235 resultados para Instituições de registro de terras


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This article presents elements that make up the quality of education in the age group of zero to five years, offered by institutions of Early Childhood Education in Brazil, based on research results disseminated in theses and dissertations that focus on this theme. It was used as the methodological procedure outlined mapping Brazilian literature of academic research related to the Post-Graduate Education, which focus on the issue in the period between 1996 and 2012. The results of the study provide insights on funding, teacher training, family, quality of care in the school systems, institutional assessment, perceptions of quality and educational practices that allow discuss the quality of early childhood education offered in Brazilian institutions. Moreover, considering that not convenient to take the concept of quality of early childhood education as universal as this is linked to the context, the conceptions about children and their education.


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The purpose of this study revolves around understanding the mechanisms of control over the management of documentary heritage. Was used as a methodological procedure the theoretical research. hus, from the analysis of documentary heritage as a category of cultural heritage, was used as theoretical and methodological substantiations Federal Constitution of 1988, the Law of Archives, the Fiscal Responsibility Law, as well as texts of authors that study about the concept and management of cultural heritage in order to obtain a theoretical study on the subject treated. It was found, with the analysis of legal and scientiic texts, the absence of preventive inspection by the public administrators in relation to the documentary heritage. hus, it was realized the need for efective supervision of acts performed towards preservation and management of public documents. Based on the assumption that the “Tribunal de Contas” is the public agency responsible for enforcement of accounting standards, iscal, budgetary and environmental, it is concluded that to it also would attribute the power to enforce compliance with rules concerning the protection and management of heritage archival documents.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The crop demand by nitrogen varies from one crop to other as well as the amount and application time, and this nutrient can be lost by leaching, volatilization and erosion. The objective of this study was to evaluate doses, sources and times of nitrogen application in rice of high lands cropped in no till system. The work was conducted in Selviria, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, in a soil originally under Cerrado vegetation. A randomized blocks design, with the treatments disposed in a factorial scheme 5x3x2 was used. The treatments were constituted by five nitrogen doses (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg ha(-1)), three nitrogen sources (urea; ammonium sulfonitrate plus nitrification inhitor and ammonium sulfate) and two application times (at sowing or at flower bud differentiation), with four repetitions. The sources of nitrogen, as well as the application times had similar effects for most of evaluations. The N doses influenced linearly or with quadratic adjustment the plant height, N leaf content and grains yield, in the two growing seasons. The chlorophyll content and the number of ears m(-2) were affected only, in the first year. The highest yield in the growing season of 2007/08 was obtained with the dose of 149 kg ha(-1) of N. In 2008/09 growing season the increase of N doses provided increment in the grains rice yield, until the maximum dose evaluated (200 kg ha(-1) of N).


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Os sistemas ambientais são compostos por elementos e atributos que atuam em sua dinâmica, os quais, ao longo de um dado período de tempo, podem responder às condições naturais ou às imposições antrópicas, sendo que estas últimas podem desencadear modificações no seu equilíbrio natural. Neste contexto, o objetivo principal do trabalho proposto foi identificar e analisar as alterações na dinâmica de ocupação e uso das terras e sua interferência nas características naturais da bacia do Ribeirão Bonito – SP, com ênfase à geomorfologia e hidrografia. A área em questão situa-se junto à baixa bacia do Rio Piracicaba, no Estado de São Paulo, numa área de transição entre a Depressão Periférica Paulista e as Cuestas Basálticas. Para a consolidação do objetivo proposto foram utilizados os seguintes procedimentos metodológicos: revisão de literatura referente à temática adotada; caracterização do meio físico e do processo de ocupação da área em estudo; elaboração de mapas geomorfológicos de dois cenários (1962 e 2007) de acordo com as metodologias de Tricart (1965) e Verstappen; Zuidan (1975), adaptados por Cunha (2001); elaboração de mapas de ocupação e uso das terras dos dois períodos (1962 e 2007) utilizando o sistema de classificação do IBGE (2006b) e trabalhos de campo. Para manuseio dos dados e posterior análise dos mesmos, foi utilizada a idéia de sistema ambiental, que se fundamenta na teoria dos sistemas gerais, aplicada a Geografia. Findados os levantamentos, observou-se que o aumento do nível de base local com conseqüente retomada erosiva, assim como a intensa ocupação das terras pela cultura da cana-de-açúcar, foram fatores que condicionaram as alterações geomorfológicas locais, expressas principalmente pela dinâmica erosiva e processos de denudação


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O presente trabalho procura colocar a tona – a partir de leituras bibliográficas, conversas e entrevistas com donos de cartórios – a questão fundiária no Brasil, mais especificamente no município de Araraquara; tendo como eixo estruturante a evolução histórica, as leis e a legislação que regem essa instituição; além disso, há uma discussão sobre as teorias a respeito dos direitos de propriedade e custos de transação. Por fim, serão calculados os dispêndios para a compra/venda de uma propriedade rural, observando o porquê de alguns donos de imóveis rurais não registram, ou quando o fazem não é acompanhado do cadastro que compete ao INCRA


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The research aims to analyze the main changes in the concepts of the processes of production and consumption of news content information. The theoretical framework used will be the new consequent social, economic and technological paradigms of the current scenario of convergence of platforms, content and languages. The research aims to investigate the changes in the macro environment of journalistic production and, therefore, examine whether the local flow of news content meets the requirements of a new public consumption target set by the new Brazilian generations, composed of young people influenced by the cultures of computing, audiovisual communication and also by economic and cultural globalization. As expansion of the analyzes sought to verify the impact of these changes in the current models of traditional media, as well as the interference caused and trends in models of existing production. Also a case study is performed on this production flow in comparison with current market research of Jornal da Cidade (JC) of the city of Bauru (SP), the main media of the Grupo Comunicação. The intent of the approach will be to establish some preambles to assist in bringing the theory with the practical impacts on journalistic production, its agents, institutions and the workplace


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A questão agrária é da essência do modo capitalista de produção. A existência ou não do campesinato nesse modo de produção é justamente o cerne da discussão. A questão agrária pode ser interpretada de diferentes formas, por meio de correntes teóricas ou até mesmo paradigmas, como o caso do Paradigma da questão Agrária e o Paradigma do Capitalismo Agrário. Neste trabalho procuro defender a ideia de que a questão agrária é um problema estrutural do capitalismo, atualizada conjunturalmente por diferentes elementos, sejam eles de cunho social, político ou econômico. Um destes elementos, destacado nesta pesquisa, é justamente a luta pela terra em escala nacional e regional. A criação e recriação do campesinato no Brasil tem se dado, principalmente, a partir da luta pela terra, materializada em ocupações, acampamentos e, conseqüente, criação de assentamentos rurais. Em escala nacional, discuto a diminuição das ocupações de terra e de novos acampamentos nos últimos anos, com o intuito de compreender as possíveis causas. Já, em escala regional, no Pontal do Paranapanema-SP, algumas mudanças no que diz respeito à mobilização das famílias semterra e a esporacidade da vida nos acampamentos são apresentadas a fim de colaborar com a discussão sobre a dinâmica, contemporaneidade e perspectiva da luta pela terra


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WHO has launched the “Safe Surgery Saves Lives” program with the purpose to reduce damage to surgical patients and define safety standards specifically in order to reduce such patients’ morbi-mortality by providing surgery teams and hospital managers with orientation about the standards of safe surgery and a uniform service evaluation instrument for national and international surveillance. Hence, this study aimed at applying the WHO safe-surgery checklist to the surgical specialties of a university hospital and evaluating the team’s opinion about the influence of its application on the safety of surgical process and on the team’s interpersonal communication. It was a descriptive, analytical, qualitative field study conducted in the surgery facilities of a university hospital in a public establishment in São Paulo state. The checklist was applied to eight surgical specialties, resulting in a total number of 30 surgeries. Its application was conducted by the researcher in three phases: Sign in, Time out, Sign Out. Next, one member of the surgery team was invited to voluntarily participate in the study by signing an informed consent form and answering guiding questions. Thirty members of the surgery team participated in the study. Bardin’s Content Analysis Method was used to organize and analyze the data. As regards the safety provided by the checklist, the following thematic categories emerged: “It reduces risk and possible complications”; “It standardizes conducts and reviews safety steps”; “It allows for better understanding of the process”; and “It provides safety to the team as a whole”. The category “It is not included in the institution’s routine” emerged from the subjects’ statements when they understood that, in this form, the checklist does not provide safety to surgical procedures. As regards communication, two thematic categories emerged: ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Nos últimos 40 anos, a biotecnologia tem evoluído significativamente, gerando uma série de repercussões e possibilidades para diversos setores. Embora os avanços tenham impactos muito amplos, um dos setores que mais se beneficiam do desenvolvimento da biotecnologia é a agricultura. Em meio a um contexto favorável para o desenvolvimento da biotecnologia no Brasil, buscaremos analisar o papel do setor público, de instituições de pesquisa e ensino e de empresas nacionais e transnacionais, bem como o estímulo à cooperação entre universidades e empresas do setor de defensivos agrícolas e sementes


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The society of the information brings with it a lot of changes day by day of the organizations, mainly for characterizing as a flexible society, in net and ruled in technological progress. The contemporary organizations are inserted in that reality and they need be maintained in markets more and more competitive. The Private Institutions of Higher education enter in this logic for they be organizations with lucrative ends that suffer strong influence of the external and internal atmosphere. To stand out, such Institutions need to count with a strategic administration, ruled in an own strategic planning for the branch in that acts. The professional of public relationships is shown capable to develop their main functions in such complex market. For so much it needs to participate in the global planning of the Private Institutions of Higher education, at the same time in that it develops it planning of the communication, intrinsic to the global strategic planning. This way, the present study treats of the professional's of Public Relationships possible contributions, ruled in theoretical data, inside of Private Institutions of Higher education in the Brazilian current scenery