475 resultados para Hoffmann


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Neste trabalho objetivou-se estudar o efeito do ácido indolbutírico (AIB) na formação de raízes adventícias em estacas semilenhosas de nove cultivares-copa (Arlequim, Aurora, Biuti, Diamante, Momo, Ouromel, Pérola de Mairinque, Premier e Tropical) e dois porta-enxertos (Okinawa e R-15-2) de pessegueiro. O experimento foi realizado na Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA), Lavras, MG, em nov./dez. de 1997. As concentrações de AIB utilizadas foram de 0, 1.000, 2.000 e 3.000 mg L-1, e as estacas tiveram a base imersa em solução durante cinco segundos. O AIB influenciou no enraizamento, na formação de calo e no número de raízes. As maiores porcentagens de enraizamento foram observadas nas cultivares Pérola de Mairinque (56,62%) e Tropical (55,04%), ambas ocorrendo na concentração de 3.000 mg L-1 de AIB.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar o levantamento das características microbiológicas da carne do jacaré, através da detecção e/ou enumeração dos microrganismos mais comumente encontrados na carne. Pela inexistência de padrões na legislação brasileira para a carne de jacaré, os resultados foram comparados com os padrões microbiológicos existentes para carne bovina e pescado. Encontrou-se a presença de S. aureus e de Salmonella sp, resultados estes considerados insatisfatórios, o que nos permitiu, classificar o produto como impróprio para o consumo. O trabalho sugere também, procedimentos para evitar e/ou minimizar a presença desses microrganismos indesejáveis na carne.


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The recent evolution of Plasmodium falciparum is at odds with the extensive polymorphism found in most genes coding for antigens. Here, we examined the patterns and putative mechanisms of sequence diversification in the merozoite surface protein-2 (MSP-2), a major malarial repetitive surface antigen. We compared the msp-2 gene sequences from closely related clones derived from sympatric parasite isolates from Brazilian Amazonia and used microsatellite typing to examine, in these same clones, the haplotype background of chromosome 2, where msp-2 is located. We found examples of msp-2 sequence rearrangements putatively created by nonreciprocal recombinational events, such as replication slippage and gene conversion, while maintaining the chromosome haplotype. We conclude that these nonreciprocal recombination events may represent a major source of antigenic diversity in MSP-2 in P falciparum populations with low rates of classical meiotic recombination. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A strain of Rhizopus sp. screened among more than 800 filamentous fungi showed great ability to produce a thermostable alpha-amylase by solid state fermentation. The best production was obtained with a bran moisture content of 40% when the enzyme activity reached 60 EU/g. of medium. During the purification procedures, a column of DEAE-Sephadex A-50 separated the enzyme in two fractions and the larger (85% of the total activity) showed optimum pH in a range from 4.0 to 5.6. Optimum temperature was found at 60-65 degrees C and in this range no loss of activity was observed after 60 min. of treatment in pH 5,0. Its K-m and V-m are, respectively, of 5.0 mg/ml of starch and 10,01 uMol of reducing sugar/min./mg. of protein. Its molecular weight was calculated in 64.000 by gel filtration in Sephadex G-200. The dextrinization power of the enzyme was observed preferentialy on substrates compound by chains with higher ramifications, that is: amylopectin > starch > amylose. Other aspects of the enzyme pattern action are also discussed.


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The ability of the stink bug (Nezara viridula) to induce and/or increase production of chemical defenses, i.e., flavonoids, in immature seeds of five genotypes of soybean (BR-16, IAC-100, PI 227687, PI 229358, and PI 274454) was investigated under greenhouse and laboratory conditions. Samples from pods of each genotype damaged by stink bug were analyzed for flavonoid content with high performance liquid chromatography. A dual-choice test was conducted to evaluate the feeding preference of N. viridula comparing BR-16 pods treated with extracts of PI 227687 seeds (with and without stink-bug injury), with water-treated pods. Seeds of PI 227687 damaged by N. viridula presented the highest concentration (352 mug/g) of daidzin (4'-hydroxyisoflavone-7-glucoside). The same trend was observed with genistin (4',5,7-trihydroxyisoflavone-7-glucoside): PI 227687 contained 142.4 mug/g, PI 274454, 31.6 mug/g, and PI 229358, 38.9 mug/g. Seeds damaged by stink bugs had higher isoflavone contents (daidzin and genistin), compared to controls. However, after being damaged, PI 274454 and PI 229358 produced less genistin than the other genotypes and no differences in concentration between damaged and nondamaged plants of this genotypes were observed. The numbers of observations of the insect feeding and the numbers of stylet sheaths left in water-treated BR-16 pods were greater than in those treated with PI 227687 extracts. The insects fed for longer periods on BR-16 pods treated with extract of PI 227687 without injury compared to those that were treated with extract of PI 227687 previously injured by stink bugs. Extracts of PI 227687 pods ( damaged or not) were deterrent to adults of N. viridula, and insect injury increased concentrations of daidzin and genistin in PI 227687 seeds. The deterrence seemed to be more pronounced after pods had suffered stink-bug injury.


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This paper discusses the inducer effect of corn soluble starch and the individual components (amylose and amylopectin) from corn and potatoes starch for alpha-amylase production by a strain of Rhizopus sp. The following decreasing order in the enzyme production was obtained: corn amylose > potatoes amylose > corn amylopectin > potatoes amylopectin > starch > maltose, coinciding with the ability of the enzyme to release reducing units, except the soluble starch that was more softly hydrolysed. However, when the enzyme action was measured by the iodine binding method, an inverse order of enzyme activity was obtained, that is: amylopectins > starch > amylosis. The results suggest that: a) branched structures in substrate affect the enzyme production; b) corn amylose and corn amylopectin are better inducers than their respectives homologous from potatoes; c) cc-amylase from Rhizopus sp has different action patterns on substrates with straight or branched chains: from the former, it removes only reducing units with lower molecular weight (G1-G3); from the latter it also removes oligosaccharides with higher molecular weight (G5-G6).


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In this paper the genus Cunaxoides Baker & Hoffmann, 1948, as delimited by Den Heyer (1979a, 1981b), is revised and divided into five genera, viz. Cunaxoides Baker & Hoffmann, Bunaxella gen. nov., Dunaxeus gen. nov., Funaxopsis gen. nov. and Qunaxella gen. nov.. Two new Neotropical species, Dunaxoides duosetosus and Qunaxella triasetosa are described and figured. Additional southern African material is reported. A key to the genera and species of the new genera of the subfamily Cunaxoidinae is provided.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The [Ru(NH3)5(H2O)]2+ and trans-[Ru(NH3)4SO2(H2O)]2+ complexes ions were immobilized on poly(4-vinylpyridine) (4-PVP) through reactions in aqueous solutions. The stability of the imobilized complexes was checked in aqueous solution in the pH 2.0-8.0 range. The number of pyridinic nitrogens in the polymer 4-PVP is 2.80±0.05 mmol/g according to nitrogen elemental analysis. Potentiometric titration experiments showed that the accessible nitrogen, in aqueous medium, was 0.94±0.02 mmol/g with a p Ka value of 7.4±0.2. In addition, ruthenium and sulfate analysis has demonstrated that about 15% of the accessible nitrogen sites are able to coordinate to the metal centers. The characterization of the immobilized complexes was made through diffuse electronic and infrared spectroscopies and differential pulse and cyclic voltammetries. © 1993 Plenum Publishing Corporation.


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The number and the main groups of microorganisms present in samples of different nonalcoholic carbonated beverages (lemon, orange and guaraná soft drinks) obtained from a small factory were analyzed. The samples were obtained at the end of the processing line. They were then divided into two lots: one was sent to immediate analysis, the other was stored at environmental temperature for 90 d thereafter it was submitted to the same analysis. Aliquots of 1 mL were drawn from the various samples and the corresponding decimal dilutions were prepared. They were then grown in culture media and counts of mesophilic aerobic bacteria, molds and yeasts, acid-producing bacteria, total and fecal coliforms were taken. It was observed that, of all the analyzed samples, at time 0 or after storage sample C (orange) was the best, since it conformed to the microbiological standards established by legislation. The guaraná type could also be consumed on day zero; the lemon type was inadequate for consumption of all the analyzed samples, the orange type was the only one that could be consumed within 3 months of storage.