224 resultados para Sofrimento psíquico
O húngaro Sándor Ferenczi (1873-1933) tornou-se um dos mais importantes discípulos de Freud, quando as bases da ciência psicanalítica ainda se encontravam em desenvolvimento. Fiel ao mestre, ele fazia parte do núcleo próximo do fundador da psicanálise, formado por psicanalistas como Carl Gustav Jung, Alfred Adler e Otto Rank. E assim como eles, no transcurso da prática terapêutica, desenvolveu divergências teóricas em relação aos preceitos freudianos, embora não tenha se tornado oficialmente um dissidente, uma vez que sua morte se deu antes do cisma. As teorias ferenczianas são tidas até hoje como importantes contribuições à ciência psicanalítica. Associado aos chamados casos difíceis, Ferenczi colaborou para uma melhor compreensão das psiconeuroses, do desenvolvimento do aparelho psíquico e das técnicas com as quais se busca facilitar o processo de cura por meio da psicanálise. Nesse livro, o mestre em Psicologia e professor Marcos Mariani Casadore discorre sobre a trajetória de Sándor Ferenczi em suas relações com a teoria freudiana e o movimento psicanalítico, expõe aspectos biográficos e analisa seus principais escritos produzidos entre as décadas de 1910 a 1930. Casadore destaca ainda a errância - no sentido de desviar-se do caminho, como as tribos nômades que vagavam por territórios segundo suas necessidades - como distintivo da construção teórica de Ferenczi. O autor procura revelar novas leituras e posicionamentos sobre as postulações teórico-clínicas de Ferenczi, que ainda permanecem adequadas e incisivas para a atuação clínica e o pensamento a respeito das demandas subjetivas e sociais da contemporaneidade.
Luís Guilherme Coelho Buchianeri propõe, nesta obra, que nos dias atuais a velocidade continua acelerando exponencial e paradoxalmente, mas apenas no mundo externo. No mundo interno, se desacelera, “tendendo a uma paralisia que não promove a angústia estruturante, mas leva à agonia, à sensação de falta de futuro, à necessidade de preenchimento do tempo com conteúdos dados à imediaticidade dos afetos”. Tal busca de concretude, diz, impede a subjetivação do ser humano moderno. A subjetividade, segundo o autor, considerada lenta e imprecisa, está sendo descartada na era da instantaneidade e da satisfação imediata dos desejos, em que a máquina possibilita que tudo se realize em “tempo real”. Assim, se no nascimento da modernidade a velocidade instigava a ação, transformação e rebeldia, hoje, vazia de conteúdos, paralisa e instala nesse espaço um tempo entediante. Nos jovens, principalmente, essa variedade de estímulos decorrentes dessas mutações no espaço e no tempo produziria uma falta de sentido na vida, acompanhada por “um esvaziamento do sujeito, uma sensação subjetiva a que poderíamos denominar tédio”. Paralelamente a esse tema, discutido amplamente neste livro, que leva em conta a realidade de jovens de diversos países, o autor aborda outra questão contemporânea – a da “depressão como figura de subjetivação da atualidade”. Ao analisar conceitos com base em teorias da Psicologia e da Filosofia, ele procura demonstrar que o tédio se sobressai em relação à depressão como a subjetividade típica de um mundo acelerado e volátil
We discuss the reasons why Defensive Medicine is widely used in Brazil and worldwide. The Defensive Medicine is characterized by excessive use of complementary tests, the use of supposedly safer therapeutic procedures, the frequent referral of patients to other specialists and by the refusal to care for critically ill patients and with greater potential for complications. This is a practice that aims to defend the doctor from legal suits. The way the processes are conducted by the judiciary certainly contributes to the consolidation of this foolish practice. The slow pace of justice in our country, associated with the unpreparedness of judges and legal experts in the analysis of cases, leads to an emotional exhaustion of the parties involved. Furthermore, poor training of doctors in our country values the use of sophisticated diagnostic and treatment methods, rather than a thorough clinical examination and appropriate communication with the patient. Besides inefficient in protecting the doctor, Defensive Medicine has severe consequences to the patient and to society, since it generates an additional invaluable cost to medical practice, determines greater suffering to the patient and causes deterioration of the doctor-patient relationship, which has always been marked by trust, respect and personhood.
This paper presents the results of an applied qualitative study with dental students and professionals who work with people suffering from temporomandibular disorder. The aim was to investigate the way that dental practitioners and students perceive patients affected by this disorder, how they feel faced with the patients' suffering, and the importance they assign to a multidisciplinary approach, highlighting the treatments used. It is noteworthy that various factors are involved in the temporomandibular disorder framework, including emotional factors, as cited by the majority of the respondents. The data obtained indicated that the knowledge of the professionals and students related to caring for people with temporomandibular disorders was appropriate, however, important inadequacies were highlighted, such as the fact that professionals do not investigate the life history of the person in their psychosocial context.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD), which is a musculoskeletal condition of the masticatory system, may become chronic and further worsen quality of life (QL) of patients. Due to the inter-relationship between physical and emotional symptoms, there is an increasing search for the integrative model, which includes psychosocial approaches for the treatment of painful conditions. This study aimed at reviewing in the literature the impact of education and simple self-care modalities on pain and disorders related to chronic painful TMD. CONTENTS: Psychosocial factors are often involved with pain chronicity, making bio-behavioral approaches increasingly more indicated to change pain perception and to decrease distress and psychosocial changes which go along with persistent pain. CONCLUSION: Current literature, although not extensive, indicates positive results of education and self-care methods for chronic painful TMD. Further studies are needed to reinforce such findings and spread the application of such approaches to control chronic and TMD pain.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
The syndrome of Gilles de la Tourette (ST) can cause marked distress in several areas of functioning. The literature indicates that children with TS may present diffi culties in relationships with teachers and peers. This case study exploration aimed to discover and describe the perceptions of parents and teachers of child with TS enrolled in regular school, regarding the child-school relationships. Interviews were conducted with parents of a 8 years-old child, diagnosed with ST and three educators. Participant observation of everyday children’s school was also performed. The set of reports reveals doubts on the part of respondents to identify involuntary behaviors of the child or to identify intentional actions. It was observed that there is still no connection between parents and educators in meeting the needs of the child. It is assumed that intervention strategies in a multidisciplinary perspective could help parents, educators and health care professionals act in a coordinated way in order to improve the school and social interaction of the child.
In this paper we intend to understand the functioning of Freudian psychism concerning the constitution of the psychic subject in his relation with knowledge. In order to do that, we will analyze one of the most important writings by Freud: An Outline of Psycho-Analysis. This choice was made because we think that the author synthesizes his thought in that book, whose maturity makes possible for us to access a later elaboration of the functioning and the conceptions we intend to analyze: The regions of Psychic apparatus; The problem of the Psycho-Analysis approach: science and philosophy; and The psychic qualities of the subject.
Introduction: the relationship between professional and patient oriented by humanization standards is a current issue in health research, since this relationship influences the processes of physical recovery, pain reduction and quality of life of individuals. However, this is not observed in most graduate programs in health, which emphasize knowledge and methods in the traditional Cartesian thinking. Objective: to evaluate the importance of contents and practices with a focus on issues of embodiment and alterity, from the perspective of the humanization of health in Physiotherapy courses. Method: we used a qualitative method and data were collected through semi-structured interviews conducted by five randomly selected physiotherapists, aged between 23 and 36 years, with professional experience between two and thirteen years. The questions were on: physical therapy, physical therapist and patient relationship, work pace, involvement in trade associations, field and insert content and practices of the humanization of health in undergraduate courses. Result: the Physiotherapy graduate courses do not prepare the professional to take a close bond with patients. The application of techniques and protocols are focused on knowledge and do not apply to skills related to living together. Conclusion: the curriculum of graduating courses in health should be revised to expand the capacity of the students to become a professional who take care of patients and act as mediator between techniques and protocols, from the perspective of humanization of health, which requires contents and procedures based on embodiment and alterity.
Pós-graduação em Biociências - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR
The Brazilian population is ageing rapidly, and chronic diseases have increased. Due to deficient health care services, the diagnosis and treatment of such diseases occur in the tertiary level, which increases costs and reduces the possibilities of early diagnoses. In view of the elderly population‟s increase and of the great demand at hospitalization units, it is important to learn about the difficulties and facilities faced by nursing teams when giving care to hospitalized individuals. In order to reach the objectives, a cross-sectional, prospective, descriptive, analytical and qualitative study was performed with basis on Bardin‟s Content Analysis. Among the difficulties were patients‟ limitations, dependence level, behaviors and habits, interference from companions, feeling of abandonment, perception of needs, dealing with suffering and lack of time for adequate care. As to facilities, acceptance of the disease, adherence to treatment, collaboration, trust in the team, and older patients‟ politeness were reported, which shows that passiveness is an important indicator in caring for the elderly. Older individuals suffer the outcomes of certain physical, psychological and mental deficits. When facing disease conditions, they require special care, including hospitalization and greater attention. The nursing team provides daily care and follows patients‟ development; however, its members are still not knowledgeable enough about the ageing process. This contributes to increase prejudice and erroneous stereotypes about older persons. Therefore, not understanding such process compromises the full care to be provided to older patients. This leads team members to accelerate the care provision process in order to meet the daily work demand, thus compromising older patients‟ autonomy and making them more dependent on the team, whereas the process should follow the opposite path
A experimentação em animais é a metodologia mais utilizada para se testar a ação de todo tipo de droga em um organismo e suas reações. Atualmente existe na ciência a preocupação com a ética para amenizar o sofrimento dos animais envolvidos. Com o advento de novas tecnologias, são propostas técnicas alternativas que se abstém da utilização destes. Mas que não são ainda largamente estudadas no Brasil. Portanto realizou-se uma breve revisão das relações ser - humano/natureza presentes historicamente na atividade científica. Foram respondidos questionários e entregues para a análise, no qual se teve o objetivo de averiguar a opinião em relação a esse assunto perante os experimentadores de um conceituado Centro de Pesquisas e verificar assim, a possibilidade da inserção de uma nova ética, a qual possa futuramente livrar todos os animais de qualquer sofrimento. Os pesquisadores apresentam de uma forma geral, uma pequena preocupação com a reflexão sobre a utilização de materiais alternativos, em contrapartida se mostram bastante preocupados com a utilização dos animais de forma ética, a fim de minimizarem o sofrimento causado