180 resultados para Pcr


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Este relatório final tem como objetivo apresentar as atividades desenvolvidas no período de janeiro/2009 a março/2010, pela aluna Thaila Isabel Wodewotzky, relativas ao projeto de conclusão de curso intitulado “Padronização da Técnica de PCR em tempo-real na Avaliação da Pluripotência de Células-tronco Mesenquimais Caninas”, para fins de obtenção do título de Bacharel em Ciências Biológicas. O referido projeto objetiva avaliar a quantificação e relevância dos níveis de expressão gênica do fator de transcrição Oct4 em CTM´s, por meio da padronização da técnica de PCR em tempo-real. Para tanto, o RNA total das CTM´s obtidas, isoladas e cultivadas a partir da medula óssea de cães foi extraído a partir da medula óssea de cães a fim de avaliar a quantificação e relevância dos níveis de expressão gênica do Oct4 por meio da utilização da técnica de PCR em tempo-real com transcrição reversa (RT-qPCR). O RNA total foi extraído e submetido à reação de transcriptase reversa, para a obtenção do cDNA. Posteriormente esse cDNA foi utilizado na padronização da técnica de qPCR utilizando primers desenhados a partir de sequências obtidas no genebank. . Como normalizador utilizou-se o RNA codificante de GAPDH.Verificou-se desempenho satisfatório dos primers para Otc4 na avaliação de CTM´s de cães. Também o RNAm do GAPDH foi adequado como normalizador. Dessa forma, esse sistema pode ser utilizado na realização de testes quantitativos utilizando amostras de células-tronco embrionárias caninas


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The correct distinguishment of microorganisms involved in the periodontal disease pathogen, it is important in the understanding of its progression and adequate treatment planning. Considering this fact, some molecular methods of identification and quantification were developed and are extremely sensitive and precise in the characterization of different bacteria species. The present study aimed to realize a literature review, including studies that realized a comparative analysis between bacterial culture and real time PCR methods in the identification of pathogens. The bacterial culture method can possibly identify new microorganisms and realize antibiotics sensitivity tests. The real time PCR is a microbiologic test that identifies and quantifies bacterial species, through gene amplification of predetermined DNA fragments, with high sensitivity and specificity, and need a shorter operation time of the operator when compared to the bacterial culture method. In this way, to determine a specific diagnostic test, should be considered not only its precision in the identification of microorganisms, but the cost-benefit relationship as well.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The present study evaluated the use of PCR for Histophilus somni detection in bovine semen. Semen samples were experimentally infected with H. somni at dilutions ranging from 107 to 101 bacteria/mL and subjected to DNA extraction by the phenol/chloroform method, followed by PCR amplification. The amplification products were analyzed by electrophoresis in 8% acrylamide gel. The oligonucleotide primers used yielded an amplification fragment of 400 base pairs from the bacterial DNA. Positive amplification was obtained even for the 101 bacteria/mL dilution. PCR proved to be an efficient method for the detection of H. somni. The results obtained in this study have brought relevant information for the diagnosis of H. somni, justifying the need for the diagnosis of this bacterium in bulls, especially in semen samples that should be free of contamination. The PCR method has shown to be a useful tool for the quality control of semen produced in artificial insemination centers.


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Introduction: Several reasons may lead to the failure of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using DNA purified from paraffin-embedded materials: presence of inhibitors and degradation of target DNA. DNA dilution will often reduce the concentration of potential inhibitors and still contain enough DNA to allow PCR amplification. Objective: To evaluate the dilution influence of DNA purified from paraffin-embedded materials on β-globin PCR amplification. Material and Method: Paraffin-embedded blocks from 30 patients with oropharynx squamous cell carcinomas, diagnosed and treated at the Oral Oncology Center were selected. DNA extraction was performed using QIAmp minikit (Quiagen). DNA was quantified and evaluated for purity by spectrophotometer analysis. Two groups were formed with different amounts of DNA: group I had the originally extracted DNA and group II had the same DNA, however diluted with ultrapure water addition. PCR was performed in both groups using oligonucleotides for human β-globin gene. Results: For Group I, amplification of the β-globin gene sequence was successful in 33.33% of the samples and for Group II, in 23.33%. Conclusion: Dilution of the DNA extracted of paraffin-embedded materials did not modify statistically the amount of positive samples β-globin gene amplified in PCR, although the results suggest that this is a way to increase the method for efficacy amplification of PCR.


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A cinomose é uma doença de desafio diagnóstico, especialmente quando não há histórico de vacinação. O objetivo deste estudo foi detectar e quantificar partículas virais de cinomose em diferentes fluidos e tecidos biológicos de um cão, determinando o melhor tecido para diagnóstico viral ante mortem na fase de viremia. Atendeu-se um cão adulto com manifestações clínicas inespecíficas e corpúsculos de Sinegaglia Lentz em linfócitos. Amostras post mortem foram submetidas a PCR em tempo real (qPCR), que demonstrou RNA viral em concentrações de (x105) em líquor (1.216), bexiga (1.009), cérebro (605), sangue (572), cerebelo (523), rins (373), fígado (257), pulmões (191), estômago (154), terceira pálpebra (70) e urina (2,1). A técnica de qPCR permitiu confirmar a infecção pelo vírus, descartando vacinação recente. A amostra de líquor mostrou-se representativa para diagnóstico molecular de fase aguda de cinomose no animal estudado.


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Brucellosis is a zoonosis caused by bacteria of the genus Brucella. Man infection occurs through contact with reproductive secretions as placenta and its lochia, semen and penile secretion of infected animals or by consuming unpasteurized milk and dairy products. With the objective of investigating the presence of bacteria in milk, 30 samples of raw milk sold illegally in the region of Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil, as well as 50 samples of milk delivered to a dairy industry previously to its pasteurization were evaluated by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. Of the 80 samples analyzed, 10 samples (12.5%) were positive and 70 (87.5%) were negative. Among the  positive samples,  5 (16.6%)  were from  illegal traders  and other  5  (10%) were obtained  from the dairy industry. Brucella spp. positivity shows that the pathogen is representatively present in Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil, and the risk associated to public health due to the commercialization of illegal products without pasteurization is real.