349 resultados para FOLLICULAR LYMPHOMA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this study was to evaluate protocols for synchronizing ovulation in beef cattle. In Experiment 1, Nelore cows (Bos indicus) at random stages of the estrous cycle were assigned to 1 of the following treatments: Group GP controls (nonlactating, n=7) received GnRH agonist (Day 0) and PGF2 alpha (Day 7); while Groups GPG (nonlactating, n=8) and GPG-L (lactating, n=9) cows were given GnRH (Day 0), PGF2a (Day 7) and GnRH again (Day 8, 30 h after PGF2 alpha). A new follicular wave was observed 1.79+/-0.34 d after GnRH in 19/24 cows. After PGF2a, ovulation occurred in 19/24 cows (6/7 GP, 6/8 GPG, 7/9 GPG-L). Most cows (83.3%) exhibited a dominant follicle just before PGF2a, and 17/19 ovulatory follicles were from a new follicular wave. There was a more precise synchrony of ovulation (within 12 h) in cows that received a second dose of GnRH (GPG and GPG-L) than controls (GP, ovulation within 48 h; P<0.01). In Experiment 2, lactating Nelore cows with a visible corpus luteum (CL) by ultrasonography were allocated to 2 treatments: Group GPE (n=10) received GnRH agonist (Day 0), PGF2a (Day 7) and estradiol benzoate (EB; Day 8, 24 h after PGF2 alpha); while Group EPE (n=11), received EB (Day 0), PGF2a (Day 9) and EB (Day 10, 24 h after PGF2a). Emergence of a new follicular wave was observed 1.6+/-0.31 d after GnRH (Group GPE). After EB injection (Day 8) ovulation was observed at 45.38+/-2.03 h in 7/10 cows within 12 h. In Group EPE the emergence of a new follicular wave was observed later (4.36+/-0.31 d) than in Group GEP (1.6+/-0.31 d; P<0.001). After the second EB injection (Day 10) ovulation was observed at 44.16+/-2.21 h within 12 (7/11 cows) or 18 h (8/11 cows). All 3 treatments were effective in synchronizing ovulation in beef cows. However, GPE and, particularly EPE treatments offer a promising alternative to the GPG protocol in timed artificial insemination of beef cattle, due to the low cost of EB compared with GnRH agonists. (C) 2000 by Elsevier B.V.


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Compared to Bos taurus breeds, Bos indices breeds of cattle present several differences in reproductive physiology. Follicular diameter at deviation and at the time of ovulatory capability are smaller in B. indicus breeds. Furthermore, B. indicus breeds have a greater sensitivity to gonadotropins, a shorter duration of estrus, and more often express estrus during the night. These differences must be considered when setting up embryo transfer programs for B. indicus cattle. In recent studies, we evaluated follicular dynamics and superovulatory responses in B. indicus donors with the objective of implementing fixed-time AI protocols in superstimulated donors. Protocols using estradiol and progesterone/progestrogen releasing devices to control follicular wave emergence were as efficacious as in B. taurus cattle, allowing the initiation of superstimulatory treatments (with lower dosages of FSH than in B. taurus donors) at a self-appointed time. Furthermore, results presented herein indicate that delaying the removal of progesterone/progestogen-releasing devices, combined with the administration of GnRH or pLH 12 h after the last FSH injection, results in synchronous ovulations, permitting the application of fixed-time AI of donors without the necessity of estrus detection and without compromising the results. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the present short review superovulation treatments commonly used for Bos taurus and/or Bos indicus will be addressed with emphasis in recent superstimulation protocols associated with pharmacological manipulation of the follicular dynamics to improve donor management and potentially embryo yield. Results obtained after superovulation treatments in which the time of LH surge is selectively delayed as an attempt to improve embryo yield are presented and discussed. (C) 2001 by Elsevier B.V.


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Girolando (Gir x Holstein) is a very common dairy breed in Brazil because it combines the rusticity of Gir (Bos indicus) with the high milk yield of Holstein (Bos taurus). The ovarian follicular dynamics and hormonal treatments for synchronization of ovulation and timed artificial insemination were studied in Girolando heifers. The injection of a gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist was followed 6 or 7 days (d) later by prostaglandin F2a (PGF2a). Twenty-four hours after PGF2a injection either human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG, GPh-d6 and GPh-d7 groups) or estradiol benzoate (EB, GPE-d6 and GPE-d7 groups) was administered to synchronize ovulation and consequently allow timed artificial insemination (AI) 24 and 30 h after hCG and EB injection, respectively. Follicular dynamics in Girolando heifers was characterized by the predominance of three follicular waves (71.4%) with sizes of dominant follicles (10-13 mm) and corpus luteum (approximately 20 mm) similar to those for Bos indicus cattle. In the GnRH-PGF-hCG protocol, hCG administration induced earlier ovulation (67.4 h, P<0.01) compared to the control group (GnRH-PGF) and a better synchronization of ovulation, since most of it occurred within a period of 12 to 17 h. Pregnancy rate after timed AI was 42.8 (3/7, GPh-d6) to 50% (7/14, GPh-d7). In contrast, estradiol benzoate (GnRH-PGF-EB protocol) synchronized ovulation of only 5 of 11 heifers from the GPE-d7 group and of none (0/7) from the GPE-d6 group, which led to low pregnancy rates after timed AI (27.3 and 0%, respectively). However, since a small number of Girolando heifers was used to determine pregnancy rates in the present study, pregnancy rates should be confirmed with a larger number of animals.


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Embryo transfer is a biotechnology that has been used worldwide to increase the production of offspring from female bovines. Treatments to induce multiple ovulations (superovulation) have evolved from superstimulatory protocols that depended upon detection of oestrus to treatments that synchronise follicle growth and ovulation, allowing for improved donor management and fixed-timed AI (FTAI). The protocols associated with FTAI facilitate animal handling and produce at least as many viably embryos as conventional treatment protocols that required detection of oestrus. Recent knowledge regarding LH receptors (LHR) and follicular development can be applied to improve embryo transfer protocols. In fact, improvements in the superstimulatory treatment called the 'P-36 protocol', which include hormones that stimulate LHR, indicate that adjustments related to LHR availability may increase bovine embryo yield compared with conventional protocols based on the detection of oestrus.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Background: Interest in folliculogenesis has grown extensively in recent years. Nevertheless, several aspects of follicular activity are still poorly understood. Thus, in vitro culture of ovarian follicles using new substances has been established as a very viable model, enhancing the prospects for a better understanding of follicular activity. Among the family members of the fibroblast growth factor (FGFs), FGF-10 has received recent attention for its ability to regulate the development of ovarian follicles and oocyte maturation. Given the relevance of FGF-10 in the folliculogenesis process, this review aimed to describe the structural features, expression and the main biological effects of FGF-10 on the development of ovarian follicles in mammals.Review: Along this work, it was shown aspects related to structural characterization of FGF-10 and its receptors, as well as FGF-10 expression in different cell types, emphasizing its importance to follicular development. FGF-10 is a paracrine member of the family of FGFs, and is characterized by promoting biological responses via cell surface receptors (FGFRs) of tyrosine kinase-type. of these receptors, FGFR-1, FGFR-2 and FGFR-3 may undergo alternative transcriptional arrangements, enabling the formation of two isoforms (b and c) that have varying degrees of affinity for the various FGFs. Thus, seven FGFR proteins (FGFRs 1b, 1c, 2b, 2c, 3b, 3c and 4) with different binding specificities are generated from the four FGFR genes. The FGFRs transmit intracellular signals after binding with the ligand through the phosphorylation of tyrosine, which activates various transduction patterns in the cytoplasm. The signal transduction of FGF-10 may occur through three main pathways: protein of rat sarcoma (Ras)/MAPK, PLC gamma/Ca(2+) and phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K)/protein kinase B (Akt), which are involved in the transmission of biological signals, leading to cellular proliferation and differentiation. FGF-10 mRNA expression was detected in the ovarian stroma, oocyte and theca cells of preantral and antral follicles. on the other hand, the expression of mRNA for FGF-10 receptors was found in, granulosa cells, theca cells, cumulus cells and oocytes. Although FGFs are widely distributed in different tissues and cell types, the importance and function of FGFs in the ovary are still poorly documented. FGF-10 has been shown to be an important mediator of mesenchymal and epithelial cell interactions during follicle development, promoting follicular survival, activation and growth. Besides the action on folliculogenesis, FGF-10 was recently identified as a growth factor able to improve oocyte competence. However, in antral follicles, the presence of FGF-10 is associated with increased follicular atresia, which matches its anti-estrogenic action.Discussion: From this review, we can conclude that FGF-10 is an important regulator of female reproduction. This growth factor acts in follicle survival, oocyte maturation, expansion of cumulus cells and proliferation of granulosa/theca cellsthrough direct and/or indirect actions in the control of folliculogenesis. Furthermore, FGF-10 seemed to have different effects throughout the follicular development. However, it is necessary to perform additional studies that may provide a better understanding about the importance of FGF-10 during folicullogenesis.


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Some fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) affect ovarian follicle cell growth and/or differentiation. Whereas many FGFs activate several FGF receptors, FGF7 and FGF10 primarily activate only one, FGFR2B. As FGF7 is produced by bovine theca cells and acts on granulosa cells, we tested the hypothesis that FGF10 may also play a role in folliculogenesis in cattle. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction demonstrated the presence of FGF10 mRNA in the oocytes and theca cells of the antral follicles, as well as in the preantral follicles. FGF10 protein was detected by immunohistochemistry in the oocytes of the preantral and antral follicles, and in the granulosa and theca cells of the antral follicles. FGF10 expression in theca cells changed during follicle development; mRNA abundance decreased with increasing follicular estradiol concentration in healthy follicles, and was lowest in highly atretic follicles. Culturing of granulosa cells in serum-free medium revealed FSH regulation of FGF10 receptor expression. The addition of FGF10 to cultured granulosa cells decreased the level of estradiol but did not alter cell proliferation. These data support a role for FGF10 in signaling to granulosa cells from theca cells and/or the oocyte.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Tendo por base os novos conhecimentos oriundos de recentes estudos com Perciformes marinho, a origem e o desenvolvimento dos oócitos no Ostariophysi Gymnotus sylvius são aqui descritos. da mesma maneira que ocorre nos Perciformes, em Gymnotus sylvius as oogônias são encontradas no epitélio germinativo que margeia as lamelas ovígeras. No início da foliculogênese, a proliferação das oogônias e sua entrada em meiose dão origem a ninhos de células germinativas que se projetam em direção ao estroma ovariano, a partir do epitélio germinativo. Os ninhos e o epitélio germinativo são suportados pela mesma membrana basal que os separa do estroma. Coincidindo com a paralisação da meiose os oócitos, presentes nos ninhos, são separados uns dos outros por processos citoplasmáticos das células pré-foliculares. As células pré-foliculares derivam do epitélio germinativo sendo, portanto, inicialmente células epiteliais. Durante a foliculogênese, ao mesmo tempo em que envolvem os oócitos individualizando-os, as células pré-foliculares sintetizam a membrana basal ao seu redor. Os oócitos entram em crescimento primário ainda dentro dos ninhos. Ao término da foliculogênese, o oócito e as células foliculares que compõem o folículo são circundados pela membrana basal. O folículo permanece conectado ao epitélio germinativo uma vez que ambos compartilham uma porção comum da membrana basal. Células oriundas do estroma circundam o folículo ovariano exceto na região de compartilhamento da membrana basal formando a teca. O folículo, a membrana basal e a teca formam o complexo folicular. O desenvolvimento do oócito ocorre dentro do complexo folicular e compreende os estágios de crescimento primário e secundário, maturação e ovulação. Os alvéolos corticais surgem no ooplasma momentos antes do início do crescimento secundário ou estágio vitelogênico que tem início com a deposição de vitelo, progride até o oócito esteja completamente desenvolvido e o ooplasma preenchido pelos glóbulos de vitelo. A maturação é caracterizada pela migração do núcleo ou vesícula germinativa, pela quebra da vesícula germinativa, ou seja, pela fragmentação do envoltório nuclear e, retomada da meiose. Na ovulação o ovo é liberado do complexo folicular para o lúmen ovariano. em comparação com os Perciformes marinhos com ovos pelágicos, o desenvolvimento oocitário em Gymnotus sylvius tem menos etapas dentro dos estágios de desenvolvimento, sendo as duas mais notáveis delas as ausências da formação das gotas de lipídio durante os crescimentos primário e secundário (e a consequente fusão das gotas para formar um único glóbulo de lipídio durante a maturação) e, a hidrólise do vitelo antecedendo a ovulação.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)