204 resultados para Transcephalic Impedance
Objective: To assess the reliability of the standing measurement of hand-to-foot bioimpedance compared with measurements made in the lying position.Research Methods and Procedures: In 205 volunteers 6 to 89 years of age, 111 males and 94 females from six ethnic groups, effects of posture, time, and age on hand-to-foot resistance were studied over a range of body size. The effect of time in a position on resistance was also recorded in a small subset (n = 10), and repeat measurements over 3 days at the same time of the day were recorded in another subset (n = 12).Results: Lying impedance was consistently higher than standing, with the relationship (resistance lying/resistance standing) for the children (5 to 14 years) being 1.031, progressing to a ratio of 1.016 in those >60 years. The time spent static in either position did change resistance measurements - a decrease of up to 9 Omega (mean 5 Omega, 1.0%) over 10 minutes of standing and an increase of up to 7 Omega (mean 3 Omega, 0.7%) with lying.Discussion: In the field, measurements of hand-to-foot bioimpedance can be made in the standing position, and, with appropriate adjustment, previously validated recumbent equations can be used. Given that errors in the measurement of height and weight also affect the reliability of the derivation of body fat from bioelectrical conductance, the errors that may arise from a more practical standing measurement rather than lying are minimal.
The electric properties of the sodium niobate perovskite ceramic were investigated by impedance spectroscopy in the frequency range from 5 Hz to 13 MHz and from room temperature up to 1073 K, in a thermal cycle. Both capacitance and conductivity exhibit an anomaly at around 600 K as a function of the temperature and frequency. The electric conductivity as a function of angular frequency sigma(omega) follows the relation sigma(omega)=Aomega(s). The values of the exponent s lie in the range 0.15less than or equal tosless than or equal to0.44. These results were discussed considering the conduction mechanism as being a type of polaron hopping. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.
The effects of La2O3 on the properties of (Zn, Co, Ta) doped SnO2 varistors were investigated in this study. The samples with different La2O3 concentrations were sintered at 1400 degrees C for 2 h and their properties were characterized by XRD, SEM, I-V and impedance spectroscopy. The grain size was found to decrease from 13 pm to 9 gm with increasing La2O3 content. The addition of rare earth element leads to increase the nonlinear coefficient and the breakdown voltage. The enhancement was expected to arise from the possible segregation of lanthanide ion due to its larger ionic radius to the grain boundaries, thereby modifying its electrical characteristics. Furthermore, the dopants such as La may help in the adsorption of O' to O '' at the grain boundaries characteristics. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) was studied on Ni-LaNi5 and Ni-MmNi(3.4)Co(0.8)Al(0.8) electrode materials in 1 mol dm(-3) NaOH solution. The steady-state polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy experimental data showed a pronounced improvement in HER kinetics when these electrode materials were used. The electrochemical results are in accordance with the Volmer-Heyrovsky mechanism. The kinetic results indicate a more effective improvement in the Heyrovsky step, suggesting an electrocatalytic synergistic effect of the hyper-electronic character of the Ni and the hypo-electronic character of the rare-earth element on the electrode surface. (C) 2000 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Structural and electrical properties of ZnO varistors were investigated as a function of spinel composition. Six varistor mixtures differing only in chemical composition of spinel, were prepared by mixing separately synthesized constituent phases (DSCP method). Compositions of constituent phases in sintered samples were investigated by changes of lattice parameters of the phases, as well as by EDS analysis of the constituent phases. It was found that compositions of ZnO, intergranular and spinel phases were partially changed during sintering due to redistribution of additives, that was controlled by starting spinel composition and its stability. Electrical characterization showed significant difference in electrical properties of investigated varistors: nonlinearity coefficients ranging from 22 to 55 and leakage currents differing by the order of magnitude. Activation energies of conduction were obtained from ac impedance spectroscopy measurements. Calculated values of activation energies were in the range 0.61-1.0 eV confirming difference in defect structure of ZnO grain boundaries in varistors containing different spinel phases. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd and Techna S.r.l. All rights reserved.
Two series of lead zirconate titanate (PZT) ceramics with composition Zr/Ti approximate to 53/47 have been prepared by the organic solution route. The effects on the electrical properties of calcination temperature in one series and of sintering time period in the other were examined. Dielectric constant, electrical conductivity and impedance spectroscopy results differed from one series to the other, probably due to differences in structure of the precursor powders, as seen by X-ray diffraction. Tetragonal and rhombohedral phases predominate in the powders used, respectively, in the calcined and sintered series. Physical and electrical behavior of ceramics prepared from predominantly rhombohedral powder suggests the evaporation of PbO. The presence of two semi-circles in impedance plots leads to the association of the low frequency semi-circle to the presence of PbO, which, apparently, was not eliminated from ceramics prepared from predominantly tetragonal powder. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd and Techna S.r.l. All rights reserved.
Siloxane-polypropyleneoxide (PPO) hybrids doped with sodium perchlorate (NaClO4) obtained by the sol-gel process were prepared with two PPO molecular weights (2000 and 4000 g/mol) and two sodium concentrations such as [O]/[Na] = 4 and 15 (O being the ether-type oxygen of PPO chains). The structure of these hybrids was investigated by Na-23 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy at the sodium K-edge (1071.8 eV) whereas complex impedance spectroscopy was used to determine their ionic conductivity. Three sodium sites were determined by NMR. The conjunction of NMR and X-ray absorption results allows us to identify one site in which Na is in a NaCl structure, a second one in which Na is in contact with perchlorate anions. The third site is attributed to mobile sodium species in interaction with the polymeric chain. The relative proportion of the different sites in the materials determines the ionic conductivity of the materials at room temperature: the largest ionic conductivity is 8.9 x 10(-6) Omega(-1) cm(-1) and is observed on the material with the larger amount (at least 85%) of sites in which sodium interacts with the polymer. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The electrical properties of the grain boundary region of electroceramic sensor temperature based on inverse spinel Zn7Sb2O12 were investigated at high temperature. The zinc antimoniate was synthesized by a chemical route based on the modified Pechini method. The electric properties of Zn7Sb2O12 were investigated by impedance spectroscopy in the frequency range from 5 Hz to 13 MHz and from 250 up to 600 degreesC. The grain boundary conductivity follows the Arrhenius law, with two linear branches of different slopes. These branches exhibit activation energies with very similar values; the low-temperature (less than or equal to350 degreesC) and high-temperature (greater than or equal to400 degreesC) regions are equal to 1.15 and 1.16 eV, respectively. Dissimilar behavior is observed on the relaxation time (tau) curve as a function of temperature, where a single slope is identified. The negative temperature coefficient parameters and nature of the polarization phenomenon of the grain boundary are discussed. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.
The electrical and microstructural properties of SnO2-based varistors with the addition of 0.025 and 0.050 mol% of Fe2O3 have been characterised. Electric field (E) versus current density (J) curves showed that the effect of Fe2O3 addition is to increase both the non-linear coefficient and the breakdown voltage. Variations in the potential barrier height were inferred from impedance spectroscopy (IS) analysis. Through transmission electron microscopy (TEM), the presence of precipitates of secondary phases was confirmed. Samples with precipitates displayed poor electrical properties. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.
Nanostructured films of lignin (macromolecule extracted from sugar cane bagasse), polypyrrole (conducting polymer) and bis butylimido perylene (organic dye) were used in the detection of trace levels of fluorine (from H2SiF6), chlorine (from NaCIO), Pb+2, Cu+2, and Cd+2 in aqueous solutions. Langmuir monolayers on ultrapure water were characterised by surface pressure-mean molecular area (II-A) isotherms. Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films were transferred onto gold interdigitated electrodes and used as individual sensing units of an electronic tongue system. Impedance spectroscopy measurements were taken with the sensor immersed into aqueous solutions containing the ions described above in different molar concentrations. Fourier transform infrared absorption (FTIR) was employed to identify possible interactions between the LB films and the analytes in solution, and no significant changes could be observed in the FTIR spectra of BuPTCD and Ppy. Therefore, the results for lignin point to an interaction involving the electronic cloud of the phenyl groups with the metallic ions.
This text discusses about advantageous, powerful and limitations of admittance and dielectric spectroscopy in the characterization of polycrystalline semiconductors. In the context of polycrystalline semiconductors or dielectric materials, the admittance or dielectric frequency response analyses are shown to be sometimes more useful than impedance spectra analysis, mainly because information on the capacitances or deep trap states are possible to be monitored from admittance or dielectric spectra as a function of dopant concentration or annealing effects. The majority of examples of the application of admittance or dielectric analysis approach were here based on SnO2- and ZnO-based polycrystalline semiconductors devices presenting nonohmic properties. Examples of how to perform the characterization of Schottky barrier in such devices are clearly depicted. The approach is based on findings of the true Mott-Schottky pattern of the barrier by extracting the grain boundary capacitance value from complex capacitance diagram analysis. The equivalent circuit of such kind of devices is mainly consistent with the existence of three parallel elements: the high-frequency limit related to grain boundary capacitances, the complex incremental capacitance at intermediate frequency related to the deep trap relaxation and finally at low frequency region the manifestation of the conductance term representing the dc conductance of the multi-junction device. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A single-phase superconducting Fault Current Limiter using a bifilar coil of BSCCO-2212 tube was tested in 220 V-60 Hz line during fault current between 1 kA to 4 kA, operating in 77 K. In this work are presented the critical current dependence as a function of an external magnetic field applied and the results can be used to predict the current limiter performance. The experimental setup is described and the test results are presented for the unit conducting a steady nominal AC current of 200 A, and also during the fault time (1 to 6 cycles). The performance of the bifilar coil to provide the limiting impedance associated with the dynamic resistance developed during the beginning of the fault was analyzed and compared with other types of superconducting current limiters.
The influence of aluminium on the development of the microstructure and on the electrical behaviour of the SnO2 center dot Co3O4 center dot Nb2O5 typical varistor system was studied. Two sources of Al were used, alumina (Al2O3) and boehmite (AlO(OH)). The microstructural features were characterised with scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopies. The different phases present in the studied samples were also studied with XRD, EDS and electron diffraction patterns of selected areas (SAED). Particles containing Sri, Co, Al, and O were unveiled with TEM. Impedance spectroscopy measurements and current density versus electric field characteristics revealed superior electrical properties for samples with AlO(OH). The higher non-linearity (alpha = 19) was achieved with the addition of 0.1% mol of boehmite. The influence of the secondary phases on the electrical properties is also addressed in this work.
Room temperature data of impedance and phase angle in pellets of electrochemically synthesized ClO4- doped poly(3-methylthiophene) (P3MT) were analyzed assuming the sample being represented by a parallel resistor-capacitor (RC) circuit or by a series RC circuit. The last assumption proved to be the correct one, and to confirm it we use the sample as the RC component of a resistor-capacitor-inductor series resonator. We discuss the possibility of this RC series behavior to be due to a charge-density wave characteristic also evidenced from the huge values of the low-frequency dielectric constant of the system.
Zirconia-ceria powders with 12 mol % of CeO2 doped with 0.3 mol% of iron, copper, manganese and nickel oxides were synthesized by the conventional mixed oxide method. These systems were investigated with regard to the sinterability and electrical properties. Sintering was studied considering the shrinkage rate, densification, grain size, and phase evolution. Small amount of dopant such as iron reduces sintering temperature by over 150degreesC and more than 98% of tetragonal phase was retained at room temperature in samples sintered at 1450degreesC against 1600degreesC to stabilize the tetragonal phase on pure ZrO2-CeO2 system. The electrical conductivity was measured using impedance spectroscopy and the results were reported. The activation energy values calculated from the Arrhenius's plots in the temperature range of 350-700degreesC for intragrain conductivities are 1.04 eV.