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A pesquisa foi realizada mediante procedimentos de levantamento e análises bibliográfica e documental, e teve como objetivo analisar as principais alterações sofridas pelo Ensino Médio e Educação Profissional decorrentes da aprovação do ordenamento legal vigente: Constituição Federal de 1988, Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional – Lei nº. 9.394/96 e Decreto nº. 2.208/97, revogado pelo Decreto nº. 5.154/04. Parte de breve retrospectiva histórica acerca do surgimento e organização de tal escolaridade e, na sequência, examina as principais alterações sofridas pelo Ensino Médio e Educação Profissional trazidas pelo atual conjunto legal, consoante às orientações de reforma e racionalização do Estado, hegemônicas a partir dos anos 1990. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que, até o momento, não foi possível ainda superar a dualidade histórica que tem prevalecido na etapa final da educação básica. Conclui, que o “Ensino Médio Inovador” pode ser um caminho viável para integração Ensino Médio e Educação Profissional.


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This article discusses the relationships between the educational levels in São Paulo, focusing in some aspects such as the integration process (higher and basic education) and the access to the public higher education institutions. Starting on analyses of those relations in the context of the educational policy of the last decades, we question the eicacy of the recent proposition named Pimesp (Program of inclusion with merit in the public higher education of São Paulo) to transform the great structural lines of these access mechanisms and integration. It is supported that programs like this, in one hand, are not new and, in the other hand, they reinforce some tendencies which are already in progress in the policies to the Brazilian higher education since 1990s. Besides that, they are not able to improve the efective conditions of the secondary public education. In the inal part we state that to face these conditions of access and the possibility of a greater integration between the levels of teaching is necessary a set of systemic educational policies, with massive public investments, long term planning, among other things that are not on the horizons of Pimesp.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The practice of teaching is a complex, dynamic and challenging. Several obstacles are faced by educators, among them, excessive workload, classrooms with large numbers of students, reducing the support team manager etc. These experiences call into question the belief that such teachers have in their own ability to teach and motivate your students, including those with the greatest difficulties. Studies show that this belief, called self-efficacy, mediates the action of teachers and are related to the goals, persistence and motivation of teachers. The teacher self-efficacy is formed by direct experience, by observation, persuasion and psychophysiological states. The objective of the study is to identify aspects of the formation of self-efficacy teacher in-service teacher. This is a documentary study, after online search using the keywords memorials training and school as keywords, was found eight jobs at the State University of Campinas, two of which were dropped from the analysis due to not meeting the pre-established criteria. The data were organized into spreadsheets for analysis specifically designed for the study, considering the theoretical framework proposed by Bandura (1997) and Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk Hoy (2001). The results indicate that family support throughout schooling, the role of teachers as models from basic education and teaching experiences are widely cited in memorials analyzed. These results offer from further reflections, indicating contribute to discussions on the formation and performance of teachers regarding the ability to teach, especially in the early years of elementary school


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Não disponível


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Atualmente a educação ambiental é fundamental para a promoção de um novo modelo de desenvolvimento. Consciente disso, a Prefeitura de Botucatu implantou, através da Secretaria Municipal de Educação, a Escola do Meio Ambiente (EMA). A EMA foi inaugurada em 2005 e apesar de ser considerada como referencial em educação ambiental por pessoas da mídia local, da comunidade, por professores universitários e mesmo por outros municípios, não se notava o envolvimento dos professores da rede municipal de ensino de Botucatu para com o projeto. Esse fato foi atribuído à falta de conhecimento a respeito dos trabalhos desenvolvidos pela escola, de seus objetivos e mesmo, à falta de informações sobre temas ligados às questões ambientais. Com a finalidade de reverter este quadro, foi proposto, à Secretaria Municipal de Educação, o curso de capacitação “Trilhando os Caminhos da Educação Ambiental”, destinado a professores do ensino fundamental I da rede municipal de educação de Botucatu. Quatro dias foram cedidos para sua realização. Preparou-se, ainda, uma cartilha, material didático de apoio aos professores, contendo os principais assuntos abordados em cada uma das trilhas temáticas e interpretativas coordenadas pela Escola do Meio Ambiente, além de sugestões para a leitura de livros que fazem parte do acervo da Sala Verde, biblioteca localizada na área da EMA. O presente trabalho foi realizado a partir do referido curso que foi elaborado e ministrado pela equipe da Escola do Meio Ambiente (EMA). Seu objetivo principal foi divulgar aos professores os trabalhos desenvolvidos pela escola e mostrar a importância da participação do educador dando continuidade à experiência vivenciada por seus alunos nas trilhas temáticas e interpretativas da EMA. Buscando, dessa forma, a compreensão de que seu envolvimento é fundamental para que o aluno, de fato... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This research attempts to analyze the relationship between the National Secondary Education Examination and the design of teaching, specifically in the way of defining what should be taught, in the present National Curriculum identifying clues that help us in the explanation of a conception of teaching and making the confrontation between the evaluation device in this ENEM. We intend to identify, even if there is consistency between what is taught and what is learned in schools, whether it public or private, and it evaluates the evidence as ENEM. This work is part of the Bachelor's Degree in Education Full theme is a critical analysis of the evaluation system ENEM regarding their school pedagogical practices. The overall goal is to bring to light the evaluative perspective envisaged in secondary education as a training practice, regarding the evaluation method levied by the National Examination of Secondary Education, seeking to raise the following reflection: The evaluation addressed in high school according to the National Curriculum meets view of the National Middle School? To answer this question, the work specified in a field research through analysis of evidence applied to the Portuguese Language School students in two schools, one in public and one private school, both in the city of Rio Claro, São Paulo, the analysis on the Matrix Reference ENEM in order to show whether the school pedagogical practice meets the demand of this evaluation system. Methodology as part of the job search literature, taking for himself the main theoretical assessment as Luckesi (2005), Hoffman (1996) Saviani (1986) and Curriculum Proposal of the State of São Paulo


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Cerca de um terço do total de doenças em adultos estão associadas a condições ou comportamentos que começaram na juventude. No Brasil, a porcentagem de Inatividade Física (IF) nos adolescentes varia entre 29% a 94%, que é um dado alarmante, pois esses adolescentes provavelmente serão adultos inativos fisicamente e com um risco maior de adquirirem uma doença de agravo não transmissível. Desse modo, o objetivo do estudo foi verificar a prevalência e os fatores associados à IF em escolares do Ensino Médio do município de Rio Claro- SP. Estudo do tipo transversal, de base populacional, realizado no primeiro semestre letivo de 2009 contou com a participação de 467 alunos (213 homens e 254 mulheres) das escolas particulares e estaduais do Ensino Médio do município de Rio Claro-SP. Para avaliar o de nível de Atividade Física (AF) dos adolescentes foi utilizado o Physical Activity Questionnarie-Children (PAQ-C). Foi aferido a circunferência de abdômen e calculado o Índice de Massa Corpórea (IMC). Os pais responderam um questionário para avaliar o nível de AF através do International Physical Activity Questionnarie (IPAQ) e o nível socioeconômico. Para verificar a associação entre as variáveis (sexo, nível socioeconômico, IMC e circunferência de abdômen) com o nível de AF dos adolescentes foi realizado a Regressão Logística e para verificar a associação entre o nível de AF dos adolescentes e dos pais foi realizado o Teste Qui-Quadrado. A prevalência de IF dos adolescentes foi de aproximadamente 83% e, dentre as variáveis analisadas, apenas sexo mostrou-se significante (p=0,00), sendo o sexo feminino com maior chance de IF.


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This work aimed to investigate the possible contributions of the use of digital resources in the teaching and learning process of Commercial and Financial Mathematics concepts to high school students. Its development has included a survey of some researches on the topic as well as an experimental study of a qualitative type, in which the Webquest was used as methodology. It uses the computer, more precisely the internet resources, to assist students in building up knowledge. Eight meetings were held, in the after-school period, with a group of students of the second year of high school at a state public school in the city of Guaratinguetá. Aiming to evaluate the knowledge that students had about the theme, it was applied a diagnosis at first glance for further analysis and development of activities and interventions according to the students’ answers. Once the research data was analyzed, it was noted that the students had little knowledge regarding the basic contents of Commercial and Financial Mathematics, in addition to presenting difficulties in handling some of the digital resources used in the meetings. Nonetheless, from the students’ works, it was seen significant advances in understanding and building up knowledge on concepts such as percentage, simple and compound interest, savings, and sales involving prompt payment or in arrears


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Special education and inclusion of students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in regular classrooms of public schools has being widely discussed in academic and political areas. From Salamanca Declaration signed in 1994, which established that the education of people with special needs should be guaranteed by public system, being offered within regular classrooms said. Along the inclusion process, has been observed an increasingly difficult for teachers to work with these special students. This difficulty comes from an incomplete or inadequate formation, resulting in an education that is not always inclusive. The present work aims to investigate what are the motivational factors that lead teachers, working in public schools, to seek continuing courses of formation in specialized educational services, and what are the possible impediments that eschew them from seeking such courses. Data were collected through questionnaires given to elementary school teachers, from public schools in the city of Rio Claro- SP. With their answer, it could be identified what are the motivational factors of the quest for continuing formation, as well as facts that obstruct this specialization. It could be observed that there is a need for constant training of the education professionals, for them to be able to appropriate of the inclusion as a pedagogical approach, not just a law and far from reality


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In this work, it was studied the effects of the experimentation in the physics teaching. Beginning from the theoretic reference and discussions, the objective was prove the efficiency of researches of this nature related to two main aspects of a class: The aroused interest in the students and the facilitating action on the understanding of the theory. For such objective, using the comparison, it was chosen two distinct classes, but the more similar possible, so that, in one of them, it was showed a tradition class, lectures and in another, a class using experimentation to contemplate the theory. To manage a way to rate these aspects, it was made a conceptual questionnaire, requiring only concepts rather than mathematics and equations, besides specific interviews to rate the opinion of the student related to each method. The observations in classes and of the reactions of the students also were of a big value to analysis. After the experimental class completed, it may analyze and conclude some positive points related to experimental methods: As for the opinion of the students, the approval was big, and the majority opined to this class as being “more interesting”. On the point of view of learning, it had a sensitive improvement of grades, but with more mature answers, deep and autonomous, if looking at a general vision


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This study has its objective to analyze how the Technology of Information and Communication-TIC will be applied in the construction on new knowledge in the schools bounded to the program Acessa Escola.( School turned on) This program from São Paulo’s Government, developed by the Secretary of Education of the State , under the coordination of the Foundation to the Development of the Education-FDE, which has the work proposal to promote the digital inclusion to all the educational community. Making it possible the access of the Technology of Information and Communication to the users; Students, teachers, and school employees to have the exchange of information and knowledge. Therefore, there is the collaboration between teachers and student.For the development of this research, there will be semi-structured interviews with high school teacher from 3 different High Schools of Piracicaba-SP. These interviews will be done in a qualitative approach and will be submitted to the Ethic Committee from the University


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The financial health of a family is one of the main generators of quality of life, and this is only possible through financial planning, which is nothing more than save and analyze before contracting debts. To do this, students must have notion of financial mathematics, especially of that used by the banks on overdraft interest, in investments and in the short-term and longterm loans, that is, compound interest, equivalent rates, depreciation and others. Starting from the knowledge of arithmetic and geometric progressions and, based on real situations which allow the application of the content learned, one intends to develop activities applied to high education. To start from real situations is one of the main lines of thought of the Problem Solving Methodology, in which the student is the active agent in the construction of his or her knowledge. As the National Curricular Parameters point out, the practice in the use of computers is essential for gaining a job. Therefore, this project proposes an activity where knowledge of Financial Mathematics can to be practiced, associated with the use of Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet