189 resultados para Traumatismos de perna
Patients with agenesis of maxillary lateral incisor must have in your planning functional and aesthetic considerations, important to the success of the treatment, regardless of whether the choice of treatment is closing or opening and maintenance of space for rehabilitation with prosthesis. This choice will depend on factors such as skeletal and tooth structure and profile. Children and adolescents are the group of individuals most exposed to trauma and fracture of the maxillary lateral incisor due to the activities they perform. Proper diagnosis and good treatment are essential to the success of the treatment. This article aims to report a case of agenesis of the maxillary lateral incisor along with the involvement of a root fracture of the maxillary central incisor. The orthodontic treatment was successfully finished with a favorable prognosis for the fractured incisor to stay in a esthetic and functional position.
Nasal fractures are extremely frequent. The nasal bones are the third most frequently fractured bones in the human skeleton. This is due to their prominent position on the face and to the diminished bone thickness. As a result, weak forces can cause nasal fractures, while stronger forces can comminute the nasal bones. In general, assaults, falls and sports injuries are the etiologies most commonly involved in nasal trauma. The diagnosis of such fractures is basically clinical and their treatment is usually by closed reduction with good results reported in all the relevant literature. Thus, the aim of this paper is to report a modification of the closed reduction technique for the treatment of these fractures.
Introduction: Despite tooth avulsion following trauma being relatively common in children, the available studies show that adults have limited knowledge about it. Aim: The purpose of this study was to assess, by a questionnaire, the mothers’ general knowledge about the immediate management of tooth avulsion. Material and method: This descriptive study was carried out on a convenient sample of mothers (n= 65) who participated of the “Pastoral da Criança”, from Araraquara, SP, Brazil. The questionnaire comprised 15 questions about personal data and knowledge on tooth avulsion management. Results: Participants were, on average, 35 years old. A total of 30.8% of the mothers reported that their children suffered dental trauma. The majority had never received advice on this subject (76.9%); and did not know how teeth are kept in the dental arch (69.2%). Almost a half of the sample believed that an avulsed tooth can be replanted (49.2%). In relation to the management of tooth avulsion, 40% of them would clean the avulsed tooth with water, even if it was not dirty (38.5%). Most of them (69.2%) would take the tooth by hand for cleaning purposes, regardless the tooth region; and believed that brushing the tooth was important to take the dirty out (67.7%). Conclusion: The general knowledge of mothers about the immediate management of tooth avulsion was considered inadequate endangering the successful treatment of tooth avulsion.
Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In order to reduce the sedentarism and to improve population's health condition, many physical activity incentive programs have been stimulated. As a result, many people have adhered to street racing, but their health condition is almost always ignored. The aim of this study was to evaluate street racers' health condition, identifying the presence of cardiovascular risk factors as well as problems associated to street racing. The study case was composed by 111 racers from the town of Bauru (94 men and 17 women) aged in average 39±13 years old, who were evaluated in 4 street race competitions. The subjects answered to an anamnesis with questions about their socioeconomic status, medicine use, cardiovascular risk, physical exercise practices, and issues related to racing and injury. Weight (kg) and height (m) were measured to calculate the body mass index (BMI, kg/m²) as well as systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), abdominal circumference (AC), and flexibility. It could be observed that the majority of racers were Caucasian, married and belonged to social classes over C. The prevalent age was between 18 and 35 years old (42%). Among the participants, 38.7% have already undergone some kind of surgery and 13% declared having some health problem. The questionnaire pointed out that 36% had low and moderate cardiovascular risk. It could be noticed from the AC that 10% of men and 18% of women had high cardiac risk. Among the tested, 43.2% (24.3% altered and 18.9% borderline) showed high BP on the day of the test, but only 2.7% had self-declared hypertensive. In relation to injury, 36% had already had lesions of some kind, 27.5% of which had occurred in the last 8 months. 66.6% had derived from training or racing competitions and the knee was the mostly affected body part. Only 43% had professional orientation by a physical education teacher during their training and the main reasons for them to begin racing practice were...
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A dança é uma das formas de expressão artística mais antiga da história da humanidade. O movimento da dança em foco no presente estudo foi a pirouette do ballet clássico. Tal movimento é caracterizado por um ou mais giros em torno do seu próprio eixo, executado sobre uma perna seja em meia ponta ou ponta completa, enquanto a outra está flexionada, com o pé abaixo do joelho da perna de apoio. O presente estudo consistiu em examinar o perfil cinético do movimento pirouette de bailarinas experientes e não experientes no Ballet Clássico. A hipótese é de que as variáveis relativas à força para produzir o giro influencie na realização do pirouette. As participantes do estudo foram convidadas a realizar o pirouette sobre uma plataforma de força. Os resultados do presente estudo demonstraram que as bailarinas experientes aplicam maior força para iniciar o giro em relação às participantes não experientes. Em conjunto, os resultados do presente estudo sugerem que a força vertical aplicada para iniciar o giro, a qual denominamos impulso inicial, parece ser determinante para a boa performance no movimento pirouette da bailarina. Os resultados do presente estudo oferece uma importante contribuição aos técnicos e professores de dança de forma a valorizar questões de controle motor e postural no processo ensino-aprendizagem do pirouette
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Com o objetivo de avaliar as características de carcaça e a alometria dos cortes comerciais e dos tecidos de cabritos F1 Boer × Saanen, 35 animais foram abatidos ao atingirem 5, 10, 15, 20 e 25 kg de peso vivo (PV). A dieta dos animais foi composta de leite de vaca nos primeiros 49 dias e ração à vontade do sétimo dia até o abate. Os cortes foram obtidos após o resfriamento da carcaça e a perna foi dissecada em músculo, osso e gordura. O PV teve efeito linear decrescente no rendimento de carcaça fria e na área de olho-de-lombo por kg de carcaça. Os pesos de perna, paleta e pescoço em relação à carcaça fria decresceram linearmente, mas houve efeito quadrático sobre o rendimento de costelas e lombo. O crescimento de paleta, pescoço e perna foi isométrico (b=1) ao do corpo, enquanto o das costelas e do lombo foi mais lento (b¹ 1). Os músculos da perna cresceram igualmente, a gordura mais lenta e os ossos mais rapidamente que a perna, enquanto o desenvolvimento da gordura subcutânea foi mais tardio que o da intermuscular. Para obtenção de carcaça de 8 a 11 kg com rendimento superior a 44%, boa proporção de músculo e gordura com menor perda durante o resfriamento, recomenda-se abater os animais com PV entre 20 e 25 kg, mas, se o objetivo for carcaça de menor peso, o abate dos animais deve ser feito ao final do aleitamento com aproximadamente 10 kg de peso corporal.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The zygomatic-maxillary complex due to its projection framed as one of the areas hardest hit by injuries, as well as the nasal bones. Component important in this context, the zygomatic arch fracture is under the direct action of forces due to its structure fragile, resulting in loss of normal convex curvature. Therefore, it is aimed to report a clinical case of male patient, who had leucoderma zygomatic bone fracture using access transcutaneous and intra-oral fracture reduction body of zygoma and zygomatic arch. In addition to evidence combination of closed and open techniques for solving the case. The technique provided the patient excellent cosmetic and functional results.
The development of an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan can be a complex task, especially in cases of dentoalveolar trauma. The authors present a case report of crown-root fracture caused by trauma and highlight the importance of a multidisciplinary approach for the treatment. An eighteen year-old boy had a bicycle accident resulting in dental trauma. The upper right first molar showed a complicated crownroot fracture and the lower left second pre-molar showed an uncomplicated crown-root fracture. Endodontic treatment, controlled tooth extrusion, periodontal surgery for recovery of biological width, and porcelain crown and onlay restorations were performed. Esthetic and functional results were achieved. At the two-year follow-up it was observed that the tooth/onlay interface of the upper right first molar was stained and the onlay of the left lower second pre-molar was fractured. Therefore, the interface stained was repaired and a porcelain crown was made for the lower second premolar. The clinical case presented herein leads to the conclusion that a multidisciplinary treatment plan is extremely important for a proper resolution in cases of dentoalveolar trauma.
The osteoradionecrosis (ORN) during long was considered as hum type of osteomyelitis spent bone, being one of the major complications of radiotherapy head and neck. This complicate are presents despite advances in the treatment of cancer patients, Therefore, the objective of this work was to emphasize the main factors predisposing ORN, its clinical features and treatment through a literature review.