372 resultados para Horse stealing
Objective To evaluate the pre-emptive analgesic effect of pre-incisional epidural ketamine.Study Design A blinded, randomized experimental study.Animals Sixteen mixed breed mares, 17.6 +/- 2.8 years old, weighing 352 +/- 32 kg.Methods In a pilot study, an incision was made on one lateral thigh using a lidocaine block and no further analgesics, and it was verified that the nociceptive threshold was lower on the incised side than nonincised side (p < 0.05), and that von Frey filaments evoked a pain response. The 16 animals were divided into group A (ketamine, n = 9) and B (saline, n = 7). An epidural catheter was inserted 24 hours before the trials, the thigh was shaved bilaterally, and the right side was blocked (incised side) using lidocaine. Twenty-five minutes later, ketamine (A) or saline (B) was administered epidurally. Five minutes later, a 10-cm. skin incision was made on the right side, and then sutured. Nociceptive threshold was determined with von Frey filaments at 1, 3, and 5 cm. around the incision at 15-minute intervals for 2 hours, then at 4, 6, and 8 hours. Behavioral alterations, heart and respiratory rates were recorded. Nociceptive thresholds from these points were averaged to obtain mean values at each time, converted to a logarithmic scale, and submitted to a nonparametric analysis (Mann-Whitney and one-way repeated measures anova test,p less than or equal to 0.05).Results After 8 hours, the global range score revealed reduced hyperalgesia (p < 0.01) around the incision in 92% (4.65-4.27) of evaluated intervals in group A (ketamine). There were no significant changes in behavior, heart and respiratory rates,Conclusions It was concluded that pre-emptive epidural ketamine reduced post-incisional pain in the horse, and that von Frey filaments were able to quantify cutaneous sensitivity after tissue damage.Clinical relevance Epidural ketamine injection can reduce post-incisional sensitivity in the horse.
Monthly radiography was performed to study distal radial physeal closure in ten male and ten female Throughbred horses. The height, thoracic circumference and metacarpus circumference were also measured, Distal radial physeal closure time was sooner in females than males, and took 701 +/- 37 and 748 +/- 55 days respectively.
This report describes the development of a behaviour chamber and the validation of the chamber to measure locomotor activity of a horse, Locomotor activity was detected by four Mini-beam sensors and recorded on a data logger every 5 min for 22 h. Horses were more active during daytime than in the evening, which was at least partially related to human activity in their surroundings. To validate the ability of the chambers to detect changes in activity, fentanyl citrate and xylazine HCl, agents well-characterized as a stimulant and a depressant, respectively, were administered to five horses. Fentanyl citrate (0.016 mg/kg) significantly increased locomotor activity which persisted for 30 min, Xylazine HCl (1 mg/kg) significantly reduced locomotor activity for 90 min. Amitraz produced a dose-dependent decrease in locomotor activity, lasting 75 min for the 0.05 mg/kg dose, 120 min for the 0.10 mg/kg dose, and 180 min for the 0.15 mg/kg dose, In a separate experiment, yohimbine administration immediately reversed the sedative effect of amitraz, This suggests there is a similarity in the mode of action of amitraz, xylazine and detomidine, as yohimbine acts primarily by blocking central alpha 2-adrenoceptors that are stimulated by agents like xylazine, There was also a significant decrease in locomotor activity following injection of detomidine (0.02, 0.04 and 0.08 mg/kg) for 1.5, 3.5 and 5.0 h, respectively, the locomotor chamber is a useful, sensitive and highly reproducible tool for measuring spontaneous locomotor activity in the horse, which allows investigators to determine an agent's average time of onset, duration and intensity of effect on movement.
The study of the influence of motion and initial intra-articular pressure (IAP) on intra-articular pressure profiles in equine cadaver metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints was undertaken as a prelude to in vivo studies, Eleven equine cadaver MTP joints were submitted to 2 motion frequencies of 5 and 10 cycles/min of flexion and extension, simulating the condition of lower and higher (double) rates of passive motion. These frequencies were applied and pressure profiles generated with initial normal intra-articular pressure (-5 mmHg) and subsequently 30 mmHg intra-articular pressure obtained by injection of previously harvested synovial fluid.The 4 trials performed were 1) normal IAP; 5 cyles/min; 2) normal IAP; 10 cycles/min; 3) IAP at 30 mmHg; 5 cycles/min and 4) IAP at 30 mmHg; 10 cycles/min. The range of joint motion applied (mean +/- s.e.) was 67.6 +/- 1.61 degrees with an excursion from 12.2 +/- 1.2 degrees in extension to 56.2 +/- 2.6 degrees in flexion, Mean pressure recorded in mmHg for the first and last min of each trial, respectively, were 1) -5.7 +/- 0.9 and -6.3 +/- 1.1; 2) -5.3 +/- 1.1 and -6.2 +/- 1.1; 3) 58.8 +/- 8.0 and 42.3 +/- 7.2; 4) 56.6 +/- 3.7 and 40.3 +/- 4.6. Statistical analyses showed a trend for difference between the values for the first and last minute in trial 3 (0.05>P<0.1) with P = 0.1 and significant difference (P = 0.02) between the mean IAP of the first and last min in trial 4. The loss of intra-articular pressure associated with time and motion was 10.5, 16.9, 28.1 and 28.9% for trials 1-4, respectively. As initial intraarticular pressure and motion increased, the percent loss of intra-articular pressure increased.The angle of lowest pressure was 12.2 +/- 1.2
The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of oral supplementation of creatine on the muscular responses to aerobic training. Twelve purebred Arabian horses were submitted to aerobic training for 90 d, with and without creatine supplementation, and evaluated with respect to BW and BCS and to the area and frequency of the different types of muscle fibers in the gluteus medius. Supplementation consisted of the daily administration of 75 g of creatine monohydrate mixed into the ration for the 90 d of training. Physical conditioning was conducted on a high-performance treadmill, and training intensity was stipulated by calculating the velocity at which blood lactate reaches 4 mmol/L, determined monthly for each animal. The individual intensity of physical force at 80% of aerobic threshold was established. Morphometry of glutens medius muscle fibers was performed on frozen sections processed for histochemical analysis of myosin adenosine triphosphatase and immunohistochemistry of slow-contracting myosin. The results demonstrated that the animals maintained a moderate BCS without alteration of BW during the course of training, providing evidence of equilibrium between food intake and caloric expenditure during the study period. The present study demonstrated that aerobic training for 90 d caused hypertrophy of fiber types I (P = 0.04), IIA (P = 0.04), and IIX (P = 0.01), as well as an increase in the relative area occupied by type I fibers (P = 0.02) at the expense of type IIX fibers (P = 0.03), resulting in modifications of the contractile and metabolic characteristics of the gluteus medius muscle. It was not possible to show any beneficial effect from creatine on the skeletal muscle characteristics examined.
Background: Detection of systemic inflammation, which is important for proper diagnosis and prompt treatment, can be challenging.Hypothesis: Measurement of plasma iron concentration is a sensitive method for detecting systemic inflammation in horses compared with measurements of plasma Fibrinogen concentration, a traditional marker for inflammation in the horse.Animals: Ninety-seven horses hospitalized with diseases causing systemic inflammation, 22 horses with localized inflammation, and 12 clinically normal horses were included in this study.Methods: A retrospective study was made on hospitalized horses that had both plasma iron and fibrinogen concentrations measured on hospital admission.Results: Plasma iron concentration was lower in horses with systemic inflammation (64 +/- 45 mu g/dL) than the reference interval minimum (105 mu g/dL) and were significantly lower (P = .001) than the value in a group of horses with local inflammation (123 +/- 45 mu g/dL) and in healthy transported horses (143 +/- 29 mu g/dL). Low plasma iron and high fibrinogen concentrations were both sensitive indicators of systemic inflammation in horses with sensitivity of 90 and 82%, respectively. There was a similar correlation between either continued decreases in iron concentration (R-sp of 0.239) or increases in fibrinogen concentration (R-sp of 0.280) during hospitalization and a worse prognosis.Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Measurement of plasma iron concentration better reflected acute inflammation than did fibrinogen concentration.
A comparative study of four different staining methods for estimation of live yeast form cells of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis was carried out. The staining methods used were fluorescent staining, vital dye exclusion tests with erythrosin B and by Janus green and lactophenol cotton blue staining. Colony forming units (cfu) of the yeast form of eight P. brasiliensis isolates on brain heart infusion agar (BHIA) supplemented with 4% horse serum plus 5% P. brasiliensis cell extract (BHIA + HS + EXT) were examined for reliability of staining in determining the number of live fungal units in eight different isolates. Cfu on BHIA + HS + EXT plates showed an excellent plating efficiency over 96% in all isolates tested. The percentage of the live cells indicated by fluorescent staining (FL) or vital dye exclusion test with erythrosin B (EB) or Janus green (JG-1) was lower than that of cfu. By contrast, the percentage due to modified dye exclusion test with Janus green (JG-2) and that due to lactophenol cotton blue staining (LPCB) showed a close correration to that of cfu. Our results indicate that the modified dye exclusion test with Janus green and lactophenol cotton blue staining are useful for estimating cell viability of yeast form cells of P. brasiliensis.
The object of the current study was to evaluate the efficacy of thermography and ultrasonography in the diagnosis of thoracolumbar lesions in Quarter Horse athletes and associate the different types of lesions found with the athletic modality practiced. Twenty-four horses were admitted to the Surgery Service for Large Animals of the Veterinary and Animal Science Faculty, UNESP, Botucatu, Brazil, with complaints of back problems. All the horses were submitted for physical examinations to confirm the existence of thoracolumbar alterations and then for thermography and ultrasonography Thermography was used to map the lesioned areas of this region and ultrasonography for lesion characterization. The lesions found were supraspinous desmitis, interspinous desmitis, dorsal intervertebral osteoarthritis, and impingement of the spinous processes or kissing spines. The existence of a relation between the type of event practiced by the horse and the type of lesion found was determined. In horses that competed in the barrel race, a predominance of lesions in the thoracic caudal, thoracolumbar, and cranial lumbar regions occurred, with intervertebral osteoarthritis and interspinous desmitis being the most common. In cutting horses, most of the lesions were observed in the caudal lumbar region, whereas horses competing in reining showed a preferential location for lesions in the middle lumbar, with a predominance of supraspinous desmitis and myositis. Thermography associated with ultrasonography was shown to be efficient in the diagnosis of the thoracolumbar lesions of these horses.
Objective-To evaluate the effects of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) on affected ligaments in the hind limbs of horses with experimentally induced suspensory ligament desmitis by use of ultrasonographic, ultrastructural, and immunocytochemical techniques.Animals-10 horses.Procedure-Suspensory ligament desmitis was induced in both hind limbs of each horse by use of 2 collagenase injections (administered 2 weeks apart) in each suspensory ligament. Two weeks after the second injection, the right hind limb of each horse was treated with ESWT (3 treatments at 3-week intervals)- the left hind limb was not treated (control limb). Periodically during the study, the healing process was monitored ultrasonographically and the proportions of ligaments affected with lesions were assessed. Four weeks after the last ESWT treatment, biopsy specimens were collected from all ligaments for ultrastructural evaluation and immunocytochemical analysis of transforming growth factor beta-1.Results-The difference in the proportion of the lesion-affected ligament between ESWT-treated and control limbs was significant (P < 0.05) from 3 weeks after the second ESWT treatment to the end of the study. Compared with control ligaments, ESWT-treated ligaments had more small, newly formed collagen fibrils and greater expression of transforming growth factor beta-1 4 weeks after the last ESWT treatment was administered.Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Results have indicated that ESWT appears to facilitate the healing process in horses with experimentally induced hind limb suspensory ligament desmitis.
Acquired immunity of horses to larvae, nymphs and adults of the Amblyomma cajennense tick was evaluated through three consecutive experimental infestations of tick-bite naive hosts. Data from these infestations were compared to those from field-sensitized horses and donkeys. It was observed that tick-bite naive horses developed a low level of resistance after two infestations as shown by a significant decrease in larval yield and a tendency for lower engorged weight of nymphs during third infestation. Ticks fed on field-sensitized horses had a similar biological performance to that observed on the third infestation of tick-bite naive horses but the mean engorged nymph weight was significantly lower than that of the first infestation from tick-bite naive horses. Donkeys presented the strongest resistance with significantly lower engorged weights of all instars and of the egg mass compared to the first infestation of tick-bite naive horses. Donkeys also displayed a significantly higher resistance than field-sensitized horses as demonstrated by significantly lower egg mass weights. Overall these results indicate that donkeys but not horses maintain a strong resistance to A. cajennense ticks. The importance of these findings in relation to vectoring of tick-borne diseases is discussed. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective-To investigate spontaneous locomotor activity (SLA) and antinociceptive effects of buprenorphine in horses.Animals-6 healthy adult horses.Procedures-Horses received each of 3 treatments (10 mL of saline [0.9% NaCl] solution, 5 mu g of buprenorphine/kg, or 10 mu g of buprenorphine/kg). Treatments were administered IV Order of treatments was randomized, and there was a 10-day interval between subsequent treatments. Spontaneous locomotor activity was investigated in a behavioral box by use of infrared photoelectric sensors connected to a computer, which detected movement of each horse. Antinociceptive effect was investigated by hoof-withdrawal reflex latency (HWRL) and skin-twitching reflex latency (STBL) after painful stimulation with a heat lamp.Results-Moderate excitement was observed in all horses from 5 to 10 minutes after the administration of both dosages of buprenorphine. The SLA increased significantly for 6 and 14 hours after IV administration of 5 and 10 mu g of buprenorphine/kg, respectively. Values for HWRL increased significantly only at 30 minutes after injection of 5 mu g of buprenorphine/kg, whereas STRL and HWRL each increased significantly from 1 to 6 hours (except at 2 and 4 hours) and 11 hours, respectively, after injection of 10 mu g of buprenorphine/kg.Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-IV injection of buprenorphine caused a dose-dependent increase in SLA, but only the dose of 10 mu g/kg induced analgesia on the basis of results for the experimental method used.
The plating efficiency of standard mycological media such as brain heart infusion (BHI) agar is poor for Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. We prepared a water-extract of yeast phase cells of P. brasiliensis and examined it for growth-enhancing activity for the fungus. The water-extract, when added to BHI agar to a concentration of 5%, improved the plating efficiency of the medium for the fungus to some extent, but the degree of improvement was considerably varied among P. brasiliensis isolates. By contrast, when the water-extract was added in combination with horse serum (4%), the plating efficiency was highly improved (to 94-99%) for all the P. brasiliensis isolates employed. The growth-enhancing factor(s) in the water-extract was heat-stable and heating at 120-degrees-C for 15 min had little, if any, effect on growth-enhancing activity.
Four groups of horses of Brasileiro de Hipismo bred were submitted to fasting for 24 and 48 hours in order to study the absorption capacity of the small intestine. Two groups were fed with coast cross grass (Cynodon dactylon) and the other two groups with coast cross pasture and grains. At the end of the fasting periods, the groups received 1g of glucose/kg of body weight in a 20% solution through a nasogastric tube. Blood samples were collected immediately before and 70, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, and 360 minutes after glucose administration. Glycemia was determined by the orthotoluidine method and insulin by radioimmunoassay. The animals which received grains showed larger increase in glycemia and insulinemia than those maintained on pasture regimen alone. The 48-hour fasting period induced higher glycemia and insulinemia levels than those observed after 24-hour fasting.
We investigated the prevalence of virulent Rhodococcus equi in clinical isolates from 41 foals (19 sporadic and seven endemic cases) in Brazil between 1991 and 2003. of the 41 virulent isolates, six contained an 85-kb type I plasmid, 33 contained an 87-kb type I plasmid, both of which have been found in isolates from the Americas, and the remaining two contained a new variant, which did not display the EcoRI, EcoT221 and BamHI digestion patterns of the 11 representative plasmids already reported (85-kb types I-IV; 87-kb types I and II; 90-kb types I-V). We tentatively designated the new variant as the '87-kb type III' plasmid, because its BamHI digestion pattern is similar to that of the 87-kb type I plasmid. This is the first report of the molecular epidemiology surveillance of virulent R. equi in clinical isolates from Brazilian foals. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.