241 resultados para Seguranca : Computadores


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The objective of this study was to present the comparison between analytical and numerical results trying to identify the differences and behaviors of the variation of the principal stresses and the maximum contact pressure for different model configurations. The analytical equations of the theory of Hertz from the boundary conditions adopted by him were differences are shown. A step-by-step of developing the model indicating the geometric dimensions, surface contact, type of contact, the formulation used by the software, type of mesh, as well as the boundary conditions and load was presented. In the results, the stresses calculated analytically and compared with the stresses obtained by the finite element simulation software indicating the changes have been made


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Hepatitis C is a disease that affects approximately four million Brazilians. It is a rare disease with symptoms but with a treatment that involves marked secondary effects. The silence of their symptoms, however, socially projected, build the social imaginary figures that send feelings and prejudices, being born therefore the social stigma. This situation fundamentally affects the welfare of their subjects. In this aspect, this research traces a parallel between the situation experienced by patients with hepatitis C and the use for these individuals from the World Wide Web and its interactive tools on overcoming limits the disease and in the reconstruction of their social identities.


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In a world that is increasingly working with software, the need arises for effective approaches that encourage software reuse. The reuse practice must be aligned to a set of practices, procedures and methodologies that create a stable and high quality product. These questions produce new styles and approaches in the software engineering. In this way, this thesis aims to address concepts related to development and model-driven architecture. The model-driven approach provides significant aspects of the automated development, which helps it with produced models built in the specification phase. The definition of terms such as model, architecture and platform makes the focus becomes clearer, because for MDA and MDD is important to split between technical and business issues. Important processes are covered, so you can highlight the artifacts that are built into each stage of model-driven development. The stages of development: CSM, PIM, PSM and ISM, detailing the purpose of each phase in oriented models, making the end of each stage are gradually produced artifacts that may be specialized. The models are handled by different prospects for modeling, abstracting the concepts and building a set of details that portrays a specific scenario. This retraction can be a graphical or textual representation, however, in most cases is chosen a language modeling, for example, UML. In order to provide a practical view, this dissertation shows some tools that improve the construction of models and the code generate that assists in the development, keeping the documentation systemic. Finally, the paper presents a case study that refers to the theoretical aspects discussed throughout the dissertation, therefore it is expected that the architecture and the model-driven development may be able to explain important features to consider in software engineering


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Wireless communications is a feature that has become indispensable for many people in the whole world. Through this feature, communication process can become much more efficient, allowing people to access information much more quickly wherever they are. The constant evolution of communication technologies allows the development of new unthinkable applications and services. This new range of possibilities brings greater mobility and efficiency for final users and also helps service providers and carriers to improve the quality of services offered by them. This study presents the principles of wireless communication and the Wi-Fi technology as well as its most modern applications, covering from the basics of computer networks to the procedures of planning a wireless network, concepts of radio frequency, antennas, patterns, regulatory agencies, network equipment, protocols and network monitoring


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Through the data acquisition system of the instrument Brazilian Solar Spectroscope (BSS) at INPE, solar observations in the decimetric radio wave band (1000-2500 MHz) are regularly made. This data is showed as dynamic spectra using the software BSSView created for this purpose. The process of data acquisition can be influenced by various sources, dificulting the resulting dynamic spectrum analysis. The objective of this work is to create a computational routine that eliminates dynamic components of the spectrum attributed to interfering signals and integrate it into BSSView. It was done a preliminary study on the programming language Interactive Data Language (IDL), in which the BSSView was developed, and the Fourier transform, that is required for the application of the filter


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This work proposes two optimization algorithms for the solution of the Berth Allocation Problem (PAB). Due to the economic development of the country, it became necessary for the improvement of means of transport, which mainly shipping. For this, you need a better system management port, you will receive a lot of ships carrying cargo. In this work the PAB is approached so that the goals are to reduce costs and time handling in ports. For this, we applied two computational techniques, genetic algorithms and optimization for cloud particles, to obtain the best results for this problem. The results obtained with each type of algorithm are compared to conclude which method is more efficient for the port system


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The project is a platform for education that provides a way where teachers can create and share educational content for their classes, and students can download that content to refer to it at any time. The solution is based on two Windows Phone 7 Apps: Kookaburra Teachers, where teachers can add content to their classes, and Kookaburra Students, where students can download and view the content of classroom. To realize the communication between these two applications, we use a Windows Azure server, that server is also responsible for processing some conversions, enabling real-time translation. In addition to storing all the content that is generated during the lessons


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The Software Engineering originated with the motivation to mass produce components for increased productivity in production systems. Since its origins, numerous studies have been proposed on the subject as new features in the creation of systems, like the Object- Oriented Programming and Aspect-Oriented Programming, have been established and methodologies have been developed to control them efficiently. However, years of studies in the area were not sufficient to create a methodology for reusing software artifacts really efficient and easy enough to be widespread. Given this, the Model-Driven Development (MDD) is trying to promote it using the modeling of systems as a reference, becoming part of it and establishing a huge productivity gain. One of his approaches is called Model-Driven Software Development (MDSD), which focuses on improving the practices and systems development using Domain-Specific Languages (DSL) for this purpose. In this Final Paper, Xtext is used as a tool to prove the productivity and efficiency of this approach, and for that bibliographic studies were made on the approach and the tool, and show the methodology and a case study to demonstrate results and conclusions regarding this work


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This work presents a study about the use of standards and directions on parallel programming in distributed systems, using the MPI standard and PETSc toolkit, performing an analysis of their performances over certain mathematic operations involving matrices. The concepts are used to develop applications to solve problems involving Principal Components Analysis (PCA), which are executed in a Beowulf cluster. The results are compared to the ones of an analogous application with sequencial execution, and then it is analized if there was any performance boost on the parallel application


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The use of physical characteristics for human identification is known as biometrics. Among the many biometrics traits available, the fingerprint is the most widely used. The fingerprint identification is based on the impression patterns, as the pattern of ridges and minutiae, characteristics of first and second levels respectively. The current identification systems use these two levels of fingerprint features due to the low cost of the sensors. However, the recent advances in sensor technology, became possible to use third level features present within the ridges, such as the perspiration pores. Recent studies show that the use of third-level features can increase security and fraud protection in biometric systems, since they are difficult to reproduce. In addition, recent researches have also focused on multibiometrics recognition due to its many advantages. The goal of this research project was to apply fusion techniques for fingerprint recognition in order to combine minutia, ridges and pore-based methods and, thus, provide more robust biometrics recognition systems, and also to develop an automated fingerprint identification system using these three methods of recognition. We evaluated isotropic-based and adaptive-based automatic pore extraction methods, and the fusion of pore-based method with the identification methods based on minutiae and ridges. The experiments were performed on the public database PolyUHRF and showed a reduction of approximately 16% in the EER compared to the best results obtained by the methods individually


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This work aims to give greater visibility to the issue of software security, due to people talk a lot in security conferences, that much of both IT (Information Technology) staff and, more specifically, IS (Information Security) staff does not know this, and, thanks to the spread of the mobile computing and of the cloud computing, this lack of deeper knowledge on this subject is increasingly becoming worrisome. It aims too, make applications to be developed in a security manner, priorizing the security of the information processed. It attempts to demonstrate the secure coding techniques, the principles of software security, the means to identify software vulnerabilities, the cutting-edge software exploitation techniques and the mechanisms of mitigation. Nowadays, the security guys are in charge of the most of the security tests in applications, audits and pentests, and it is undeniable that the so-called security experts, most often come from computer network field, having few experience in software development and programming. Therefore, the development process does not consider the security issue, thanks to the lack of knowledge on the subject by the developer, and the security tests could be improved whether security experts had a greater know-how on application development. Given this problem, the goal here is to integrate information security with software development, spreading out the process of secure software development. To achieve this, a Linux distribution with proof of concept applicati... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The technological advances of recent decades combined with digital inc1usion in Brazil sparked the country's population to the constant use of computers to perform tasks in many different natures. Whether it's for communication, entertainment, work or school, computers are tools with increasing numbers in Brazilian homes. Along with this evolution the Brazilian Physics teaching should be aware of the use of teaching tools that relate directly to the computer to student learning. Highlighting in this work we have scanned the contents of the Wikipedia community, a wide variety of educational videos placed on YouTube, educational games that try to teach the player in a fun way and a variety educational softwares placed on the World Wide Web. It is with special attention to educational softwares as tools for teaching physics, which describe some strategies for use of these software, combined with the textbooks, to illustrate some ways to introduce the use of educational softwares directly in the classroom


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In the information society, the use of Technologies has been incorporated to our quotidian. The use of personal computers and internet, however, does not reach to all the individuals, creating the problem of digital exclusion. Nowadays, many inclusion politics are being developed to diminish the digital abyss in society, in a way to enable a plural access to the internet. Between these initiatives, we highlight the projects of digital inclusion among the elderly, slice of the population that grows more each day and seek quality of life, social reinclusion and health. In this context, the open universities for the elderly bring to the aged courses and workshops, in order to encourage the activity in this age group. An example of this idea is the Unati of UNESP Bauru, that develops the project “Terceira Idade Digital”. This work aims to analyze the relation between the elderly with certain technologies, apart from showing the digital inclusion scenario, with its delays and progresses


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It is possible to note that the teaching done in the usual way goes against the language of youth today. It is essential that there be incentives and subsidies regarding the use of such media, whether the responsible government agencies and their members, be they principals and teachers, so there is a reform in the existing educational models and teaching. Currently, teaching is in a purely encyclopedic context of teaching models with pre-defined, ignoring the teaching based on the context in which the student lives (ethnomathematics). The objective of this work is to show how the use of audiovisual best known, such as newspapers, magazines, TV and computers can assist in teaching and learning of mathematics education, making teaching more enjoyable and inserted into the day-to-day student


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In radiation theraphy with electron beam, the electrons are produced in linear accelerators, and energy the most used have between 4MeV and 20MeV. Generally, the treatments are done for superficial injuries, because the low penetration of these particles. In this work a system for calculation of monitor units (U.M.) for cases of treatments with electron beam was developed. The Excel program of Microsoft was used and is easily found in the operational system of the personal microcomputers. In the Excel has been inserted the pertinent data of the linear accelerator of Varian, model 2100C, used in the Service of radiation theraphy of the Hospital of the Clinics of the College of Medicine of the UNESP of Botucatu. For some values of the physical parameters, such as: factors field and factors calibration, not supplied in the tests of acceptance of the machine, still proceeded calculations from interpolation and extrapolation. The mathematical formulas for automatic search of these and others factors used in the calculations of the determination of the U.M had been developed in agreement available routines in Excel. For this the functions had been used the function IF (that it imposes search condition) and the PROCH (that looks a value in a column from determined line), beyond the basic functions of addition, multiplication and division. It is intended to optimize the routine of the Services of radiation theraphy that perform through eletrontheraphy procedures, speeding the calculations and minimizing the occurrence of errors and uncertainties deriving of the maken a mistake manipulation of the parameters gotten in tables of data of electron beams