmental matrices can be affected by interfering species found primarily in complex matrices,such as sediment and biota tissues. This study investigated matrix effects in analytical procedures for butyltin (TBT,DBT and MBT) quantification and speciation in sediments and in two fish tissues (gill and liver) by gas chromatography with pulsed flame photometric detection (GC-PFPD) analysis. Unlike sediment samples,tissues exhibited a significant matrix effect,thus,the quantification should be made by curve over matrix to avoid quantification errors and loss of analytical accuracy. © 2013 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.


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Bicuíba belongs to the Virola bicuhyba (Schott ex Spreng.) Warb species, Miristicaceas (Myristicaceae) family, which is frequently found in the Atlantic Forest of South and Southeast Brazil. Extraction of the Bicuíba oil was carried out and characterized by gas chromatography. The composition of in nature of this oil indicates that there is a predominance of saturated fatty acids with ~35 % lauric acid and ~40 % myristic acid. Details concerning the thermal behavior were evaluated by thermogravimetry, differential thermal analysis, and differential scanning calorimetry under oxygen and nitrogen atmospheres, showing thermal stability between 208 and 210 °C, respectively. Additionally, the kinetic studies were evaluated from several heating rates with a sample mass of 5 and 20 mg in open crucibles. The obtained data were evaluated with the isoconversional method kinetic, where the values of activation energy (Ea/kJ mol-1) were plotted in function of the conversion degree (α). © 2013 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary.


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Experiments of biomass combustion were performed to determine whether specimen size, tray inclination, or combustion air flow rate was the factor that most affects the emission of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and methane. The chosen biomass was Eucalyptus citriodora, a very abundant species in Brazil, utilized in many industrial applications, including combustion for energy generation. Analyses by gas chromatograph and specific online instruments were used to determine the concentrations of the main emitted gases, and the following figures were found for the emission factors: 1400 ± 101 g kg-1 of CO2, 50 ± 13 g kg-1 of CO, and 3.2 ± 0.5 g kg-1 of CH4, which agree with values published in the literature for biomass from the Amazon rainforest. Statistical analysis of the experiments determined that specimen size most significantly affected the emission of gases, especially CO2 and CO. •Statistical analysis to determine effects on emission factors.•CO2, CO, CH4 emission factors determined for combustion of Eucalyptus.•Laboratory results agreed with data for Amazonian biomass combustion in field tests.•Combustion behavior under flaming and smoldering was analyzed. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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An extracellular ethanol-tolerant β-glucosidase from Sporidiobolus pararoseus was purified to homogeneity and characterized, and its potential use for the enhancement of wine aroma was investigated. The crude enzymatic extract was purified in four steps (concentration, dialysis, ultrafiltration, and chromatography) with a yield of around 40 % for total activity. The purified enzyme (designated Sp-βgl-P) showed a specific activity of approximately 20.0 U/mg, an estimated molecular mass of 63 kDa after sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and isoelectric point of 5.0 by isoelectric focusing. Sp-βgl-P has optimal activity at pH 4.0 and at 55 °C. It was stable in a broad pH range at low temperatures and it was tolerant to ethanol and glucose, indicating suitable properties for winemaking. The hydrolysis of glycosidic terpenes was analyzed by adding Sp-βgl-P directly to the wines. The released terpene compounds were evaluated by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The enzymatic treatment significantly increased the amount of free terpenes, suggesting that this enzyme could potentially be applicable in wine aroma improvement. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


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This paper aimed at evaluating fatty acids profile and the total alteration of lemon seeds extract added to soybean oil under thermoxidation, verifying the isolated and synergistic effect of these antioxidants. Therefore, Control treatments, LSE (2,400 mg/kg Lemon Seeds Extract), TBHQ (mg/kg), Mixture 1 (LSE + 50 mg/kg TBHQ) and Mixture 2 (LSE + 25 mg/kg TBHQ) were subjected to 180 C for 20 h. Samples were taken at 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 h intervals and analyzed as for fatty acid profile and total polar compounds. Results were subjected to variance analyses and Tukey tests at a 5% significance level. An increase in the percentage of saturated fatty acids and mono-unsaturated, and decrease in polyunsaturated fatty acids was observed, regardless of the treatments studied. For total polar compounds, it was verified that Mixtures 1 and 2 presented values lower than 25% with 20 h of heating, not surpassing the limits established in many countries for disposal of oils and fats under high temperatures, thus proving the synergistic effect of antioxidants. © 2011 Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (India).


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Four crude oil samples from the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, northeastern Brazil, were analyzed using full scan gas chromatography-quadrupole mass spectrometry (GC-qMS) for biomarkers, in order to correlate them using aromatic carotenoids thereby enhancing knowledge about the depositional environment of their source rocks. The geochemical parameters derived from saturated fractions of the oils show evidence of little or no biodegradation and similar thermal maturation (Ts/(Ts+Tm) for terpanes, C29 αββ/(αββ+ααα), C27, and C29 20S/(20S+20R) for steranes). Low pristane/phytane ratios and the abundance of gammacerane and β-carotane are indicative of an anoxic and saline depositional environment for the source rocks. Moreover, we identified a large range of diagenetic and catagenetic products of the aromatic carotenoid isorenieratene, including C40, C33, and C32 diaryl isoprenoids and aryl isoprenoid derivatives with short side chains and/or additional rings. These results indicate anoxia in the photic zone during the deposition of the source rocks. © 2013 The Authors.