213 resultados para Sociedade francesa


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This article aims at the application of semiotic theory of French line to soap advertisements publicized in the magazine O Cruzeiro in the year 1949. Our objective is to reconstruct the women’s figure present in these texts and to establish its relation to the persuasion of the reader who is led to acquire not only the products, but mainly the values hidden in the announced objects. From the theory we use the generative course of meaning, focusing on the discourse level and assimilating the consumption axiologies proposed by each advertisement. Finally, we intend to assimilate the standard behavior of that society post-Second World War.


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This article aims to analyses the anti-Communism in the period between 1955 and 1958 in Londrina, Paraná, from the event march of Production which was reported by Folha de Londrina in 1958. We’ll use as methodological the discourse analysis of French substantiated in studies of Pêcheux (1997) and the mechanisms for structuring of antiCommunism discourse of Catholic Londrina leaders from the 1950s. Starting on survey of documentary sources and bibliographical, specially texts produced by representatives of Catholic church in Northern Paraná during the period of proposed analysis. We intend to analyse Catholic anti-Communism from point of view of its elements. The complexity of the political historical period of reference of this article shows how about communism in Folha de Londrina is linked to a discourse on other prebuilt discourses. This article is built in three steps: the first one is JK Years: Anti-Communism while legitimizing the development policy that we will produce an analysis of JK government that stood against to communism while conception of society and economic and political structures. The second one is the multifaceted anti-Communism in Brazil. We focus on the theoretical discussion on the concept of anti-Communism pointing out many Brazilian facets interpretation. The last one , faith and power: Anti-Communism sense and Catholic church in Londrina (1955-1958) will systematize texts of Catholic leaders about communism and finally analyze them with the proposed theoretical framework of discourse analysis.


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This article is about the democratic theoretical conceptions reformulated in face of the new social rules in which actors showed up claiming repressed social repressed from the second half of the XX century. In this article an approach of the main contributions of the dimensions of the conception of democracy. As a result, we present that the institutional innovations that came from a process of institutionalism of democracy have built a participative and inclusive ideal of social groups that so far were apart from the decision process in politics.


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This article aims to discuss and reflect on the contributions of the Critical Theory of Society called for the field of education in times of increasing technological development. Therefore, we look to the works of three authors exponents of Critical Theory: Walter Benjamin, Theodor W. Adorno and Herbert Marcuse, highlighting the reflections and analyzes of these authors and using them as input in the educational field. The selfreflective and self-education is conceived in its potential to overcome the conditions of domination that remain in our society increasingly technified and supposedly democratic. Thus, the educational praxis think it seems like something urgent and necessary to be broken with certain conditions that keeps our potential to barbarism.


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This article suggests the need for change in focus of studies on new instances of participation in public policy management, which emerged in the Brazilian re-democratization. Moving away from the literature that addresses the role of civil society in these instances, the author reviews studies on Participatory Budgeting (PB) indicating how such experiences are marked by the dynamics of political society. The argument is reinforced by the presentation of a survey of PB counselors in Osasco-SP, by which we perceive, in general, a role filled by political processes of representative democracy. Most councilors compose the fringes of the political society, lie on the rise in, seeking better position in the local political field, internal disputes within the parties and the municipal government. This points the limits of the democratizing potential of the PB, since the expansion of participation in budget decisions would be just within the political society.


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Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC


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O presente trabalho buscará verificar a noção (ou as noções) de brasilidade no jornalismo de revista nacional - e como essas noções contribuem para a construção (e a reafirmação) de determinados discursos acerca da cultura e da identidade brasileira. Analisaremos os discursos das revistas Veja e Época em textos (veiculados entre novembro de 2013 e novembro de 2014) a respeito da Copa do Mundo de Futebol de 2014. A pesquisa partirá de fundamentos da Análise do Discurso (AD) Francesa e de uma concepção intercultural de sociedade (que enxerga as relações sociais como processos de negociação de conflitos culturais entre os grupos sociais). Pretende-se mostrar de que forma os discursos das revistas repercutiram a noção de brasilidade -se de maneira homogeneizadora, ou se de maneira plural- nos textos a respeito da organização do país para o megaevento, bem como nas reportagens a respeito do desenvolvimento do torneio em si. Indicaremos a influência da ideologia na produção discursiva (textual e imagética) dessas revistas quando abordam aspectos da cultura e da identidade brasileira nos textos sobre o Mundial - especialmente, quando tratam de nossa alteridade, a partir de uma perspectiva hegeliana de inferioridade da cultura latina em relação à cultura europeia. Ademais, indicar-se-ão algumas noções de brasilidade construídas pelos principais nomes da historiografia nacional do século XX - noções, essas, que revivem no discurso jornalístico sobre o Brasil e os brasileiros


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O presente Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso é o desdobramento de uma pesquisa em nível de iniciação científica, financiada pela FAPESP, que teve como objeto de estudo o jornal Correio de Bauru. Dentre os aspectos analisados, privilegiamos a postura jornalística do periódico e a aproximação com sociedade, a presença da temática urbana, as diferenças e semelhanças com os grandes jornais dos anos 1920 e, ainda, o processo de modernização da imprensa do período. Nesse percurso, adotamos a metodologia de leitura das edições disponíveis em acervo a fim de identificar seu posicionamento editorial e político, a relação com a cidade e a sociedade, o ocupado dentre outras publicações existentes no município na época, além de sua contribuição para a História da Imprensa Brasileira e do interior paulista


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El objetivo de este estudio es discutir el nacimiento del individuo moderno y el contexto de la "sociedad administrada" tomando como referencia los estudios realizados por el sociólogo polaco Zygmunt Bauman. A partir de estos dos puntos, se debate las relaciones con la institución escolar, mientras un dispositivo que pone en práctica la administración de la vida. Por último, se discute sobre el tema de la libertad, concibiéndola como un discurso contradictorio que, al mismo tiempo que toma al individuo como ser libre de determinaciones, lo inserta en nuevas formas de control, como práctica presentes en la sociedad de consumo.


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In the first decades of the Republic, the streets of the main Brazilian capital cities, especially of Rio de Janeiro and Recife, recently urbanized based on the Haussmanian Paris and smiled upon by the fever of cosmopolitanism that invested Europe, women had been used as runways where they could exhibit her imitated or imported models, especially in Paris. The iconography of the time and the advertisements conveyed by magazines and illustrated periodicals, such as the Almanach de Pernambuco and the magazine Kosmos, for instance, form the testimonies of the massive presence of the French in Rio and Recife, owners of stores and maisons, interested in fulfill the demands of the republican public. In spite of the Strong adherence of the Brazilians to the sociability models to the imported from Europe, the less-favored classes, through the popular literature, showed some resistance to these changes in the habits and clothing, especially in the Northeast, where traces of the Catholic and patriarchal moral and mentality were still alive.


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In this article we intend to discuss the type of letters produced by Cláudio Manuel da Costa when he was member of Academia Brasílica dos Renascidos basing the analyses on the ancient rhetoric, used as a model by scholars between sixteenth and eighteenth century. These documents show his filiation with academicism practices, presents evidence of his biography and his domain of two writing styles: the poetic style for which he is known, and the academic style, employed in the exercise of his function under the literate associations, confirming his actions, both in the political and intellectual framework of that time.


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The objetive of this article is discuss the question of difference and alterity presents in analyzes of contemporary society conducted by the polish sociologist Zygmunt Bauman. The author observed that human relations are guided by a logic of cost-benefit connected with values of present in the discardability of consumer society. At the same time, it has built ways of eliminating difference through the construction of a politics of expulsion of those considered strangers. For the author, the cities are the materialization of the ambivalence of live with the other people in contemporary times, being the locus of experience approach and retraction to the other expressed by fear of the difference. The result of this process is the impoverishment relational, the feeling of loneliness and an ethical-political crisis seen that could be seen from the primacy of the private/intimate rather than the public dimention/action.


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This article analyzes the human bonds in the context of contemporary society from the work of the polish sociologist Zygmunt Bauman. Taking as starting point the bond of friendship and relational virtualization process motivated by the development of new technologies, it was observed the occurrence in the present world an affective-relational impoverishment. As an alternative to this, it is argued the exercise of building and maintenance of dense bonds that provide an alternative to the bind model of momentary satisfaction, this time marks. Finally, it is indicated that the discussion of friendship necessarily imply on the problematization of contemporary ethics which will provide the foundation for building a new affective political.