180 resultados para Sedimentació fluvial
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This scientific research aimed at to analyse the susceptibility to debris flow of the watershed of Ribeirão do Roque (SP), focusing on the upstream areas of OSBRA pipeline. This is because, mass flow can cause damage to pipes, mainly due to conditioning hydro erosion of the land in the drainage crossings, including the undermining the banks of streams. Firstly, It was conducted a literature review, aiming to identify and understand the principal characteristics and conditions of debris flow. Secondly, the physical and anthropic factors and their respective weights of influence were selected and used to determine the mass flow susceptibility. It was selected the following physical factors: type and thickness of rocks, soil and unconsolidated materials; textural density; amplitude relief; relief slope; shaped valley; and shape of slopes. Such factors are present in the physiographic subdivision map of the study area. In addition, the anthropic attributes correspond to the classes contained in the land use map. Therefore, the physical and anthropic factors were integrated through the multi-criteria analysis in a GIS environment, generating a total susceptibility map of debris flow on the scale 1:50,000. The results showed that a significative part of the study area was classified as average susceptibility. However, it was identified areas with high susceptibility in the region in which the pipe cross the Ribeirão do Roque. Moreover, at which point the river presents a closed valley and a meander shape, without a fluvial plain that would be useful to attenuate the development of the process. Consequently, if a mass flow begins in any of these most susceptible regions located upstream of the pipe, the chances that the process develops by the river and causes the excavations of his bed are quite large. However, the pipelines cross these critical areas directly on the rock (diabase), which provides additional protection against possible ...
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
The aim of this paper was to evaluate the effect of retention and detention reservoirs along with the regulation in channel flow upgrade on flood for an urban watershed located at Rio Claro, SP. For this purpose, modeling and simulation techniques were applied for runoff determination and its propagation in channel. The Soil Conservation Service – SCS hydrologic model as well as Pulz and non-linear Muskingum-Cunge model were used. The software IPHS1 was applied on simulations. The results pointed out that the combination of retention increasing and detention reservoir implementation (120,000 m3, corresponding to 1.5% of the watershed area) with the streamflow upgrade (n decreasing from 0,04 to 0,02) can minimize the flood on the investigated Servidão watershed. Further, after the proposed intervention, the flood was eliminated for the investigated times of recurrence: 5, 20, 50 and 100 years. The prognostic indicated that the available area occupation had a minor effect on flow increasing due to the observed high urbanization.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Areado Group of the Sanfranciscana Basin is a Lower Cretaceous continental sedimentary system that is correlated to the Brazilian Pre-Salt beds. The Aerado Group is composed of Abaeté, Quiricó and Três Barras formations. Paleocurrent data for the Areado Group were previously presented, although not systematically which prevented significative interpretations on the basin paleogeography. This work attempts to systematically evaluate paleocurrent data, aiming to recognize depositional environment and paleogeographic reconstruction, based on the sedimentary facies and paleocurrents measurements along vertical profiles. Fluvial paleocurrents of the Abaeté Formation indicate paleoflows towards NW whereas aeolian palecurrents of the Três Barras Formation show paleowinds towards SW. The depositional systems interpreted for the Areado Group were: braided river, alluvial fan, lacustrine, playa lake, fluvial-deltaic and aeolian. The combined analyses of facies and paleocurrents allowed a reliable paleogeographic reconstruction of the basin, with paleodip towards northwest, paleowinds towards south-southwest and source-area located at southeast. These results indicate that paleowinds were orthogonal to paleostream, but parallel to depositional strike of the basin. The interpreted depositional systems characterize a desert environment during the Abaeté sub-basin times. The association of dunes and wet interdunes followed by large scale dunes and dry interdunes suggests a decrease in humidity towards the top of the Três Barras Formation, with a dry aeolian system onlapping the basement. The observed decrease of humidity in Sanfranciscana Basin may reflect local or regional paleoclimatic changes during the opening of the South Atlantic, but this assumption is only tentative
The environmental sensitivity charts to oil constitute an important tools for contingency planning and assessment of damage caused by oil spills. The main objective of this article is to evaluate the sensitivity of river dynamics to oil spills. Through the identification and mapping of fluvial geomorphological features will be assessed the importance of these resources in terms of sensitivity to oil spills. Through satellite images, was obtained the geomorphological mapping and geomorphological parameters were analysed, in order to characterize the environmental sensitivity to oil spills and derivatives. Therefore, the implementation of an environmental sensitivity mapping from geomorphological parameters contributes to the mapping of the environmental sensitivity to oil, which will assist in the containment and cleanup procedures in case of accidents in fluvial and terrestrial environments, that are slightly studied in Brazil
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
The End of Course Work this aims, the hydrological cycle of water on our planet, and explain about its importance in the lives of living beings, finally, carry out a detailed analysis regarding the financial feasibility of implementing a system Shauer sustainable in the condominium, the first being the pickup of river water, which will use a reservoir for capitation and filtering, a reservoir for water storage filtered and pumps that will redirects it to outside faucets and toilets use in residences
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE