271 resultados para Helianthus annuus cv. Stella


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This work was carried out at the Fazenda Experimental Lageado, at Botucatu, SP, to evaluate the physiological quality of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), seeds harvested at different fruit maturity stages and post-harvest resting periods. Fruits of cultivar Pérola were harvested at 6 ages (20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 days after anthesis) and they were stored at room temperature for 0, 5, 10 or 15 days before seed extraction. After this, seeds were fermented for 2 days, washed and dried. External visual characteristics of fruits and seeds were observed at harvest. Seed quality was evaluated as for moisture, dry matter content, dimensions, germination, and vigour. Results showed that seed germination and vigour increased in fruits aging from 20 to 40 days. Post-harvest periods improved seed quality of 20-day old fruits not reaching the seed quality levels observed in 40 or 45-day old fruits, without post-harvest resting period. Seeds from fruits at 25, 30 and 35 days of age, with 10 or 15 days of post-harvest resting period reached the same quality levels of seeds from fruits with 40-45 days old.


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This work intended to calculate the rentability of the guava culture Paluma cv. in Monte Alto region-SP, estimating the costs of the implantation, maintenance, production and the gross income of this culture in the first three years of cultivation. The production system utilized refers to the cultural treatments usually used in this culture in the region. The costs estimates were based on the total operational costs methodology used by the Agricultural Economics Institute (I.E.A.). The results obtained showed that the implantation and maintenance costs of the culture, in the two first years was Rs7.402,31/alqueire. Considering the possibility that in guava orchard, on irrigated conditions, reach in the fourthy year a productivity of 80t/alqueire and that the current price is Rs0,20/kg, it is possible to estimate the gross income around of Rs16.000,00/alqueire, resulting in a net income of Rs9.497,06/alqueire.


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The present work studies Ca, B and Zn omission on the development of soybean plants (Glycine max (L.) Merrill cv Santa Rosa). The experiment was carried out as hydroponic culture, with complete Hoagland & Arnon nutrient solution nr. 2 (C), lacking calcium (-Ca), lacking boron (-B) or lacking zinc (-Zn), a total of 4 treatments. Seven samplings were made to determine: total dry matter (g), root dry matter (g), stem dry matter (g) and leaf dry matter (g). Results showed that Ca and B omissions decreased dry weight. Lack of Zn did not affect dry weight.


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A field experiment was carried out to study the effects of liming and time of harvesting on peanut cv. Botutatu (Arachis hypogaea L.) seed yield and yield components in the period of July, 1991 to February, 1992, in São Manuel, State of São Paulo. The soil was a Dark Red Latosol (Hapludult, sandy loam), and the experimental design was a subplot replicated four times in completely randomized blocks. Lime levels (0.0 and 1.75 t/ha) were applied in the plots, and the subplots were nine weekly harvests, starting at 87 days after planting (DAP). There was no effect of lime on hulls or seed yield and on peanut yield components. The germination of seeds in hulls was incresead at each harvest and was lower at lime presence. The highest yield was observed at 129 DAP.


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This objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different methods of red beet seedling production and direct sowing on the development of the plant in field conditions. 'Tall Top Early Wonder' was used as the cultivar. The experimental design was a randomized blocks with 4 replications of each treatment: T1 - seedling produced in trays of 288 cells; T2 - 200 cells; T3 - 128 cells; T4 - 128 cells; T5 - direct sowing and T6 - bare-root seedling. The seedlings produced in trays and bare root seedlings were transplanted in the field 28 DAS with spacing of 0.20 x 0.10m. The mean height of plants, leaf area, leaf dry matter, petiole dry matter, shoot dry matter, root dry matter, relationship between shoot dry matter and root dry matter, absolute growth rate, relative growth rate, net assimilation rate, leaf area ratio and specific leaf area were determined. Storage root fresh matter and mean storage root diameter were determined starting from 77 DAS. Initial growth of the plants were superior for the direct sowing, resulting in smaller RGR and NAR than the other treatments. Independent of the production method, an increase of the cycle of the crop was verified. T6 had larger delay in the initial development. There was no difference for productivity. Method T1, had less expenses with respect to substrate and space in the vegetation home, without reduction in production.


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Propagation by hardwood cuttings is an important technique for producing plant of many species. The technique is usually easy and inexpensive and makes it possible to high plants. But it is not commonly used for peach propagation in Brazil. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different substrates, container types and cutting diameters on rooting of peach hardwood cuttings. The cuttings (two size groups, diameters of 2-6 mm and 6-10 mm) were inserted in six substrates (carbonized rice husk, vermiculite, washed sand, carbonized rice husk + vermiculite, carbonized rice husk + washed sand and vermiculite + washed sand, each 1:1 v/v), each in three types of containers (plastic bag, plastic tray and polystyrene tray). The best rooting occurred with smaller cuttings (47%) and larger cuttings (38%) in plastic bag with vermiculite, and with smaller cuttings in plastic bag with washed sand + vermiculite (33%). While these rooting percentages were unsatisfactory for commercial propagation, the results are encouraging and suggest need for more investigation to improve rooting.


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Twelve rootstocks were evaluated: 1) pumpkin 'Big Power' (Cucurbita ntoschata); 2) pumpkin 'Seca' (Cucurbita moschata); 3) bottle gourd 'Longa' (Lagenaria siceraria); 4) 'Cachi' (Lagenaria siceraria); 5) bottle gourd 'Marimba' (Lagenaria siceraria); 6) 'Mogango' (Cucurbita maxima); 7) pumpkin 'Kirameki' (Cucurbita moschata); 8) pumpkin 'Caravela' (Cucurbita moschata); 9) pumpkin 'Shelper' (Cucurbita moschata); 10) 'Gherkin' (Cucumis anguria); 11) 'Loofah' (Luffa cylindrica); and 12) pumpkin 'Goianinha' (Cucurbita moschata) with respect to compatibility with melon yield, and the production and quality of fruits from cv. Bônus No. 2, non-grafted and grafted with 9 of these rootstocks (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 11). The bottle gourd 'Marimba' provided the highest percentage of grafting success between the vine and rootstock. The rootstocks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7 did not differ from bottle gourd 'Marimba', therefore also indicating good compatibility with the melon cv. Bônus No. 2. For height of the plants, it was shown in the first evaluation that rootstock 5 produced a greater height of the plant, differing only from rootstocks 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 and non-grafted cv. Bônus No. 2. In the second evaluation, 'Big Power' showed the greatest value for height of the plant, differing only from combinations with 'Cachi', 'Mogango', 'Shelper' and 'Loofah'. With regard to number of leaves, in the first evaluation rootstocks 3, 4 and 6 had the greatest number of leaves, but in the second 4, 9 and 11 had the greatest. For dry weight of the stem, the greatest value was obtained with 'Mogango' in the first evaluation and with 'Big Power' in the second. For leaf area of the plants, a difference was found among the treatments only in the first evaluation, where the combination with bottle gourd 'Longa' showed a greater leaf area, but did not differ from the combinations with rootstocks 1, 4, 5 and 6. Differences were demonstrated among the treatments only for the transverse diameter of the fruit, where the combination with rootstock bottle gourd 'Marimba' showed the greatest value, differing only from the combination with 'Gherkin'. There were no significant differences for the mean longitudinal diameter, pulp thickness and total soluble solids among the treatments studied.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of omission of macronutrients in the growth and the nutritional state of elephant-grass plants (Pennisetum purpureum Shum cv. Mott). The experiment was developed in the FCAV/UNESP, in Jaboticabal-SP,Brazil, using nutrient solution. The experimental design was completely randomized blocks, with seven treatments (the complete solution proposed by Hoagland & Amon (1950) and the individual omission of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S, in these solution), in three repetitions. Pre-germinated plants were placed in pot (5 dm3), containing the nutrient solution, which was aerated constantly during the experimental period and the respective treatments, with three replications each. Weekly, the height of the plants, the leaf number, apex diameter and number of tillers were evaluated as well as plant nutritional state. The omission of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S limited the production of dry weight of shoot the elephant grass, compared to the full treatment. The deficiency of a macronutrient, in addition to promoting reduction of its content in the shoot, resulted in reducing the accumulation of most macronutrients, with resultant morphological changes, translated as characteristic symptoms of deficiency.


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Phosphorus is considered an essential element for plants, but it is found in low amounts in Brazilian soils, mainly in areas destined to pastures, and the application of organic matter contributes to the improvement of physical, chemical and biological soil attributes. The research had the objective of evaluating the application effects of the Bokashi organic compound on soil macro and micronutrients contents and leaves, as well as on Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandú dry mass yield, evaluating the potential of the organic fertilizer as phosphorus source, in comparison with conventional chemical fertilizers. Different organic compound doses supplied the soil with 17 kg P2O5 ha-1, 34 kg P2O5 ha-1, 68 kg P2O5 ha-1, 136 kg P 2O5 ha-1, and 204 kg P2O5 ha-1, comparing it with the conventional chemical fertilizer and the control. The results revealed that the organic fertilizer Bokashi can adequately replace the conventional chemical fertilizer of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandú, supplying the soil and plant with appropriate nutrients levels and maintaining the dry mass yield.


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Fresh-cut fruit products, including carambola (Averrhoa carambola L.) have limited marketability due to cut surface browning attributed to oxidation of phenolic compounds by enzymes such as polyphenol oxidase (PPO). The objective of this study was to evaluate postharvest changes of carambola slices in three different packagings. Carambola fruit (cv. Fwang Tung) were picked from the orchard of Estação Experimental de Citricultura de Bebedouro at mature-green stage. Fruit were washed, dipped in NaOCl solution (200 mg.L -1 for 5 minutes), and stored overnight at 10°C. Fruit were manually sliced into pieces of approximately 1 cm. Slices were rinsed with NaOCl solution at 20 mg.L-1, drained for 3 minutes, and packaged in polyethylene terephthalate (PET) trays (Neoform N94); polystyrene trays covered with PVC 0.017 mm (Vitafilm - Goodyear); and vacuum sealed polyolefin bags (PLO, Cryovac PD900). The packages were stored at 6.8°C and 90%RH for 12 days and samples taken every 4 days. PET trays and PVC film did not significantly modify internal atmosphere and the high water permeability of PVC led to more rapid slice desiccation. PPO activity was lower when slices were packaged in PLO vacuum sealed bags, which reduced discolouration and led to better appearance maintenance for up to 12 days.


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Soybean is a crop of great importance for Brazil, and knowledge of their nutritional status allows production and high quality products. Thus, the present work aimed to evaluate the culture of the soybean cv. BRSMG 68 (Vencedora), submitted to macronutrients omission on the development, nutritional status and the visual symptomatology of nutrient deficiency. The design used was completely randomized, with seven treatments that corresponded to the complete (macro and micronutrients) solution and the individual omission of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S. The treatments were applied two weeks after the emergency of the soybean. The nutrient solution was constantly oxygenated and replaced weekly, and the pH monitored daily remained around 5. After six weeks of application of the treatments, the height of the plants, number of leaves, stem diameter was evaluated, matter dry accumulated in the roots, it leaves aerial and the nutritional state and the characterization of the visual symptoms. The macronutrient deficiency promoted a decrease in production of root and shoot dry mass of soybean cultivar BRSMG 68 (Vencedora) in nutrient solution, for the full treatment. The most limiting nutrient for dry matter production of soybean compared to complete treatment were N, S and K, with decreases of 90, 76 and 73%, respectively. Individual omissions resulted in morphological changes, which were translated by characteristic visual symptoms of nutritional deficiency of the respective nutrient.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This experiment aimed to evaluate nutrient intake, total and partial digestibility of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), neutral (NDF) and acid (ADF) detergent fiber and ruminal parameters, ammonia concentration and volatile fatty acids, in beef cattle fed palisade grass (Brachiaria brizantha cv. marandu) at two regrowth ages, 30 and 60 days, at two times of year (January and February). The intake of DM, OM and CP was influenced by forage age of regrowth with high values for 30 days; this was influenced by time of year, being observed in February the higher intake by animals. DM digestibility average was 60.7 and 59.4% for 30 and 60 days of forage regrowth, respectively, however, was observed effect of interaction between regrowth and time of year, the same comportment was observed for OM, averages were 63.9 and 63% for respective ages of regrowth. CP digestibility was higher for 30 days, 70.8%, than for 60 days of regrowth, 57%. The NDF and ADF digestibilities were influenced by the interaction between regrowth and time of year; their average for 60 days of regrowth in January were respectively 54.8 and 48.5%, being the lower values and, in February, the higher values: 64.9 and 60.4%. The ruminal average digestibility was 79.5, 86.2, 99.4 and 96.7% of the total degradable for DM, OM, NDF and ADF, respectively. Effects of regrowth and time of year there were not recorded. Two hours after the morning meal was observed the ammonia ruminal concentration peak. The acetate:propionate: butirate ruminal ratio observed was 74:18:8(%).