210 resultados para Método de estudo de impacto ambiental
Taking into account the consistent and important expansion of the Brazilian oil and gas pipelines network in the last years, this work discusses how these lines are planned regarding the continental environmental context. Its central objective is to show how studies to select alternative lines are made before a gas or oil pipeline is installed. These studies help to choose routes in which the environment is less affected by the pipeline, and use specific methods, technologies, and tools. Bibliographical studies combined with interviews and discussions with experts of the oil and gas sector were used to support this monograph.
O estudo do conteúdo de foraminíferos de 8 amostras de sedimentos superficiais coletados em manguezal do norte da Ilha do Cardoso, sul do Estado de São Paulo, no verão (período chuvoso) de 2001, ao longo de um transecto no sentido da Baía de Trapandé para o interior, revelou dois segmentos distintos: a) uma planície inferior lamosa, com menor tempo de exposição sub-aérea e maior diversidade específica, dominada por Ammotiumcassis, A.salsum, Arenoparrella mexicana e Trochamminainflata, com abundância expressiva de Caroniaexilis na parte mais baixa e de Miliammina fusca na parte mais alta; b) uma planície superior arenosa, com maior tempo de exposição sub-aérea e menor diversidade, dominada por M. fusca e com abundância expressiva de T. inflatana parte mais baixa. Os sedimentos investigados são colonizados por foraminíferos exclusivamente aglutinantes, representados por 21 espécies de 16 gêneros. Dados de abundância relativa, riqueza, diversidade e equitatividade das espécies ao longo do transecto são apresentados, bem como os valores de salinidade, pH, oxigênio dissolvido e temperatura, medidos a partir da água intersticial dos sedimentos no momento da coleta das amostras. São feitas comparações com um estudo anterior, similar, que focalizou amostras coletadas, nos mesmos pontos, no inverno (período seco) de 2002. Os resultados obtidos interessam às análises de sistemas estuarinos modernos e antigos, bem como a projetos envolvidos com o diagnóstico do estado de conservação de áreas litorâneas, sendo úteis ao Setor de Petróleo e Gás
The objective of this work was collect information of articles published previously and carry out a study about them, including contents and interesting stuff that bring growth regarding the construction residues utilization and demolition (RCD), that today provides many environmental impacts. The need of utilization of the RCD in Brazil and in the world earned bigger attention world speaking, therefore the industry of the civil construction is had as one of the biggest present residues output springs. For it present a point that can be applied the RCD, is discussed in that work the kinds and structures of floors, where are presented the layers and, finally, a short argument about the possible and economic feasabilities job of the residues recycled in some layers of the structure of floor
A avaliação de impacto ambiental tem sido muitas vezes, vista apenas como um procedimento burocrático para a obtenção da licença ambiental, desconsiderando os estudos realizados, após a aquisição da licença e contratando outros serviços para orientar a adoção de um sistema de gestão objetivando boas práticas ambientais. Porém sabe-se que a estrutura geral das metodologias de avaliação de impacto ambiental apresenta muitos pontos semelhantes se comparada à identificação dos aspectos e impactos ambientais de um sistema de gestão ambiental, o que indica uma interface entre os dois instrumentos apesar da execução integrada ainda não ser um procedimento comum na gestão ambiental de empreendimentos. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho objetivou analisar as possibilidades do emprego de um sistema de gestão ambiental preconizado pela ISQ 14001 para o gerenciamento de programas ambientais decorrentes de processos de avaliação de impacto ambiental e de licenciamento ambiental de usinas hidrelétricas, através do foco específico naqueles progrmas relacionados diretamente com o monitoramento e o controle da qualidade e da qualidade da água do reservatório, que é um fator essencial para a função de produção de um empreendimento hidrelétrico. Para esta análise, utilizou-se o caso da usina hidrelétrica de Santo Antônio, identificando 9 programas ambientais decorrentes de processos de avaliação de impacto ambiental com grandes possibilidades de serem utilizados na estruturação de sistemas de gestão ambiental de usinas hidrelétricas e cuja adequada execução, corrobora com a integração entre os respectivos instrumentos além de corresponder à necessidade de compatibilização dos instrumentos de política ambiental na busca de um desenvolvimento com adequada proteção ambiental e de uma atuação mais consciente das organizações
The adhesives used in the production of engineered boards have been object of study over the years in order to improve the properties of the boards with less energy consumption, lower production costs and reduced environmental impact. In addition to that, process variables may affect the properties of the board. The present study aimed to characterize sheets of plywood, manufactured with two types of adhesives, under two different pressing conditions. The adhesives used for the study were Phenol-formaldehyde and Polyurethane castor oil based. The pressure of pressing was varied in a range from 75 to 160 Bar, in order to verify how they influence the physical and mechanical properties of the board. The tests performed resulted in a conclusion that shows that the moister content of the veneers interferes on the physical and mechanical tests. In general, boards produced with polyurethane resin showed superior physical and mechanical results; although the ones produced with phenol formaldehyde at a pressure of 75 Bar had always equal or higher values, compared to what is found in literature
The building sector can cause the environmental degradation, by the natural resources consumption, machinery use and natural landscape modifying. The environmental management system (EMS) improves the environmental quality and makes the companies more competitive. So, this work developed an environmental management system in a building site focused on the solid waste and in the development of mitigation proposals for the most significant environmental impacts. To develop this work it was necessary to follow the building site activities; evaluate the solid waste management; identify the law requirements; identify the environmental aspects and impacts; evaluate the environmental impacts; and propose alternatives for mitigating the adverse environmental critical impacts. The main proposals are the reduction of the waste generation in the place that it’s generated; the reuse and correct final disposal of that wastes; the treatment and reuse of the effluent; and the supervising in the trucks and machineries avoiding the oil spilling and the air pollution
The objective of this work is to analyze the viability of incorporation in a microcomputer box of a nobreak with an ultracapacitor as energy storage device, substituting the conventional chemical battery. An advantage of this inclusion is cost reduction because a specific metallic or plastic frame won’t be necessary to protect the components of the nobreak; the microcomputer metallic frame offers the necessary protection for both equipments. Moreover, a large quantity of internal space of microcomputers box isn’t used, and is possible to use it to wrap up the nobreak. This work uses data about average power consumption of microcomputers; operation of switching mode power supplies for microcomputers; electrical and mechanical characteristics of ultracapacitors and operation of power circuits of nobreaks, with the purpose of present a study of energy storage capacity that an ultracapacitor should have to allow a safe switching off of a microcomputer in case of electrical network fail. It was noticed that the use of ultracapacitors is feasible to feed an 180 W load for 75 s, using a capacitive bank with sixteen ultracapacitors, with a total capacitance of 350 F and voltage of 10,8 V. The use of the proposed nobreak increases the reliability of the microcomputer by reducing the probability of user data losses in case of an electrical network fail, offering a high cost/benefit product. The substitution of the battery by an ultracapacitor allows a quick nobreak recharge, with low maintenance costs, since ultracapacitors have a lifetime bigger than batteries; beyond reducing the environmental impact, because they don’t use potentially toxic chemical compounds
Facing a global scenario where oil is scarce and the emission of CO2 in the atmosphere is a world concern, the search for new methods of energy production becomes the focus of all countries. Based on these assumptions, the wind power gains highlight and happen to be the most exploited around the world, since this does not produce toxic waste, since it uses the wind, no raw material shortage and its cost and efficiency are increasingly attractive. Taking advantage of the geographical features of Brazil, coastal and territorial extension, this study aims to analyze the feasibility of using wind turbines widely used in Germany, one of the countries with the highest production of energy through wind, in Brazil. In order to increase the energy production without causing more environmental impacts, geographical analyses will be made, and to determine the features and costs of production of this type of energy generation, and at the end of this dissertation, will finish for one of the turbines, Montana, is it feasible to install, however due to the Government's little incentive return is not very expressive. With respect to the turbine Passaat, this is infeasible to install under current conditions
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Com o intuito de promover uma ação internacional para a gestão sustentável, conservação e desenvolvimento das florestas e chamar a atenção da população para o papel destas na geração de benefícios econômicos, sociais e ambientais, principalmente para os povos que dependem delas para sobreviver, a Assembléia Geral da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU), declarou 2011 como o Ano Internacional das Florestas. Paradoxal a esta ação, o ano de 2011 é também marcado pela inauguração da Rodovia Interoceânica Sul (IOS) no Peru, que ao conectar-se a malha rodoviária brasileira cria um elo de ligação direta entre o Oceano Atlântico e o Oceano Pacífico. Segundo seus idealizadores, o projeto aumentará as possibilidades de comércio internacional. Além de incrementar o comércio bilateral e integrar a Macro-Região Sul do Peru ao restante do país, a IOS proporciona ao Brasil uma alternativa de acesso ao Oceano Pacífico e aos mercados da Ásia e, ao Peru, um acesso mais eficiente ao Atlântico e aos mercados da costa leste dos EUA e da Europa. Por outro lado, a IOS passa por uma das mais preservadas regiões da Amazônia e, é considerada de importância única em termos de risco para os esforços mundiais de conservação da biodiversidade e de respeito aos direitos das últimas populações humanas que ali vivem sem ou com muito pouco contato com a sociedade moderna. Os impactos socioambientais ligados à construção e/ou reabilitação de estradas em territórios tropicais úmidos adquiriram fama mundial precisamente com a BR- 364, trecho principal desse corredor no território brasileiro. A pavimentação desta estrada nos anos 1980 provocou desastres ambiental e social gravíssimos no norte de Mato Grosso, em Rondônia e no Acre. Desta forma, a presente pesquisa tem por objetivo fazer um estudo... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The problem of flooding in urban areas exist in many cities and their causes are as varied as the areas of occupancy or Valley weatherproofing Fund areas of infiltration in the drainage basin. The anthropic activity come triggering changes and impacts on the environment for a long time, and there is a growing need to come up with solutions and strategies that minimize and reverse the effects caused these risk areas. Thus, the present work will address the case study in São José do Rio Preto-SP that is an exception, since the area that is considered of risk lies in the Centre, unlike most lying on the outskirts. This will also analyze the processes of urban expansion and the situations of social and environmental vulnerability, including their interrelations in urban scale. The physical study of the area will serve as an important basis for the work, but it will focus mainly on the population and the problems which this is being in hazardous areas. We will not join a single methodology, wharever, we will follow our knowledge to adapt what we feel that fits better, every time. The importance of this study is that in addition to identifying the problems which the local population suffers with floods, lists measures that minimize the environmental impacts arising through the fostering of public policies
This study aimed to survey and analyze the geomorphological aspects of watershed stream Wenzel in Rio Claro, as well as anthropogenic incidents about which he eventually causing serious environmental impacts. All these changes in the natural environment are generated from the constant development of the urban environment, which ends up leaving aside factors relevant to the natural order and that over time they become problems to humans. As various forms of environmental degradation occurring on some form of relief, geomorphology can make a major contribution in this field, since the analysis of the hydrographic network can lead to understanding and explanation of numerous geomorphological issues because the waterways are process morphogenetic the most active in the terrestrial landscape sculpture. The research with a systems approach and vision interrelated aspects in question may even serve as a basis for practical planning and urban management, in addition to detailed study of the area, which is of paramount importance to the local society
The minimization and mitigation of environmental impacts caused by the activities of organizations is increasingly becoming a key concern due to factors such as market demand, including suppliers and consumer markets, quality standards and even marketing strategies. The implementation of an EMS - Environmental Management System - allows the organization to achieve the level of environmental performance for its determined and promotes continuous improvement over time. This system consists of a schedule of activities, so as to eliminate or minimize impacts to the environment through preventive actions. It also provides a structured approach to set and achieve goals and objectives, and to establish procedures, work instructions and control, ensuring that the implementation of the policy can become reality. The objective of this work consists in planning a system using environmental management based on the ISO 14001 - standard internationally more widespread and accepted in the requirements to establish and operate an EMS - the Central Library, UNESP, Rio Claro / SP to stimulate the quest for continuous improvement and sustainability in the educational institution. For making the diagnosis of this planning was used the PDCA methodology, suggested by the standard, as well as all requirements for compliance. The results show that the benefits that the organization will receive involve reducing expenses and cost of energy and water, and improve the organization's reputation before the whole university and other educational institutions, reaching about three thousand people on university
Aquatic ecosystems are suffering many impacts caused by human activities resulting from the activities occurring around them. With technological progress observed in recent years, this environment has received large amounts of chemicals from industries, agriculture and urban area that affect the aquatic biota. Among these sources of contamination, the oil industry has contributed to the pollution of aquatic environments with both effluents as produced water well as oil spills and their derivatives having toxicity to various organisms. With all the environmental issues has increased concern about water quality and has been used ecotoxicological tests with aquatic organisms to ecosystems to assess the toxicity of chemicals present in the water. In this context the microcrustacea Daphnia similis stands out as a freshwater organism very representative of the aquatic fauna of rivers and high sensitivity to environmental impacts. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the lethal toxicity of crude oil and produced water on this microcrustacea. The results showed that the microcrustacea presented high sensitivity to contaminants primarily crude oil. There was also the influence of environmental variables pH and temperature on the survival of organisms
Recently, the environmental concern has grown due to the higher awareness about the availability and the importance of natural resources for survival on the Earth. So, laws and regulations were implemented aiming the environmental preservation. It has being developed new systems, technologies and techniques in order to minimize wastage of resources and minimize waste generation that may cause environmental impacts, in order to abide by the laws and regulations. These techniques and systems have been developed mostly for the industrial sector, because it’s one of the most responsible for the waste generation and impacts. One of the most employed systems is the environmental management, performed during the environmental diagnosis of the area/activity. So, this study aimed the environmental assessment and the establishment of proposals for the mitigation of the most significant environmental impacts generated in five industries of the Antonio Crepaldi industrial district – Presidente Prudente, in order to contribute to environmental issues and provide greater efficiency in the productive process of these industries... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)