251 resultados para Nanostructured Emulsion
Planar waveguides have been prepared on the ZrO2-(3-glycidiloxypropyl)trimethoxysilane (GPTS) system. Stable sols containing ZrO2 nanoparticles have been prepared and characterized by Photon Correlation Spectroscopy. The nanosized sol was embedded in (3-glycidoxipropyl)trimethoxisilane (GPTS) used as a hybrid host for posterior deposition. The opticalparameters of the waveguides such as refractive index, thickness and propagating modes and attenuation coefficient were measured at 632.8. 543.5 and 1550 nm by the prism coupling technique as a function of the Zr02 content. The planar waveguides present thickness of a few microns and support well confined propagating modes. Er doped samples display weak and broad (δλ≈96nm) emission at 1.5 μm.
In this work we present results on the preparation of planar waveguides based on HfO2 and HfO2-SiO2. Stable sols containing europium and erbium doped HfO2 nanoparticles have been prepared and characterized. The nanosized sol was either deposited (spin-coating) on quartz substrates or embedded in (3-glycidoxipropil)trimethoxisilane (GPTS) used as a hybrid host for posterior deposition. The refractive index dispersion and luminescence characteristics were determined for the resulting HfO2 films. The optical parameters of the waveguides such as refractive index, thickness and propagation losses were measured for the hybrid composite. The planar waveguides present thickness of a few micra and support well confined propagating modes.
Transparent glass ceramics containing β-PbF2:Er 3+ nanocrystals were obtained through appropriate thermal treatments of a glass of molar composition 60PbGeO3-10PbF2-30CdF 2 doped with 0.5 mol% Er3+. Their optical properties, as well as upconversion processes among erbium ions in the glass and glass ceramic matrix were studied. From absorption spectra, Judd-Ofelt parameters and radiative transition rates for several excited levels were calculated. Emission spectra in the visible and NIR regions were collected, and stimulated emission cross sections were obtained by McCumber theory for the 4F 13/2→4I15/2 transition at 1.5 μm. Red and green upconversion emissions were measured in glass and glass ceramics upon excitation at 980 nm; lifetimes were measured in order to assess the upconversion mechanisms.
In this study, the photoelectrocatalytic behavior of bromide and generation of bromine using TiO2 was investigated in the separate anode and cathode reaction chambers. Our results show that the generation of bromine begins around a flatband potential of -0.34 V vs. standard calomel electrode (SCE) at pH 3.0 under UV illumination and increases with an increase in positive potential, finally reaching a steady-state concentration at 1.0 V vs. SCE. Maximum bromine formation occurs over the range of pH 4-6, decreasing sharply at conditions where the pH > 7. © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
SiO2 (1-x) - TiO2 (x) waveguides, with the mole fraction x in the range 0.07 - 0.20 and thickness of about 0.4 μm, were deposited on silica substrates by a dip-coating technique. The thermal treatments at 700-900°C, used to fully densify the xerogels, produce nucleation of TiO2 nanocrystals even for the lowest TiO2 content. The nucleation of TiO2 nanocrystals and their growth by thermal annealing up to 1300°C were studied by waveguide Raman spectroscopy, for the SiO2 (0.8) - TiO2 (0.2) composition. By increasing the annealing temperature, the Raman spectrum evolves from that typical of the silica-titania glass to that of anatase, but brookite phase is dominant at intermediate temperatures. In the low. frequency region (5-50 cm-1) of the Raman spectra, acoustic vibrations of the nanocrystals are observed. From the measured line shapes, we can deduce the size distribution of the particles. The results are compared with those obtained from the line widths in the X-ray diffraction patterns. Nanocrystals with a mean size in the range 4-20 nm are obtained, by thermal annealing in a corresponding range of 800-1300°C.
In this work we report on visible upconversion emission in Er 3+-, and Ho3+-doped PbGeO3-PbF 2-CdF2-based transparent glass ceramics under 980 nm infrared excitation. In erbium-doped vitroceramic samples, blue(410 ran), green(530, and 550 nm) and red(660 nm) emission signals were generated, which were identified as due to the 2H9/2, 2H 11/2, 4S3/2, and 4F9/2 transitions to the 4I15/2 ground-state, respectively. Intense red(650 nm) upconversion emission corresponding to the 5F5 - 5I8 transition and very small blue(490 nm) and green(540 nm) signals assigned to the 5F 2,3 - 5I8 and 4S2, 5F4 - 5I8 transitions, respectively, were observed in the holmium-doped samples. The 540 nm is the dominant upconversion signal in Ho3+-doped vitroceramics under 850 nm excitation. The dependence of the upconversion processes upon pump power and doping concentration are also investigated, and the main routes for the upconversion excitation processes are also identified. The comparison of the upconversion process in transparent glass ceramics and the precursor glass was also examined and the results revealed that the former present higher upconversion efficiencies.
In the present work, nano-sized magnetic nuclei of Co have been electrodeposited onto p-Si (111). The deposition follows a mechanism of progressive nucleation and growth controlled by diffusion. MFM studies showed that the transition between magnetic domain states is strongly dependent on the size and shape of the nuclei. A critical height h0 is defined below which the nuclei presented always a single-domain configuration. The limiting lower boundary for the single-domain state calculated from the theory is quantitatively coincident with the experimental results. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Bioceramic systems based on hydroxylapatite (HAP) are an important class of bioactive materials that may promote bone regeneration. The aim of this research was to evaluate how the stoichiometry of HAP influences its microstructural properties when diagnosed using the combined Rietveld method and Maximum entropy method (MEM). The Rietveld Method (RM) is recognizably a powerful tool used to obtain structural and microstructural information of polycrystalline samples analyzed by x-ray diffraction. Latterly have combined the RM with the maximum entropy method (MEM), with the goal of improve structural refinement results. The MEM provides high resolution maps of electron density and their analysis leave the accurate localization of atoms inside of unit cell. Like that, cycles Rietveld-MEM allow an excellent structural refinement In this work, a hydroxylapatite sample obtained by emulsion method had its structure refined using one cycle Rietveld-MEM with x-ray diffraction data. The indices obtained in initial refinement was Rwp = 7.50%, Re = 6.56%, S - 1.14% e RB = 1.03%. After MEM refinement and electron densities maps analysis to correction of atomics positions, the news indicators of Rietveld refinement quality was Rwp = 7.35%, Re = 6.56%, S = 1.12% and RB = 0.75%. The excellent result obtained to RB shows the efficiency of MEM as auxiliary in the refinement of structure of hydroxylapatite by RM.
Vertical and in-plane electrical transport in InAs/InP semiconductors wires and dots have been investigated by conductive atomic force microscopy (C-AFM) and electrical measurements in processed devices. Localized I-V spectroscopy and spatially resolved current images (at constant bias), carried out using C-AFM in a controlled atmosphere at room temperature, show different conductances and threshold voltages for current onset on the two types of nanostructures. The processed devices were used in order to access the in-plane conductance of an assembly with a reduced number of nanostructures. On these devices, signature of two-level random telegraph noise (RTN) in the current behavior with time at constant bias is observed. These levels for electrical current can be associated to electrons removed from the wetting layer and trapped in dots and/or wires. A crossover from conduction through the continuum, associated to the wetting layer, to hopping within the nanostructures is observed with increasing temperature. This transport regime transition is confirmed by a temperature-voltage phase diagram. © 2005 Materials Research Society.
The formation of complex coacervates between chitosan and alginate was evaluated during microparticles formation. Mass ratio between polyelectrolytes and calcium chloride concentration were determinated by conductimetric analysis and by calcium ions quantification, respectively. Inert microparticles were prepared using a complex coacervation method in W/O emulsion and morphological analyses of microparticles were carried out. This method enabled the production of spherical particles, with slightly rough surface and narrow size distribution with maximal diameter of 10 μm.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The auto-radiography is a photographic method to registrate in sensitive emulsion the spatial distribution a rays emitted by radioisotopes of a sample or an object. The auto-radiography was applied to detect the presence of radioactive minerals in some samples of schists and gneisses from the Ticunzal Formation, Northeast Goiás State, aiming to implement the use of this technique in LABIDRO - Hydrochemistry and Isotopes Laboratory of the Department of Petrology and Metallogenesis, State University of São Paulo/Campus of Rio Claro.
Whether the consumption of egg yolk, which has a very high cholesterol content without excess saturated fats, has deleterious effects on lipid metabolism is controversial. Absorbed dietary cholesterol enters the bloodstream as chylomicrons, but the effects of regular consumption of large amounts of cholesterol on the metabolism of this lipoprotein have not been explored even though the accumulation of chylomicron remnants is associated with coronary artery disease (CAD). We investigated the effects of high dietary cholesterol on chylomicron metabolism in normolipidemic, healthy young men. The plasma kinetics of a chylomicron-like emulsion, doubly-labeled with 14C-cholesteryl ester ( 14C-CE) and 3H-triolein ( 3H-TG) were assessed in 25 men (17-22 y old, BMI 24.1 ± 3.4 kg/m 2). One group (n = 13) consumed 174 ± 41 mg cholesterol/d and no egg yolk. The other group (n = 12) consumed 3 whole eggs/d for a total cholesterol intake of 804 ± 40 mg/d. The nutritional composition of diets was the same for both groups, including total lipids and saturated fat, which comprised 25 and 7%, respectively, of energy intake. Serum LDL and HDL cholesterol and apoprotein B concentrations were higher in the group consuming the high-cholesterol diet (P < 0.05), but serum triacylglycerol, apo AI, and lipoprotein (a) did not differ between the 2 groups. The fractional clearance rate (FCR) of the 14C-CE emulsion, obtained by compartmental analysis, was 52% slower in the high-cholesterol than in the low-cholesterol group (P < 0.001); the 3H-TG FCR did not differ between the groups. Finally, we concluded that high cholesterol intakes increase the residence time of chylomicron remnants, as indicated by the 14C-CE kinetics, which may have undesirable effects related to the development of CAD. © 2006 American Society for Nutrition.
The protection efficiency against water corrosion of fluorozirconate glass, ZBLAN, dip-coated by nanocrystalline tin oxide film containing the organic molecule Tiron® was investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The chemical bonding structure of the surface region and morphology were studied before and after two water exposure periods of 5 and 30 min. The results of the analysis for the as-grown sample revealed a SnO1.6 phase containing carbon and sulfur, related to Tiron®, and traces of elements related to ZBLAN (Zr, F, Ba). This fact and the clear evidence of the presence of tin oxifluoride specie (SnOxF y) indicates a diffusion of the glass components into the porous coating. After water exposure, the increase of the oxygen concentration accompanied by a strong increase of Zr, F, Ba and Na content is interpreted as filling of the nanopores of the film by glass compounds. The formation of a compact protective layer is supported by the morphological changes observed by AFM. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We investigate electrical properties of InAs/InP semiconductor nanostructures by conductive atomic force microscopy (C-AFM) and current measurements at low temperatures in processed devices. Different conductances and threshold voltages for current onset were observed for each type of nanostructure. In particular, the extremity of the wire could be compared to a dot with similar dimensions. The processed devices were used in order to access the in-plane conductance of an assembly of a reduced number of nanostructures. Here, fluctuations on I-V curves at low temperatures (<40 K) were observed. At these low temperatures and for a suitable range of applied voltages, random telegraph noise (RTN) in the current was observed for devices with dots. These fluctuations can be associated to electrons trapped in dots, as suggested by numerical simulations. A crossover from a semiconductor-like to a metallic transport behavior is also observed for similar parameters. © 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.