189 resultados para Population Density


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This paper is a study on the population dynamics of blowflies employing a density-dependent. non-linear mathematical model and a coupled population formalism. In this Study, we investigated the coupled population dynamics applying fuzzy subsets to model the Population trajectory. analyzing demographic parameters such as fecundity, Survival, and migration. The main results suggest different possibilities in terms of dynamic behavior produced by migration in coupled Populations between distinct environments and the rescue effect generated by the connection between populations. It was possible to conclude that environmental heterogeneity can play an important role in blowfly metapopulation systems. The implications of these results for population dynamics of blowflies are discussed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Analisou-se o efeito de duas densidades larvais e duas temperaturas sobre a sobrevivência, fecundidade e tamanho corpóreo de C. megacephala em condições experimentais. Nenhum efeito simultâneo da densidade e temperatura foi encontrado sobre as variáveis investigadas em C. megacephala. Entretanto, foram observados efeitos isolados significativos da densidade e da temperatura sobre a fecundidade e tamanho corpóreo. A importância desses resultados para a dinâmica populacional de C. megacephala foi discutida.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Mammals has been pointed out to be the main nest predators in islands, but recent studies has shown that tree snakes are also important nest predator in tropical forests. Here we present information on the density tegu lizards Tupinambis merianae and its role as nest predator at Anchieta Island, Ubatuba, in southeastern Brazil. The mean density of tegu lizards wets estimated to be 83 individuals/km2, which is 1.83 times lower than other well-known population (Fernando de Noronha Archipelago). In the dense rainforest, the density was estimated in 20 individuas/ km2, and in the open rainforest, 109 ind/km2. The high density of this lizard may have serious implications for nest predation. We found that 36% of artificial plasticine eggs were "preyed upon" by tegu lizards. Therefore, it is paramount to manage the tegu population on Anchieta Island to assure the survival of ground nesting birds in islands and possibly in forest fragments.


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A total number of 4824 Mustelus schmitti was sampled. Females ranged from 25 to 93 em in spring and from 28 to 90 cm in summer. Males ranged from 34 to 82 and from 28 to 77 cm, respectively. Length composition of the population showed significant differences between spring and summer being females larger than males. Total length distribution did not show significant differences between cruises. Males density varied significantly between cruises while for the females no significant variation was observed. In the spring cruise, both sexes occurred at depths lower than 50 in. Females occurred in the whole area with adult occurrence only above 35 degrees 30'S. Mature males occurred throughout the area, immature males occurring in two trawls in Samborombon Bay. The summer cruise showed a discontinuous distribution of the species along the study area resulting in spatial segregation in two groups with immature females predominating in both of them.


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In this study we analysed the theoretical population dynamics of C. megacephala, an exotic blowfly, kept at 25 and 30degreesC, using a density-dependent mathematical model, with parametric estimates of survival and fecundity in the laboratory. No change in terms of oscillation patterns was found for the two temperatures. The populations exhibited a two-point limit cycle, i.e. oscillations between two fixed points, at 25 and 30degreesC. However a quantitative change was observed, indicating that at 25degreesC the number of immatures in equilibrium is 1176 and at 30degreesC, 1944. The implications of this difference in terms of equilibrium for population dynamics of C. megacephala are discussed.


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The seasonal density fluctuation, phenology and sex ratio of Peucetia flava (Oxyopidae) on Rhyncanthera dichotoma (Melastomataceae) were investigated during a year in a swamp in southeastern Brazil. Peucetia flava displayed an unusual non-seasonal life cycle and the population size varied little over the year. The density of Peucetia spiders increased with the increase in abundance of leaves and number of arthropods adhered to glandular trichomes on R. dichotoma leaves. Our findings suggest that seasonal density fluctuation of Peucetia may be influenced by foraging site availability (i.e. leaves) and prey supply (i.e. arthropods adhering to glandular trichomes). The unusual seasonal stability of P. flava may be related to the type of habitat in which this spider occurs (swamp), because of the constant input of allochthonous resources from the water source, i.e. aquatic insects that migrate to the terrestrial environment.


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One of the main goals of the pest control is to maintain the density of the pest population in the equilibrium level below economic damages. For reaching this goal, the optimal pest control problem was divided in two parts. In the first part, the two optimal control functions were considered. These functions move the ecosystem pest-natural enemy at an equilibrium state below the economic injury level. In the second part, the one optimal control function stabilizes the ecosystem in this level, minimizing the functional that characterizes quadratic deviations of this level. The first problem was resolved through the application of the Maximum Principle of Pontryagin. The Dynamic Programming was used for the resolution of the second optimal pest control problem.


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Um total de 4824 Mustelus schmitti foi amostrado. As fêmeas apresentaram comprimento total de 25-93 cm na primavera e 28-90 cm no verão enquanto os machos apresentaram 34-82 e de 28-77 cm, respectivamente. A composição de comprimentos da população mostrou diferenças significativas entre primavera e verão sendo as fêmeas maiores do que os machos. A distribuição de comprimento total não variou significativamente entre cruzeiros. A densidade variou significativamente entre cruzeiros nos machos sendo que a variação não foi expressiva nas fêmeas. No cruzeiro da primavera, ambos os sexos ocorreram em profundidades menores do que 50 m, as fêmeas ocorrendo em toda a área de estudo, as adultas somente acima da latitude 35°30'S. Os machos adultos foram observados em toda a área sendo que os imaturos somente em dois arrastos na Bahia de Samborombón. O cruzeiro de verão mostrou uma distribuição descontínua da espécie ao longo da área de estudo, resultando na segregação espacial em dois grupos, com predominância de fêmeas imaturas em ambos.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The theoretical dynamics of experimental populations of Lucilia eximia was investigated as an attempt to understand its population biology. Specifically the population dynamics of L. eximia was analysed by means of a mathematical model that incorporates fecundity and survival as density-dependent demographic parameters in discrete time. The sensitivity of these parameters to changes in the magnitude was also investigated. The mathematical model applied to experimental populations of L. eximia predicts a theoretical one-point equilibrium for immatures. The population dynamics of L. eximia is compared to the dynamics of Chrysomya species and Cochliomyia macellaria.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The estimation of the number of people in an area under surveillance is very important for the problem of crowd monitoring. When an area reaches an occupation level greater than the projected one, people's safety can be in danger. This paper describes a new technique for crowd density estimation based on Minkowski fractal dimension. Fractal dimension has been widely used to characterize data texture in a large number of physical and biological sciences. The results of our experiments show that fractal dimension can also be used to characterize levels of people congestion in images of crowds. The proposed technique is compared with a statistical and a spectral technique, in a test study of nearly 300 images of a specific area of the Liverpool Street Railway Station, London, UK. Results obtained in this test study are presented.