323 resultados para densitometry and poultry
Rhodocyclus gelatinosus R1 foi cultivado fotoautotroficamente em águas residuais de abatedouro de aves dentro de colunas de vidro (90x670 mm) durante sete dias a 31 ± 4ºC, sob anaerobiose e intensidade luminosa fornecida pela luz do dia e por três lâmpadas incandescentes (100W) mais quatro lâmpadas fluorescentes (40W). O cultivo obtido foi centrifugado (4.500xg/20 min) e liofilizado, originando a biomassa bacteriana, que continha 7,1% de umidade. A determinação da composição centesimal indicou (base seca) 67,6% de proteína bruta, 27,6% de carboidratos totais, 0,6% de lipídeos e 4,2% de cinzas. A composição em aminoácidos da fração protéica da biomassa mostrou-se semelhante à relatada na literatura para Rhodocyclus gelatinosus e para outras bactérias fotossintetizantes. A redução na DQO do efluente após o cultivo e a retirada da biomassa foi da ordem de 90%. A valiosa composição química da biomassa de Rhodocyclus gelatinosus R1 e o alto conteúdo em aminoácidos essenciais indicam o uso potencial desse produto na suplementação de ração para aves.
This study aimed at evaluating the thermal performance of a modular ceiling system for poultry houses. The reduced- and distorted-scale prototypes used ceiling modules made of reforested wood and were covered with recycled long-life package tiles. The following parameters were measured for 21 days: tile internal surface temperature (ST), globe temperature and humidity index (WBGT), and radiant heat load (RHL). Measurements were made at times of highest heat load (11:00 am, 13:00 pm, and 03:00 pm). Collected data were analyzed by R statistics software. Means were compared by multiple comparison test (Tukey) and linear regression was performed, both at 5% significance level. The results showed that the prototype with the ceiling was more efficient to reduce internal tile surface temperature; however, this was not sufficient to provide a comfortable environment for broilers during the growout. Therefore, other techniques to provide proper cooling are required in addition to the ceiling.
This study aimed at determining the minimum time required for the penetration of Salmonella Heidelberg inside the eggs after contact with contaminated material. Recently-collected brown and white eggs from laying hens between 45-50 weeks of age, reared in a commercial poultry house, were artificially contaminated by contact with wood shavings moistened with liquid inoculum of Salmonella Heidelberg in stationary-growth phase (10³-10(4) CFU g-1). According to type (white or brown), eggs were distributed into three different groups, with four replicates each: negative control group (no artificial contamination), positive control group (analyzed externally immediately after contamination and internally after the maximum storage period of the test group) and test group. Eggs were stored at controlled environmental temperature varying from 25ºC to 30ºC. In the test group, eggs contents (yolk and albumen) were pooled and analyzed after 1:00, 1:30, 2:00, 2:30, 3:00, 3:30, and 4:00 hours after contamination for the presence of Salmonella Heidelberg in 25g of this pool. The experimental unit consisted of five eggs in each test. The analysis protocol included pre-enrichment, selective enrichment, plating on selective agar, and biochemical and serological tests. The results obtained were submitted to logistic regression, which indicated that the presence of Salmonella Heidelberg was verified after 2:16 h and 2:44 h of contact with white and brown eggs, respectively.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O peso do peito possui grande importância econômica na indústria de frangos, podendo estar associado a outras variáveis passíveis de seleção. Estimaram-se correlações fenotípicas entre características de desempenho (peso vivo aos 7, 28 dias e ao abate e profundidade de músculo peitoral por ultra-sonografia), carcaça (peso eviscerado e de pernas) e composição corporal (peso do coração, do fígado e da gordura abdominal), em uma linhagem de frangos, e quantificou-se a influência direta e indireta destas variáveis sobre o peso do peito. Para tanto, utilizou-se a análise de trilha, desdobrando-se a matriz de correlações parciais em coeficientes que forneceram a influência direta de uma variável sobre a outra, independentemente das demais. A manutenção das variáveis peso vivo ao abate e peso eviscerado na matriz de correlações pode ser prejudicial à análise estatística que envolve os sistemas de equações normais, como a análise de trilha, devido à multicolinearidade observada. O peso vivo ao abate e a profundidade do músculo peitoral por ultra-sonografia apresentaram efeitos diretos importantes sobre o peso de peito e foram identificadas como as principais responsáveis pela magnitude dos coeficientes de correlação obtidos. Assim, uma pré-seleção individual para estas características pode favorecer um aumento no peso de peito nesta linhagem, se mantidas as condições ambientais de criação dos frangos, uma vez que o peso vivo ao abate e a profundidade de músculo peitoral por ultra-sonografia afetam fenotipicamente e diretamente o peso de peito.
The objective was to evaluate the differences between distinct types of litter material and their combinations in the dynamics of degradation on the organic matter fractions and the quality of the final compound. The treatments were established according to material used as substrate for broiler litter: treatment 1 - rice husks; 2 - sugar cane bagasse; 3 - wood shavings; 4 - wood shavings + sugar cane bagasse; 5 - rice husks + sugar cane bagasse; and 6 - Napier grass. The following variables were monitored: temperature, levels of total solids (TS), volatile solids (VS), mass and volume of the pile, fibrous fraction, and levels and reductions of N, P and K during the process. Piles formed with Napier grass and sugar cane bagasse presented the highest average temperatures during composting. The greater average reductions in TS and VS were attained in piles with sugar cane bagasse (68.12 and 73.07%, for TS and VS, respectively). The reductions of greatest volume occurred in piles with sugar cane bagasse (52.08%), followed by Napier grass (50.56%). Poultry litters composed of rice husks and wood shavings presented 13.21 and 10.23% of lignin, respectively, which contributed to the lower degradation of fibrous fraction and degradability. Substrates with lower lignin content were those with greatest organic matter degradation rate and had reduced losses of N levels during the process. Composting performance is affected by the initial substrate used to compose the poultry litter.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Neutron activation analysis has been used to study uranium incorporation in poultry bones as function of chow doped with : (a) uranium (20 ppm); (b) U-doped food (20 ppm) plus phytase (120 ppm) and (c) U-doped food (20 ppm) plus phytase (180 ppm). To investigate this situation experiments involving several groups of Cobb broilers was performed. Two animals per group were sacrificed weekly up to their adultness and uranium concentration in the tibia was measured. It was observed that the concentration of uranium (mug U/g bone) is decreasing all along the animal life spanning period of 14-42 days. This behavior suggests that the skeleton mass is growing faster than the corresponding accumulation of uranium. The administration of phytase seems not to alter this scenario.
1. The role of beta(2)-agonist and of cAMP in chick skeletal muscle proteolytic pathways and protein synthesis was investigated using an in vitro preparation that maintains tissue glycogen stores and metabolic activity for several hours.2. In extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle total proteolysis decreased by 15 to 20% in the presence of equimolar concentrations of epinephrine, clenbuterol, a selective beta(2)-agonist, or dibutyryl-cAMP. Rates of protein synthesis were not altered by clenbuterol or dibutyryl-cAMP.3. The decrease in the rate of total protein degradation induced by 10(-5) M clenbuterol was paralleled by a 44% reduction in Ca2+-dependent proteolysis, which was prevented by 10(-5) M ICI 118.551, a selective beta(2)-antagonist.4. No change was observed in the activity of the lysosomal, ATP-dependent, and ATP-independent proteolytic systems. Ca2+-dependent proteolytic activity was also reduced by 58% in the presence of 10(-4) M dibutyryl-cAMP or isobutylmethylxanthine.5. The data suggest that catecholamines exert an inhibitory control of Ca2+-dependent proteolysis in chick skeletal muscle, probably mediated by beta(2)-adrenoceptors, with the participation of a cAMP-dependent pathway.
1. The effect of endotoxin, interleukin-1 beta and prostaglandin on fever response was studied in 80 broilers (Hubbard strain). Endotoxin (E. coli, LPS) was injected iv (1.5 mu g/kg) and icv (1.5 mu g/bird); interleukin-1 (human recombinant IL-1 beta, 80 pg/bird) and prostaglandin E(2) (5 mu g/bird) were injected icv. Indomethacin (10 mg/kg, iv) pretreatment was also used before iv endotoxin injection. 2. The results showed that indomethacin was able to block the fever response induced by iv endotoxin injection, and IL-1 beta and PGE(2) were both effective in producing fever when injected icv. These data suggest a prostaglandin-mediated fever response by broilers, and also a strong evidence of the involvement of endogenous pyrogen (interleukin-1) in fever response in birds.
A total of 1,800 incubating eggs produced by a commercial flock of Cobb broiler breeders was used to determine the effects of storage duration (3 or 18 d) on spread of hatch and chick quality. Chick relative growth (RG) at the end of 7 d of rearing was also determined as a measure of the chick performance. Chick quality was defined to encompass several qualitative characteristics and scored according to their importance. Eggs stored for 3 d hatched earlier than those stored for 18 d (P < 0.05). Hatching was normally distributed in both categories of eggs, and the spread of hatch was not affected by storage time (P = 0.69). Storage duration of 18 d reduced the percentage of day-old chick with high quality as well as average chick quality score (P < 0.05). RG varied with length of egg storage, quality of day-old chick, and the incubation duration (P < 0.05). Eighteen-day storage of eggs not only resulted in longer incubation duration and lower quality score but also depressed RG. Chick quality as defined in this study was correlated to RG and storage time. It was concluded that day-old chick quality may be a relatively good indicator of broiler performance. The results suggest however that in order to improve performance prediction power of chick quality, it would be better to define it as a combination of several qualitative aspects of the day-old chick and the juvenile growth to 7 d.
Digestibility of diets based on corn and soybean meal or soybeans treated by roasting or extrusion, with or without an enzyme supplementation, was measured by true (Sibbald) methods, by analysis of excreta, and by analysis of ileal digesta. Only analysis of ileal digesta was able to consistently measure differences between soybean and enzyme treatments in the digestibility of CP, starch, fat, and ME. The amino acid (AA) digestibility of the diets was measured by analysis of the ileal contents. Whereas enzyme supplementation improved overall CP digestibility by 2.9%, this improvement was not equal for all AA. of the AA most important for broilers fed corn-soybean diets, the digestibilities of Lys, Met, and Arg were not improved or not improved significantly by the enzyme supplementation; however, that of Val was improved by 2.3% and that of Thr was improved by 3.0%. A performance trial demonstrated that enzyme supplementation with equal diet formulation improved BW and the feed conversion ratio by 1.9 and 2.2%, respectively. A second performance trial compared standard diet formulations with formulations using enzyme supplementation and energy levels that were reduced by the amount of improvement provided by the inclusion of enzyme in the first performance trial. No difference was seen between treatments, showing that the improvement of nutrient utilization brought about by enzyme supplementation completely compensated for the reduced energy content. Whereas enzyme supplementation should allow a reduction in CP formulation as well, individual AA were not improved equally by supplementation and should also be balanced.
An indirect ELISA using soluble whole cell antigen was used to screen serum samples obtained from breeder and layer flocks some of which had shown clinical or bacteriological evidence of infection with Salmonella Gallinarum or S. Pullorum. There was good correlation between Salmonella infection and the presence of serum samples showing high optical density (OD) values. Sera from seven flocks showing high values were retested using group D (0-1, 9, 12) lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and g,m-H flagella as detecting antigens. Sera from six flocks produced high OD values with LPS and low values with flagella confirming infection with a non-flagellate, group D Salmonella while one produced high values with both antigens indicating mixed infection with another group D serotype.