280 resultados para Lead toxicity
Background: Previous experiments have shown that a decoction of Bauhinia forficata leaves reduces the changes in carbohydrate and protein metabolism that occur in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes. In the present investigation, the serum activities of enzymes known to be reliable toxicity markers were monitored in normal and streptozotocin-diabetic rats to discover whether the use of B. forficata decoction has toxic effects on liver, muscle or pancreas tissue or on renal microcirculation. Methods: An experimental group of normal and streptozotocin-diabetic rats received an aqueous decoction of fresh B. forficata leaves (150 g/L) by mouth for 33 days while a control group of normal and diabetic rats received water for the same length of time. The serum activity of the toxicity markers lactate dehydrogenase, creatine kinase, amylase, angiotensin-converting enzyme and bilirubin were assayed before receiving B. forficata decoction and on day 19 and 33 of treatment. Results: The toxicity markers in normal and diabetic rats were not altered by the diabetes itself nor by treatment with decoction. Whether or not they received B. forficata decoction the normal rats showed a significant increase in serum amylase activity during the experimental period while there was a tendency for the diabetic rats, both treated and untreated with decoction, to have lower serum amylase activities than the normal rats. Conclusions: Administration of an aqueous decoction of B. forficata is a potential treatment for diabetes and does not produce toxic effects measurable with the enzyme markers used in our study. © 2004 Pepato et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Blue, green, red, and near-infrared upconversion luminescence in the wavelength region of 480 - 740 nm in Pr3+/Yb3+-codoped lead-cadmium-germanate glass under 980 nm diode laser excitation, is presented. Upconversion emission peaks around 485, 530, 610, 645, and 725 nm which were ascribed to the 3P0 - 3HJ (J=4, 5, and 6), and 3P0 - 3FJ (J=2, and 3,4), transitions, respectively, were observed. The population of the praseodymium upper 3P0 emitting level was accomplished through a combination of ground-state absorption of Yb3+ ions at the 2F7/2, energy-transfer Yb3+(2F 5/2) Pr3+(3H4), and excited-state absorption of Pr3+ ions provoking the 1G4 - 3P0 transition. The dependence of the upconversion luminescence upon the Yb3+-concentration and diode laser power, is also examined, in order to subsidize the proposed upconversion excitation mechanism.
Extracts of different sesame plant (Sesamum indicum, Linnaeus) organs were tested through ingestion and contact experiments to investigate their toxicity to Atta sexdens rubropilosa (Forel) workers. Dichloromethane extracts of seeds were toxic to the leaf-cutting ants and the factor responsible for the toxicity does not show seasonal occurrence.
Extracts of the ripe seeds of the sesame plant (Sesamum indicum, Linnaeus) were tested through contact experiments to investigate their toxicity to Atta sexdens rubropilosa workers. Dichloromethane extract of seeds was toxic to the ants and the factor responsible for this effect was distributed through the ethyl acetate fraction. This fraction was divided into four sub fractions composed of: A) triglycerides, B) monoglycerides + diglycerides + triglycerides, C) diglycerides + sesamoline + sesamine and D) sesamine. However, when these sub fractions were separated, no toxicity was observed. Therefore, in order to determine why the activity was lost, the concentration of each sub fraction was duplicated, and the possible combinations among them were also tested. We concluded that the toxicity to the ants is due mainly to a mixture of triglycerides, and sesamoline or the combination of sesamoline + sesamine can be a synergistic factor in this fraction.
Dimorphandra mollis is a characteristic plant from Brazilian saP vanna-like vegetation. The pollen of this species could be toxic to bees and the objective of the present investigation was to study the toxicity of methanolic extracts obtained from the flowers, peduncles and stem bark of D. mollis to Apis mellifera workers. For the study, the extracts were incorporated into the diet of the bees for later evaluation of mortality rates. The substances isolated: neoisoastilbin, catechin, astilbin and tannins were tested on adult workers and only catechin did not cause toxic effects. The data obtained in the toxicity bioassays were analyzed statistically by Log Rank test and all methanolic extracts showed significant (p<0.0001) toxic effects. Astilbin is also the major component of pollen grains, and is probably responsible for honeybee mortality during blooming periods.
The toxicity of astilbin, isolated from Dimorphandra mollis, was tested in laboratory ingestion bioassays for the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel. Worker ants that were fed an artificial diet daily to which astilbin was added had a higher mortality rate than the controls. The substance astilbin was incorporated into the diet with and without the utilization of a solvent. Results for both methodologies utilized were similar and indicate that astilbin reduces the median survival of ants. All concentrations tested showed toxic effects against ant workers, and the statistical comparison of survivorship rates from control and treated groups was significantly different, confirming the insecticidal properties of the substance astilbin.
Crude extracts from roots, stems, branches, fruits and leaves of Cedrela fissilis were tested to verify their toxicity to Atta sexdens rubropilosa workers and to their symbiotic fungus Leucoagaricus gongylophorus. The workers that were fed daily on an artificial diet to which crude extracts from this plant were added had a higher mortality rate than the controls, especially for the hexane, dichloromethane and methanol crude extracts from roots (RH, RD and RM) and from leaves (LH, LD and LM). Fungal growth was inhibited by the hexane (RH) and dichloromethane crude extract from roots (RD). The RH, RD and FD crude extracts were fractioned and their fractions were tested. All the fractions tested presented toxicity to the ants and some fractions (RH-H, RH-D, RD-4 and RD-5) completely inhibited fungus development. The possibility of controlling these insects in the future using Cedrela fissilis compounds that can simultaneously target both organisms is discussed.
Crude extracts from fruits, branches and leaves of Cipadessa fruticosa were assayed on Atta sexdens rubropilosa workers and their symbiotic fungus Leucoagaricus gongylophorus. The results showed that the majority of the extract tested reduced significantly (p < 0.05) the survival of the workers comparable to the neem oil. In addition, the dichloromethane extract from fruits and the hexane extract from branches of C. fruticosa inhibited in 80% the development of the symbiotic fungus. The hexane and dichloromethane extracts from fruits of C. fruticosa were fractionated and their fractions were subjected to new bioassays. Several fractions showed relevant activity on ants, but none of them inhibited significantly the fungal growth. The possibility of controlling leaf-cutting ants in the future using C. fruticosa is discussed.
Phytochemical survey of roots extracts of the South Brazilian endemic plant Raulinoa echinata Cowan, Rutaceae led to the isolation of known degraded limonoids: fraxinellone, fraxinellonone and epoxy-fraxinellone. The latter was previously isolated also from the stems, but the relative configuration could not be solved by NMR experiments. This paper deals with the X-ray diffraction analysis of epoxy-fraxinellone and its toxicity to leaf-cutting ants, describes the isolation of fraxinellonone and fraxinellone for the first time in Raulinoa. Epoxy-fraxinellone showed no toxicity to the leaf-cutting ants (Atta sexdens rubropilosa). The limonoid limonexic acid, isolated from stems, presented high toxicity to the leaf-cutting ants, diminishing considerably their longevity. ©2005 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.
Composites made of calcium modified lead titanate ceramic powder and poly (ether-ether-ketone) high performance polymer matrix were prepared in the film form using a hot press. The acoustic and electromechanical properties of the composites have been determined using the ultrasonic immersion technique and piezoelectric spectroscopy, respectively. The composite film with 60 - 40 vol.% PTCa/PEEK was tested as acoustic emission detector. Preliminary results shown that the piezo composite can be used as sensor to evaluate the behavior of materials.
Alginate is one the materials most employed in practice to make dental impressions. Substances like zinc, cadmium and lead silicate, which are included in several alginate brands with the aim of improving their physical, chemical and mechanical properties, are a source of serious concern as regards their toxicity. The most serious chronic effect of oral exposure to cadmium is renal toxicity. Assimilation of lead has deleterious effects on the gastrointestinal tract, hematopoietic system, cardiovascular system, central and peripheral nervous systems, kidneys, immune system, and reproductive system. Chronic oral exposures to zinc have resulted in hypochromic and microcyte anemia in some individuals. The aim of the present study was to measure the cadmium, lead and zinc contents of seven brands of alginate for dental use on sale in Brazil. The samples were weighed and placed in the Teflon cups of a closed-system microwave oven. Aqua regia (4mL concentrated HCI:HNO3, 3:1 v/v) and hydrofluoric acid (2mL concentrated HF) were added to the samples, which were then subjected to heating. The samples were then cooled to room temperature and diluted to 25 mL in deionized water in a volumetric glass flask. The samples were diluted in duplicate and analyzed against a reagent blank. The analyses were performed in an atomic absorption flame spectrophotometer. Neither lead nor cadmium was detected. Zinc contents ranged from 0.001% to 1.36% by weight. The alginates exhibited low contents of the metals under study and gave no cause for concern regarding toxicity; even so, it is advisable to monitor potentially toxic materials continually and to analyze their plasmatic levels in the professionals working with them.
The leaf-cutting ants are responsible for great economical damages in cultivated areas, and because of this characteristic, they have aroused the interest of researchers around the world. Thus, extracts of neem (Azadirachta indica, A. Juss) were tested through ingestion and contact experiments to investigate their toxicity to Atta sexdens rubropilosa workers. Crude extract of neem seed oil was toxic to the ants by ingestion in all concentrations tested but no toxicity was observed in contact experiments. However, crude extract of neem seed paste produced a significant toxicity to workers by ingestion and by contact.
In this report we investigate the optical properties and energy-transfer upconversion luminescence of Ho3+- and Tb3+/Yb 3+-codoped PbGeO3-PbF2-CdF2 glass-ceramic under infrared excitation. In Ho3+/Yb 3+-codoped sample, green(545 nm), red(652 nm), and near-infrared(754 nm) upconversion luminescence corresponding to the 4S 2(5F4) → 5I8, 5F5 → 5I8, and 4S2(5F4) → 5I 7, respectively, was readly observed. Blue(490 nm) signals assigned to the 5F2,3 → 5I8 transition was also detected. In the Tb3+/Yb3+ system, bright UV-visible emission around 384, 415, 438, 473-490, 545, 587, and 623 nm, identified as due to the 5D3(5G6) → 7FJ(J=6,5,4) and 5D4→ 7FJ(J=6,5,4,3) transitions, was measured. The comparison of the upconversion process in glass ceramic and its glassy precursor revealed that the former samples present much higher upconversion efficiencies. The dependence of the upconversion emission upon pump power, and doping contents was also examined. The results indicate that successive energy-transfer between ytterbium and holmium ions and cooperative energy-transfer between ytterbium and terbium ions followed by excited-state absorption are the dominant upconversion excitation mechanisms herein involved. The viability of using the samples for three-dimensional solid-state color displays is also discussed.
This work determined toxicity and attractiveness of straight-chain fatty acids (C 5 to C 12) to Atta sexdens rubropilosa (Forel) workers. The effect to the symbiotic fungus, Leucoagaricus gongylophorus (Singer) Möller, was also tested with the fatty acids C 6 to C 12. A strong mortality of leaf-cutting ants that were fed with an artificial diet containing fatty acids C to C at concentrations above 1.0 mg.ml -1 was observed. Rice flakes impregnated with solutions of these fatty acids were repellent to leaf-cutting ants. Contact experiments showed that treatments with C 6 and C 7 at concentration of 100 mg.ml -1 significantly reduced the survival rate of leaf-cutting ants. The fatty acids C 8 to C 11 were toxic to leaf-cutting ants when topically tested at concentration of 200 mg.ml -1. In relation to the fungus' bioassays, the fatty acids C 6 to C 12 at concentration of 0.1 mg.ml -1 inhibited 100% of the fungal development. Although when the concentration was reduced by half no inhibition effects were observed. The results showed that straight-chain fatty acids have desirable properties for controlling leaf-cutting ants since they directly interfere with both organisms of the symbiotic relationship. The potential of fatty acids as well as ways to control leaf-cutting ants with these compounds are discussed in this article.