684 resultados para SciELO.
A study on the nematode parasites of nine species of freshwater fishes from Peixe River São Paulo, State, Brazil. was conducted. Fish were collected between February 2010 and March 2011 and the following species were found: Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) inopinatus and Contracaecum sp. (larvae) in Astyanax altiparanae; Contracaecum sp. (larvae), Dioctophyma renale (larvae), Philometroides caudata, P. (Spirocamallanus) inopinatus, P. (Spirocamallanus) neocaballeroi (larvae) and P. (Spirocamallanus) saofranciscensis in Acestrorhynchus lacustris; Contracaecum sp. (larvae), Guyanema sp., Hysterothylacium sp. (larvae) and Icthyouris sp. in Cyphocharax modestus; Contracaecum sp. (larvae), Cosmoxynemoides aguirrei and Pharyngodonidae gen. sp. in C. nagelii; Dioctophyma renale (larvae), Hysterothylacium sp. (larvae) and Rhabdochona sp. in Gymnotus sylvius; Capillariidae gen. sp. in Hoplosternum littorale; Cosmoxynema vianai, Guyanema sp., Ichthyouris sp. and Travnema travnema in Steindachnerina insculpta; Contracaecum sp. (larvae), Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) rebecae (larvae) in Triportheus angulatus and Rhabdochona acuminata in Triportheus nematurus. This is first study of nematode parasites from the Peixe River, therefore all the species found are new geographical records and 19 are new host records.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A comparison of the cheliped's weight in two species of the genus Callinectes was accomplished. The species C. danae e C. ornatus were collected by two otter trawl in Ubatuba bay (23 degrees 26' S and 45 degrees 02' W). The allometric constants obtained from the regression adjusted to a power function (Y = aX(b)) were analyzed. These species presented different allometry degrees for each sex considered. The relation Pe x PC presented positive allometry for sex of both species, but male presented higher positive allometry than female. C. danae presented higher positive allometry for chelipeds than C. ornatus. We suggest here that C. danae could be indicated to be submitted to grow out in ponds since it reaches higher size and bigger chelipeds.
This study aimed to characterize the populational structure of Clibanarius vittatus (Bosc, 1802), as well as to determine the morphometric relations between the animal's size and the variables: length of their chelar propodus and the size of the shell opening. C. vittatus is a relatively abundant pagurid on the west Atlantic coast, it occurs in the intertidal region from 38 degrees N to 28 degrees S. The animals in this study were randomly sampled every month on the Paranapu (a) over tilde Beach (46 degrees 23' S e 23 degrees 59' W), S (a) over tilde $ o Vicente (SP), Brazil. The biometrics data were adjusted to the power equation (y = ax(b)), by means of the minimum square method. A total of 427 individuals were collected. The size of the cephalothoraxic shield ranged from 2.5 to 12.7 mm, evidencing a representative sample of the population. The of most commonly genus of Gastropoda shells occupied by the hermits was Thais (97,26%). In relation to the morphometric analyses performed, it was observed a positive correlation between the animal size and the variables length of the chelar propodus and the size of the shells.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A review of recent literature shows that most taphonomic studies of Holocene and fossil macrovertebrates are not methodologically standardized. Hence, results from distinct studies are not comparable, even among researches sharing virtually identical goals, targeting the same biological group of similar age and depositional environment. The effects of the shell size in the taphonomic analysis are still poorly understood. In order to study this issue, the taphonomic signatures (articulation, valve type, fragmentation, abrasion, corrosion, edge modification, color alteration, bioerosion and encrustation) of brachiopod shells (Bouchardia rosea (Mawe)), from Ubatuba Bay in the northern coast of São Paulo State, were investigated according to the sieve sizes. In the study area, 14 collecting stations were sampled via Van Veen grab sampler, along a bathymetric gradient, ranging from 0 to 35 m of depth. Bulk samples were sieved through 8 mm, 6 mm, and 2 mm mesh sizes, yielding a total of 5.204 shells. The results indicate that, when taphonomic signatures were independently analyzed per size classes (8 mm, 6 mm, and 2 mm), the taphonomic signatures are recorded in a complex and random way. Additionally, cluster analysis showed that the similarity among the clusters vary according to the considered sieve size. Thus, the sieve size plays an important role in the distribution of taphonomic signatures in shells of distinct sizes. These results suggest that the concentration of the taphonomic analysis on one class (e.g., the largest sieve size, 8 mm) is not always the best method. Rather, the total data (all sieves included) seems more accurate in recording the whole spectrum of taphonomic processes recorded in shells of a given assemblage.
The deposits of the Permian Teresina Formation are mainly characterized by fi ne-grained siliciclastic rocks and centimetric intercalations of tempestites (bioclastic sandstones and coquinas). Despite the relevance of the bivalve-rich carbonate beds of the Teresina Formation to paleoenvironmental studies, their taphonomy is still poorly studied. The fossil concentration studied in this work was found in a quarry in the city of Irati, Rio Preto district, Parana State. The fossil concentration is located in the middle/upper portion of the unit, far from the top. The studied bed is a bioclastic, intraclastic, peloidal, grainstone/ packstone, with abundant bivalve shell fragments, pelitic and micritic intraclasts, peloids, rare ooids and oncoids, as well as permineralized of Lycophyta microphylles and fish scales. The grains of this carbonate concentration show: high degree of time-averaging, variable degree of packing (dense to disperse), no sorting and chaotic orientation. Notably, the concentration includes a mixture of elements which are indicative of: a) restrictive, low energy, carbonate environment (peloids, ooids and oncoids); b) subaerial environment surrounding the main body of water (Lycophyta microphylles) and c) quiet-water environment punctuated by storm events, where the suspension-feeding bivalves thrived. At least four depositional events caused by storm fl ows were recorded. The amalgamated nature of the bed is a result of storm events in an intracratonic basin with very low seafl oor slope and low rates of sedimentation and subsidence.
Herein, it is presented the first detailed taphonomic study on bivalve mollusk shells preserved in the oolitic limestones of the Teresina Formation (probably Kungurian-Roadian, Lower-Middle Permian) in the eastern margin of the Parana basin. The selected beds are located in two quarries (informally named PRU 1 and PRU 2) in Prudentopolis municipality (Center-South Parana State), and positioned approximately in the middle of the formation and probably in the Pinzonella illusa Zone. The PRU 1 limestone ([approximately]30 cm thick), which is partially silicified and intercalated with predominantly pelitic rocks, is classified as a bivalve oolitic grainstone. The basal contact is erosive and the top shows symmetrical ripple marks, which are draped by shale with mud cracks. There are two fining-upwards successions characterized by dense to dispersed packing of the shells, which are usually disarticulated, randomly oriented (many nested/stacked) and mixed with some Formapelitic intraclasts. Microhummocky cross-stratification occurs a little below the top of the bed. The PRU2 bed is classified as ooidbivalve rudstone[approximately] (~5 cm thick), where all shells are disarticulated and fragmented, showing dense packing. The bivalves probably inhabited a muddy substrate and were mixed (as parautochtonous and allochthonous bioclasts) with ooids during high-energy storm events, including posterior shell displacement as a result of bioturbation. Thus, the calcareous beds represent amalgamated proximal tempestites with a complex taphonomic history, strong temporal/spatial mixing of bioclasts and limited paleoecological resolution. They are a typical example of shell beds generated in a huge epeiric sea, which was not necessarily connected to the ocean and where very low depositional-slope gradient, very slow subsidence and minimum sediment accommodation space caused frequent sediment reworking by storm related processes.
The spermatogenesis of Piaractus mesopotamicus was investigated under light and transmission electron microscopy. The specimens were captured from their natural environment (Rio Miranda and Rio Aquidauana, Pantanal Matogrossense, Brazil) during April and September. The results were compared with the spermatogenic data of specimens under captivity condition. In both conditions, P mesopotamicus presented the typical spermatogenesis pattern of the teleost fishes, showing no significative differences. The spermatozoon was classified as type 1, which has a globular head without acrosome, a short middle piece and a long tail constituted only by the flagellum. This type of spermatozoon is considered the basic type in fishes.
The aim of the present study was analyze, by histological and morphometrical studies, mandibular glands of Melipona bicolor queens collected from monogynic and polygynic colonies and compare their level of development. The results showed that the glands of physogastric queens from monogynic colony present a higher level of activity in relation to the queens of polygynic colonies; this is explained by the fact that just a unique queen controls the monogynic colony. In the polygynic colonies, the queens may divide such control to each other.
Marine biological invasions have been regarded as one of the major causes of native biodiversity loss, with shipping and aquaculture being the leading contributors for the introductions of alien species in aquatic ecosystems. In the present study, five aquatic alien species (one mollusk, three crustaceans and one fish species) were detected during dives, shore searches and from the fisheries on the coast of the Delta do Parnaiba Environmental Protection Area, in the States of Piaui and Maranhao, Northeastern Brazil. The species were the bicolor purse-oyster Isognomon bicolor, the whiteleg shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei, the giant river prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii, the Indo-Pacific swimming crab Charybdis hellerii and, the muzzled blenny Omobranchus punctatus. Ballast water (I. bicolor, C. hellerii, and O. punctatus) and aquaculture activities (L. vannamei and M. rosenbergii) in adjacent areas are the most likely vectors of introduction. All exotic species found have potential impact risks to the environment because they are able to compete against native species for resources (food and habitat). Isognomon bicolor share the same habitat and food items with the native bivalve species of mussels and barnacles. Litopenaeus vannamei share the same habitat and food items with the native penaeids such as the pinkspot shrimp Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis, the Southern brown shrimp Farfantepenaeus subtilis, and the Southern white shrimp Litopenaeus schmitti, and in the past few years L. vannamei was responsible for a viral epidemics in the cultivation tanks that could be transmitted to native penaeid shrimps. Charybdis hellerii is also able to cause impacts on the local fisheries as the species can decrease the populations of native portunid crabs which are commercialized in the studied region. Macrobrachium rosenbergii may be sharing natural resources with the Amazon River prawn Macrobrachium amazonicum. Omobranchus punctatus shares habit with the native redlip blenny Ophioblennius atlanticus and other fishes, such as the frillfin goby Bathigobius soporator. Some immediate remedial measures to prevent further introductions from ballast water and shrimp farm ponds should be: (i) to prevent the release of ballast water by ship/vessels in the region; (ii) to reroute all effluent waters from shrimp rearing facilities through an underground or above-ground dry well; (iii) to install adequate sand and gravel filter which will allow passage of water but not livestock; (iv) outdoor shrimp pounds located on floodable land should be diked, and; (v) to promote environmental awareness of those directly involved with ballast water (crews of ship/vessels) and shrimp farms in the region. Rev. Biol. Trop. 58 (3): 909-923. Epub 2010 September 01.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A study to quantify the populations of filamentous fungi and actinomycetes was undertaken in a cerrado area, in Corumbatai county, São Paulo, at different depths of medium-textured red-yellow latosol, correlating them to humidity, organic matter, pH of the soil and climatic factors. The technique used was the serial dilution of composite soil samples (n=4), using Martin's medium with streptomycin for filamentous fungi and a starch medium for actinomycetes. The number of filamentous fungi was more abundant in the first soil layer, 0-5 cml compared to the other depths. The number of actinomycetes was higher between 5 cm and 50 cm depth. There were two-monthly variations in the number of filamentous fungi and actinomycetes. A sharp drop in fungi was found in May 1988 at all depths of the soil, when there was lower air temperature and an atypically high monthly rainfall for this period in the cerrado. Statistically significant and directly proportional correlations were obtained between the number of actinomycetes and the rainfall at depths of 0 to 5 cm and 50 to 100 cm. The results obtained in the different soil layers to 100 cm depth demonstrated the importance of the first 5 cm layer due to the heavy concentration of microorganisms, mainly the filamentous fungi, together with the highest organic matter content.